A New Perspective on Sexuality: Love and Sexual Union as Energetic Fusion

While we tend to look at our sexuality in terms of what we’ve been taught about our own morality, in the ultimate sense, anytime we’re talking about Spiritual ideas, we’re talking in terms of conscious energy that operates according to Universal Laws and Principles. Our ability to self-create by developing our moral character comes by way of how we understand these Laws, what they reveal to us, and how we utilize them as a result. They’re not based on man-made concepts of right and wrong, good or bad, but rather on how energy as qualities of consciousness form and evolve. Marriage, from a spiritual perspective, is only consummated through sexual union, regardless of whether or not a ceremony has been performed and a legal contract drawn up as a result. This is because sexual union is the act of energetic fusion where two people become as one.

Love as an energetic principle, is the most fundamental form of resonance and sympathy, where two people of the same nature (vibratory frequency), form resonance as an inner stimulus, where their energy enters into and effects each other. It enters into the lower chakras as sexual arousal bathed in feelings of love, adoration and admiration that have a distinct intimate and sensuous quality to them. This forms a chemical reaction which bathes the mind and imagination in a euphoric emotion that’s equivalent to the nature of the stimulation. This is the original experience of energetic mingling that acts to initiate an entire process. The sexual act itself, which is deepened when ensued with deep feelings of love and desire, induces a state of surrender as the release of resistance and inhibitions, which build in intensity and peak as an orgasm, is the literal spiritual fusion of two people. This means that we take on the same consciousness as emotional qualities that form our perception and influence our behavior as a result. We become like each other in character.

Sex is the most basic form of energetic fusion that is not only represented in an analogous manner by the intimacy of the act itself, but by the further recognition that sex changes the basic nature of the relationship, as well as both people involved. The same qualities as an inner effect follows-through producing the same modifications on multiple levels and in accordance to the laws and principles that govern each level. It acts to not only bond the people energetically, but also morally – emotionally, psychologically, and thematically in terms of the relationship it establishes as an interactive dynamic and the vibratory make-up of both people as individuals functioning in roles within that dynamic. It’s very easy to see how people change, sometimes drastically, as a result of certain relationships. In some cases this can be so drastic that the individual as their original selves, no longer exist, but are transformed into a variation of some kind based on the combination. They are absorbed by another and become an extension of that person.

lovers combined energy

Though energetically (soul essence as quality of consciousness) speaking, you always have a dominate and recessive vibration of the same frequency which allows for natural entrainment that operates according to the same principle as hypnosis, in some cases, the dominant person completely absorbs the will of the weaker, and readily commands it through the psychological undertones of the relationship that works through weaknesses, shortcomings, and vices of the individual. Relationships are always based on shared tendencies as behaviors that become the basis for the underlying interaction, which stimulates and brings forth the same qualities in both people, that are developed and strengthened through the interaction which creates a joint-reality out of them as an expression of the shared characteristics of both people. Whatever gets stimulated, called forth, and used to create, becomes strengthened as a fundamental character trait. When the dominant force absorbs the weaker force through the qualities they share, the stronger one is further strengthened by literally feeding off of the weaker through submission, depleting the weaker even further, deepening their weakness and increasing their ability to be controlled.

What this tells us, if we care to look at it from an objective perspective, is that anytime we have sex with someone, regardless of whether or not love is involved, we are taking on the morality (energetic vibration) of that person, which will bear a direct influence of a similar manner on our quality of consciousness, and alter it accordingly. We acquire the same feelings, emotional states, perspective and perceptions, as well as behavioral tendencies of whomever we merge with. This is why a Harlot is used to represent moral corruption brought on by ignorance of law and the inability to resist (weak willed) sexual temptation.

Lover kiss

From this perspective, everyone we have sex with, we form a union with, acquire some degree of their consciousness, and it modifies our soul as our energetic essence as a result, which changes how we express. We take-on the same qualities and become more like them, and they become more like us. And for this reason, sex represents a sacred union of Souls, who afterwards are considered – viewed as – one person (take the same name), of the same energetic and moral nature. Furthermore, not only do we acquire the energetic essence of anyone we have sex with, but we acquire the residue of everyone they’ve had sex with, which is infused in their energy also. Like all things in life which operate according to law, it’s a building, accumulative process of growth as evolving through constant modifications that we create and bring on ourselves through our choices and actions.

When entering into a relationship of any kind, but especially a romantic one that could lead to sex, pay close attention to how you feel, what’s being stimulated in you and brought out through the nature of the interaction itself, and ask yourself, what is this going to develop in you, and how is it going to grow you accordingly? If it brings out fears and negative feelings that express as negative character traits, then that’s showing you the morality inherent in the relationship that you will not only acquire more of and will strengthened in you through interaction, but also the true character of the person themselves. Energy is known through feelings as states. States have whole realities inherent in them as thematic dramas that play out specific types of stories. Whenever two people come together and begin establishing a relationship, a pattern begins forming as the thematic dynamic that the relationship will naturally serve to act out. Therefore, it’s a good idea to withhold from having sex until you both know each other and have a real sense of the nature of the relationship and whether or not it will serve to grow you in desirable ways, or regress you by bringing out undesirable traits.

Dr. Linda Gadbois