Category: Evolutionary Relationships

Cleansing Sexual Energy – Vibration, Attraction and Repulsion

The easiest way to get a working understanding of this idea is to look at the principles governing energy as vibration. All vibration resonates with vibration of a similar nature and acts to attract, absorb and integrate it, forming coherence as a harmonious whole. All vibratory frequency exists as...

Conscious Relationships that Serve your Spiritual Development

Spiritual Sciences, which is all about personal growth and development, doesn’t view the idea of relationships in the same way that many other spiritual or religious traditions do. Being of a scientific nature, it looks more at the true nature of relationships, and what they serve to produce in...

The True Reality of Forgiveness – Waking up in the Midst of Your Own Dream

A Problem can’t be Solved from the Same Mind that Created it . . . In order to truly understand the reality of forgiveness, we have to look squarely at the nature of what we call “realityâ€. Reality, in the general sense that it’s commonly used, is whatever we...

The Psychology of Relationships – We Hurt others in the same way we were Hurt

Relationships act as a Mirror for Reflecting back to us Unconscious Aspects of Ourselves What many people don’t realize is that we’re never conditioned to only one role or position is a dynamic as a behavioral pattern, but rather to the “whole patternâ€. Whatever patterns as family dynamics that...

Miraculous Healing – “The Power of Love”

The Healing Power of Divine Intervention My first experience of performing what would be deemed a miracle, came as a desperate response to a moment of incredible devastation that pushed me past all limitation, not by endlessly engaging in the limitations themselves in an attempt to process them and...

Sexual Union – The Spiritual Law of Divine Union

“The Principle of Energetic Fusion” To fully understand the true moral reality around sexual union, we can’t look at it from the man-made concepts of right and wrong, good or bad, but view it instead from the primary level of the energetic (spiritual) interaction taking place, and what it...

Relationship Dynamics – “Behavioral Patterns as Life Themes”

One of the difficulties we tend to have in fully comprehending our true ability to self-create through various dynamics that we act out in relationship with others, is that we have conscious and unconscious aspects of an experience, as well as a tendency to identify with every role in...

The Struggle to find Meaning and Purpose

As we go through life, we’re always building our life around what gives us a sense of purpose. This usually comes through a relationship of some form, either in the romantic sense, where we build a life together, or when we have children and a family that we love...

The Transformative Power of Relationships

As we move through life, we’re always in the process of exchanging consciousness with everything around us. Just as we breathe and take in the air around us, using the molecules attained from it to replenish depleted molecules in our body, and rebuild our body by incorporating them into...