Understanding Your Sexual, Life-Force Energy and How to Use it Creatively

Unfortunately, the most magical part of our mind-body system, our sexual energy, has been ruthlessly slaughtered with unclean and raunchy ideas that impose a form of moral conflict and endless confusion around how to use it to significantly enhance our creativity and improve the quality of our existence. This mysterious energy stirs a deep fire within us required to ignite the internal combustion necessary to clean our system out and keep it running in a constant state of equilibrium and emotional harmony. Like so many things, the ideas and activities we associate to states of being, determine how we present them to ourselves, and how we create our experience of them when we engage in them in a completely spontaneous and natural way. In no other idea is this truer than when freely exploring our sexual nature. Not that this energy is actually sexual in nature, but in the sense that we can engage in it without having sex or masturbating, even though it’s the main ingredient for those activities also.

 What we refer to as our Life-Force Energy that animates our body in the most ordinary sense, is also our sexual energy in the fact that it arises out of the sexual and grounding organs of the body, and has a distinct arousing, pleasurable feeling that alters our state of mind, releases tension and inhibitions, and taps into our wild, free, and expressive nature. It has an expanding, inflating, and quickening feeling fueled by beautiful and erotic sensations that drive us to a state of ecstasy and bliss. This is the energy of the spirit that moves in the body, activating it, stimulating and awakening it, that’s used to work directly with all the other energy centers of the body to bring them into balance by blowing out blocks, dissolving tension and energetic congestion. In order to work with the energy of the body, you have to use energy in it’s polarized state.

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This is the same energy that’s referred to as the kundalini or serpent energy, which can be intentionally used by drawing it up to activate the other energy centers of the body through the nervous system of the spine in order to unite it with the higher energy centers of the third-eye, or imagination, to produce an incredibly enhanced and heightened form of creativity. When this arousing sensation that expands, quickens, and forms intense pleasure is united with thought and inner vision, we connect to our higher self through an altered state that’s very dynamic and expressive. We turn the body into a creative vessel for the spirit, which is ultimately mental and creative in nature.

 Like all energies and natural forces, the Life-Force energy exist in a dual state of masculine and feminine, passive and active, and work together in a complementary fashion by rendering the body (feminine) passive, so the active energy (masculine) can move into and through it with no resistance, as a unified, graceful, and excited gesture. And of course, the reverse can also be true, where the body can become the active force that renders the mental force passive, and acts to control the soul’s will for the pursuit of purely physical pleasures. Our physical passions of lust can control our will as thoughts and desire, and the spirit can become the servant of the body’s primal instincts and be used instead to engage in promiscuous sexual behaviors and erotic fantasizing. The very energetic system that creates the artistic genius and god, can also create the twisted pervert and evil, regulated and determined by the soul employing it, and whether or not it’s being used intentionally and with purpose, or unconsciously through compulsive tendencies.

 This same energy, which ignites matter and the Astral Light of the imagination, if not directed and used properly, can cause overwhelming anxiety and drive people mad (literally). This is largely due to the fact that it’s experienced as an intense emotion that rapidly expands giving us a feeling of being overwhelm while trying to hold it in our body, and the feeling that we’re going to explode, which is the arousing, growth nature of this energy that expands matter to create active life forms. This active, animated, expanding quality is what grows cells by regenerating and multiplying them, and animates the dormant information contained in a seed, stimulating it to grow and develop into a living form.


When activated in our body it has a rushing, building up, and exploding with intense pleasure sensation that’s also experienced as an orgasm. It’s the same principle of love that operates as the sexual union of the masculine with the feminine, force with form, which fuses them together through a state of erotic intensity and insurmountable ecstasy that drives them out of their mind with intense pleasure, achieved only through their union. At the moment of an orgasm, we lose all sense of ourselves as being separate from our lover and what’s lighting us up, and go temporarily insane with sheer pleasure that we can’t contain within us, and so we have to let it go, and allow it to move through us by surrendering control and letting it have its way with us. We give ourselves to it. By freeing it to move through us, we free ourselves from all the trapped energy we’ve held in our bodies. It literally blows our mind, clearing our head, while relaxing our heart. We remove all blocked energy as psychological tension that acted as an inhibition to our own freedom. The more we move and release, the better we feel. We become completely present and intimate with it inside of us, and we enter into it with complete abandon, and relish in its erotic movement that delight and enliven every cell in our body.

 In much the same way, this energy can be used to heal the body by producing the pressure necessary to remove blocks and congestion caused by tension and emotional suppression. Whatever emotion (energy) we hold in and don’t allow to freely move through us by expressing it, creates tension in our body as the means of holding it back, and creates blocked energy that forms psychological problems as the internalization of the suppressed emotion. From a purely psychological perspective, all our issues stem from denial or suppression of strong emotions, that we form imaginary realities around that are a form of delusion. In this way, negative emotions that are experienced as pain are married to our thoughts, and we develop complexes where our thoughts deliver more of the same pain. We act on ourselves to produce our own suffering. Whatever emotion becomes associated to a thought as a way of trying to hold it inside by trying to express it internally instead of externally, creates a energetic block in our body which inhibits our ability to express freely, robs us of vitality by depleting our energy supply, reduces our ability to experience pleasure, and eventually manifests as a physical malady.

By igniting our Life-Force energy, and drawing it up, into, and through us, uniting it with our thoughts and imaginings, acts to grow those thoughts through the pleasurable quality that demands expression as a sense of enthusiasm and excitement. It produces passionate thinking that inspires a sense of wonder and awe. It creates a feeling of fascination and magic around what was previously ordinary things. Our thinking becomes the vehicle for expressing the feeling which increases and reproduces it. The thoughts that come from a feeling of bliss and ecstasy, render ordinary things beautiful, and give us more of the same feeling when we think about them. When we allow positive and euphoric energy to exist in us and animate our thoughts with the same quality, we become a channel for the outward expression of that feeling, and we stimulate the same feeling through how we express it in others. This energy creates a feeling of inner joy, happiness, and exuberance. Notice that when you feel really good, you want to sing and dance, yell and play. It makes you active and expressive. You want to move the feeling that’s swelling inside of you outside of you.

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This creative Life-Force that’s sexually arousing is the foundation of all creative genius. This quality of consciousness brings ideas to life within the imagination. It’s through this life giving excitable energy that ideas come alive in us, and begin growing and evolving into numerous variations and possibilities through a kind of dynamic unfolding process. We can hold an idea in our mind, concentrate our attention on it, and it’ll become animated, and begin growing, expanding, and joyously becoming on its own. This is the way we receive ideas from out of the ether as knowledge that didn’t come from memory, but rather unfolds, revealing itself to us, while we act as the passive receptor for it to show itself to us. When we are actively thinking on our own, we render the spiritual force passive, and we only see in an idea more of what we already know through the memory we’ve built around it. We can’t grow or invent knowledge, but simply run through a repetition of what’s already been done. By becoming passive, stilling our thoughts and releasing our attachments and beliefs around an idea, and simply choosing the idea to focus on while allowing the active force to come alive in us and begin animating the idea itself, we receive knowledge by witnessing it as it unfolds before us in our imagination, and we have the experience of being given knowledge or ideas instead of producing them. This is the very foundation and secret of all creativity and invention. They’re ideas that come to us out of nowhere, initiated by an intense focus and a desire to know about them. This desire to know is a form of curiosity and innocence, where we draw ideas into us with a sense of anticipation and discovery, and we simply observe them as they come alive in us.

 Self expression as emotion (energy), thought (form), and activity are the key to health, happiness, and creativity. By intentionally stirring this energy in us through a desire for it, and mentally drawing it up into us, allowing it to fill, animate, and run us, we remove all energetic blocks, emotional tension, and psychological complexes by flushing them out while in an excited state. We surrender to it, give ourselves fully to it without any resistance and through a joyful cooperation allow it to dance us, move us, think us, and be us. In doing this, we enter into proper relationship with spirit through our body as the Divine marriage, consecrated only through love and sexual ecstasy as the energy that fuses them together in a state of eternal joy where they move as one. We use our body in a passive state to become the channel for spirit to express in a state of pure joy and uncontained excitement that’s innocent and spontaneous. Movement that’s natural, immediate, and fluent. An expression that’s graceful, passionate, and eloquently alive, whose touch makes our heart skip a beat and leaves us reaching for more!

 Dr. Linda Gadbois

Transpersonal Psychologist, Personal Transformation Coach, and Spiritual Teacher

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Mentoring / Coaching / Consultation for personal transformation and spiritual growth
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