The Triune Nature of the Soul – How the Divine Soul uses the Lower Soul as a Vehicle and Instrument for Self-Development
The idea of what the soul is can be very confusing because most try to comprehend it from a purely materialistic form. Yet the soul itself, is not material in nature, though it’s the subtle field of energy that acts to create not only the material body in which it then inhabits, but also creates the entire material realm of what we call reality while in a physical body. All of the material reality as various separate forms that together comprise a larger unified form as a cohesive and coherent reality is accompanied by a field of subtle energy that acts to in-form it, and animates it through various creative processes and behaviors as the expression of certain attributes, qualities, and characteristics. This subtle field of holographic (structured) information that accompanies every physical form, is invisible in nature as what we call the mind or intelligence of the organism, and is what acts to give it life as an entity of some kind. This intelligent field is comprised of certain types of information as memory, and is what acts to sequence the DNA of the material body generating a physical form as its equivalent correspondence on a denser plane. All of what we call reality exists as multiple planes that act as correlating parallel dimensions that form a gradient scale that move from subtle to dense levels within the same frequency as a larger scale.
In all major spiritual traditions the idea of the soul is described in a similar manner through the concept of the Holy Trinity, the Monad of Sacred Geometry, or the primal Law of Three-in-One. This threefold nature of the soul is the basis for all analogies describing the threefold nature of the mind and the individual produced by the mind. In all spiritual traditions the soul and mind are considered the same thing, although the mind can also be seen as the vehicle or instrument of the soul. It’s only in modern times that we’ve attempted to explain everything from a material basis as being causal in nature while presenting the mind as being something that the brain (body) gives rise to and is somehow mysteriously capable of producing. Whenever we look at stuff through a purely material perspective we take an attitude of separating everything into parts, and creating a whole out of the parts, which in reality are unified in nature and a part of the same thing (holographic). The entire material world exists as a unification and expression of the spiritual realm of pure energy and consciousness, which acts to provide the intelligent matrix as a substratum out of which it arises and is animated through a form of mass consciousness.

The Psyche
The soul is described in most traditions as an individual entity that’s distinct and a part from the body, and is what serves to organize, form, and give life to the body. It produces life through the Principle of Life that operates as vibration that we experience as feelings, emotions, thoughts, and activity. It’s described as the incorporeal essence of a living sentient being capable of feeling, sensing, perceiving, and experiencing. The soul is often described as the psyche or the mind as the place where our thoughts come from. The soul and the butterfly were given the same name in ancient traditions, which is the center of thought, feeling, and motivation, consciously and unconsciously directing the body’s reaction to its physical and social environment. Psychology, a field of science that studies the mind, soul, and spirit, is derived from the Greek term of Psyche used to describe the soul.
Modern day psychology is a science of mind and behavior, which has unfortunately begun moving towards eliminating the very source of its own study as a means of following suite with other material sciences in order to be accepted as a valid and credible field of science. Many other traditions become much more lucid with the soul being equivalent to breath or air (atmosphere in which life exists) in the Elements as the combination of Fire (will) and Water (feeling) as an invisible power that animates the material world through a form of Divine Inspiration, which comes through a Divine Voice as the Word of God, Spirit, or Holy Ghost. The essence that underlies our existence as the third person in the Trinity referred to as the Holy Ghost, is the Etheric Body (phantom-like hologram) as the psyche in form that provides the blueprint for organizing and producing the physical body as an exact replica or double.
For practical purposes we can create a model of the threefold nature of the soul-mind in order to gain an understanding of how it operates, which is necessary in order to consciously utilize it to create. While we commonly hear sayings like we’re not a body having a soul experience, we’re a soul having a body experience, many don’t know what this means in the most basic sense of actually experiencing it that way, or, more importantly, what it means to be a soul within a body. This is largely due to the fact that while we have a tendency to continuously separate them, the body is an aspect of and produced by the Higher Soul as it’s material equivalent that serves as a temple, vehicle, and instrument for the Higher Soul to create within the lower and denser material plane. In order to work (create) within a given plane, you have to create and exist within the conditions of that plane and work by way of the laws that govern it. The true soul exists on several planes above the physical plane, and has to undergo a transformative process as multiple stages of a step-down process of transduction in order to fully manifest as a body within the material plane. The highest level of the soul, which exists on an entirely different plane, is usually referred to as the Higher Self or God, and the middle soul which acts as a medium between the higher and the lower is the human soul of our individuality, and the lower soul is the etheric body that forms the physical body as a member of the collective unconscious of the animal kingdom.
The mind, without a physical body, doesn’t fully exist within the material plane as an actual entity capable of taking action and creating in a deliberate manner, and instead can only act to influence other minds within physical forms. In order to exist and create within the lower, denser realms, the Higher Soul of pure energy must fashion and inhabit or energetically bond with a body. It must take on a physical form that’s of the same nature and likeness (frequency) as it is. It acts to bond with the DNA that’s of the same potential as it is in terms of memory that will naturally produce certain types of experiences as the means of self-expression and self-creation. The lower soul of the etheric/physical body possesses the same mind of the middle (higher) soul in its dual components, and shares the same type of personality, identity, and karma as the genetic makeup and ancestral heredity (memories of our ancestors) of the body.
The Higher Soul, which is commonly called the Higher Self, never fully manifests within the material plane of form, but rather projects into it by taking on dual aspects necessary for producing both a visible and invisible component of the same thing. The mind first aligns with (resonates) and merges into (sympathetic induction) the DNA of an equivalent nature (same frequency) and kind, infusing it with the life-force energy that sequences and formulates it with a self-organizing mechanism inherent in vibration itself as a holographic model (etheric body) or paradigm (field of information organized into a thematic pattern).

The Lower Soul of the Subconscious Mind
The soul, like the DNA of the body is comprised of memory as the information that in-forms it and gives it the qualities, characteristics, temperament, disposition, and tendencies it naturally exhibits as normal perceptions and behaviors. The body’s DNA carries with it the memory of ancestors that are aligned with the same nature as the Higher Soul, which is what caused the soul to resonate with it. The Higher Soul forms energetic sympathy with the same type of soul in the lower realms. In the lower, material realm, the soul exists as the subconscious aspect of the mind that we share with all of the animal kingdom that has a sentient nature, and thinks and acts from a purely unconscious state as instinctual behaviors.
The lower soul of the body operates strictly out of memory of various sorts that provides it with the means for producing more of the same type of behaviors produced out of the same type of perceptions. For human beings this comes as a form of tribal mentality where we exist purely as a part of a greater whole of shared consciousness that has no individuality apart from the tribe. When living out of our lower nature, equivalent to that of an animal, we’re shaped purely through our conditioning and whatever perceptual models and behaviors we’ve been trained to by participating in them. When living out of a predominately unconscious state, we simply live out of the past as a means of perceiving and interpreting the present to mean the same thing as the past, and forming the same responses and behaviors, creating the future to be of the same nature as the past. In this sense we become identified with our body and lower nature, and fail to realize our true identity as a higher, divine being with creative abilities, and never learn how to use our conscious mind and ability to think, reason, and decide for ourselves. When this happens, we fall into a primary state of unawareness, become totally identified with our past conditioning and our physical existence, and lose contact with our Higher-Self as our true identity and ultimate potential, and we become lost in what is in reality an illusion of our own making.
When we come to realize instead that there is a higher aspect of ourselves, of our mind and soul, and learn to quit identifying with our past by continuing to live out the story we created out of it in the present as the means creating our reality and sense of ourselves as fully identified with our body and life circumstances, we can begin to realize that the body as the subconscious mind, is the creative powerhouse of the material plane and can be used skillfully to create in an intentional and deliberate manner. If we simply detach from our identification with it and the past, and observe how we can use our mind to create our reality, we can learn how to use it in a like manner to create in a deliberate and precise way. We can come to realize that we don’t have to keep dwelling in the past as a means of experiencing the present by playing the same group of memories over and over in our mind, and we begin consciously choosing how we want to be instead by recognizing our true nature. We can let go of our attachments to the past and our beliefs about things and remain fully aware instead, and in that awareness decide in every moment what we choose to create as a true expression of who we actually are. We can decide what kind of story we want to tell and what kind of person we’ll become as a result of that story.

Conscious Self-Creation and Destiny
In order to create anything in a conscious manner you have to first form a clear idea of what it is you’re creating. You have to do a form of soul searching where you begin to sense who you really are and who you want to become. We’re all born with a story imprinted within us as the dream for our life. This story requires certain aspects of us as qualities and characteristics to be actively employed in order to tell it by living it. The Higher Soul comes into the physical world in order to create itself through a developmental process of growth and self-expression. Whatever memories we’ve accumulated up to this point merely act as the foundation for continued growth. Some potential is active and fully expressing, while others remain dormant and are not being actively utilized or developed. Our dream as the story we’re imprinted with at the soul level (human/middle soul) that we came here to tell, requires us to transform what qualities and aspects of ourselves are active and which ones are passive.
Often, in order to obtain our dream and bring into active expression latent aspects of ourselves requires us to move into and resolve some of our greatest fears. These fears are what have prevented us from actively moving forward in our life pursuing our dream, and have kept us from becoming empowered in our own process of self-creation. All of our limitations that aren’t actual are the result of a fear that we’ve built a belief around as a story we tell ourselves about why we can’t do something. When we embody a sense of courage and employ a more neutral and open mindset, and we decide to move ahead in spite of our fears, the fears themselves steadily dissolve and we come to realize there was never really anything to fear. It was all something we made up in our imagination that was only acting to hold us back.

Creating your Ideal – Your Soul’s Highest Potential
The first step to conscious self-creation by embodying your true identity as the creator of your own reality, is to develop a well-defined idea of yourself as your ideal self. This is where you create yourself according to your highest potential, and to be the best person you can be. Where you choose to actively employ your best traits, utilize your gifts and talents, and decide with detailed accuracy the type of story you’re going to tell by how you live your life. You create a model as a moral code of conduct that you hold yourself to in making all of your moment by moment decisions. You decide which qualities you want to develop into strengths and use to express and create, and you do so in an intentional manner as a daily practice. You constantly review this ideal, concentrate on it, imagine yourself being that way in different situations as a form of mental rehearsal, and actively practice being that way in a constant and consistent fashion. Like all creation which comes from habitual behaviors and perceptions, you have to practice something for an extended period of time until it becomes a natural part of you that’s automatic in nature.
Knowing that the subconscious mind works out of memory as an experience of reality as the basis for creating more realities that produce more of the same type of experiences, we know that the way to provide it with a new template for creating is to create the desired trait or reality as an imagined experience. It’s not about intellectually conceptualizing an idea in a theoretical and detached manner as a form of command or order, but rather creating it as an actual experience with full sensory enhancement and intense feelings, and with emotions that make it very desirable and compelling. You create it in your mind as if it’s happening and you’re in the experience of it, having it. You have to convert all ideas you want to manifest into the language of the subconscious, which is memory as an actual experience that has strong emotions connected to it.
We say in psychology that you can only do what you can first imagine or see yourself doing. This is because it’s the subconscious mind that does the doing. Anytime you want to create an experience of reality that doesn’t already exist, you have to first create it as an imaginary experience, feel and sense yourself in it doing it. You have to set the stage as the necessary conditions and possible set of circumstances in which it would naturally occur, and then create the experience just like you want it to go in your minds eye, while forming sensory awareness of it in very well-defined terms. Place yourself in the ideal situation then direct and develop it by asking . . . what are you seeing? Hearing? What are you feeling or touching? Smelling? Tasting? And what are you telling yourself about it? Create it in a way that stimulates and produces very positive emotions. Then dwell heavily in the feeling-emotional aspect of it, amplifying it to make it intense (calibrate yourself to that vibration). This sets the frequency as a thematic pattern in our mind that acts also to organize the outer environment into the same pattern. Whatever we vibrate we not only connect to in our environment, but we actually act to orchestrate and recompose our environment according to the same pattern as a larger theme necessary for the event to naturally take place.

The subconscious mind is motivated by pleasure and pain. It moves into and towards pleasure, seeking it out, and out of and away from pain, avoiding it at all costs. You have to always remove any sense of pain or conflict around an idea in order to use the subconscious to deliberately create it. If you associate pain of any kind to an idea, you’ll be acting to repel it instead of attracting it. As you imagine the idea and develop it in sensory terms while feeling very positive emotions because of the experience, play it over and over in your mind until you can recall it instantly in its complete form, just like an actual memory. Concentrate your attention on it in a redundant, daydreaming fashion just like you do other memories. Then create more imaginary experiences of the same idea, playing them over and over until they can be recollected in their whole-form instantly, and play it out in your mind in a habitual and automatic fashion like your normal memories do.
All realities as sensory experience formed into a memory, produce their own electromagnetic field as a vibratory frequency. All vibratory frequencies as an electromagnetic field has a self-organizing mechanism that organizes matter into patterns through a process of activating and deactivating certain properties, forming a new pattern, and through attraction and repulsion. This basic law of vibration works on all scales and levels existence, whether in making a single entity, scenario, or creating a greater reality. As we think by replaying memories, we keep ourselves tuned to the frequency of those thoughts, forming a gravitational field between us and the outer elements of the same type of reality. Our imagined thoughts as memories of some form become a self-fulfilling prophecy. Thoughts formed into ideas as possible realities are the creative power of the mind to shape matter. In this way the Higher Soul of the human (self-conscious) mind, instead of identifying itself as the lower mind, and creating unconsciously through a form of instinct and conditioning, can learn how to utilize the lower subconscious mind to create itself in an intentional and deliberate manner and impose a direction on its destiny by evolving itself to a higher level of consciousness.
Integrative Mind-Body Medicine Consultant and Mentor for Spiritual Development