A New Way of Understanding the True Nature of the Subconscious Mind

 We Exist in a Primary State of Self-Hypnosis where we Self-Create and Form all of our Life Experiences

The most basic principle governing the mind (and energy) is the idea of one entity existing in three fundamental aspects. The mind of an individual exists in what we call 3 basic aspects that move from greater to smaller, and from universal (non-local) to personal (local). The 3 aspects of our mind are traditionally called our Higher mind, lower mind, and individual mind; which also correspond to the Super-conscious, subconscious and self-conscious minds, or the spirit, soul, and body. Of these 3 aspects, 2 emerge out of the greater mind and into the lower material dimension where they function in the material world as a body and mind. The Super-conscious remains on a higher plane that oversees the lower and acts as the choreographer for the 2 lower minds and their life experiences. This is represented in religion as the trinity, and in Sacred Geometry as the Triad, which is symbolized by the triangle or pyramid, with the upper single point that divides to form the 2 lower points that are on the same plane and exist as parallel opposites of the same line, both forming a right angle to the upper, single point. This diagram represents the 3 in 1 law , as the one entering into matter (lower plane), and dividing forming and electromagnetic field as complementary opposites of the same vibration or entity (the story of Adam being divided forming dual aspects as masculine and feminine), and also the Yin and Yang, where 2 complementary opposites form a greater whole.

The basic activity governing all law is the concept of the one (Monad) birthing all others as inner aspects of itself that form a growth process of becoming, or spontaneously emerging out of each other as an unfolding or invisible center giving rise to the visible form as the inner becoming the basis for the outer. The inner as the feminine aspect is impregnated with (contains in seed form) the masculine, and the masculine rises out of (is birthed by) the feminine forming the outer expression of the same nature. The masculine is the extension and outer reflection of the feminine. This is symbolized in religion by the Madonna (sometimes black, representing inner) and the male child (usually white representing the outer)†as her offspring. This primary universal law of the one with three aspects, exists equally on all levels and scales of existence as a relationship with itself in everything else, and as the life and death cycle that governs the lower material plane. Yet the Higher self/mind, which is never a part of the lower material plane, is eternal in nature and never dies, but continues evolving through various forms of itself in relationship with everything else.


The soul as an individual mind or entity, first unfolds and descends into the material body as the subconscious mind, which operates the body in a purely automatic and natural manner and gives life to the body. The subconscious is the passive and receptive (feminine) aspect that carries the seed of the self-conscious (masculine) mind within it, and slowly births the conscious mind through a natural process of becoming by forming its identity out of the relationship it forms with the outer material world. What we call the conscious mind as our self-awareness emerges out of the subconscious mind as an outer aspect of it (masculine), which forms its identity as its self-image or self-awareness by identifying with the body as having a purely material existence, which forms what we call the false ego (identity). Our conscious mind, which is our thinking, projecting and storytelling mind is completely identified with the body out of which it forms as a natural offspring. The Higher mind resides fully on a higher plane, is singular in nature (androgynous) and contains both the masculine and feminine aspects of the self (whole being), which remains fully identified with its spiritual and eternal existence. Every human being, whether male or female in gender, are dual in nature and possess both feminine and masculine aspects as an active and passive component that stimulate and interact with one another forming a unified experience of material reality as the inner subconscious mind and the outer self-conscious mind.

As the complementary opposites of each other they also exist in a fundamental state of paradox, governed by what appears to be contradictory ideas that embody opposite aspects as a fundamental part of a unified reality and possessing both qualities (masculine and feminine) within themselves, that only appears to be separate and dual in nature. While the subconscious is body oriented and runs all biological activities of the body in a completely automatic fashion, it doesn’t identify with the body, but rather maintains an integral relationship with the whole of the outer world, failing to perceive itself as separate. The conscious mind, born out of the subconscious at puberty, forms a concept of itself as separate from everything else and as identified (sensing itself) with the body, seeing itself as an individual. The subconscious is what we could call the greater mind as the mind-field of the body, which extends quite some distance from the body, and is always in the process of blending with the consciousness of everything around it as what we call mass consciousness, the instinctual field, or the morphological field, and is undergoing the same metabolic process of absorbing energy of a similar nature, being impregnated by its consciousness, becoming one with it, digesting it, and reforming itself through the incorporation.

The inner self

Aspects of the mind exist as fields nested within greater fields, all interacting and taking on qualities of consciousness that it resonates with. Because the mind is subtle and electromagnetic in nature, as it extends out into the environment, it magnetizes and draws into itself from the environment the same qualities that it possesses in its complementary and opposite form. As it draws in and resonates with the same quality of consciousness in everything else, it changes its vibration through the integration as a means of harmonizing with it, and acquiring new aspects of the same qualities transforms (morphs) to become like those qualities. We’re always taking on and digesting the compatible consciousness of everything around us, and adjusting to become of the same consciousness. This energy exchange is constantly going on without our direct awareness of it. As we take on the energy of everything around us, modifying our mind accordingly, it changes our state and who we are internally. As we change internally through the acquisition and incorporation of complementary energies, we morph and transform, and begin acting out those qualities through behaviors and activities. As we begin behaving differently, and sensing ourselves by way of our new behaviors and way of being which forms our experiences, our identity changes by way of them.

So whatever environment we exist in, we are in the process of becoming like. Whomever we live with or associate with on a regular basis, we gradually become similar to by taking on the same qualities and mind-set while engaging in the same kind of activities with a similar attitude, and forming the same type of behaviors as a result. This is one of the most fundamental laws known as transformation and evolution to different states of being as a relationship between the inner and the outer. The inner effects and transforms the outer, and the outer effects and transforms the inner in a flowing back and forth movement. There’s always a dynamic play going on as stimulus-response between the masculine and the feminine energies within the same mind or quality of consciousness that ultimately forms our individuality.

Likewise, the relationship between higher and lower planes, which are parallel, yet at right angles to each other, form a paradoxical relationship between group consciousness of a species and being one with everyone else, and our individuality as our ability to perceive ourselves as separate from everyone else, and honoring our own awareness and experiences instead of giving them up in favor of adopting other people’s ideas. The group mind, which is invested in the same consciousness and behaviors, much like the instinct of animals who are driven without thought and move in herds as a single unit, is a basic aspect of the lower, subconscious mind which is an inherent part of the material plane and the outer environment, and because it’s passive in nature, it takes on and expresses whatever suggestion it’s given and accepts it without question. This is the conditioned mind that’s trained to the mentality of the group, and lacks the desire or ability to contrast it instead and think for themselves. The subconscious forms all behaviors as automatic or habitual tendencies that we act out without having to think about or exercise our creative power of choice and free will.

toroidal field

In order to become self-aware and exercise our power or choice and the will to act out our choice in an intentional and deliberate manner, we have to learn how to dissociate from everything around us, recognize and release our attachment to our material existence as a bodily identification, and venture out on our own by learning how to question everything, think for ourselves, form our own perceptions by exercising reason and honoring our own inner awareness, and in doing so, start becoming aware of our true self. Our conscious mind when identifying itself as the body, and creating an image of itself through purely material means, bonds itself to the material plane and a false identity. It’s false because its existence in a specific material body is temporary, and so that which is formed out of it is temporary also and dies with the body. Once we no longer have a body and the conditions and relationships it existed within, we don’t know who we are, and immediately gravitate into another body seeking a sense of ourselves again through a body. In this way, we fail to ascend to higher levels of consciousness in the spiritual realm, which is where our true identity lies. Whatever we identify with, we bond with energetically by becoming one with it, sensing our self through it, and remain attached to.

Like all divine paradoxes, the idea within the material realm is to utilize our conscious (thinking and willful) mind to program (give suggestion to) our subconscious mind to become an individual by self-creating, and yet all divine communication as spiritual guidance comes through the subconscious mind as a passive medium, and is recognized by the conscious mind as direction and guidance coming from a higher authority. In order to transcend our lower, animal-like nature we need to separate ourselves from the group mind and take conscious control of our own development, which we do through the subconscious mind, which is the active mind of the material plane, and the self-conscious mind, when identified properly, is the active aspect of the spiritual plane, and so the conscious mind gives direction to the subconscious instructing it on how to be and what to do as the passive vehicle for the higher-self. The subconscious mind is the power house of the material plane and forms all of our bodily functions and produces our actions and behavior, which is what creates in the material world. The conscious mind, which is pure thought that creates reality by thinking and making up stories about it, is similar to the spiritual aspect of the mind that works within the invisible realm of pure thought and ideas, and has the ability to be what causes the material realm and directs all behavior and operations through a form of trance and suggestion, but of course, it has to know it can, and act to prevent its own tendency to use the power of thought to create fantasy worlds out of beliefs that are dissociated from actual reality as a form of escape or mis-creation instead.

The relationship between our subconscious and conscious mind works exactly like a hypnotic process. Our subconscious is always in a form of trance as a passive and receptive state, and our conscious mind which is thought oriented, gives the subconscious suggestions as thoughts that are imagined as an actual reality. So what we think about and imagine as if it were an actual experience or material reality, plants a seed in the subconscious mind as the potential and request or desire for an actual experience of reality. This imagined thought, which the subconscious mind perceives in much the same way as an actual memory, is a form of command or directive for the subconscious mind to produce more of by attracting and absorbing it from the environment, while producing the behavior of it at the same time. By producing the behavior associated with the thought, the conscious mind forms its identity around and out of how it senses itself through the behaviors, and identifies with its own self-created experience. As the subconscious is programmed with the idea of the thought, and seeks to find and blend with that same idea all around it, we find ourselves meeting people and in situations and circumstances that orchestrate and act out the idea as a living (material) reality. Matter takes on consciousness and becomes the vessel or vehicle for that consciousness to express in the material world as an actual experience. Through the experiences we create by what we think about, we simultaneously create ourselves by way of those experiences.

Dr. Linda Gadbois

Transpersonal Psychologist, Personal Transformation Coach, and Spiritual Teacher

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gold narrow long with transparent background