The Fundamental Unity of the Macrocosm and Microcosm, the True Nature of “Oneness”, and Our Origin as Celestial Beings

We’re often told in various spiritual doctrine that man exists as a microcosm formed as a reflection of the macrocosm, that the entire macrocosm exists in the nature of man, and that the Cosmos can be known intimately by observing and coming to understand our own inner nature. This is because the same universal principles as a self-organizing process are at work in both, only on different scales and magnitudes. In order to understand what this means in the practical sense we have to build a new model for understanding it that will allow us to see it in a new and more implicit way. Whatever paradigm we use in looking at something determines our ability to comprehend it in a way that breeds a fundamental understanding of it in terms of how it functions and what it means about us and our relationship with the world around us. Let’s begin exploring this idea together with new eyes by building an appropriate model for understanding our intimate connection with the miraculous universe which we are an intrinsic part of, and that will help us in understanding the laws at work in forming, sustaining, and imbuing the cosmos with life.  

The very basis of the invisible medium that permeates the entire universe is plasma, and plasma plays a dominant role in the physics of the cosmos, which is considered to be infinite and eternal. This infinite span of what seems like “empty space†exists primordially as a latent field formed out of plasma that acts as a “medium†for electrical impulses to propagate through. While some scientists call plasma the 4th state of matter, I believe it’s more accurate to call it the 1st state, because it’s what possesses the “self-organizing mechanism†out of which all other states emerge as a part of a holistic process that ultimately works to shape all material forms. There’s an invisible, undetectable “state of energy†that exists at a deeper, finer level as oscillating plasma that’s billions of times smaller than the atom and of an extremely high frequency. This incredibly fine grain of plasma is called “planck plasma†in physics and is what forms the invisible infrastructure of space. This field of subtle energy, which also functions as a medium, is accompanied by an electrical force which it acts as a passive receptor for, forming an electromagnetic field.

Plasma is filled with giant filaments of electrons and ions (atoms with a net electrical charge). These filaments twist together due to electromagnetic fields, forming vortices that cause some of their vast energy to be converted into matter, which ultimately results in the formation of galaxies and heavenly bodies. When an electric force charges plasma, it forms into a gas-like substance (nebula) that behaves a little bit like gas, a little bit like a fluid, and a little bit like a solid (it contains the 4 elements as states that emerge out of it), and due to being comprised all these elements, it forms its own “stateâ€. The 4 elements are combined in such a way that a new element and state is formed. The universe as we currently know it is made up of 99.999% plasma, and the rest is plasma that has cooled off and formed into gases, fluids, and solids, forming the material world we call Nature and the celestial bodies of the cosmos.

Torsion field

Plasma is unique in the sense that it has “self-organizing†behaviors inherent in it and is “charged†with a frequency where it acts as a medium for information to flow through in interwoven currents. This field of plasma in its latent state is what’s commonly referred to as the “ether†and exists in a state of “probabilityâ€, which means it contains all “possibilities†for creation in their “potential stateâ€. Electricity as an active force propagates through this passive medium and whatever becomes electrified comes alive with activity and begins organizing into a living entity. Vortices (spinning fields) are organized that form very specific crystalline geometry (torus as an electromagnetic sphere), and as it organizes it forms very specific dynamics through polarity. The entire cosmos and material world is formed through the interaction of polar opposites that “stimulate†each other into “existenceâ€. These polar opposites are “complementary†in the sense that through their dynamic interaction new qualities, states of being, and material formations “emerge†and form into a “new state†as a coherent field that transforms and evolves the existing one.


Self-organization is a concept of “self-emergenceâ€, which occurs when an entity is observed as having properties its individual parts don’t have on their own. Properties are qualities that form characteristic behaviors, which only emerge when the “parts interactâ€. Self-organization often occurs through what seems like random fluctuations in the ether, which can be conceptualized as dormant qualities that are stimulated by an outside force, bringing them alive and calling them forth in an active state of expression. New possibilities for expression seem to emerge out of nowhere. This can also be thought of as our “etheric double†which contains all of our soul’s memory (character traits) in its latent state, which is steadily activated and brought out through our interactions with those who possess complementary aspects of the same qualities. This finer plasmic field of pure potential, is what’s also referred to as the “quantum plenum†out of which polarized particles systematically emerge and exist for a period of time. Information as possibilities appear as “random flashes†(sparks) that blink in and out of the quantum plenum, and only begin organizing into a structured form when “charged†by an electrical current.

Where does this “state of energy†come from that seemingly comes out of nowhere? The plasma we see throughout the universe comes from an even deeper level that’s completely invisible with no physical properties, called “planck plasmaâ€, which is also the basis for the quantum plenum, where particles emerge out of nowhere or seem to “pop in and out†of existence, almost like the mental sparks that result from momentarily considering a variety of ideas before making an actual decision. There are currents of plasma that form nebula pathways to galaxies and clusters of galaxies, which form a crystalline lattice that resembles neurons and neuronal pathways in the brain and nervous system, where information flows through magnetic currents. This intricate interconnected network also resembles the circulatory system of the body where plasma, infused with our soul’s essence, flows through our veins to all parts of our body, which acts to nourish, inform, and sustain it in a state of homeostasis. Our biological system is a reflection of the macrocosm on a much smaller scale, in the sense that it formed and functions in an identical manner.

Galaxies, Stars, and Planetary Bodies of the Cosmos

A galaxy is formed by an “electrical charge†that propagates through the ether, electrifying plasma, causing electrons to be stripped off and magnetic fields to begin forming. As plasma is electrified with a frequency it forms magnetic fields that activates and brings out pertinent information (of the same frequency) from the deeper levels of the ether and begins systematically organizing it into a gaseous phosphene substratum that serves as an etheric blueprint for building a cohesive system that appears as a spinning vortex. Out of these spinning magnetic fields, stars are born that have a harmonious energetic charge to all other stars born out of the same system of swirling gases. These systems are infused with the same energetic charge, causing them to be “energetically entangledâ€, which means no matter how broad the spans of the space between them, they still function as a single entity. The essence that makes up the entire system is of the same “stateâ€, forming what’s called “superpositionâ€, where the same “particle-stateâ€, exists equally throughout the entire system. This operates in the same way that our body is formed out of a “single cellâ€, programmed with information that reproduces and differentiates itself billions of times as the means of building a larger organism that functions as a single entity.

Related Articles: The Principle of Quantum Entanglement, Superposition, and the Many Worlds Theory of Parallel Dimensions

Stars called gas giants, formed from the multiplying magnetic fields of swirling gases emitted from the center of their parent galaxy, form into plasma spheres that rotate (spin) on a central axis, and give birth to a series of even smaller stars formed from their electric radiation, as their offspring. The smaller stars orbit around their parent star while emitting their own magnetic field, and as gases emitted by the parent star begin cooling down, they solidify around the outer periphery of the smaller stars magnetic field, forming an outer crust that encapsulates the star within the center, forming a terrestrial body as a planet. The star becomes the life-giving force (electromagnetic core) of the planet which continues to orbit its parent star. These smaller stars that form into planets form into a “solar system†(star-system) that resembles a mini galaxy comprised of magnetic fields that appear as a series of concentric circles or “fields within greater fields†of the same essence. All planetary bodies that make up a solar system are made of the same essence as it’s central, governing star, and continues to function as a single unit and aspect or mode of consciousness.

There’s no meaningful way to separate the individual planets that make up a solar system, because they all vibrate at the same “frequencyâ€, forming a single “scale†as a “range of vibrationâ€, called “the music of the spheresâ€. On a greater, cosmic scale, smaller systems exist within larger systems of the same nature, and they remain eternally intact as an “energetically entangled system†that continues to function as a single organism. Everything that “existsâ€, does so as both a substance and a wave simultaneously, because the substance “emerges†out of the wave, and is in-formed and sustained by it. The wave is the electromagnetic lattice (torus) of stresses that draw forth, hold together, and cause the particle to organize into a functioning system that resembles a mini-solar system or galaxy of spinning energy. All living systems are comprised of an active and passive component that work together in forming a single entity as a third element. While we view space as being “emptyâ€, the fact is it’s a field of cosmic information in a latent state that serves as a medium that connects every single particle to every other particle throughout the entire cosmos.

The Holographic Principle

All matter, as particles of light (astral light) come “into existenceâ€, emerge out of an even greater “invisible fieldâ€, as polarized twins, and exist simultaneously as both a particle (material substance) and a wave (invisible field). This means it’s both an aspect or part of a greater idea, and the greater idea at the same time (holographic principle). The invisible field is what contains the archetypal information that forms the energetic blueprint out of which the material form “emergesâ€. Every material object, no exceptions, is accompanied by an energy field that surrounds, permeates, and informs it, while interacting with an even greater field that it exists within and propagates through instantaneously as a form of transmission and interaction with “itself†(same vibratory frequency and organized structure) on smaller and larger scales.

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Archetypes, Morphic Fields, and Memory – The Holographic-Etheric Blueprint for Creating Reality

All reality and life as we know it exists as what you might call “fields within greater fields†of the same nature, that play different roles and functions in forming an even greater whole. The “mindâ€, which exists as a field of consciousness that vibrates at a particular frequency, also exists on multiple levels and scales at the same time, forming what we call the cosmic mind, planetary mind, race and cultural mind, group mind of family and society, and the individual mind. As an individual, this same principle plays out as our superconscious (universal), conscious (evolutionary), and subconscious (personal) mind, which exist on a hierarchical scale of parallel planes, which can also be viewed as a series of concentric circles, where they exist as different aspects of the same “field†(mind) on different levels and scales. In this case the superconscious contains both the conscious (active) and subconscious (passive) within it, and births them (they emerge out of the upper plane) on a lower plane, where they work together in producing a coherent material reality as a polarized field of light. The conscious mind then interacts with its own mental construct through the principle of polarity, where it draws out only the information necessary to construct an outer reflection of its own inner nature as a means of “experiencing itself†through its own creation.

The Planetary Mind and Soul

The Earth, like all celestial bodies, is a living, sentient being and “soulâ€. Like all souls, it’s comprised of “archetypal memory†that forms its “beingâ€, which determines and gives rise to all life that’s systematically birthed and sustained on and within it. The memory of the Earth’s energetic constitution forms what we call “instinctâ€, which is memory in the form of “archetypes†that populate the Earth’s atmosphere (astral body), which is an illuminated substance that resonates at a frequency of 7 to 8 Hz. This frequency band produces a natural “brainwave†through energetic entrainment (sympathetic resonance) called “Thetaâ€, which is what’s called the “dream stateâ€, or the state that lies between dreamless sleep and being awake. This frequency is a natural state of mind that functions harmoniously with all life on the planet and is called our “subconsciousâ€. Our subconscious is the “group mind†of Nature, referred to as the â€collective unconsciousâ€, that breeds the “herd mentality†most people live out of as a natural part of the “animal kingdomâ€. This aspect of our “self†that we all share in common by incarnating into an animal (mammalian) body, is called our “lower self†or lower mind and soul. We know it in the most practical sense as our “conditioned mindâ€, where we’re created “by others†through association. We’re literally trained to feel, think, and behave the way we do while in a primarily unconscious (receptive) state.

Related Article: Physics of the Soul, the Nature of Our Character, and the Holographic Nature of Reality

This principle is also at work in forming what we call “realityâ€, which is formed as an organized field of light (information). Our mind forms a coherent state with our body and brain, which is necessary to perceive and interpret the outer world in sensory terms. We must always keep in mind that our experience of reality is formed through the “atmosphere†(astral light) of the Earth’s soul, which is formed out of memory (archetypal infrastructure), illuminated by our Sun. We function simultaneously out of dual aspects of our mind – the subconscious, which is of the Earth and our lower (animal) nature, the collective unconscious of the group mind we share in common with all life on the planet; and the conscious mind of the sun and our higher nature, which is self-creating and forms our individuality. It’s our willful, thinking mind that creates the outer world as a means of experiencing itself. This is the part of our mind that’s electrical and charges the astral light, which exists as a passive field of latent information, causing correlating aspects to emerge and self-organize.

Our mind as a whole vibrates at the frequency formed by its collective memory, which acts to charge the outer field of latent potential, causing it to self-assemble into a correlated construct. We activate only what’s of the same nature and energetic constitution as we are, and form our own individual, personalized version of the same overall idea. This is the same way an archetype works, it’s a prototype as a universal concept used for producing a particular type of experience through a vast number of situations where no matter the circumstances or situation, we form the same type of experience out of it. We live in the primary structure of our subconscious-group reality as a common theme, while causing fluctuations in the field through our conscious interaction, re-informing the light matrix to reflect back to us our own mental state and thoughts about it. While we all share the same reality in the general sense, we all perceive, interpret, and experience it in a way that’s unique to us, and sets the stage for telling our own story about ourselves and our life.  

We’re born into a physical body that’s made out of the energized substance of the Earth correlated with a particular “state of mindâ€, causing us to not only be energetically entangled with the frequency of the Earth, but also with the entire solar system, which was formed out of our central star, the Sun. All planetary bodies are living souls that contain memory that’s an aspect of the greater system it’s a fundamental part of. This planetary memory as an energetic frequency, equivalent to a state and quality of consciousness, forms the “archetypes†of Nature as the basis for the plant and animal kingdom, and the gods of mythology, all of whom play a fundamental role in forming our “human psycheâ€. This is because by being born into the Earth’s energetic, conscious makeup, we function mentally as a part of a “planetary systemâ€, which originated as the “offspring†of our own Sun, all charged with the same frequency of consciousness.


This fact is portrayed in our astrological birth-chart which gives us insight into the archetypal nature of our soul’s constitution, all of which are represented by the planetary archetypes of our own solar system. While we’re formed out of the essence and substance of the Earth (our body), mentally and energetically we’re formed out of the sidereal substance of our Sun, which was formed like all other star-systems out of the substance of our galaxy, the Milky Way. Our star-system is energetically entangled with all other star-systems within our galaxy, which functions as a coherent field of highly organized information that’s archetypal in nature. Any action that causes an effect at any place within our galaxy produces a corresponding effect throughout the entire galaxy as what we have come to call the â€ripple effectâ€, although this isn’t an accurate concept because it implies a “transmission†of energy “through space†as a propagation of waves that flow in incremental stages, rather than an instantaneous effect that takes place on different scales at the exact same time.

This means that what we perceive as planetary changes, many of which we’re acting to facilitate through sheer negligence and lack of greater awareness, isn’t just affecting the Earth, it’s producing equivalent affects throughout our solar system, neighboring star-systems, and our galaxy. This principle has traditionally been represented by the concept of a spider web, where a vibration (sensation) anywhere in the web is instantaneously felt within the entire web. This also explains why we appear to be drawing allot of attention to ourselves in the cosmic sense through our mindless activities and complete disrespect for life. As well as why we have a natural attraction and affiliation with the cosmos, and often feel an affinity for particular constellations and neighboring star-systems.

Another key factor seldom understood is that we’re all born into a “mammalian body†made out of the archetypal memory of the Earth and can only “perceive†the “reality†associated with our physical senses and the low vibratory frequency of our unconscious mind. We only perceive a very small part of an electromagnetic spectrum and range of vibration that exists within an astronomically larger one. Most of the information carried by light (light is a carrier wave) is invisible to our senses, such as radio waves, microwaves, infrared radiation, ultraviolet rays, x-rays, and gamma rays, which exist all around us without us being aware of them or able to perceive them in terms of the life they contain. And these wavelengths are only the ones we know of that exist in what is otherwise the “invisible atmosphere†around us and in outer space.

When we’re able to use technological devices to “see†the reality contained within these wavelengths, we realize there’s a whole reality that underlies this one, as well as layers of multiple dimensions that coexist within this dimension that we’re completely unaware of, and these are only the wavelengths we’re able to detect using instruments we developed to measure our sensory reality. What this tells us is that different frequencies contain whole realities within them that differ, yet coexist in the same “space†as this one without interfering with each other. This may also explain why we can’t “see anything†on other planets or are only capable of realizing a fraction of the information that actually exists on or within them. But many have a hard time wrapping their head around this fact, and due to their paradigm not allowing them to see and comprehend it, they often choose to ignore it or leave it out completely when building their scientific hypothesis. We tend to ignore whatever we don’t understand or believe in.

Archetypes – Daimons and Gods

The cosmology of the universe is a hierarchical structure of “classes†that are all governed by the same universal laws. The highest class, called the Supreme or first God, is the archetypal world which contains all possibilities for creation in their latent and unformed state. This is the realm of original ideas that we draw on mentally and mold into our personal paradigm as a means of creating a personalized version as a “reality†that brings a particular type of experience. The next class is what’s called the celestial gods of mythology, the realm of “divine archetypesâ€, which provide templates, so to speak, of various attributes and qualities which, when embodied build correlating character traits which form natural behaviors as a way of being. Below the celestial archetypes are the terrestrial archetypes known as daimons, which are the attendants of the celestial gods, and the “builders†of the material world. Daimons exist on the inner realms of the â€psyche†(astral realm) as “images†(memory) that form naturally in the passive imagination, and can be thought of as the intelligent forces of “instinct†that drive natural activities of the physical world through emotional impulses and passions.

From the celestial and terrestrial archetypes, continual influences are born into world. The nature, character, and state of every living being is determined by these influences and how they interact with each other in forming a relationship as a cohesion. The gods govern our higher mind, which is creative in nature and directly associated with the planetary archetypes (metaphors) and constellations of the heavens, while the daimons govern our lower mind, which builds ideas into living forms, and is directly associated with nature spirits, genii, and the memories (symbols) that reside on the psychic plane as phosphene holograms. Next in line is human beings, which are unique from both gods and daimons in that they partake in both realms and exist in what you might think of as the “middle realm†where they act as a “medium†for combining the celestial archetypes with the terrestrial forms. These two archetypal realms also have correlating aspects of the mind associated with them that form man’s dual nature, as having both a conscious (active) mind, associated with the divine realm of creativity, and a subconscious (passive), associated with the terrestrial realm of instinctual forces and Nature. Man is correlated with planetary archetypes due to having a “star†(sun) as its inner nature (core essence) which is clothed outwardly with a material form, concealing and disguising its true nature as a divine being.

The One and the Many

Classes (species) can be thought of as archetypes in the sense that a “general nature†(qualities and character traits) provides an energetic template for generating a large variety of forms, while each form is easily recognized as belonging to its class.  For example, “felines†are a class (genus) that has many different types of cats, yet all types are easily recognizable as being of the feline family. The archetypal class, in this case, represents the “oneâ€, the seed or core nature, while the forms that emerge from it are the “manyâ€. The One produces many variations of itself, while absorbing and molding them all back into one. In the most basic sense, we are always using a “memory†to produce numerous experiences of the same nature, and then molding all our experiences back into the same memory as a way of growing and evolving it. Memory, whether universal or personal, is archetypal in nature and the progenitor of all our experiences.  

In the higher realm of the conscious mind, divine archetypes are “original†in nature and create their own form and are therefore eternal and immortal. While the forms of the material realm all result from a “universal pattern†(Earth’s soul) as a class or species, lack the ability to create themselves (don’t possess a conscious mind), and are mortal and temporary in nature. The forms of the material world return to their archetypal class as “group consciousness†of the species, which are morphogenic and form the memory of “instinctâ€. The higher realm of divinity is also the realm of “creative beingsâ€, where souls create themselves as an archetype of their own making. Because we exist as a medium “between worlds†we have the ability to draw from the archetypes of the higher world and combine them in order to fashion ourselves as an individual. While all archetypes are immortal and exist eternally, in the earthly realm their individual forms are mortal and the individual consciousness of a being is absorbed back into the archetype of their species when they die, whereas the forms of divine beings are immortal, and they maintain their individuality after their body (physical form) dies.

When the higher (divine) soul leaves it’s body, it returns to its own archetype, which is unique to itself, and forms the “core nature†for all other incarnations that issue forth from it. In our lower, animal soul, we exist as a part of the “collective unconscious†of the Earth’s soul and don’t maintain our identity (individuality) as a self-created being and return to the group archetype (collective memory) of humanity. The lower human soul is mortal and shares the same consciousness with humanity as a species, which is the part of us that perceives death as meaning “annihilation†or blending back into the cosmic realm where we no longer exist as an individual. This part of us is terrestrial in nature, made of the Earth, and is what’s commonly referred to as our “false egoâ€, where we identify with our material existence, and because we “make ourselves†out of the Earth, we remain within the soul of the Earth when we die. When we build our identity out of our divine, virtuous, god-like nature, we fashion ourselves as a celestial archetype of an original and individual nature, and become immortal maintaining our individuality after we die. We become the One and the All, where we evolve ourselves by taking on many forms which all possess the same inner nature as an archetype of our own making, and then absorb the memory attained in our lifetime and mold it back into “a single memoryâ€.

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In the ultimate sense, we’re all made out of the essence of the stars and partake in both the “part and the wholeâ€. We create our own experiences out of memory of ourselves and then absorb the experiences and translate (mold) them back into the memory that birthed them, forming our mental constitution as our “energetic stateâ€. When we live out of the unconscious state of our formative conditioning, where we’re determined by others and whatever we associate with, we bond ourselves energetically to the Earth plane and the collective unconscious of humanity. If however, we wake while in the midst of our own dream, and begin taking conscious control of our own moral development and fashion ourselves to be of a virtuous and divine nature, we take our place among the stars of heaven, and become a rightful resident on the plane of immortality. We become a cosmic being and engage joyously in the adventures of self-expression as the means of creating ourselves through our own projection.

Dr. Linda Gadbois

Transpersonal Psychologist, Metaphysician, and Spiritual Teacher

Gold Bar
Mentoring / Coaching / Consultation for personal transformation and spiritual growth
Gold Bar