The Principle of Quantum Entanglement, Superposition, and the Many Worlds Theory of Parallel Dimensions

Whatever model we use for interpreting phenomenon associated with universal laws form the basis for how we come to understand them in the practical sense of applying them to our everyday life as a means of creating the reality necessary for experiencing them. Many diverse models that pertain to specific scientific disciplines have been developed as the mental concepts necessary to help understand how the same fundamental group of universal laws operate fluently on different levels and scales in forming what we perceive as a single “unified reality”. Each discipline uses different elements, symbols, and terminology to form a unique interpretation that’s designed to explain the processes being conducted by invisible forces that work to form the underlying energetic substrata of our material world. In order to understand any theory we have to be able to identify the principles involved that the model being used serves to demonstrate, and not mistake the concepts being used as the knowledge itself. Once we’re able to grasp the principle being illustrated through a particular model and type of language, we can come to understand how that same principle applies and plays out in all disciplines which exist as correlations to each other.

The same principles that are at work in the atomic, microscopic level of reality, are also working in a similar fashion at the cosmic, macroscopic level, because the atomic level is what forms the basis for all lifeforms that naturally arise and are maintained throughout the cosmos. While scientists have a predominant tendency to confine themselves to describing things in terms of scientific models used for conducting laboratory experiments, building correlating hypothesis based on the same type of experiments, I’m going to move these same ideas out of the laboratory setting and into our daily life as a means of forming a practical understanding of how they work in forming our daily experiences. What’s really going on in the general sense is we’re using different ideologies in describing the same phenomenon, causing them to seem different. As a scholar of spiritual sciences, I realize that the same principles being discovered and theorized in quantum physics form the basis for the universal sciences of Ancient Wisdom, with the only real difference being the concepts, models, and language used in describing them in terms of how they function as both a mental and physical process.

One of the things you want to always keep in mind when dealing with modern scientific methods is that it tends to only address the physical aspect of any phenomenon, which always comes as the result or effect of an intelligent force that’s causal in nature. This invisible force constructs and energy field that serves as the building plan or holographic, 4-dimensional model for constructing a complementary material form as a mirror image of itself, that allows it to perceive itself as an expanded outer reality (on a larger scale) of the same nature, while also serving as a material vehicle for inhabiting and expressing through. This idea has been beautifully described as “the ghost within the machine”, and in esoteric terms as the etheric double or subtle body formed by the soul as an image of itself that provides the blueprint for not only constructing the physical body as a mirror image of itself, but also the frequency as a mental state that forms an electromagnetic field as a universal theme that organizes an outer light matrix into a corresponding pattern on a greater, and more inclusive level.

The chakra system of the Subtle Body

I’m going to briefly include the concepts used in spiritual sciences (Sacred Geometry) that represent the same principles currently being described in quantum physics, in which this seemingly magical, invisible force as a dynamic living field of consciousness, we call the universe, is the same field of subtle energy commonly referred to as the mind and soul. I’m also going to connect ideas that are correlated to each that either work by the same principles or are different aspects that play an intricate role in forming a greater, more inclusive creative process. Scientific processes whose primary focus is on what we call material aspect of reality often don’t know how to incorporate the invisible activity of the mind into their scientific formulas and theories, because it appears paradoxical in the most basic sense, and they hold themselves to a fundamental rule called the scientific method.

The scientific method basically states that the same process as an established method must be used by a group of different people in being able to produce the same or equivalent results in order to know if it’s true or not. Accuracy, in terms of science, is based on consistency. This of course includes people with different paradigms and from different walks of life using the same general processes, whose success is based on forming the same observations that lead to forming the same or similar conclusions. So naturally when it’s discovered that how something appears (forms) and behaves (functions) is based on a unique variable produced by the mind interacting with it, or acting on it, things become a bit dicey and generalized theories and generic processes go out the door. They’ve even developed principles to describe this phenomenon called the uncertainty principle, the principle of hidden variables, and interference patterns, and now we’ve developed one called the many worlds theory.

Many of the assumed rules that scientific endeavors hold themselves to or use to either prove or disprove a new theory formed through an observation, are not facts at all, but are merely theories that have become accepted as facts. A good example of this is the law regarding the speed of light. We already know that many processes seem to occur at speeds faster than light, yet these discoveries are either ignored, thrown out as not being consistent with other findings, or disproved by using another theory that contradicts it. This also becomes frustrating for scientists because once the individual mind becomes included in the overall process, every result comes as a variable of a common idea, that predisposes a whole new set of possible conclusions. I’m going to focus this discussion primarily on the mental aspect of quantum mechanics, and what it tells us about the mind-body relationship, which is directly correlated with the dynamic relationship between energy (consciousness) and matter.

Tesla coil - polar spin of the atomic world
Energetic Entanglement, Polarity, and Wave-Particle Duality

Energetic entanglement is a term used to describe the fundamental principle of polarity and vibration, which basically recognizes the fact that all particles come (pop) into existence as polarized twins and display the behavior of being both a particle (substance) and a wave at the same time formed as an energetic state. This means that each twin aspect spins in the opposite direction of its correlated aspect. These twin, entangled particles are either born together or become intimately fused through merging and combining energetically (mentally) so they vibrate at the same frequency. Due to spinning at the same speed and ratio in opposite directions, where one is positive and spins clockwise, and the other is negative and spins counterclockwise, they counterbalance each other and the sum of their spin forms what’s called zero-point energy, which forms a stable and coherent construct of light (hologram).  

Wave-particle duality and polarized twins that are energetically entangled, leads to the idea of a local and non-local position within the wave aspect of the space-time continuum formed. This wave-function expands outward equally in all directions at once from a central axis, as a homogeneous process that’s consistent (coherent) throughout the entire waveform, where the part contains the full information (qualities, attributes, and characteristics) of the whole, and the whole is reflected equally in each part that its comprised of. This dynamic feature is referred to as the Holographic Principle, which is fundamental in the sense that it describes the very fabric and substrata of the universe and reality itself. This means there’s no instance or area of reality where these principles are not playing out as the causal force and substance that’s self-generating, self-perpetuating and self-sustaining, while also acting on itself to evolve itself through variables that are created through an interaction with other coherent systems of a similar frequency.  

This primary universal principle is represented in spiritual sciences as the Monad, conceptualized as a circle (sphere) with a dot (central axis) in the center, the same symbol used to represent the Sun. The Monad represents the mind and soul (two different terms used to describe the same entity), which is the fundamental force of all creation. The created world of energetic phenomenon results from the regeneration and self-replication of the Monad (mind) in dividing itself into complementary, polarized aspects of itself (conscious and subconscious), forming the Dyad as a projection and outer (complementary) image of itself. The Dyad, symbolized by 2 polarized aspects of the mind overlapping each other, connected by the same central axis (intrinsic nature), is considered the parent principle that births all other laws through a process of regeneration, and is called the “womb of the universe” out of which all material form is birthed as an aspect (image) of itself. This allows the soul to perceive itself as a greater, unified whole (light matrix), which is necessary in order to experience itself as something specific. It sits within the center (axis) of its own dynamic creation, viewing it equally from all angles as a means of experiencing itself on multiple levels and scales at once.

The toroidal energy field of the mind and body

Entanglement is based on states, which can be understood as vibratory frequencies, each of which contain a 4-dimensional hologram (model-pattern) and a self-organizing force that assembles the model into a coherent field of light as a reality. While we tend to think of light as being an illumination, like all cosmic forces, it’s also polarized and has what we can call both a light and dark aspect. It only becomes illuminated when reflecting off dust particles in the atmosphere, or when it’s refracted through the crystalline properties of water that forms moisture in the atmosphere. When we go outside of the Earths atmosphere into outer space, the medium of space itself is not illuminated by sunlight and appears dark or black. The sun appears as a ball of light off in the distance, just like all stars appear when being viewed from a distance. It looks like a ball of electrified plasma hanging in midair generating nuclear energy as a fiery, volcanic-like substance. Light also has a hidden, internal nature as the rainbow colors of the spectrum, called visible light, which forms when being refracted through the atmosphere and bent at a specific angle. When lights not being refracted, its invisible, and appears as illuminated empty space.

When sunlight enters the moist atmosphere surrounding the Earth, some of its rays are absorbed and assimilated by particles, while other rays are reflected outward, forming the color and outer appearance it takes on. The part of the rays that are absorb through sympathetic resonance are always the complementary colors that make up its outer appearance. The inner mind appears to be dark, while the outer mind is illuminated. The light that’s absorbed inward appears as a phosphene luminescence posed against a black background that resembles empty space, that’s in a constant swirling or pulsating motion, similar in appearance to the nebula of galaxies formed in space. The part of light spectrum that’s absorbed internally is dark, while the reflected aspect of the same light spectrum, appears as an outer illumination. This same effect can be observed by staring at a colored object or shape for a few minutes, and then closing your eyes, and you’ll see an impression of the same object in the complementary color. The inner and outer world is formed as complementary opposites of each other.

The astral realm of the inner mind

What’s referred to as an energetic state can be thought of as a mental field (sphere) whose constitution is comprised of a select group of attributes and qualities that imbue it with specific characteristics (properties) as a distinct entity that has a set of natural behaviors and functions associated with it, while also emitting a greater outer field that surrounds it as the universal theme associated with its character. This archetypal theme provides the corresponding outer reality as the ideal setting for the soul to express in forming particular types of experience through an ongoing and consistent story-line. The inner constitution and outer reality projected as it’s complementary aspect, exist as a coherent field of highly organized light that forms an archetypal matrix on multiple levels and scales simultaneously. All of which are born out of, formed as an ongoing evolutionary process of growth and development, and maintained for the duration of a lifetime, by the mind (soul).

The mind also exists on multiple levels and scales simultaneously as the individual or personal mind, the group mind of the family and society, the world or planetary mind of Nature and the human race, and the cosmic or universal mind. The soul, which is synonymous with the mind, also exists on multiple levels and scales simultaneously, connected through memory of itself as a single state, referred to as the lower, mammalian soul, the evolutionary, human soul which is eternal and reincarnates, and the universal or cosmic soul which is archetypal in nature and forms the basis for life itself which emerges spontaneously out of the aether, or what we now call the quantum plenum. A mental state is different than a mood or emotional state in that it’s formed out of all the experiences accumulated and integrated up to the present moment as the memory that forms our mental paradigm. Whereas our mood comes as more of an emanation or effect being radiated by our mental paradigm based on fluctuations in our mental state.


The Dyad as an interference pattern
Superposition and Interference Patterns

These states, which exist as an invisible field of charged energy (electrified plasma), out of which matter emerges and is coagulated into an outer form as a reflection, can also be thought of as archetypes (root patterns), or an archetypal composite, which forms through a dynamic combination of correlated states that form what is now call superposition in quantum physics. Most entangled states are mixed to some degree in that they consist of multiple types of pure states, called quantum correlations. When two or more correlating states comprised of corresponding properties are combined, they begin vibrating in harmony and form a new state that still maintains the dominant, corresponding attributes of each one forming a new archetypal formula as an intrinsic design formed out of electrified or charged substance. This is the first state of a new formation as electrified plasma that begins coagulating into a gaseous phosphene-like substance, and then a fluid-like substance that crystallizes into what appears as a solid object.    

The term superposition refers to a composite system of correlated states that express as a sum of local constituents. This idea is illustrated through a hierarchical structure where correlated states are superposed over each other, as one placed on or above another one (exist within the same space in different dimensions) and they merge, blending with each other to form an expanded range of vibration as a higher frequency. This concept can be thought of as a series of vertical planes, where they occupy the same place and space only on a higher or lower dimension, or as concentric circles where one sphere or plane is contained within a larger one of the same or correlated state. This creates the idea of a gradient scale of correlated states as a range of higher and lower vibrations of the same idea, similar to a musical scale formed as a progression, where each state represents a possibility for forming the same idea as a unique variation. When two states (archetypal qualities) combine or fuse together, a new state is produced that contains new possibilities that expands its range of expression.

Other Articles:

The Physics of the Soul, the Nature of Our Character, and the Holographic Nature of Reality

Existing Simultaneously in Multiple Dimensions – The Two Stages and Levels of Spiritual Awakening

A state that exists as a closed system (solitary) remains coherent, and only changes states by combining with an outside force or element. It can only merge into and energetically combine with systems that are vibrating at a similar frequency and that are within a close enough range where they can be drawn in through resonance and gestated into a coherent state. Any vibration that’s not of a similar state of mind or within close enough range, is repelled or cast off and can’t be successfully integrated. Any frequency vibrating in close enough proximity to be inducted, causes the system to briefly decohere, where it changes its vibration through the integration of a correlated frequency, and within a short interval they begin vibrating in harmony with each other forming an altered state for both.

The principle of vibration, sympathetic resonance, and coherence is conceptualized as an interference pattern, where two fields of a same or similar state merge into each other, and depending on their phasing, cancel out some aspects while amplifying and multiplying other ones, forming a new pattern as a shared state or frequency. These same principles as a visual concept is portrayed in Spiritual Sciences by the Dyad, which is the merging and combining of polar opposites of the same frequency or idea, combining with itself (same qualities) as another, forming the Triad as the internal representation of a new idea or pattern (variation) that provides a mental map for organizing an outer (lower) reality (coherent field of light) of the same nature.

All material forms are accompanied by an energetic double or twin, also called its soul or spirit. The term spirit is used to recognize and discuss the invisible forces and archetypal intelligences that construct and hold together the material world, and the term soul is the holographic blueprint formed out of memory of itself. Every aspect of the cosmos, no exceptions, is alive and possesses some form of intelligence and degree of consciousness. All organic matter is accompanied by an energy field comprised of memory that provides the means and template for undergoing a constant process of life, death, and regeneration as an automated self-perpetuating process of growth and development. These synchronized stages of development provide us with a plethora of experiences that all emerge out of a universal theme.

The Dyad as the Vesica Piscis and womb of the universe

Superposition is a term used to describe an object as existing in multiple states all at once as waveform that contains all possibilities (variables) for that object, and only through a relationship formed by mental coupling does the wave of possibilities collapse into one possibility. An object exists in a latent state of infinite possibilities until it’s observed (perceived). The mind observing it resonates (vibrates it) with the possibility that matches its mental paradigm, influencing how it forms and appears to the person perceiving it. This same object in the same place being observed by multiple people, will appear different to each one based on their mental paradigm, which is what forms their perceptual lens. There’s no such thing as an objective reality that exists independent of the individual mind observing and interacting with it. All reality is a subjective construct that forms an outer reflection of our mental paradigm and is fundamentally a personal creation being formed by our mind at the subtle level. As we conceive an idea, we mould it to our mental paradigm, modifying it to form a personalized variation. Reality, in the most basic sense, is formed by our perception of it. Even as quantum physicists, the only way we have of knowing if something is true or not, and therefore real, is if two or more people appear to be seeing the same thing.

Systems can also be entangled through multiple states and behave in a similar way as correlated dynamics. States not only have patterns and a self-assembling mechanism inherent in them, they also have correlated activities and function through the same universal themes as behavioral dynamics. This is because a system is formed initially by a single state (cell) that reproduces itself (multiplies) dozens, hundreds, thousands, or even billions of times to form what appears as a single unit or greater operating system. One of the easiest ways to understand this idea is by looking at our own physical body. Our body starts off as a single cell encoded with a genetic formula (etheric blueprint) that reproduces itself to form two cells, which also reproduces forming four cells, which reproduce to form eight cells, and so on, as a continuous process of self-generation by dividing and doubling to produce billions of cells that are all of the same energetic state.

Each cell, when reproduced, differentiates in order to perform a specialized function in a greater whole. We then view them as separate cells that form different parts of a much larger system, rather than a system comprised of a single cell that self-replicates each time as a unique variable that’s designed to perform a specialized function in a larger system. When looked at from this perspective we can easily call ourselves a single cell organism and be intrinsically correct. This same process can be understood as the creation of the universe, galaxies, star systems, solar systems, and planetary bodies. Entanglement is the interconnectedness of the part with the whole that is at once determining it while being determined by it. The intergalactic connectedness of all sentient beings that make up a greater whole are ultimately comprised of the same essence (starlight), vibratory frequency, and mental state.

Ascension through the tetragrammaton
The Aether and the Quantum Plenum

What used to be viewed scientifically as a vacuum of empty space, turns out to not be empty at all, but is teaming with information as energy in a neutral, subtle, or potential state. Space itself is more like a medium of subtle energy (energy that has no physical properties that can be measured) that exists in a state of probability, and only becomes organized into something specific when interacted with by a charged, organized field (mental paradigm) of consciousness. This electrical interaction works through the principle of entanglement as wave-particle duality, where states always have both an electric and magnetic component that are polarized aspects of each other, and their interaction is formed as a relationship. There are basically 3 forces always at work in forming a single construct as a coherent field of ordered and organized information, and these are electric, magnetic, and neutral (protons, neutrons, electrons), which in the grand scheme of things are different aspects and functions of the same mind and essence on a larger, more universal scale.

What we used to refer to as the vacuum of space-time is now referred to as the quantum plenum, which is a form of subtle energy out of which organized (living) systems ultimately emerge and come alive with activity. This same medium of cosmic intelligence is referred to in spiritual sciences as the Astral Plane of the mind through which living intelligences as archetypes exist in a latent state of pure potential, and only become formed into a material construct when being energetically interacted with by the individual mind. This astral field of the mind is also polarized and exists simultaneously on two levels as parallel dimensions that are intertwined as a superposition, called the conscious and subconscious aspect of the same higher mind, the universal and personal, and the mortal and immortal soul. The upper part of this plane contains the energetic substrata as a field of vivified essence (attributes and properties) that forms the electrical blueprint (frequency) as an invisible hologram that provides the builders plan for constructing the material body. This holographic blueprint is called the astral or etheric body of the soul, and the phantom that accompanies DNA, used for not only constructing and regenerating the physical body out of memory, but also emanating a correlated outer reality formed out of the same memory as a waveform.

we exist in a field of vibration
The Ether of the Mind

A vacuum isn’t an absence of energy, where it’s truly empty, it’s where the background field is in its lowest energy state as a form of neutrality. This is the same realm referred to as the ultimate realm of pure spirit being unformed, and therefore non-existent, while also providing the basis (information) out of which all life forms emerge and take shape as living entities. What wave-particle duality shows us is there’s no fundamental difference between the behavior of energy and matter because they behave simultaneously as both substance and waves. Correlated particles emerge out of the plenum (invisible field), exist momentarily, and then resolve back into it (they pop in and out of existence in a wave-like motion). This can be thought of metaphorically as the process we go through in running a variety of scenarios through our mind in order to make a decision, and once the decision is made, the variables not chosen dissolve back into the field of latent possibilities.  

This same energetic phenomenon describes not only how our personal reality systematically emerges out of our mental state as a correlation, but also the process that takes place when we’re both born into a physical body, and then return to a pure mental state as a conscious field of memory when our body dies. Anything that takes on a physical form has an inherent life expectancy and is therefore temporary and mortal, whereas the consciousness as an energetic field that forms the spatial map for the material form, and exists on a higher, parallel plane its indigenous to, is eternal and immortal, and simply forms the energetic basis (recorded memory) for another form to systematically emerge and take shape as an ongoing evolutionary process of becoming. Energy as consciousness is what assembles, holds together, and maintains the material constructs that also act to confine and imprison it. Once the form is disintegrated and dissolves, the energy is released and free to produce a new form.

All reality exists in a fundamental state of probability. At the fundamental level it exists in a neutral state of pure potential, with infinite possibilities for creating as a unique variation each time it’s made manifest. It exists in a superposition of states simultaneously, containing all possibilities for formation, and doesn’t take on a distinct form until it’s looked at or mentally observed. It’s only through observation as an interaction that the wave of infinite potential and possibilities is collapsed around a single possibility and takes on the appearance that reflects back to the observer its own mental construct as a reflection of itself. But the self being referred to here isn’t the body or physical appearance, it’s the mind, which is the field of coherent memory that forms their paradigm. Our paradigm vibrates at a specific frequency that’s unique to us and determines how we experience ourselves as our life. The vibration of our paradigm determines the patterns formed as an ongoing life theme that acts on the field around us to vibrate and call forth in an active state of expression only what can be used to form the outer reality that matches our inner state. As we connect the outer with the inner as a continuous field of the same idea, we form an experience of our self through the reality formed by our thoughts and expectations. Whatever we believe to be true, determines how we act on the field of infinite possibilities around us to reflect back to us the reality of our beliefs as a means of experiencing them.

Memory of ourselves in a previous time

Our mind is formed as a holographic model that vibrates at a particular frequency and consistently orders (filters by activating) and organizes the outer field of light into a coherent construct, forming it into a personalized version as a finite possibility. All reality as we’re capable of knowing it, is formed through our perception, and our perception is formed through a dynamic series of mental filters (superposition of correlated states) that act to only see, abstract (vibrate) and pull out of the ether what matches and can be used to construct the outer reality that reflects back to us our inner reality. All material forms are created and maintained through the interaction of polarized fields.

Ethereal phenomenon doesn’t behave according to the traditional principles of physics because it usually only deals with the material aspect (effect), while leaving out or ignoring the wave-like, mental aspect, which is causal in nature. What we refer to as our consciousness, which can also be thought of as our souls essence and true existence, is ethereal (invisible) and hidden, and manifests as waves of consciousness. The observer and what’s being observed are different parts of the same event. There’s no meaningful or accurate way to separate or consider them as independent of each other, because they’re twin aspects of same thing, and exist in relationship with each other as a coherent and stabilized field of light. This is easy to recognize by the fact that two people who are apart of the same situation or happening will see it in a different way that creates a unique experience of it. No two people see the world the same way, the only thing that’s similar is a generalized idea about it that we all share in common. Public education and academia work to try and remedy this problem by teaching everyone the same ideas using the same type of models as a way of cultural and global conditioning.

Multiple systems can also be entangled causing them to behave in a correlated manner, where they play off each other by moving in-sync with each other. Any change introduced causes the systems to decohere, becoming chaotic and confusing, until its brought back into an organized state through a newly employed ritual or behavioral pattern that provides them with a new way of functioning. Any change introduced gradually in small increments are easily incorporated in a harmonious manner, gradually changing how the system operates. This same principle of entanglement applies to all systems, no matter how great or small, from subatomic particles to whole biological Eco-systems, to solar systems, galaxies, and the cosmos as a whole, because it’s all based on correlated states.

higher self
Zero Point Energy and the Multiverse & The Many Worlds Theory

Electrons and particles always emerge spontaneously out of the aether as polarized, electromagnetic twins that spin in opposite directions, and can only be reconciled through a third element. The interaction of polarized twins always produces a third element as a neutral or coherent state that combines them. If the state of one fluctuates or changes, the other instantly changes in the exact same way without any interference or direct interaction. One particle spins clockwise as a positive charge or number, while the other one spins in a counterclockwise motion as a negative charge or number, and when combined cancel each other out, resulting in a sum spin of zero. They always counterbalance each other forming what appears as a stable, stationary field of light as the reality inherent in their energetic state. The sum of their plus and minus spin always reduces to zero forming a coherent wave of energy.

A vibratory frequency is always comprised intrinsically with a pattern-idea and a self-organizing mechanism, which assembles the idea into an outer material form that encases or houses the energetic force (spirit) that constructed it, and together they produce a dynamic living being as a mind-body system. This mind-body system is coherent when it functions as a closed system, but when it interacts with another coherent system outside of it, where the two mind-fields blend into each other, an interference pattern is formed, where only the correlated aspects that are of a similar frequency interact, canceling out some attributes while amplifying others, forming a new state as a combination, which likewise shifts the reality of both to form a joint experience.

The Multiverse or Many Worlds Theory basically recognizes that as soon as the potential exists for any object to be in any state, the universe of that object transmutes into a series of dynamically correlated parallel universes (dimensions) equal to the number of possible states in which the object can exist, with each universe or world containing a unique single possible state of that object. There’s a greater cosmic medium (aether) and mechanism for interaction between these worlds that somehow allows all states to be accessible in some way and for all states to be affected in the same manner. This theory is difficult to grasp in the most basic sense when we work only from the material aspect of an idea, but it can be at least intuitively understood when we approach it from the purely mental aspect, which is the causal factor that determines which possibility becomes manifested.

Stargate to parallel dimensions

Anytime we want to make a change or create something new in our life, we start by running all the possibilities we can think of through our mind as imaginary scenarios in order to make a decision as to which one we want to go with. We play them out as possibilities for producing a new or altered version of our current life situation. Each possibility represents an alternative reality that will branch off from our existing reality to form a new timeline as a way of being that will bring new types of experiences. Each one of these is a possibility for reforming and transmuting our current life path as an altered state of mind. Once we consider all our options, we make a decision as to which one we like the best, and then proceed to take the action necessary to bring it about as a new type of life experience. Not only did we create and set in motion a whole series of possibilities, each of which represented a world of its own as a parallel dimension, we also acted, first mentally and then physically, to manifest and bring about the universe of our decision. We literally manifested a new version of our current life situation by altering our state of mind.

In the Multiverse Theory, not only did each possibility exist within the aether as a state, but was set in motion as a timeline of its own that continues to propagate through the medium of the aether, which “is” the subtle energy of the mind, and remain correlated (entangled) as they continue along different timelines or pathways because they originated from the same act of creation involving the same idea and point in time. All possibilities are born out of a state, and all states have an infinite number of possibilities for producing a reality. Not only do the timeline or virtual memory of each imaginary scenario continue to exist, but the timeline as the path you were currently on also continues as an alternate or parallel reality, because it’s all based on energetic states formed in the mind.

Space-time is a quantum system of entanglement and superposition of correlated states that resonate in harmony with each other. Mental states are formed out of an archetypal matrix and form a superposition of entangled states as a hierarchy. An archetypal matrix is formed as a unique combination of attributes and qualities developed to different degrees and according to different dynamics or applications, that form our internal nature as a coherent and consistent state of mind. Superposition represents multiple states of the same thing that exist simultaneously and are superimposed over each other or layered as a hierarchical structure of parallel dimensions that all form different possibilities for the same universal theme.

Wormhole that connects alternate dimensions

Humans have wave-substance duality as our mind-body system, which is composed of polar twins (positive and negative) of the same memory, and together produce and maintain a coherent light matrix as both our inner and outer world, which are extensions of each other formed out of the same state that manifests simultaneously on multiple planes and scales as both substance and a wave. These parallel planes that are energetically (consciously) correlated with each other form what’s called the higher conscious mind and lower subconscious, which are polar aspects of the same superconscious mind, all of which exist as parallel dimensions that form a gradient of vibration as a scale. We’re always dealing with 3 aspects that exist simultaneously on 3 levels, while performing different functions in creating the same thing as a coherent construct of astral light (reality).

The higher plane is archetypal and original in nature, the middle plane and lower plane are polar aspects of the higher one, and the middle, conscious mind acts as a medium for performing a step-down process that vibrates at a frequency that’s in between the higher and lower and acts to unite them. The middle mind vibrates at a pure enough (non-personal) frequency to draw in the divine archetypal ideas of the higher frequency, and modify them by adapting them to the frequency of the lower mind, where they can be made manifest as a coherent reality that serves as a dynamic reflection of the archetypal soul. The divine is made manifest through a process of energetic transduction as an interpretation by adapting and thereby modifying the vibration to the level of the lower mind, forming a coherent field of superposed states. The lower dimension forms an outer reflection of the higher dimension, allowing the universal soul to perceive and experience itself.

Dr. Linda Gadbois

Transpersonal Psychologist, Integrative Mind-Body Medicine Consultant, and Spiritual Teacher

Gold bar
Gold bar