The Mysteries of the Pineal Gland and the True Nature of the Imagination
The Pineal gland is a gland of the Endocrine system of the body, which is a series of ductless glands that produce a variety of hormones that are directly released in the bloodstream that produce emotional states and govern the regulatory aspects of maintaining all major systems of the...
Light and Dark Forces – The Illusion of Good and Evil and the Balance of Life
Light, which is often portrayed as white is in reality, invisible. What makes light visible as an illumination is an effect of the elements where photons (light particles) are either reflected off particles and form the colors they reflect, or photons are absorbed into matter and remain invisible, or...
The Tetragrammaton – The Sacred Name of God
In sacred geometry, all ideas are represented by a geometric shape (the chemical structure of the physical world) or composite image as a “formula of information” that’s very dynamic in nature because each shape represents a principle and each composite image a relationship. All “ideas” exist originally in a...
Decoding Sacred Geometry: The Tetragrammaton
“How the Mind Manifests Personal Reality” Sacred geometry communicates the universal language of Universal Law, vibration and potential that impregnates matter with an animated form. God speaks to us in the language of mathematics, not as a bean-counting process that most have been taught, but as a philosophical system...
Developing a Moral Code – “Practical Application of Universal Laws”
Many people hold the belief that moral values or a moral code of conduct is a form of standards as a man-made concept born out of various types of judgment of right and wrong, or good and bad. In much the same way we think of the idea of...
The Monad – The Primary Law of the Mind
“The Electromagnetic Sphere of Consciousness that Forms the Individual Mind of the Soul” The Monad is a term used in Sacred Geometry that represents the primary principle that governs the mind as the electromagnetic energy field that surrounds, informs, and animates all living matter. The mind, which is synonymous...
Creation, Transformation, and Evolution
“Laws that Govern the Creative Process” While many people see creating something from scratch as a new creation, to be considerably different than transforming something that already exists into something different, they are in fact, achieved through the same fundamental set of laws that are simply applied in unique...
The Third Eye and the Spiritual Experience of Conscious Dreaming
The pineal gland and subtle organ of the third eye directly associated with it, are often symbolized as a form of internal gateway or portal to alternate dimensions, where we experience a form of inner vision, hallucination, or dream as a spiritual experience. Often when we talk about envisioning,...
Pineal Gland – “Inner Stargate to Higher Dimensions”
Many have heard that the Pineal gland or what is commonly called the ‘3rd eye’ is what they refer to as the body’s inner stargate. While this is certainly a cool and intriguing idea, many don’t know for sure what that actually means in practical terms. The Pineal gland...
Soul Essence – “Patterns of Potentiality”
One of ways we can understand the Soul, is as an energetic patterning that exists in its potential form. It is comprised of latent potential that is naturally awakened partially during our formative years through our conditioning, while other potential remains latent and must be awakened intentionally through deliberate...