Category: Mind Development

Intuition – Inner Knowing and Awareness of Spiritual Energy

Our intuition isn’t necessarily a skill or tool that we use at will, although it can be, but comes more as a basic way of perceiving and interacting with the world around us. It comes as feelings about things as a direct experience where we know about something without...

Consciousness – “Mood, Memory, and Vibration”

“The Akasha Field and the Vibratory Nature of the Mind” The Akasha, which is called by many names – the Book of Life, Hall of Records, Quintessence, Akashic field, the Unified Field, Quantum Plenum, the Ether, and so on – is similar to the idea of a vast library...

Transcending to a Higher Level of Consciousness

“Moving from Personal Consciousness to Universal Consciousness” The first thing we’d have to establish when contemplating this idea as levels of consciousness, is what does higher mean? Higher, in this case means non-personal or in service of humanity (as a whole) and not for selfish reasons or personal gain...

Understanding the Musical Nature of the Mind as a Vibratory Frequency

The Mind as a Frequency Creates a Consistent Experience of Reality When we use the term musical in this context, we’re not referring to music in the ordinary sense, but rather of the laws that govern music, which are the primary laws of vibration. Everything in the universe is...

Learning to Recognize and Understand Your Life Story and Identity

 We’re always the ones Creating ourselves and our Life Experience by the Story we begin telling about things Our mind exists as a paradigm that forms a unified expression as a personal reality through a natural form of storytelling. As humans, we’re always in the process of telling a...

Learning How to Self-Reflect and Gain Self-Realization

 Lessons for Spiritual Development The primary process of spiritual development is self-realization that allows for self-mastery. Self, in both of these cases means coming to recognize and understand the intimate relationship between the body and the soul spirit. One of the most natural tendencies we have as humans, is...

The Mind Generates Reality – We are the Sole Creators of Our Experiences

 All Reality as we know it is Subjective Reality One of the most basic misunderstandings or confusion comes from our interpretation of reality as opposed to our experience of reality. Many people believe that what they’re experiencing as reality is the same thing that everyone else is experiencing, or...

Our Creative Power Lies in Our Imagination

 Perception as an Interpretation is a Product of the Imagination The imagination is the faculty of the mind that we use for creating reality as an internal experience. We first form our experiences by how we imagine them internally to give them meaning, which restructures them by the story...
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