Year: 2016

The Art of Modeling – How to Consciously Create Yourself

 Our most basic ability to create in life is our ability to self-create by intentionally developing our character as qualities and traits that produce natural behaviors. Most of us were created in a purely unconscious manner through stimulus – response as a natural part of our childhood conditioning, and...

Creating a Vision for Your Life

Choice, Will, and the Power of the Imagination While many of us may say or feel as if we have a vision for our life, it’s usually more of a vague idea that we keep running through our mind about what we want to do or what we’d rather...

The Secret Language of Metaphor, Analogy, and Allegory

The greatest secrets throughout human history have been concealed in a universal or metaphorical language, historically written as ancient hieroglyphs or symbolic images that convey whole ideas through the details inherent in a single composite image. What we call written language originated as symbolic images that required interpretation in...

Frequencies and Thought Transmission – Infinite Potential of Associated Ideas

We tend to think of thought transmission or mental projection of an idea as sending a specific idea or thought-form itself to someone else (from one location to another), believing that it will be picked up (received) as the same form of thought, image, or idea that we sent...

Vesica Piscis – The Law of Relationship, Birth, and Reformation

 The Vesica Pisces is what’s called the womb of life, and is represented in sacred geometry as the Dyad, and in other symbolic systems as the Yin and Yang, or masculine and feminine aspects of a greater whole. The Dyad, symbolized as a Monad or mind-sphere that separates (or...

Love, Desire, and Union – The Nature of the Ego and How We Shape Ourselves

Whatever idea we accept, believe, and use to perceive ourselves through, we become like in nature, and use to shape ourselves into the same image. We’re always creating our self-image by what we admire, associate with, and mold ourselves to be like. There has been a significant and gross...

State of Mind – The Science and Art of Personal Transformation

 All spiritual development comes by way of embodying and expressing certain qualities that alter our consciousness through employing them, and develop our character accordingly. Qualities are states of mind that form our perceptual lens and alter our vibration as a level of consciousness. Our character, which is the basis...

Internal Representations – How Our Mental Paradigm Creates our Reality

 We don’t perceive the outside world as it actually is, a part from us, but rather by reshaping it to be like us. What’s being observed and the person doing the observing are a part of the same event, and together form a new creation. There’s really no such...

Choice and Freewill – Our Ability to Self-Create

Man is not only bestowed with a higher level of consciousness through our ability to create internal experiences out of external stimulus as thought, but also through our ability to choose and willfully act out that choice to create our own experiences. These self-created experiences then become our memory,...
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