Frequencies and Thought Transmission – Infinite Potential of Associated Ideas
We tend to think of thought transmission or mental projection of an idea as sending a specific idea or thought-form itself to someone else (from one location to another), believing that it will be picked up (received) as the same form of thought, image, or idea that we sent it as, and because of this, we don’t understand how it actually works. There’s always a translation taking place between a universal idea as an archetype (prototype) and the personal interpretation of the universal as something specific (one possibility). What has been made into a specific idea as a personal expression through the individual mind being is then returned to its universal state as a means of being transmitted through the invisible field of information that exists all around us and acts as a medium that connects everything as a cohesive whole. We don’t send the thought itself, but rather tune into that same type of thought, while also mentally connecting to the person or place we’re transmitting it to.
The wave as a frequency of information, can be thought of as a thematic idea, that has an infinite range of possible expression as an adaptation to not only the individual mind conceiving of it, but also how it exists in relation to their life conditions, specific circumstances, point in their evolution, mood at the time, and so on, all of which translate the wave pattern into a specific version or application of that idea as a personal expression of it or as one possibility. This is what quantum physics calls collapsing the wave into a particle as one potential, or as converting a vast and unformed idea into a unique variation through a practical application which morphs and modifies it.

Likewise, when transmitting information as thoughts, we have to return our individual interpretation to its universal state (feeling) as a wave of pure potential that’s based on the intention inherent in the thought, or the thematic idea of the thought as an association or analogy. Once converted out of a personalized expression and back into a thematic, universal form (archetype), it can naturally be transmitted through the unified field and readily picked up on by another who’s tuned into the same wave as a frequency while in a passive and receptive state, who receives the information in its whole form as a wave of potential for a thematic idea, and upon receiving can adapt, apply, and translate it to form a personalized interpretation of what comes in a purely energetic state, and is turned into an idea or thought of an associated or similar nature, though it’s a unique variation of the same general idea.
The error often comes when we fail to realize that our personal thoughts are only capable of being formed by us through how we adopt an idea to our mental model or paradigm as a frequency itself, that selects (resonates with) the possibility most appropriate as filtered through our belief and value system, and as applied to our exact circumstances, which is what turns it into something specific. All universal information as intelligence, exists in its wave-form as an unformed and purely potential state. Within the frequency of a wave exists a thematic idea, also called an archetype. An archetype is not only an image, concept, or idea in its static, abstract form, but also as a set of attributes, qualities, and temperament, or personality traits most ideally suited for not only expressing the idea by applying it to a unique set of variables, but also as the ability to act it out, by becoming it in personality and identity.

Ideas have to come through us, in relationship with us, as our personalized expression of that idea in a unique manner. So they come with specific personality traits as a state of mind most conducive to actualizing them as a living reality. The wave as a theme of endless potential allows for a unique expression of a common idea every time it’s received and conceptualized as a modification that reformulates what’s being emphasized, exaggerated, pronounced, embellished, accentuated, and what is subdued, played down, barely acknowledged, or ignored all together. Each mind adapts and reforms the idea to their personal style for creating based on the intention that’s being employed.
So we don’t transmit or pick up on other peoples thoughts as their specific images and ideas as a personalized expression, but rather as the same frequency as a wave-form that forms feelings and mental impressions of an associated and corresponding manner. When we transmit thoughts intentionally, we have to concentrate not on the details or personal emphasis, but on the idea as a general mood or feeling associated with it and the intention that spawns it as an imagined idea or scenario. Once we return it to its universal state of pure potential as a frequency that allows for an infinite possibilities for formation by the receiver, it’s transmitted without resistance. As its picked up or conceived by someone of the same wave-length, it’s turned into an associated idea as a variation, that still holds true to the general idea and is of the same intention, simply born out of a unique application as an adaptation. In the spiritual sense of pure energy as consciousness, all ideas exist as archetypal prototypes that form a unique and individualized expression every time they’re utilized by the individual mind, which is what allows us to create within our life in a very precise, determined, and appropriate manner.