The Vibratory Structure of the Mind – “Our Paradigm and Mental Model of the World”
Our Paradigm forms our Perceptual Lens through which we Experience Reality
Our mind is a field of subtle energy as consciousness that’s vibrating at a certain frequency. While we may think of vibration as sound or movement around a pole, or between two poles, and while all energy follows this basic principle, vibration also has what we call a self-organizing principle or structuring mechanism inherent in it that form photons (matter) into distinct patterns. All subtle energy is a primal form of consciousness as the information and active force necessary to grow the information into a life-form of some kind. The frequency the energy vibrates at reflects the quality of consciousness inherent in it, and the type of patterns it forms, and the activity of those patterns as behaviors or functions of some sort. All living forms contain varying degrees of consciousness, which is reflected in its nature, the qualities it possesses, how it grows, functions, or operates, and in the case of higher forms of consciousness, what personality it’s imbued with.

The mind, or subtle energy field of a living being, which accompanies its physical form as the creator of that form, vibrates at a certain frequency, which determines how it’s structured and how it performs based on its structure. The mind is a living field that is centered in the heart of every living being and pulsates outward forming a sphere that surrounds and extends quite some distance from the body, and flows in a toroidal pattern as a spiraling form of respiration. It extends out, interacts with the other mind-fields and vibratory information in the environment, attracting and integrating information of a similar vibration and consciousness, while repulsing anything of a different frequency, then enfolds back into itself, digesting and assimilating the energy, modifying and upgrading its vibration as its fundamental structure, based on how it incorporates new information into the existing paradigm. Our mind is the electromagnetic field that both simultaneously projects and magnetizes, unfolds and enfolds. It’s constantly transforming based on digesting and metabolizing similar energy around it as a way of equalizing and becoming like the environment it exists within, functions naturally as a part of, and survives within.
The basic structure of the mind forms a pattern or paradigm as a dynamic model that’s the formation of its vibratory frequency. Our mental paradigm is a model that we look through and use to perceive the world around us. Our model is like a template or archetypal blueprint that still maintains the self-organizing mechanism inherent in all vibration, which acts to reshape our outer world to match our inner (mental) world. We translate the outer world, which has an infinite amount of information inherent in it, and reform it into the same archetypal pattern as our minds vibration, reforming it as a personal creation. We’re always taking the outer as the universal mass consciousness and reshaping it into a personalized version just through the act of perceiving and forming an interpretation of it.

Our model of the world is thematic in nature, and not only develops our basic character and how we think and feel, but also forms the type of reality our model produces as an experience, and what type of story we’re always in the process of telling through our natural way of perceiving the world and how we interpret neutral events to give them personal meaning as a way of experiencing them. This theme as the basic expression of our vibratory frequency forms consistent and congruent experiences of the outer reality throughout our life, making it cohesive and coherent.
A paradigm is a pattern structured out of accumulated and synthesized memory that acts as a template and filtering mechanism. When we look out into the world around us, we only see and recognize (cognate) what’s of the same nature as we are (vibratory frequency), or in other words, what we have previous information about that we’ve cohesively incorporated into our story about things. We can only incorporate and make use of information that can be understood through our model. Any new information that’s not a part of our model (similar to it), we can’t comprehend, and don’t even see it in the real sense of the word. In order to see something differently, we have to be able to incorporate the right type of information in gradual steps, which build on a process, and once a threshold is met, a paradigm shift takes place.
Once a shift takes place, which means the pattern as the model of our mind literally changes vibration, allowing us to not only see a new reality, but actually comprehend what we’re seeing in functional terms. Once we can see and reorganize an idea, we can gain a working understanding of it by simply observing and studying it. But until enough information is received and digested that’s necessary to see a new and different idea in the same old idea or reality, and a realization takes place, and our model is literally transformed to a new vibration as a new perceptual filtering system, we can’t comprehend what our model doesn’t support.
Our mental paradigm is structured throughout our life by our primary and natural disposition, temperament, attitude, preferences, beliefs, values, and memories, and how we process information using our model to make sense of things through the story we tell ourselves about them. Our model allows us to describe, explain, and utilize ideas in the practical sense. Sometimes, even when we can see things we can’t make sense of them, because they can’t be explained using our model in a practical way that allows for a conceptualization which is necessary in order to understand something. The whole purpose of education and devoted study of some sort, is to provide yourself with a variety of new forms of information and knowledge that you can begin consistently integrating and building into your model to grow and upgrade it in a consistent fashion that will allow for greater and greater comprehension of an expanded array of ideas and disciplines.

The best way to grow your mind and increase your vibratory frequency is through devoted study of some form where knowledge is imagined in conceptual terms and brought into practice producing an actual experience of it. Only knowledge that’s acquired through practice is integrated into the mind as memory. Whatever we experience is automatically integrated into our mind just through the experience itself and modifies our model in a way that completely makes sense to us. The memory itself is a pattern as a vibration that upgrades all other patterns to be comparable and harmonious through resonance and coherence. Because of this feature, we are the only ones who can intentionally grow our own minds by intentionally undergoing certain types of practices that bring us true knowledge in a first-hand method of being the vehicle through which it becomes expressed in the world. In order to know we have to become one with an idea, and allow it to express through us through willful action that employs it to create the reality it implies giving us a sense of ourselves within that reality as an experience of it.
As we bring ideas into practice of some form creating a reality, producing the experience as the creator of that reality, we simultaneously shape ourselves by way of that experience integrating it naturally into our mental paradigm as an expanded possibility. As we incorporate new possibilities as practices of some sort, we grow and develop our mind through the incorporation of that vibration, altering and modifying our overall vibration as a result. The only way there is to change our vibratory frequency is through learning new things by embodying them and growing through the experience it brings. When we rely on life events to grow us, we grow slowly, or sometimes not at all, because we are always perceiving, interpreting, and experiencing more of the same vibratory frequency. We tend to process all incoming information through our mental paradigm, transforming it to match, instead of allowing new experiences to transform our mental paradigm through new applications and behaviors. When, however, we continue to provide ourselves with new information that we concentrate on, imagine and conceptualize, producing a possible reality as a template or pathway, then bring into practice in our lives in some manner by actually employing it to produce the reality it claims to produce, absorbing and acquiring it through the direct experience of it as a form of self-expression, we act on ourselves to transform ourselves by intentionally altering our vibration.
Transpersonal Psychologist, Personal Transformation Coach, and Spiritual Teacher