Understanding the Spiritual Power of Fear

Fear is one of the most powerful spiritual forces there are due to how it functions on the human psyche and within the mind-body relationship. While fear comes instinctively as the means of warning us of an actual danger and immediate threat, allowing us time to prepare or by producing an immediate response, when it’s brought into the human mind, it tends to take hold and begin running our thoughts long after the danger has passed, causing us to create imaginary realities out of the feeling of fear. While some believe it’s only designed to stop us from taking a calculated action, or as ‘false evidence appearing real’ (F.E.A.R.), at the energetic level of the human soul, it does and allows much, much more.

In order to truly understand the powerful effect of fear, we have to embrace a number of presuppositions that will move us out of our personal belief system and into a neutral and more universal arena. One is that the soul is not the body itself, and is housed in the body as its vehicle and instrument for creating and functioning within the material world, and is actually a spirit (invisible being) in its most natural and fundamental state. The soul works through the medium of the mind as the means of creating reality. The soul is both formed and unformed at the same time and exists in a constant state of transformation based on what energies it absorbs and integrates into its mind from its surroundings. The soul is primarily a spirit in its most natural and fundamental state. All of what we experience as emotions that enter into us and produce an immediate effect in our psychological state, are also spirits that inhabit the astral plane, and are invisible. The human soul is the only entity in the natural world that’s capable of creating within the material form through active use of choice and will, which is conducted through the faculty of the imagination.

While we have what’s called Elements of material form that are shaped and animated by the higher mind as what we call essence and matter, there also exists what are called Elementals, which are the forces of Nature that enter into and inhabit matter, animating it with a form of personality. These natural forces exist in the ether (atmosphere) around us, and are constantly being transmitted through the atmosphere telepathically. All of Nature exists within the soul of the Earth as what we refer to as the subconscious aspect of the universal mind. The terms soul and mind are synonymous, and are referring to the same ‘organized field of energy’ (paradigm), which acts as the medium for a constant form of energy exchange between the inner and the outer, both of which are extensions of the same field of information. The human soul is not fixed energetically and is in a constant eternal state of fluctuating and ‘becoming’ based on what energies it resonates with, absorbs, and integrates into its being from the space around it.

Human energy field of the mind

This natural process of absorbing and integrating energy is conducted continuously without our direct awareness through sympathetic resonance. We ‘breathe energy’ in the same way we breathe air, because air is the astral plane of energy as intelligence that exist all around us in a ‘potential (unformed) state’. These energies can only acquire a form and be able to express by co-inhabiting an already existing life-form. They’re not a ‘soul’ as a multidimensional being themselves, but are merely ‘aspects’ of the soul as personality traits that can be acquired (absorbed) and utilized (expressed) by a soul as the means of creating. They exist naturally as a part of the unified field of ‘instinct’ that drives all animal behaviors in an automatic way. The term astral plane can be understood as the atmosphere which is illuminated with the sun’s (star) light. This is why spirit is represented by breath and the Air Element, which is formed through a combination of Fire-Light and Water-sensation, which also translates as will and emotion.

While we form a model of our material existence as being comprised of the 4 basic Elements as ‘states of matter’, if we look closely we’ll realize that there’s really only 2 Elements, those of Fire and Water, whose combining and fusing together as one forms air, which forms the etheric-light body for Earth, which is formed as a combination of all 3 Elements to manifest as a living being. Everything comes into existence through pairs of complementary energies that combine and fuse together to form a ‘working third’ as a greater whole. All matter exists as an ’empty shell’ (ghost-like essence) that’s passive and therefore magnetic in nature, and only acquires what consciousness it has from the atmosphere (ether) around it that it serves as a house and vehicle for. Matter is not conscious itself, but only serves to draw in and act as a dwelling place for spirit to actualize as a manifestation.

The spirit maintains its energetic constitution while in a body and continues to constantly evolve itself by interacting with the spirits all around it, which serve to alter its vibratory state and how it functions as a result. This process of energy exchange can be fully regulated by the soul through realization and active use of will in determining what’s ‘allowed in’ and allowed to ‘take hold’, and what’s rejected and kept out. But of course the soul has to remain awake and self-aware while fully submerged in the subconscious of the dense planes in order to exercise this power. When the soul becomes lost in the outer illusion of reality it doesn’t realize what’s actually happening and how it’s happening, and instead mistakes it for being real and beyond its control, creating a state of hopelessness. The loss of hope comes as a form of chronic, low-grade fear that eats away the spirit.

The nature of our shadow
The True Nature of Evil

The other thing that we have to understand in order to work effectively with this idea is that what we call ‘evil’ is not something that exists independent of us, but rather something we create by how we use our will as intention in employing certain energies as a means of creating. We have to let go of all ideas of good and bad, and of evil and righteousness, and view everything around us ‘as it actually exists apart from us’. There’s no such thing as an evil force out there lurking in the dark waiting to prey on us without us knowing it. There are only souls using their will to intentionally employ these forces as a means of creating in a way we call evil and bad, because they’re morally destructive and employed intentionally to cause harm to others.

Every energy of the natural world exists as what we can think of as ‘states’ that are experienced as a kind of personality trait and attitude that functions and behaves in a way that produces a natural operation. If we have a desire to function in a certain way, we employ the proper power necessary to do it. When we don’t have the natural personality it takes to perform in certain ways or handle certain types of situations in the most appropriate and beneficial way, we seek to connect with that power in the environment (space) around us and utilize it willfully. We naturally act to ‘draw in’ whatever it is we need in order to handle a situation in the best way possible. As we draw in and apprehend these forces from the empty space around us, they not only change how we feel and act, they also go on to become a ‘voice in our mind’ that continues to influence our decision making process through a constant form of debate and discussion. If you simply observe your own mind anytime you’re at a point of making up your mind about something, you’ll notice a discussion takes place as internal dialogue that has several different points of view. These energies as personality traits become a voice with a specific attitude and point of view that’s always talking to us about things, trying to sway us to its way of thinking. Once the situation that we utilized it for passes and we no longer need it, it’s already set-up-house and stays on as a natural part of our internal dialogue that forms our thought processes.

Negative emotions are destructive
The Magnetic Pulse of Fear through Abandonment

In psychology these energies are referred to as ‘sub-personalities’, which we also acquire unintentionally anytime we’re scared, frightened, surprised, shocked, or traumatized. While they’re useful initially in helping us deal with whatever is happening, they stay and go on to become problematic because they continue to express in the same way outside of a situation that warrants it and serve to recreate the same type of situations all over again. All energies are self-fulfilling and only serve to create more of what’s like itself. The only reason these energies are present in the situation that’s causing fear is due to the fact that they’re polarized with it, which means they’re of the same idea (nature) and are the force necessary to bring it back into balance. When the fear goes away and is no longer warranted, they switch polarity and act to keep recreating the problem that they are a solution to. Polar opposites are opposing aspects of the same thing (pattern) and always act to transform and balance each other.

 The only way that these energies are able to ‘inhabit us’ permanently is due to the fact that our soul exited our body at the moment of the trauma, creating a vacuum as a magnetic pull that automatically drew them in without awareness, preventing the soul from fully re-entering the body when the trauma subsides. When this happens, parts of the soul reside outside of the body in the periphery of the mind (energy field), while the personality trait remains in control of the will as part of its consciousness. In Shamanic Arts, this is called ‘soul loss’, which is a form of spirit possession that can change the soul’s personality, often quite drastically, changing how it behaves and creates as a result. This is self-evident by the simple observation that when someone is traumatized, they go into a form of shock, and are often ‘never the same again’. It can literally change their personality and who they are as a person. Also when someone becomes overwhelmed with fear, it tends to bring out a side of them that normally doesn’t exist. This is because they become a magnetic for housing the energies associated with whatever is traumatizing them.

our vibrational signature

While most emotions are received and experienced while fully within our body, fear is different due to the fact that it causes the soul to momentarily ‘jump out of the body’, creating a vacuum that instantly draws in whatever energy is an active part of what scared you in the atmosphere around you as a complementary aspect. This can be easily understood by recollecting a time when you were shocked and frightened by something, and you literally ‘jump’, and at the moment you jump, you feel a strange sensation enter your body that continues to excite your imagination with the fearful feeling. You can literally feel your energetic state changing as a flush feeling or wave-like motion moves through and into you.

The energies that are instinctively magnetized to us are designed to help us in handling the situation at hand, but due to the fact that we’re not aware of what’s actually happening, we don’t realize that we’ve acquired them, and don’t know that we can mentally direct them to leave, and so they remain within us and become a permanent resident in our mind. These simple, often singular energies as states of consciousness, don’t have a will or conscience of their own or the ability to self-organize, and don’t accrue any karma as a result of their activities. So as we continue to express the emotions formed during traumatizing events as our thoughts and actions, we form karma out of them that bonds us to them energetically (spiritually). Whatever we become ‘one with in spirit’, we become the same as in soul essence through the memory of ourselves we create. As we create and accumulate memories through expressing certain attitudes as activities, they lay the foundation for future lives by setting us up to play the opposite and complementary role in the same type of situation and activities.

willful expression of consciousness
Using Our Will to Direct Energy

The only way we can work intelligently and act to willfully direct energies of the astral plane is by resolving all fear of them and their ability to play on our imagination. Our imagination ‘is’ our will, and when we allow our fears to control our imagination, we’re lending our will to allow them to create ‘through us’ as us. The substructure of the body is formed out of the essence of the soul, and is what acts to ‘bond them to each other’ throughout the lifetime of the body. It’s through the experiences created while in the body that the soul generates, accumulates, and builds up memory over time, that literally ‘shape it’ in an eternal manner through what we call karma.

The soul is not only fully responsible for what it allows to come through its own body (both light and material), it’s literally shaped by it and incurs the consequences of all its action as future life experiences. So you never want to allow emotions to begin dominating and ruling over you by forming illusions in your imagination that you mistake for being real, because you’re not only responsible for all of your creations and use them to shape your identity, you’re also held accountable through a form of universal justice that’s absolute and objective in its administration. Karma is universal justice that’s administered in a completely balanced, fair, and unbiased manner as your life experiences, allowing you to learn the lesson they hold by waking up in the midst of your own dream.

psychological effect of full moon

As we unconsciously lend our will to these instinctual forces, they literally control us, and determine our destiny as a result. They serve to determine who we become and how we behave as a result. This is why fear is the most effective form of mind control there is because it works playing on our nerves while exciting our imagination into a state of hysteria. In the general sense, all you have to do in order to control someone, or whole groups of people, is to give them a suggestion that elicits an intense feeling of fear, and simply allow them to continue thinking about it and develop it into a full-blown reality on their own. You can influence how they develop it in their mind by continuing to amplify it in a dramatic way. You don’t have to try and control how it’s developed, just plant the right seed delivered with the right emotion and it’ll take on a life of its own. They’ll literally scare themselves by how they continue to think about it. As we continue to talk about it, we keep the illusion active and growing in intensity, to the point where they’re completely overwhelmed by their own imagining, and will conform to whatever you want them to with the promise of safety and security as a resolution.

While many tend to think that the hidden powers working in the world serve to keep us enslaved as workers, this isn’t at all what’s going on in the spiritual sense. As long as we’re kept in a constant state of negativity and fear, we’re passive and submissive and we allow them to ‘feed off of our energy’. We allow whatever it is we’re afraid of to enter into us and take over control of our will to create. As we create out of a state of fear, producing the reality of our fears, we bond ourselves energetically as a soul to that realm, literally confining ourselves to it spiritually. We become passive, docile, and meek beings led along by a concentration camp we actively participate in creating. This is why organized religion works out of instilling a ‘fear of God’ into people backed by the threat of eternal punishment for the mistake of not complying with submissive behavior taught to us as ‘slave values’. This is the true meaning of ‘the meek shall inherit the Earth’, because the Earth is actually a form of hell as a prison (mental delusion) of our own making. This is where our soul learns how to exercise its will to create, and usually ends up mis-creating by constructing the reality of our fears and passions. It’s here on Earth that we willingly administer our own pain and suffering as a result of the illusions we form out of emotional states.

Higher self and self-mastery
Exercising Our Spiritual Power

The secret to working with this idea comes by realizing that none of these energies have the ability to resist and overcome our will. Their only power ‘over us’ comes through their ability to enter into us and take over our will by exciting our imagination. We either draw these energies in unknowingly or we’re seduced and hypnotized by them through a promise of power and pleasure. As we unknowingly draw in the forces needed to manage difficult situations, when the situation passes and we no longer need their assistance, we can direct them to leave our energy field and body while thanking them for their help, and send them back out into the universe to help others in need of their services. These lower, Nature spirits that we experience as emotions can’t go against our will, and will naturally obey our commands. Will is an exclusive power of the higher soul and is what acts to direct and orchestrate all of the activities of the lower plane of manifestation.

All spirits of the material world that we experience within us as our feelings and emotions, can be directed by human will and utilized in whatever way we deem necessary to create by using them. We are only slaves to them when we remain unconscious of our true nature as a higher conscious being, and fail to understand our relationship with our body and the outer material conditions and circumstances ‘of’ our body. Through awareness of our ability to direct our own thoughts and regulate our emotions, we can utilize these intelligent forces as the means of creating in a deliberate and precise manner, instead of giving our soul over to be created by them. The human soul governs the 4 Elements and elementals of the entire material world, and can direct their activities intentionally.

There’s a universal rule that applies to the higher human soul, no matter what level we’re talking about, and that is that no other force, power, or earthly entity can violate ‘choice and will’ of another soul. For this reason, people have to be coaxed into complying with another will. Even the devil, which is a higher willful being, is portrayed as negotiating a deal as a means of getting a person to ‘sell’ him their soul. The soul is a person’s will. It’s always a negotiation designed to come to an agreement in the form of a ‘contract’ as a ‘decision’ we make for ourselves that charts the course of our soul’s destiny. Other souls act to try and entice us to their way of thinking, and others seduce us with ideas of power or pleasure, and try to persuade us to take their side and become aligned with them in spirit, where we ‘willingly’ cooperate in co-creating what we agreed to.

Our dual nature - conscious and unconscious

Anytime you’re face with making a decision of some kind while experiencing an emotion, work first to resolve the emotion. Most decisions made out of emotional states turn out to be bad decisions based on an illusion that bring a deep sense of regret and remorse as we call forth and experience the reality of our decision. Allow the emotion to completely subside and become neutralized, then look at it from a calm, practical and dispassionate perspective. Allow yourself to realize that fear is designed to stop you from taking the actions necessary to change it, and cause you to start doubting everything you know that counters the fear, and is meant to cause you to submit to it willingly.

Also allow yourself to realize that any energy acquired through an intense emotional event as a means of aiding you in a beneficial manner, needs to be dispelled afterwards. Otherwise, if you allow it to remain with you it’ll continue to play on your imagination causing you to recreate the same type of fearful perceptions over and over again. To discharge an energy from your soul’s system, you start by recognizing that you’ve acquired it, then tune into its sensation within your body, locate it, give it your full undivided attention, and then feel a deep sense of gratitude for how it assisted you, thank it for its service, and then bid it farewell and instruct it to leave your body and mind and return to the ether from whence it came so it can be of assistance to others in need. Mentally escort it out of your body and watch it completely disappear out into the space around you. All nature spirits and energies always obey the commands of our higher will which directs them with a firm, absolute, and compassionate hand. All energy is directed and influenced through mental means by using the creative powers of our imagination. The secret to will and all creation lies in the ability to exercise the power of our imagination.

Dr. Linda Gadbois

Transpersonal Psychologist, Mind-Body Health Consultant, and Spiritual Teacher

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