Thought-Forms: Scalar Energy, Electromagnetic Fields, and Bio-Holograms
Both the Pineal gland and the DNA of our cellular structure are composed of liquid crystalline substances that act as a receiver, transducer, and transmitter of consciousness as thought-forms or archetypal ideas that provide a metaphorical structure or blueprint for creating a corresponding idea as a personal experience of reality. All vibration is a carrier wave for information that has a self-organizing mechanism inherent in it that composes matter (light) into patterns. This self-organizing mechanism uses the information inherent in the frequency to form a etheric (phantom) hologram as the electromagnetic field for the living form. All vibration as a frequency is dual in nature as an acoustic wave that forms an optical image as the visualization or inherent structural pattern of the frequency. Vibration, as a universal thought/idea, enters into the polarized mind (electromagnetic field) of an archetypal form, creating an interference pattern (Dyad), where it’s modified through a process of adaption to be compatible to the individual mind, which translates it into a coherent form as a personalized version of the same idea.
Subtle energy as pure consciousness and life force can move into and through a material form, while simultaneously acting to organize and animate it. Scalar energy (Tesla), represented by the Monad in Sacred Geometry, is a conscious energy field (quantum vacuum) that’s spherical in shape and expands equally in all directions from a central point and fills the entire space with information as a dynamic matrix of frequencies that exist in a purely potential state (not actualized). These potential frequencies are a cluster of smaller frequencies that are coherent as a pattern, that when it’s drawn into and absorbed by another mind-field that’s of the opposite (polarized) and complementary (similar pattern) frequency, forms into an interference pattern (Dyad) which structurally rearranges the idea into a new version by amplifying some aspects, while canceling out other aspects. In the same fashion as DNA is configured into sequences by switching on some features while switching off others, creating a new formula as reorganized information that alters the electromagnetic field (EMF) as the etheric hologram used as a new blueprint for constructing or transforming an exact duplicate as a bio-system.
The body is polarized to the soul as a personalized field of energy, structured through experience that becomes memory as an integrative, accumulative process, and the soul/mind is polarized to the spirit as the Akashic field, which is scalar energy as a field of information that hasn’t been altered from its original origin as ideas in a purely potential state. The soul/mind or electromagnetic energy field of the body, draws on the scalar field of potential ideas (archetypes), collapsing the field as a wave form into one possibility that’s draw in and actualized by the soul/mind to create corresponding experiences that it uses to in-form itself through the memory the experience provides. The soul is a dynamic matrix of interwoven frequencies (ideas) that are coherent, correlated, and self-perpetuating as a harmonious version of reality that it uses as the means for self-creating. The soul as the mind of the body, acts as a medium, or bridge between the spiritual realm of pure archetypal ideas and the physical body of personalized variations of universal ideas. Spirit remains pure and unformed because it never comes into a material body, which reformulates it through the relationship it forms with it into a new version that becomes the bases for producing a subjective reality.
The soul is an amalgamation that blends gold (pure essence) as untarnished and uncontaminated substance with profane and ordinary substance (minerals), where it’s altered based on what it mixes and becomes one with. As our mind acts to receive information from the Akashic field of archetypal ideas, we become one with those ideas by blending with them and reforming them. What we think and turn into imaginary realities, we become in actual form. Whatever we give our attention to, we channel our life-force energy into, and become one with it in spirit (mind). We draw it into our mind, think about it, and build it into a reality as an inner experience of it. We create the inner imaginary reality as an experience that becomes the perceptual lens for seeing and interacting with that same reality all around us as the outer expression of the inner imagination. As we think and imagine, we act on ourselves to become the same as our thoughts. We literally program ourselves through our thoughts, which act as a holographic template (3-D reality) for the subconscious mind as the consciousness of the body, DNA, and heart, to connect with that same idea on a larger scale and in greater complexity in everything around us, and give us the experience of the idea as a corresponding outer reality. As our thoughts inform our mind and body as a coherent unit, we tune ourselves to the vibratory frequency of those thoughts, altering the vibratory structure of our mental paradigm, changing how we experience reality.
Scalar energy, as the unified field of ideas in their potential state, is absorbed into material form through resonance, where a unified idea divides into an electromagnetic field (EMF) as the astral form or hologram of the idea (frequency as a bio-pattern) that produces the etheric form that serves to organize, inform, and structure the body and the entire outer material reality to be of the same idea as a series of correspondences and associations. The mind as the EMF of the body, acts as a tuner and receiver for thoughts as ideas, that it uses to shape astral light (star light) as a gaseous-fluid-like essence into a holographic form as an imaginary reality that forms the basis for a living bio-system.
The Pineal gland, which exists in direct relationship with the Pituitary (master gland that regulates all glandular functions of the body), is an oval sphere filled with fluid and bio-luminescent crystals that serves as a receiver for acoustic waves that reflect over the outer surface of the Pineal, translating it into an image that has dimension as a hologram. It’s the physical mechanism as a metaphor for the law that operates by way of it in the material sense, where information as ideas is turned into a holographic form of the pattern inherent in the acoustic wave. This holographic image or scenario as an imagined reality becomes the basis for speaking and calling forth that reality in the outer world. Our inner thought as a verbal narrative that shapes the reality it’s talking about in the mind’s eye, is how the mind works to shape the elements (subtle essence) of the outer plane to match the vision of its inner thoughts.
As information is received and reflected on the outer crystalline liquid structure of the pineal, it literally forms our lens of our perception that we look through to perceive the outer world reshaping it to be of the same idea. Ideas exist as archetypes that are more of a theme than an actual fixed idea. Through the intricate process of adaptation and modification, universal archetypes are turned into a personal version that we then become subject to. Through a series of adaptations that form a chain-of-association as correspondences, we in-form matter as the structural hologram of that thematic idea, both as our inner self and genetic programming, and our outer world as our perceptual of it. Information as thought that are turned into ideas produce a hologram as spatial mapping that acts to organize matter by turning some aspects on while turning others off, which is the same law that operates through DNA to form an organized, functioning, coherent bio-system. The mind is a translator of information that correlates it to the existing vibratory structure of the body as a form of transducer. It translates and interprets vibration as patterns into ideas as the physical correspondence or material reality of that pattern.
The Pineal absorbs vibration of the same frequency of the body through sympathetic induction. As it’s absorbed and integrated it alters the vibration as the state and condition of the body. The Pineal gland is what regulates our mood and natural cycles through light. Whatever mood or state we’re in forms coherence throughout the body by way of the pituitary which regulates all other endocrine glands of the body, producing hormones as chemical messengers that produce an equivalent emotional state and regulates all the biological processes of the body. Our body is equalized by the mind to be of the same state and nature as a vibratory frequency. The mind as the medium (EMF) for scalar energy serves as the vehicle or instrument for spirit as pure potential to express as form, and be able to perceive itself as something specific. Spirit, which acts to inform the entire material plane, forms a perception of itself by entering into relationship with itself (same vibratory idea) in everyone and everything else. It separates from itself and forms itself as another, seeing and interacting with itself as the outer reality.
Scalar energy contains the potential of both a wave and a particle that forms a torsion field (EMF), which structures both the inner (body as its material core) self and the outer world of the self as correspondences of each other, which together form a coherent, consistent, and cohesive reality. We’re always acting to express a certain frequency as a life theme that we use to self-create by way of our own outer projections. We act to create the outer world at the unconscious level as an internal projection that reorganizes its basic appearance to match our beliefs about it, which then fold back on itself, stimulating us internally with our own projections, creating us at the self-conscious (self-aware) level, as a self-perpetuating, self-motivating, and self-contained system. All creation on various levels and scales is a product of the mind that’s creating it by perceiving it.
We take control of our ability to self-create as our soul’s evolution by learning how to control our thoughts (instead of letting them control us), and intentionally directing our attention onto things we want to use to shape ourselves in an intentional manner. By controlling and determining our thoughts, we naturally regulate our emotional state and the chemistry of our body. We alter our vibration by re-informing our mental paradigm through the incorporation and synthesis of new types of information. By consciously directing our attention onto meaningful and desirable ideas, we tune ourselves energetically (spiritually) to those ideas as a frequency that allows us to resonate with that frequency, and access (resonate with) information as knowledge of the same type of ideas, reshaping ourselves through an accumulative process to produce (act as a channel for) corresponding realities as our experiences.
Whatever we give our attention to and think about, we activate the corresponding idea inside of us, and we act on ourselves to create ourselves to be of the same nature while employing the same type of behaviors. Whatever we place our attention on and draw into our mental sphere by thinking about it, forming it into a working concept as a potential reality that we then dwell in (think about repeatedly), we act to program ourselves (subconscious mind/DNA) with that idea. We reshape our character to be an appropriate channel for that idea to express through. As we think and imagine, we become the equivalent. The very act of thinking is uniting with that idea as a seed for reality, becoming amalgamated with it, and allowing it to alter our vibration accordingly.
Integrative Mind-Body Health Consultant and Spiritual Mentor
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About The Author
Dr. Linda Gadbois
Linda is a scholar in Esoteric Sciences and holds a doctorate in Spiritual Sciences, and a BS in Clinical Hypnotherapy, along with numerous specialty certifications in various healing modalities. She's a certified Health and Success Coach, NLP Master Practitioner, and Board Certified in Regression Therapy. She's professional writer, artist, educator and Mentor, and offers a wide variety of Mentoring and Consulting Services, along with professional training programs. Her specialties include Personal Transformation, Self-Mastery, Spiritual Sciences, Transpersonal Psychology, and Integrative Mind-Body Medicine. For more info visit our Personal and Professional Services pages in the top menu bar of this site, or email us at: [email protected]