The Pineal – the Sexual Principle, Fall of Humanity, and the Law of Polarity and Self-Regeneration

I gained profound insights into the idea of the true function of the Pineal and 3rd eye of the subtle body, and how it relates to our sexuality by concentrating in a meditative state on a dream I had just woken up from regarding the Principle of Polarity and the significance of how it functions, not only within the material body and the lower plane of manifestation, but as a movement between planes that only comes through blending in mind with the consciousness of that plane. So much confusion has been bred into our ideas about our spiritual nature through a fundamental misunderstanding of the principles involved, which was then taught as if it were fact, leading many astray and hopelessly caught up in an even deeper illusion of which there often seems no escaping. How our paradigm is initially formed and established through our formative conditioning, becomes the seed of potential as a basis that we can only grow out of and use as the means of filtering ideas through it in order to comprehend them so we can build them into our outer reality in a way that makes sense. Naturally, this is due to the fact that we are actually the one creating our perception of reality with our mind, which, while in the lower plane of material existence, is blended with our lower, instinctual body, which is operated primarily through emotions as an unconscious, habitual state of repetition that operates exclusively out of memory of the past.

While I have studied, explored with an awe-inspired mind, investigated through practices that became skills, and seriously contemplated both the true significance and operation associated with both our pineal and sexual organs, as well as universal laws that operate them, it wasn’t until I let go of both and only concentrated on the function of polarity itself with a passive mind that a very simple idea was shown to me. I began thinking about polarity as the process or activity for moving between planes of existence as levels of consciousness that vibrate in different, yet complementary states, when suddenly an image of a menorah appeared, and as I began thinking about it I related it to the seven chakras of the subtle body, with three on one side and three on the other joined by a single central one, representing the union of the higher triad with the lower one, and suddenly it was rotated at a 90 degree angle, producing more of a mirror image of the higher with the lower, where the top spheres were connected to the lower ones through the same line as an arc. This seemed to symbolize how they were polar opposites of each other (operated out of the same principle), and therefore functioned in polarity to each other. They represented the same principle as an operation that functioned in a similar way on different levels of reality. As I began forming realizations based on this configuration, the connection between the pineal and sexual organs stood out and was highlighted, and as I continued to concentrate on it more and more realizations about their significance began forming.

The Menorah and the 7 spiritual centers of the body

I realized that the pineal performed a similar function to our sexual organs, not only in terms of it’s receptivity, but also in terms of it’s ability to generate the living reality of whatever it acts to conceive. The symbol that’s commonly used to represent the pineal as our third eye is a yoni or vagina, also represented by the Dyad or womb of the universe, capable of connecting with and drawing down ideas from the higher plane as a fluent communication with our Higher Self. I then thought about the similar function of sexual union, which works through attraction where we not only take in the seed that generates a new human being as a combination of two people, but more importantly, where in spirit and mind we actually fuse our energy field, i.e., essence as our mind with another and become enmeshed with their consciousness. We begin vibrating in a coherent state with them.

The same process takes place on different levels as the mind on the higher, and the physical body on the lower, which are naturally being operated by the same soul-essence. The Higher Soul doesn’t exist as a finite being on the lower plane, but as more of an energetic tincture where qualities as influences are introduced from the environment, and act to change the vibration as a state that’s in a constant state of flux and influx based on what properties it absorbs as new qualities, that initially creates an imbalance as a new emphasis, which then begins vibrating in harmony to form a coherent state as a unique variable of the same mixture. Only the physical, outer form of the body creates the appearance of the soul being stationary and finite. The mind however, is in a constant state of change based on what it encounters and resonates with, blends into and becomes one with in mind, that constantly alters and modifies it to form a new energetic matrix. This process is almost identical to procreation in the physical sense, and both function by way of the same principle as a process of creation.

The Hexad - the blending of complementary aspects of the mind and soul
The Blending of Complementary Opposites to Form a New Whole

This is what the principle of polar opposites indicates as a creative process. Two complementary aspects of the same nature combine through sympathetic resonance and synthesize to generate reality as a new whole that’s of an expanded and evolved nature. Every new combination of energy brings a new and slightly different expression and experience of reality. The entire motivation and activity of the Higher Soul is to evolve itself through it’s own creations. It does this by constantly forming new combinations as a form of energetic uptake and synthesis with everything around it that’s of a similar vibration (pattern), to produce new offspring that brings a slightly different type of experience of itself. The Soul is in a constant state of dynamic movement as an evolutionary flow, while the body is stable and maintains the same basic appearance and personality throughout life, because it’s merely an instrument and means through which the spirit creates itself as experiences. The soul is of the higher mind and it creates itself through mental and emotional activity of thoughts formed in the imagination as a physical reality. The physical body is a passive receptor for the mind, which ensouls it in order to experience it’s thoughts as an outer reality.

Many people don’t have a direct realization around this process because it’s an interaction of the subconscious, and when we blend energetically with another through sexual union, it’s experienced more as feelings and attitudes that are like seeds planted that take hold and begin gestating within us, altering our perception of our self and reality accordingly. Sexual union is the process through which we become one with another in mind and soul and produce offspring as a unique combination of qualities and traits. Due to the fact that this is an unconscious process, the change comes gradually over the course of time, or in the case of marriage and consistent sexual intercourse and intimacy with the same soul, the change comes quite rapidly and tends to be intoxicating (love as an emotion is a drug). When this happens, our soul as our higher mind becomes enmeshed with the physical plane, and we use our mind to cooperate in creating our self as a physical being. We lose touch with our spiritual nature as our Higher Self, and begin identifying almost exclusively with being our body. This idea is commonly symbolized as purity of the soul that hasn’t been contaminated by blending with inferior substances that alter its core essence. Symbolically speaking, whenever a figure is shown with decorations on it’s outer garments, it represents a blended outer nature, and when shown in a pure white or solid color garment, it shows it’s unmixed, and therefore pure nature.

Our Higher Self
The Fallen Angels and the Myth of Prometheus

This same idea is communicated through the allegory of the fallen angels, where, if we move outside of the Biblical depiction and into the mythology of other historical accounts of the same thing, we find two ideas being symbolically presented using different terms; one of the angels, which represent pure beings of a higher mind that resided on a higher level of consciousness and in a sovereign state with God, assigned to watch over and aid us in our evolutionary development, who fell from grace, so to speak, when they bred with the daughters of man and became beast-like themselves and imprisoned in the material realm of the unconscious mind of instinct, losing memory of themselves as divine beings and clouding their conscious ability to use their mind in determining their reality and their true station within that reality. They entered the realm of experience where instead of residing above the world of illusion (maya), they were consumed within it and lost touch with who and what they actually were. Because they forgot who they were in mind and spirit, they continued to breed and blend even more with the lower realm of unconsciousness as a part of the group mind of animal instinct.

This same idea is told as the story of Prometheus who created man by giving him a higher mind (stealing the fire from heaven and giving it to man). Mankind was created originally through genetic modification that designed a human-like species that was devoid of a conscious mind, so they would take orders and could be trained to work without complaining or requiring more than their basic needs. But due to their sexual instincts that couldn’t be managed through the conscious realization of laws and principles (a function of the conscious mind), and the ability to control impulses, they began having sexual intercourse with a large variety of people, and this eventually developed into having sex anyway they could, whether it be with the same sex or with animals that they tended to. This led to hybrids of humans and animals and a spiritual essence that became grossly contaminated with vulgarities and lower aspects of unconsciousness, that bonded them even more with their animal nature.

The dyad and hexad - the Merkabah
The Nature of the Higher Self

In order to remedy this problem, Prometheus decided to give man a higher, conscious mind through which he could think, reason, and rationally contemplate ideas in order to decide on how to create himself as a higher, moral, and intelligent being. Prometheus, as the story goes, stole the light from heaven and gave it to man, with the term light referring to the higher capacity of the mind to form realizations, learn from experience, make intelligent decisions, and willfully act in creating himself through the reality of his decisions. This way, we could act to facilitate our own growth and development in an intelligent and calculated way, and return home by dis-integrating mentally and morally from attaining our identity with a lower material existence, and ascend willfully to higher planes of consciousness from whence we originally came. In order to give us a higher mind, the god-angels had to enter into a passive state on the higher plane, so their active mind could be drawn down into the body of man as his conscious awareness and ability to willfully self-create.

This is the relationship we have with our self on a higher plane, which we have the ability to connect with in mind and spirit, and with whom we’re always in communication with that serves to teach, guide, and instruct us in our return home. When we engage sexually with others and the material world, we blend with it energetically and over time become mentally and emotionally fused with it. We share our substance while acquiring the substance of another, blending them together in a coherent state as a frequency, and form our sense of self out of our identification with our lower animal body, which is driven instinctively through a desire for pleasure and emotional impulses that render us unconscious in order to fulfill and satisfy them. The angel-gods fell into darkness (unconsciousness), because they violated, or decided to sacrifice themselves in order to bring light to humanity by bestowing us with a higher, conscious mind. Through active use of our conscious mind while in the lower planes of unconsciousness, we’re able to develop ourselves in an aware and deliberate manner using our higher mind to subdue and bring our lower subconscious mind under our command. We’re able to form a practical understanding of the Universal Laws of the higher mind and apply them willfully in order to create ourselves and our reality.

When we move away from the idea of sex as being a physical function and view it instead as a principle, we can realize that this same function is performed by the pineal of the third-eye, which not only acts as an antennae and tuner for vibrating and drawing in correlated energies, but also shaping the ideas drawn in into whole realities as representations in the higher faculty of the imagination, which become the basis for manifesting as a material creation. What confuses many people is that the term self isn’t referring to our physical body or existence, it’s our mind and spirit that’s used in creating an image of our self, and we create our self by whatever it is we become one with in essence as an idea, thought, sensation, and emotion, all of which culminate harmoniously to produce our perception. Out of our perception all of our behaviors and activities are formed as what initiates and calls forth the reality of our thoughts.

Spiritual enlightenment and higher consciousness
Love, Desire, and Union with our Higher Self

When we form a desire for our higher existence over our lower one, we shift the energy from our sexual desire to procreate on the material plane to a desire for union with our Higher Self (God) on a higher plane. Through a desire for union with a higher power, we render our sexual desire passive, and activate our pineal, which acts as a receptor for ideas (as ideals) from the higher plane. As we connect in mind with the higher spiritual plane, ideas are drawn in that impregnate our mind with original ideas of a higher nature and those ideas manifest within us as our own creations. We take in the seed of a whole idea in it’s potential and latent form, and as we place our attention on it and begin thinking about it, we begin shaping it in sensory terms by imagining it as a physical form. Our imagination works through the principle of synthesis where we form an idea as our offspring by adapting it to match our mental model and current set of circumstances as a means of being able to express it in a logical and congruent manner. As ideas manifest on the inner planes by being developed into representations for reality in our imagination, they become the perceptual lens we look through (light is reflected on the outer crystalline structure of the pineal as a transparent image) in perceiving that same idea as an outer reality.

The lower soul is always described in feminine terms and the higher in masculine terms because the lower mind conceives the seeded idea of the higher plane, and through a process of gestation, forms it into a new possibility and births it within the material plane as an outer reflection of the higher plane. Whatever we associate with in mind and spirit, we become like in nature. When we identify with and build our essence out of our material existence, we bond ourselves as a higher soul to the lower plane of the subconscious, and create ourselves out of an unconscious state. When we identify with and build our essence from the higher plane of morality, we bond our soul to that plane, and begin identifying with it. Whatever it is we use as the means of shaping our identity by associating with it, we become one with energetically (in essence), and reside eternally on that plane and level in mind and spirit.

Related Articles:

The Pineal and the Third Eye – The Seat of the Soul and the Alchemical Marriage

The Cosmic Fire of the Mind and Piezoelectric Energy of the Brain and Third-Eye

The reason all true adepts and spiritual masters reside in a state of celibacy, is because when we’re sexually active, our lower sexual center is active rendering it higher polar opposite of the pineal passive and inactive. We can’t have both active at the same time, because they’re complementary opposites of each other and operate according to the Law of Polarity. The entire relationship between the higher and lower plane is based on polarity, and this relationship is directly reflected in the higher triad of the mind and lower triad of the body, bound together at the heart center, which is the neutral bridge between the two, and is symbolic of the subconscious aspect of the mind. Whatever we love, we desire, and we seek union with whatever we desire. Desire is a magnetic force. The purification of the heart comes by shifting our desire from union with the material world to that of the spiritual world. We can’t have both, because in pursuing one, we render the other passive and inactive. The soul as the higher mind becomes contaminated with lustful thoughts that begin propagating in an uncontrollable manner, and we combine our spirit with the material world through emotional impulses that are very magnetic and compelling, yet animalistic in nature. As we draw in the energies of the material world and begin building our identity out of them as our offspring, we become a product of the unconscious mind.

Aspiring to a higher way of being
The Mortal and Immortal

If we move away from belief that our sexual energy is only about sex, and we view it as it really is, a fundamental universal principle, we can see this as building an image of ourselves as a part of the material world, whether it be through a desire for pleasure, power, status, money, success, or anything that we use as the means of experiencing ourselves, and building an image of ourselves out of our experiences. Whatever it is we relate to, we become like. The soul isn’t the body itself, the body is the engraved image of itself that the soul forms in the astral light of the imagination. Whatever we lust after and seek to become one with as a means of creating our sense of self out of, we simultaneously shape our identity out of, and we bond ourselves mentally with that idea, becoming dependent on it. This is what forms what we call the false ego as a mistaken identity with our body and the physical world that’s projected by the body, both of which are mortal and temporary, and dies along with the physical body. Our immortal aspect is the mind itself as the creator of the material world which exists within the higher plane of pure consciousness, and therefore doesn’t suffer a physical death because it’s not physical in nature.

At death, through the same principle of polarity and resonance, our spirit separates from our body, and through a process of disintegration, what was formed out of the lower plane as an image of ourselves, stays within that plane, and continues to populate the Astral Plane of the Earth as thought-forms, also referred to as the collective unconscious, which means the creations native to that plane. Only the aspects of our self created through identification with our Higher Self as a divine, universal being, ascends in mind and spirit to that plane. This is why chastity as a principle that indicates not blending with lower energies in mind and spirit is considered a virtue and necessary for our spiritual advancement and ultimate ascension to higher planes of consciousness.

The sexual center, like all chakras, doesn’t indicate sex or sexual activities, but the principle of self-regeneration which comes by combining with forces through a desire and love for them, and using them as the means of creating yourself through the experiences they bring. Whatever we associate with we become like in spirit. Our spirit is the creative power that creates by combining with complementary elements to form a new, functional whole. It’s not acquiring physical substance that transforms us, it’s how we associate with and build our identity out of the experience it brings. All creation comes through how we experience ourselves. As long as we nurture and cultivate a desire for the physical world as attachments to it that are necessary in order to know who we are, we cut ourselves off from our spiritual development as a universal being. As long as our sexual energy is operating on the lower arc of the material world, our pineal is atrophied on the higher arc. The only way to activate our pineal is by shifting our desire away from the material world and concentrating it in the spiritual world. As long as we desire sexual union, power, money, the acquisition of material excess, and so on, we allow those ideas to occupy our mind, and we become them in spirit, shutting the doorway to the higher planes of a virtuous and universal identity, which is our true nature as a higher spiritual being who creates itself fully from within itself as a sovereign and self-sustaining being.

Dr. Linda Gadbois

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