Reincarnation and the Soul’s Journey through Time
The Holographic Nature of Reality and the Illusion of Time
During my education for my doctorate, of which my Bachelor of Science was in Clinical Hypnotherapy, I came face to face with exploring and embracing the idea of reincarnation of the soul. Though there was a part of me that knew it was true and real, another part was very reluctant and hesitant to step into it with an open mind and explore it from the perspective of experiencing it through past life regression that was undertaken through hypnotic regression. It was almost as though I lacked confidence in myself to be able to experience it rather than the process itself, or that I felt a certain kind of fear around the idea. I had several profound experiences as a child growing up in regards to what seemed like the recollection of previous lifetimes, one of which I wrote a 104 page novel on when I was 11, that, when I spoke of them, I was told to quit talking like that or people would think I was crazy or of the devil (Christian upbringing). So I developed a kind of a all-pervading fear in regards to the experience I might have, which I didn’t really understand, until of course I actually did it, and suddenly everything came to light as a profound understanding of what I had already known deep inside, and I found myself thinking . . . ah, no wonder!
I kept putting off classes or workshops regarding Past Life Regression (PLR), opting to take other classes instead, until one day when I had paid for a four day workshop at the end of a three day Hypnosis seminar that was non-refundable, and the class I signed up for was cancelled at the last minute, requiring me to take another one, which turned out to be on PLR. So I decided, what the heck, I’ll check it out, see what it’s about. In my own experience, many of the things that I have some sort of resistance around that were an inherent part of my broader field of study and deep interests, which I had a tendency to avoid in the general sense, I ended up being led straight into and ended up participating in through a form of fate. Where I reluctantly engaged with a highly skeptical mind, only to realize through the experience it brought that it was a key component in understanding the true nature of the soul and our spiritual quest through time.
What we refer to as the soul (which is ultimately triune in nature), is an individual entity that’s formed out of coagulated and concentrated memory attained through various life experiences as different personalities. We only learn (earn by living) and grow (expand and become more) through experience that forms the basis of our memories. Knowledge as universal principles provide us with the theoretical basis that we then bring into practice somehow by becoming one with them (embodying them), that provide us with the means for creating a personalized version of the same idea as a unique variation. As we create our experiences, we shape ourselves and form our identity out of our own creation. The experience of knowledge as a reality, is the integration of that knowledge into our mental paradigm, which acts to modifying and upgrade it naturally. As we upgrade our paradigm (our minds energetic structure) we’re able to perceive, comprehend, and co-create out of higher and higher forms of consciousness. As a result, our creations tend to become much more intelligent, moral, and sophisticated, whether as a progression or digression.

When the soul creates out of ideas that it’s been taught through a form of conditioning, that are not based on principles but rather a process of stimulus – response that’s purely unconscious in nature, creating out of a false model and in a haphazard way, it accumulates that type of memory and becomes the product of its conditioning. It’s trained to a dynamic as a habitual state of mind that creates in a destructive, painful, and unproductive manner. This unconscious conditioning as thematic patterns that cause and sustain its own pain and suffering, that prevent it from creating in a deliberate, productive and joyful manner, becomes what we call karma. Karma, in the most basic sense, refers to any habitual pattern that we repeat and create out of in an unconscious manner through the primary principle of Cause and Effect, whether good and constructive or bad and destructive, yet it’s the negative karma that usually prevents growth and the expansion of conscious, and because of this, the souls purpose in life is to resolve its own bad karma by becoming aware of what’s operating unconsciously as the means of creating itself and its experience of reality. It’s only by becoming aware of what we’re currently not aware of that we can work with in in a conscious and intentional manner.
What we refer to as Soul healing comes as bringing what’s operating in us unconsciously into conscious awareness as realizations of our own hidden psychological makeup. What exists as a memory and remains alive and active in our subconscious is what originates from an emotional state and event that forms a thematic pattern as a pronounced and intense memory. The emotions associated to the event at once escalate the intensity of the behaviors that result from them, as well as form the story we begin telling ourselves about it and what it means (about us, others, and the world in general) that becomes a form of delusion. This emotionally intense experience as a delusion forms our story about life and what happened to us, and is used constantly by the subconscious as the means of creating ourselves through our perceptions and by interpreting all other events to mean the same thing. By reliving memories of the past over and over in the present, we keep ourselves tuned to the vibratory frequency of that story (pattern) and form a secure connection with everyone and everything else in our environment that’s vibrating with the same pattern as an issue and tendency, while continuing to shape ourselves through our memories, because each time we relive them in our mind’s eye, we become even more identified with them. As we think and imagine, we relate to and identify with our own story about things, and shape ourselves as a product and main star of our story, usually without ever realizing that we’re also the creator and author of that story.
This is because anything that’s formed out of an intense emotional event, originates and is birthed and maintained out of an unconscious state. Our subconscious (unconscious) mind is emotionally driven and acts while in a heightened and intense emotional state to control and produce our thoughts and feelings, and forms the imaginary story we tell ourselves about the experience as an illusion, that we then mistake for being real (because we imagine it as real) and therefore true. This reality, formed out of an emotional illusion as a story-line becomes an unconscious pattern as a tendency or behavioral dynamic as what we call our issues or complexes that continue playing out in every aspect of our life as a habitual perception and life drama. This unconscious and emotionally driven pattern is only resolved through awareness of what we’re doing and the realizations that take place because of self-awareness.

The same principles operate on different scales and levels of reality, and just as we have a subconscious and self-conscious mind on the material plane of the body, our soul, is comprised of both aspects of the mind and has the ability to both be in the experience (subconscious), and outside of it witnessing it (self-conscious) from not only a second person perspective, but from a third person perspective of being able to see it (the current experience or memory) as a part of an ever larger pattern or greater story, in which it’s only a part of it. It has the ability to learn from the direct experience being produced by the subconscious, while simultaneously being a part from it and seeing the larger picture as an ongoing story-line that it’s merely a part of, or one act in a whole series of acts. The soul works according to the Holographic Principle and is conscious and self-aware in both the part and the whole. It experiences itself as both the particle and the wave simultaneously. Present and located in time and the body, while simultaneously existing outside of the body, while watching the life of the body as it plays out scene by scene.
When going back and accessing and stepping into the memory of a past life experience, it’s viewed and experienced primarily from the souls perspective of witnessing it while experiencing it more from the perspective of the meaning it had. As you witness the reality and types of experiences you had in that life, they stay connected to the bigger story playing out in terms of the meaning and significance they had in telling that story. We experience events while in them yet realizing their part in a greater whole. As we’re going through the individual events and experiences they afforded us, we gain deep realization of their significance within the whole, of not only that life within that body, but within the life as a learning process of the soul through many lifetimes where the patterns of a chain or sequence of multiple lives form the basis for the next life that naturally evolves out of it as a synchronistic progression. In the past life we’ve already processed the experience of that life in terms of the meaning it had through the death experience (life review and judgment), which is where the soul absorbs the essence of the body as its accumulated memory from multiple perspectives.
By viewing the experiences of that life from a detached, second or third-person perspective (of the soul), and through processing the meaning of the experiences of that life through the death experience, you can see the patterns and unconscious tendencies that played out clearly. From the perspective of witnessing, you immediately make the connection to that same pattern playing out in your current life in an analogous fashion, and you gain immediate realizations around its significance. Once you become aware of it in a detached manner in the previous life, you form that same level of awareness (seeing it clearly from the big picture) in your current life, and just through that awareness alone, dissolve the pattern. The trick to healing any pattern repeating in our life as a fundamental perception born out of memory (which all patterns are) is by bringing what’s unconsciously working through emotions or a form of magnetism, into conscious awareness where you can realize how the pattern as a perception and tendency originated and why. Where you can see it as something you made up in an attempt to understand what was happening and why.
A few years later, as I was going through a certificate program for PLR, I noticed that just about everyone in the class set an intention for regression (past lives are accessed through the intention set) based on negative patterns and painful issues of some kind, instead of as a means of acquiring information about gifts and talents, or special feelings of connection they have towards something, so I decided to experiment by accessing past lives where I acquired and developed what were in this life natural talents and abilities, or areas of interest and fascination that I naturally gravitated towards with a sense of passion and love for them. As I did this, and I experienced myself in that way, it had a profound impact on me in the sense that that feeling and sense of self in my previous self, became much more pronounced and active as a central part of my self-awareness and way of being in my current life. It was as if I was modeling myself and developing myself in this life and personality to be more like myself in that life and personality. It helped me to realize that when encountering unknown areas, I would know intuitively what to do. So it served to amplify and strengthen positive traits that became tools for continued development.
The other thing that came from accessing lives where I was fully embodying and developing to a high degree what became my natural talents, is I was able to see what methods and practices I was engaged in that were still pure and hadn’t been corrupted with modern day, new age propaganda. I operated while being fully in-tuned to natural laws and processes with full awareness of what I was doing and why. Â It helped me to see the truth in my current practices by reinforcing and validating what I already knew intuitively, and helped me to realize why I seemed to have a natural repulsion away from anything that violated law, and as a result, later proved to be false. It gave me a pronounced feeling of myself in a new and superior way, while playing roles that in this life seemed like I was imitating archetypes that I always related to and had used in a natural way to shape myself and form my current identity around. Through the experience of being that way, I was able to touch on that same feeling of being within me, in a direct and immediate manner, and step back into naturally being that way again in a self-assured manner and with a deep sense of confidence and knowing.

The Holographic Nature of the Soul
A couple of other really strange phenomena became apparent through the experience of PLR that completely defy explanation in the conventional, material sense of the idea. I discovered, back to back through a dynamic series of experiences that we appear to exist more as aspects or parts of a greater self, and can be alive in multiple lifetimes simultaneously. Right now, in what we perceive to be our current life, we can exist as several different people at different places on the Earth or parallel dimensions, without having any direct awareness of our other personalities, though we do have a tendency to sense them and be somewhat aware of them in the subtle and illusory sense. We are of the same soul as what appears to be an oversoul or Higher Soul / Self that produces numerous offspring that it then oversees and interacts with as the Higher Consciousness of the human soul.
In these multiple lifetimes we don’t follow exact timelines, but rather have various overlapping lifetimes where one can be born in 1900, another in 1908, another in 1932, and another in 1963, and so on, all alive at the same time. Yet we access and follow the same aspect that we are now through our unique and shared timeline. Just as we know everyone has a twin somewhere in the world that looks just like them physically, and from a genetic perspective family members can sometimes be remarkably similar in personality and character traits, the human soul, which is comprised of a form of spiritual DNA as soul memory, and exists on multiple dimensions simultaneously, also exists simultaneously on different time-lines as aspects of a greater whole (Holographic Principle). And just like as individuals we have both a conscious and self-aware (body consciousness) aspect of the mind, and a subconscious unaware aspect, our soul exists simultaneously in multiple bodies and personalities (of the body) without our direct awareness. This is the concept that originally coined the term twin soul and soul mate, as different aspects or parts of the same soul that reside in different bodies on somewhat different time-lines, and when they meet, a form of self-recognition takes place.
The human soul is both spiritual and physical in nature (acts as a bridge between the two dimensions), as an eternal being that’s imprisoned (in-celled) in a terminal body. It exists simultaneously as local and non-local, as a particle and a wave, and as a unified being with many aspects, and a singular being with a cluster of aspects (personality traits). The Higher Soul exists as a waveform with infinite potential of a certain type and kind (archetype) that produces numerous offspring of the same overall type (just as we have children and multiply), with unique personalities as various combinations of traits and qualities and the dynamic relationship it forms with the body, the conditions it’s born into, culture, circumstances, family situation, and so on, that make it a unique version of a shared idea. While we have no direct awareness of other parts of our soul in the general sense, when we come into contact with them somehow, we recognize them through a deep feeling of infinity for them, are extremely attracted to them, and experience a feeling of intimacy immediately.

The Grand Illusion of Time
Around this same time another phenomenon became apparent regarding the true nature of time. Not in terms of timelines as described above, but rather in terms of time itself as an illusion or product of the local, self-conscious mind birthed exclusively within and identified fully with the body. This came through the experience and realization that when you heal or resolve a psychological pattern in the current life (all powers in the present), it automatically resolves that same pattern in the previous life where it was formed or being repeated and sustained. The pattern itself as a perception, behavioral dynamic, and story-line, is a product of the mind and is eternal and evolving in nature, and is not fixed in time as an absolute reality. Nothing in the material world is permanent like we tend to think it is, but is rather sustained through our perception of it. It’s all temporary in nature and follows the mortal cycle of birth, maturity, and death, all of which are produced in the mind. It’s only the spirit that inhabits the material body and produces the material reality of the body that’s eternal in nature and is what forms and determines the entire material world. While we tend to think the spiritual world is illusory (because it’s invisible and always transforming and evolving), and the material world is solid and permanent (because we can see and touch it), exactly the opposite is true.
It’s the mind as the soul that accompanies a physical form that organizes it, shapes and holds it together, while animating it with dynamic behaviors. The mind is eternal and what serves to form and inhabit all of the bodies and personalities through time, giving them all their characteristics, disposition, temperament, attitude and outlook, natural behaviors and karmic issues as tendencies, and life conditions that form the larger pattern of their life as the story they act to naturally tell. Change an aspect of the mind (wave-form) as an unconscious psychological process playing out without awareness by becoming aware of it, and it changes that same pattern as a tendency in all lives, past and present, simultaneously (because they’re One). This is the true nature of karma and redemption as resolving karmic tendencies as redeeming, or cleansing and freeing the soul of the reality it created. In cleansing the soul of that tendency it’s as if it never existed, because it no longer does, anywhere in time.
This realization came through experiencing a specific past life, realizing the pattern that was being played out that was also playing out in another way in my current life. Through the realization that it afforded me, I was able to resolve that tendency by no longer participating in it without awareness, and was no longer drawn into it or attached to people imprinted with the same tendency that would unknowingly cooperate (same souls that created it with me in previous lives) with me in co-creating it as a joint reality, and no longer needed to play it out in order to learn from it. And in doing so, several months later when revisiting that same life, that pattern as a theme was no longer a part of my experience. Surprised and a bit puzzled at first, as I was not expecting that, I not only tried it several more times with different issues and different lives, but went through the same process with other people and found the same phenomena every time.
So this experience and realization not only completely changes how we have come to think about the concept of time, but also the nature of the mind and soul as eternal and existing outside of time (unaware of it as the basis for reality), but also the souls ability to heal itself of all errors of feeling and thinking (sin) and return essentially to a state of purity and homeostasis. The soul is what creates the entire physical realm that it then exists in by locating within a body and a unique set of relationships as conditions and circumstances, and is what literally produces its own reality as the experience of its own creation. The complexes and illusory patterns as incorrect perceptions or misunderstanding produced by emotional states and the chemistry of the body that formed an incorrect or delusional interpretation of an objective event that formed its memory, both of the body and soul, which are always acting as one, originate in the mind as psychological patterns, which when resolved through awareness that serves to correct them, no longer exist as a material manifestation or reality, anywhere in time.
We literally rewrite history, which of course is based on the memory of how we perceived events. We rewrite the personal history of the eternal soul that created it. So in this sense we come to realize there’s really no such thing as a past life, present life, or future life, but rather a continuous flow of life that evolves the soul through various stages of creation and illusion as a single and unified being that resides primarily on a higher plane and serves as the choreographer and coordinator for the entire lower plane where it acts to self-express, create, and form itself according to or by way of its own creations. World history itself, in the broader sense of the idea, is only maintained because we’re taught about history and memorize the stories involved. Through memorization of stories we’re taught about things, we fully participate in co-creating a joint reality of those stories, and because of this, what we could call the true history in terms of what actually happened, fail to exist, because they don’t live on in anyone’s imagination.
This same idea as returning the soul to a purified virgin state (innocence) is expressed in the principle of forgiving as forgetting (no memory). Many people feel confused around the idea of what it means to truly forgive, because they can’t bring themselves to forget what happened to them, and so they hold on to their traumas and nurse them along by continuing to dwell in them, live out of them, tell stories about themselves out of them, and wrap their identity around them as a result. We do this usually without ever realizing that the whole purpose and foundation of life is to create the reality and series of events necessary for us to learn whatever it is that we came here to learn, or to redeem ourselves of our own deeds through a form of universal justice that brings back to us in equivalent form whatever it is we’ve done to someone else (an eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth).

We only truly learn from experience that brings realization. All of life, no matter how bad it seems, is temporary in nature, and eventually passes away. No one dies or ceases to exist, they merely evolve into new forms, and continue playing out the same patterns as issues and tendencies within different bodies, conditions and circumstances. Whatever we hang onto, dwell in, and use to create our life experiences, form the basis for the next life which is actually a continuation of this life as an evolutionary process. By resolving all errors in perceiving, thinking, and interpreting events to give them meaning, by realizing the eternal nature of things and our own soul and the part we played in the event that transpired, and what it served to show us about hidden aspects of ourselves, others, and the true nature of life, we cleanse ourselves of toxic, destructive, and painful patterns.
Through compassion, which is looking at all things through the perspective of unity rather than separateness, we can gain new realizations about the true nature of life and how we are actually the one who creates how we experience things, and the illusions born out of pain and suffering, we can learn how to forgive. Through forgiveness, made possible through the realization of the true nature of reality as a creation of the individual mind, we change how we feel and interpret things to give them meaning while systematically dissolving the emotions that sustain them, and we quit living out of the memory associated with them, we literally forget them. All memory formed from experience are produced through events that have a strong emotional impact of some kind. By stepping outside of the emotions involved, we change how we perceive and experience it, and it no longer lives in us as a dominant memory that we continue identifying with as the means of creating our present and future experiences to be of the same nature as a form of ongoing story-line.
The soul, like the DNA of the body, is comprised of and creates material reality based on memories. By defusing the emotion of the event, we change how we see it, the meaning it had for us, and how we form a memory of it. Emotions are a product of the unconscious mind and the language of the material plane that regulates chemistry of the body and state-of-mind. By changing the emotions associated with an event (usually by the perspective we take on in order to look at it), we change how we interpret and perceive it to give it meaning, which forms our story about it. We begin telling this story by living it, which is based on memory that we continue to use as the means of creating our reality by continuing to think about it and live out of the emotional state it produces. So to forgive, the true secret to all healing, mentally, emotionally, and physically, cleanses the soul of that memory, and it’s no longer a part of it or the reality it naturally acts to produce. We literally forget about it, and no longer act to produce the reality of it by thinking about it. It passes away and no longer exists, because it was our mind that was creating it.
Transpersonal Psychologist, Personal Transformation Coach, and Spiritual Teacher