The Nature of a Paradigm Shift

“Altering your State as a shift in Vibratory Frequency”

In order to get a functional understanding of what happens during or by way of a paradigm shift, we have to break the idea down into its corresponding aspects, and how they function to create a unified perception that we call reality as personal experience. A paradigm represents a perceptual model as a dynamic patterning that’s an interwoven network of ideas (beliefs, values, preferences, memories, etc.) that work in a harmonious manner to co-create a consistent perception as a dynamic theme that incorporates all abstract and ultimately neutral ideas into a congruent story-line that’s fashioned according to the paradigm we use to view it through and the meaning we give things as a result. The meaning which forms the theme for the story we tell about something, and the reality we shape as a result, is the formative mechanism that reshapes everything into an offspring of itself by how we incorporate it into an over-all story which provides us with the means to explain or describe it in an attempt to make sense of it.

A paradigm can be thought of as a state-of-mind that’s a form of vibratory frequency that fluctuates within a set range of potential as a form of wave-length. Our state, which can also be thought of as our feeling-mood, determines what type of memories we’re capable of accessing, and what type of thoughts we think about as analogous to those memories, and what range of emotions we experience in response to them. A frequency as a state-of-mind or mood can only access memories as formed ideas that match that state (are of the same frequency), or that were created while in the same frame of mind, form the basic frequency of our paradigm as a form of habituated or fixated state as our normal state and the basic model (patterning) that we look through as a means of producing more of the same type of experiences. Memories serve as a filter for seeing through that (re)interprets everything to mean the same thing, and tell the same type of story about it as a result. In this way we develop themes out of meaning, that become our primary theme for telling stories about everything, that express the same meaning making them congruent with (an offspring of) our over-all life-story that we’re always in the process of telling. This is a form of holographic effect (the part is a smaller version of the whole), or how the mind produces fractal patterns as offspring of a larger, parental pattern. Fractals are smaller stories that are of the same nature (theme) as the larger story. It’s the basic law that governs regeneration as self-creation.

The paradigm we build up and maintain through telling a consistent story as a thematic interpretation that reforms everything to mean what we need it to mean in order to keep telling our story, becomes or reflects our state as a vibratory frequency that only has access to certain types of memory as the reality that the state naturally generates as an expression of it. When we experience a paradigm shift, which only comes through experience of some kind, it simultaneously alters our state of mind, and we obtain access to a different level of memory (thoughts and ideas) as perceptual abilities necessary to support a different type of reality as a modification of our existing model. Our mental model is our perceptual lens which acts as a filtering mechanism which abstracts from the environment only what matches it as elements that can be reformed through an interpretation that makes them mean something different by the story we tell about it.

The frequency of our paradigm

A paradigm shift upgrades our model by restructuring it into a new configuration that allows us to view things in a new way and see something different or more as a result. Once a paradigm shift takes place, and we acquire the ability to look at things from a whole new perspective, and we begin building more ideas out of the new perspective, undergoing consistent shifts as a form of evolutionary unfolding or quickening, it alters our overall state as our mental atmosphere, which makes new ideas available, while cutting off other ideas that were formulated and born out of the perception that the old model formed. After a series of shifts that serve to upgrade and modify our current model, the perceptions of the old model fade, become vague and detached, and in some cases forgotten all together.

For this reason, once a drastic enough shift has taken place, we can no longer function out of the mentality of our previous version. In some cases when the growth is substantial, you literally lose the memory of that level altogether, and can’t relate to it any more. Because of this factor, as we grow and alter our state as our vibratory frequency, our life-style and situations change as the new behaviors that are formed out of the new perceptions. Relationships that were formed while in the previous paradigm no longer support us, and instead act to hold us back by holding us to the level of consciousness we were at when we developed them, and the group paradigm (behavioral dynamic) that formed as the basis of the relationship itself. Any relationship that doesn’t naturally grow together by the same means or through shared interests has a limited life-span and is ultimately grown beyond and replaced with a sense of alienation, no longer relating to one another.

Perception is formed through our paradigm

This is very common in relationships of all kinds, but especially in intimate relationships. Personal relationships where one person is growing and developing themselves and thereby undergoing constant change, and the other person isn’t, naturally grow apart. The one that doesn’t grow, or grows in a different way, only acts to hold the other person to the old way of being, and therefore acts to stagnate their growth. This creates a feeling of frustration from being held back or of having the past always brought up as a means of establishing the present to be a continuation or more of the same. Often others won’t allow our growth or don’t understand it and act in ways that attempt to hold us to the same patterns or ways of being that we’ve grown beyond, and so their behaviors towards us no longer stimulate the same response.

A paradigm shift as a shift in our vibratory frequency or soul’s mood and mental outlook, creates a ripple effect that ultimately acts to transform all areas of our life to incorporate the modification and begin expressing a new reality as a result. Those dedicated to growth as the attainment and application of knowledge, keep themselves in a constant state of transformation as personal evolution, and their life directly reflects it as constant changes in how they live, feel and think. Because of this they seldom remain in one situation for an extended period of time unless they can grow within that situation and transform it as a correlation to and with themselves.

As we grow and transform ourselves, we literally lose access to any memory of the previous state. We can’t remember what we used to feel, or how we thought, or what our perception of something was. We lose touch with our past and our beginning and become totally submerged in the present, while developing and building up ideas as new forms of experience produced by a new level of perception, that allows us to constantly create a new world on a moment-by-moment basis as being in the flow of life, which at some point, once growth and transformation has been established as the norm, becomes a way of life. If we begin fixating and living out of definite ideas about things that no longer breathe and grow into endless variations through unique applications, and instead settle into a ritualistic life of mundane habits, we stop the flow of life, stop growing and expanding as an individual, and begin the slow process of dying through mental decay. We begin losing interest in life, fear change, cling mercilessly to security, and quit trying new things or curiously craving new experiences.

By transforming our paradigm, altering our state and raising or expanding or vibratory frequency, we tune into different ideas as the building blocks for reality and how we identify with our own creations. You don’t have to overcome your past or keep living out of the same memories while telling the same type of stories and succumbing to unconscious tendencies. All we have to do is attain knowledge consistently through devoted study that undergoes a constant growth process that systematically modifies our paradigm, shifting our vibration, and losing the ability to access old memories, while creating a new form of reality out of new ideas born in the present, that evolve and grow the memories themselves as the new experiences which serve to alter our character and our identity and how we experience (create) life that lives a new kind of story as a natural expression. In this way we grow our soul by evolving it to new and higher states, by employing the knowledge of God as Universal laws that we move into and become one with in order to use them in our own life and transform ourselves by becoming more god-like. Because all of life operates according to the same set of laws, by gaining knowledge of and becoming one with God as Law, we create in an intelligent and deliberate manner, instead of creating in error due to ignorance of Natural laws and our ability to use them in a deliberate manner with a sense of awareness.

ethereal body formed our of our paradigm and vibratory frequency

Just as we transform the memories of this life by growing beyond them to a higher frequency as a general state-of-mind that we act to cultivate, we also change our souls memory by the experiences it creates, resolving karma born out of unconscious memory directly associate to state and the reality it produces as an inherent pattern. By shifting our paradigm, we shift our perception of reality, and we change the patterns as themes for producing experiences as the creator of that reality. The vibratory state we cultivate and maintain through the acquisition of higher-knowledge, alters the reality produced by our mind as a projection or filters used for interpretation that restructure it into themes that give it meaning and forms stories out of it that express and give life to the meaning, making it real as a personal creation.

By shifting our paradigm, we shift our whole life experience that’s produced by it, and evolve ourselves accordingly. Yet knowledge that’s only attained in theory, and held as a form of intellectual exercise that’s never actually applied and learned through experience, doesn’t produce an actual paradigm shift. Only the application of that knowledge to produce an experience of it (create by way of it), integrates it instantaneously and systematically modifies all areas of our paradigm that pertain to it. Experience is a synthesizing mechanism that sets or alters our vibration. We only know through direct experience and are no longer required to believe. Experience becomes memory as a form of thematic programming that shapes and transforms us according to our own creations as the expression of our paradigm or vibratory patterning as a dynamic matrix for generating personal realities.

Experience is what vibrates us, not the mere thought or imagining. These merely form the patterns as conceptualization necessary to produce a form of template as a mini-model that provides the means for structuring experience accordingly. Experience is becoming the channel for the knowledge in physical form that creates an experience that forms new memory for creating more of the same type of experiences. We become the channel for knowledge as the expression of it, or the means by which it experiences itself through us, as us. Only experience as present awareness modifies our vibratory frequency as our souls essence and becomes an engrained part of us that’s eternal in nature and carried forward into the death state forming the basis for the vibratory frequency of other incarnations as our subconscious mind, predisposition and natural tendencies. The mind is a reality generating machine that produces thematic experiences based on its vibratory frequency and the information carried on that frequency. To change our creative ability to structure experience, we have to change our mind, in the most literal sense of actual perception that forms our natural behavior, all of which are ultimately our own creation.

Dr. Linda Gadbois

Personal Trainer and Coach for Personal Transformation and Self-Mastery

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