The Illusion of Thinking you can Wake other People Up
One of the main themes playing out in society right now, especially among the spiritually oriented communities, is that it’s somehow their job to try an ‘wake people up’. The first and most immediate question that arises from this idea is what do they mean by wake people up? Wake them up to what? How is that idea being used? Wake them up to what’s really happening in the world at the covert and subliminal level? Wake them up to how it is they’re being hypnotized and their perception shaped by the media? Or wake them up in realizing their own higher soul and true identity as a higher, more divine being? Or perhaps, like most things in life it’s a combination of all of them, which come as a correlated series of events that bring new awareness and realizations.
Then the next aspect of this approach comes by whether or not we understand the true nature of ‘how our mind works’ in terms of neutral and unbiased law, and whether or not we’re actually doing what we think we are, or whether we’re actually planting the seed even deeper and promoting and propagating the very thing we say we’re trying to wake people up from. When someone doesn’t realize how the mind actually works they tend to use it in an inappropriate and self-sabotaging way, and often serve to produce the very thing they think their preventing. This is due to the fact that our mind has both an conscious and unconscious aspect that function differently on multiple levels and are paradoxical in nature due to the fact that they operate through the principle of polarity in relation with each other as complementary opposites. This principle forms the interaction between different aspects of the mind on both the same (material) plane, and between higher and lower planes, which actually exist as a mirror image of each other. Many people try to wake others up from their hypnotic slumber and collective dream by giving them ‘suggestions’ that take them even deeper into the dream, or that are designed to move them from one aspect of the dream into another aspect of the same dream as a perspective formed from different points of view regarding the same thing.
Anytime we’re acting to keep someone focused on what’s actually happening and has already manifest as a reality, they simply become more active participants in co-creating and strengthening that reality. An anti-war or anti-violence campaign, for example, has historically only served to plant more ideas of war and violence in the minds of the public while embellishing them with sentiment, strong emotions, and an attitude designed to elicit feelings of compassion and sympathy, when all they’re really doing is participating ‘willfully’ in creating more of the same type of activities they’re trying to prevent. We can realize how this type of idea works by the strange fact that the well-intended campaign set forth to end drug abuse in children, called the ‘war on drugs’, only acted to create more drug problems. The campaign called ‘MADD’, Mothers against Drunk Drivers, only created more incidents of drunk driving. This is because they were acting to plant the idea in people’s subconscious through gory pictures that were emotionally intense and disturbing, without even realizing that it was the pictures themselves that were giving the subconscious a command for creating as an experience. They showed constant pictures of a tragic nature while thinking they were scarring people with what happens when you drink and drive, or do drugs, or hurt people, and so on, without ever realizing it was the pictures themselves presented with intense emotions that was the subconscious suggestion which acted as a prolific seed planted in their imagination.

How the Subconscious Works to Create Reality
Many people design campaigns based on their conscious mind (which can interpret a negative command), without realizing that the subconscious works through different principles. The subconscious mind doesn’t know how to process a negative command, because it works by picturing whatever it is that we want it to create as an outer manifestation. The subconscious doesn’t think in abstract terms like the conscious mind, and works by being directed on what to connect with and move towards in the outer world and create as an experience by whatever it is it pictures in the imagination. If you tell it ‘not to do something’, it has to first picture what it is that it’s not supposed to do, and it’s the picture that serves as the directive for creating. If you tell it not to do drugs, it forms an internal picture of whatever drugs you give it a picture of or use words to describe, or it forms an association with whatever image it has of drugs in general, and then relates to that same idea in everything else. It doesn’t know how to ‘not think about’ whatever its told to picture as a material reality. It’s only the conscious, intellectual aspect of the mind that can think in abstract and negative terms. We program ourselves with the reality of whatever it is we describe in vivid terms and imagine with strong emotion associated with it. As we associate an image or idea to a strong emotion, it becomes a permanent imprint in our mind and continues to play out on a repetitive manner through association.
This is the main reason we have to really pay attention to what we willingly participate in mentally and emotionally, and expose ourselves to through media and movies of various sorts. Anything that gives us a visual reality represented in a sensationalize way that invokes a strong emotional reaction, regardless of whether or not it’s presented as fact or fiction, serves as a form of subconscious programming. Whatever we blend with and become one with in mind, and engage in by thinking about it for an extended period of time, we develop internally by adapting it to our paradigm forming a unique interpretation of it as a possible experience. The subconscious is experiential in nature and works by way of creating an inner reality that becomes the seed for producing as an equivalent or corresponding outer reality of the same type, kind, and feeling. This is why all conscious programming is formed as a suggestion we give ourselves for manifesting as an outer reality has to be constructed in the imagination and then imbued with sensation that invokes a corresponding emotion. We create the subconscious directive ‘as if’ it’s already manifest and from within the experience of it. If we continuously act in an undisciplined way to dwell mentally in what we don’t want, while praying and asking for what we do want, then all we’re doing is programming our own subconscious mind to give us more of whatever it is we’re continuously thinking about. It’s our own emotional thoughts that are producing our reality.

The Will and Imagination
Many have formed the idea that the word ‘will’ means determination to push through things, endure or resist something, or act in contradiction to our actual outer reality, yet this idea actually comes from a misunderstanding that works against law. What’s referred to as universal law, which are the processes and operations that produce and sustain reality itself in a coherent state, operates by completely natural means. Our imagination and ability to mentally produce inner realities using the intellectual aspect of our conscious mind in first deciding what we want to experience and then thinking about it, ‘is’ our will. The imagination is the creative faculty of our mind that works to create what doesn’t already exist, or serves to amplify and multiply what does already exist, giving us more of it. Our will to create comes through the harmonious interaction of our conscious mind, which speaks internally in words, with our subconscious mind which translates words into pictures. As we think and form stories as internal dialogue that explain, describe, and give meaning to ideas, we simultaneously form a picture of the reality of our thoughts that mimic a memory. Memories are what the subconscious uses to create corresponding outer realities as an automated process. We translate our verbal thoughts (spoken word) into a reality based on the meaning they have for us, and we literally program ourselves to produce the reality of our thoughts.
While our soul resides within our physical body and the material reality of our body, we have two aspects of our mind that work together to create all of our experiences, and it’s only by learning how to use these aspects of our mind that we learn how to create our life experiences in an intentional and deliberate way. As we create our experiences, we simultaneously associate with them, and over time build our identity out of them. Our conscious mind is the intellectual aspect that thinks in words, forms theories about things that don’t currently exist as a kind of prediction, has the ability to make rational decisions based on logic and reasoning, and is what forms all of our internal dialogue and habitual commentaries. It’s the creative aspect of our mind that’s always lost in time and telling stories about things by replaying memories of the past, or imagining the future as a continuation of the past.

The conscious mind spends most of its time in the 4th dimension of space and time, while the subconscious has no concept of time and is always present in the moment. It doesn’t understand tenses. The subconscious is represented symbolically by the heart (feelings that connects the inner and outer world as an extension of each other), and perceives the outer through the same memory as the inner. All automatic patterns as memory of some kind are activated and set in motion through emotional charges that cause a reaction, and produce the same type of experience as the memory being used to form the reaction. It’s motivated towards any idea that’s presented as being pleasurable, and moves away form or tries to avoid any idea that seems painful. The emotion connected with the idea as an image or picture, is what seats that’s picture deep in the psyche, where it acts like a ‘hook’ that keeps us thinking about it anytime we encounter something that reminds us of it, or that’s of the same nature. Fear is a very strong instinctual sensation designed to produce automatic behavior in animals, and in humans tends to be brought into our thoughts where we create whole realities out of them that serve to keep us in a constant state of fear that’s purely imaginary. As we think about what scares us, we create the experience of being afraid, even though what we’re imagining isn’t actually happening or real.
In order to create in a conscious and deliberate way, we have to work using both aspects of our mind and employ our intellect in directing our instinctual mind through verbal ideas that are converted into pictures. We do this by first deciding what it is we want to create as an experience, and then forming that reality in our imagination by defining it with sensory details to make it come alive. As it begins coming alive as a vivid idea inside our mind, it naturally stimulates and gives rise to a corresponding emotion, which enters into it and animates it as a means of expressing it. Once we have developed it as a sensory reality that will bring us the right type of experience, we create internal dialogue around it as what ‘we’re telling ourselves about it’ that gives it meaning. The self-creative component doesn’t come through the reality itself, per say, but rather by how we translate it into an experience based on the meaning we give it. All personal interpretations of any event or happening is formed out of the meaning we give it through our internal dialogue as what we tell ourselves about it .

All reality in the most basic sense is objective and void of meaning. We take an objective reality and personalize it based on the meaning we give it which shapes how we experience it. The only meaning any situation has is the one we give it through our perception of it. Meaning forms the basis for how we construct our memories. Our memories are not formed out of the events themselves, but out of the story we told ourselves about what the event or situation meant. Meaning is multidimensional as a coherent organizing principle, and whatever meaning we give something is simultaneously applied to others, to life in general, and to us as a part of it all. Everything is based on and formed out of relationships as creative processes that take the same basic meaning as a kind of theme, and apply it systematically as a means of interpreting events to create specific types of experience that vary each time according to the new combinations formed.
If we’re against violence, we don’t focus on violence while constantly talking about it, forming the idea in the minds of others, or posting articles and videos ‘about’ violent acts or violence events, because all this does is communicate the idea of violence, while promoting it, and programming others with the same idea as a reality. This is very easy to realize if you disconnect briefly from your belief about things (which is what shapes how you experience them), enter into an objective and detached state, and simply observe how your mind works. Recall a time when you read about, heard about, watched, or personally witnessed a violent act. It was presented with pictures of some kind and embellished with sensations and emotions by ‘how’ it was presented (what perspective was being employed), and what language and tone was used to explain or describe it. Once you allowed the impression as an idea to enter your mind and take hold through the emotional charge associated with, where you thought about it for several minutes afterwards, forming it into a reality in your mind, saturating your body with the sensations it produced, even when you broke your train of thought and went on about your business or did something else that changed what you were focused on, that same idea as an internal picture and imaginary thought is impressed, and will come up periodically through any form of association to a similar idea or event. It has not only entered into your mind as a possible reality, it has invaded your thoughts and became a permanent reference as part of your normal thinking.

As you thought about it and developed it into a reality in your mind, you transformed it into your own thought. You made it into a personal thought that became a form of seed for perceiving as an outer reality of a similar kind. It became what you can think about as a perceptual filter that’s available as a means of forming instant interpretations of anything that even remotely resembles it. Your mind references memory through association, and when you recall that memory it comes complete with feeling sensations and emotions infused in it, and it serves to alter your state accordingly. Out of your state, comes more thoughts of the same nature, and they begin proliferating. It’s not about that event or type of violence, but violence becomes a general theme activated through association with anything of a violent nature, and you begin having more and more of the same type of thoughts and saturate yourself with more and more of the same type of feelings and emotions.
Next thing you know, you’re thinking about violence in general quite a bit, and you begin looking around you start seeing it more and more, you start feeling paranoid, and you become a victim to your own imagination, usually without ever realizing what you’re actually doing. You were successfully given the seed for generating violence through your ordinary, everyday thoughts and behaviors. This is because just as we have the innate ability to program our own subconscious using our conscious mind, the conscious mind of others have the ability to program us in exactly the same way. Anytime we take in an idea from another person or outside force without exercising discretion or judgment in objectively evaluating it with our rational mind, and we allow it to take hold and begin propagating in our imagination, we allow ourselves to be programmed with it and we begin psychologically cooperating in co-producing it as a joint reality.

Learning to Think in Terms of Principles
When we take an attitude of ‘pointing out’ what’s (possibly) happening at a subliminal level as a way of supposedly ‘waking people up’ to it, while we think that’s meaningful because we’re showing them something they can’t see on their own, and we present our case in regards to what we believe is ‘really going on’ behind the appearance of things, chances are all we’re really doing is ingraining the idea deeper into their subconscious. We’re still using the same idea while presenting it with different feeling and emotions, instead of teaching them the principles involved in being able to intuitively discern things for themselves. What this means is that you’re going to have to keep on pointing things out because they continue to not be able to see things for themselves, and, if for any reason their perception that you gave them is deemed wrong somehow, they’ll blame you while turning on you, try to discredit you, ridicule and attack you, and make you out to be the bad guy. This is very easy to understand when we simply look around and realize that the people who come public and expose covert operations going on behind the scenes, are prosecuted by the very forces they sought to expose, while the public they tried to save and inform, sit back idly and don’t do anything, while, in some cases actively participate in helping to persecute them.
If a person can’t see things on their own then they’re simply going to be subject to the will of others and have to be led along. This is one of the greatest fallacies that we can easily form without realizing it. The fact that many can have a hard time realizing and accepting is that each one of us is responsible for our own life-creation and soul development. Someone who’s weak, unconscious, and requires constant help , will need help the whole way, and when it becomes difficult for them to handle, they often turn on the very person trying to help them, or they’ll simply keep on going with whatever reality is formed as the expression of their weaknesses. You can’t carry a weak person along, all you can do is try to teach them what they need in order to cultivate their own moral and mental strength and fortitude. Each one of us has got to be able to see the illusion of things ourselves by developing our intuition and higher capacities of our own mind and will.

Our Paradigm forms our Perception
Another factor that’s often completely overlooked or not taken rightfully into account, is the fact that we can only see and therefore comprehend in anything what matches and can be explained and described using our mental paradigm. If our paradigm doesn’t support an idea, we can look straight at it without realizing what it is and will simply reshape it to match our belief about it. The only common ground any of us really have lies in our ability to see the outer appearance of things. Many, or should I say most, only see what’s presented for them to see, or what they have some form of knowledge and memory around. Even when they’re shown what’s hidden in a situation that they can’t ordinarily see, they can’t process it rationally or discern it intuitively. They have to be taught these skills in order to employ them intuitively as a chain of associated ideas that simultaneously connects all correlated ideas, or by learning how to think about ideas rationally as a form of critical thinking. This means that even when you can present things to them in a way that allows them to see them in one instance, they’ll turn around in the next instance and fail almost entirely in being able to see the underlying idea being played out subliminally. We can’t depart knowledge on someone who is unable to receive it or integrate it harmoniously in their existing perception of reality.
Another common mistake that we make that results from the previously mentioned ones, is that when we teach people how to think for themselves and employ their own intuition in being able to see the hidden nature of things, they’ll form a somewhat different perception of it than we do. So many make the mistake of not appreciating the fact that there is no set version of reality where it appears exactly the same way for everyone, because all perception is formed out of our mental model as integrated life experiences, and so different aspects of the same situation or event is recognized, brought to the foreground, emphasized, and used as the means of creating a unique version of it by how they interpret it. We always reshape everything to be like us. The subconscious isn’t literal in terms of the language it speaks, it’s symbolic and metaphorical (intuitive), and sees the same idea differently each time it’s applied or perceived based on new combinations of state, emotions, and elements being used to illustrate the idea. It fluctuates each time it’s adapted to varying situations and circumstances, and by the memory being used to mentally conceptualize it and give it meaning.
So no one is going to see the same situation in the same way you are, and it’s going to mean something different to them as a result. You have to know this, understand it, and be okay with it. If you’re overly invested in your perception and interpretation to be the right one, or the true one, then you’re going to struggle with your own misunderstanding and faulty perception, probably without even realizing it. Every single person is going to form a slightly different take on the same thing when they’re perceiving it themselves, rather than trying to picture what it is you’re describing and trying to explain to them using your own words and concepts. So you need to give up your need for trying to tell them what they should be seeing, and instead show them how to see the hidden nature and operations being conducted behind the smoke screen of outer appearances.

How to Create Something New or Transform what Currently Exists
If you’re truly against violence, for example, you can’t keep talking about it, watching and posting videos or reading and sharing articles about it, because in doing so you’re only planting the psychological seed for producing more types of violence. In doing this you’re only acting to promote it and act as an advocate for it. The mind grows and multiplies whatever idea it’s given to think about and develops it by continuing to think about it. If you’re against violence, we have to ask yourself what needs to be employed in its place, and focus all of our attention onto that idea and develop it as a reality in our mind’s eye. Then refrain from continuing to saturate your mind with images that contradict it, and instead fill your mind with thoughts and ideas around tolerance, compassion, understanding, kindness, building communities that benefit everyone and helping those in need, and whatever it is that when established as a reality will abolish violence. Develop healthy and vivid ideas around peace and collaboration, and what kind of reality violence would never rise out of as a natural byproduct.
Then pay attention to how you communicate the idea to others to ensure that you’re doing it in a way that inspires them and makes them feel good about being a part of it. Learn to describe it using words and concepts that cultivates positive feelings and emotions. Demonstrate it in your own life and work on developing your own attitude in regards to it in every aspect of your daily life. Read and share articles about it, only watch videos and movies that make you feel good and give you more ideas about how to create the same type of reality. Learn how to cultivate and nurture internally what you want to connect with and experience externally. Refrain from saturating your mind with violent ideas and imagery and instead fill it with ideas about good people and good stories. By doing this you’ll begin forming the perceptual lens for seeing that in others and in everything around you, and you’ll begin growing and multiplying it. You”ll begin planting seeds for growing peace and prosperity for all people and walks of life.
Transpersonal Psychologist, Coach for Personal Transformation, and Spiritual Mentor