The Eternal Nature of the Soul and the Illusion of Time and Space
In order to truly comprehend any idea, we have to start by defining the meaning of the terms being used to describe them. While we tend to think that words mean the same thing to everyone, this is never the case, so in order to form the model necessary to comprehend an idea in a new way, we have to first define the model. Whatever conceptual model we use to perceive something determines what we’re capable of seeing. While we have a tendency to think that eternity means living within time and space forever without dying, it actually indicates a higher plane that not only exists outside of the time-space dimension, but as what acts to compose and orchestrate the entire lower plane of time and space as the material world of natural phenomena.
What we refer to as the soul, which is the aspect of the self that’s both of the spiritual and material plane as a combination, doesn’t exist in the most fundamental sense as an actual entity that’s located at a specific point within time, but rather as the memory that couples with the body that’s a part of the time-space plane, that it then inhabits as a means of creating experiences of itself. What we refer to as soul essence is memory as an organized field of information that forms the material world as the reconstitution of accumulated memory (karma). The soul uses the body as the means of experiencing itself as someone specific within the outer world of its own making that sets the stage for a certain type of drama to be played out. As it plays out a drama as a reality that provides it with a certain type of experience, it then absorbs the self-created experience as a summation when the body dies as memory of itself.

The Singularity
The Soul exists in its natural domain on a higher plane that’s unified in nature as a singularity, and as it moves down into the lower plane of material reality, it divides and separates from itself to form the illusion of a self and other, an inner and outer, and a personal and universal. The same accumulated and fully integrated memory as a singularity forms the basis for the entire material reality or both the body and it’s lifetime as a specific type of experience based on meaning. This follows the same principle as cellular mitosis where a single cell divides and regenerates itself multiple times in order to produce the cellular structure of a much larger entity as a unified whole. The same group of information reconfigured to produce all working aspects forms the same idea on multiple scales and magnitudes simultaneously. Though the body is comprised of what seems like trillions of independent cells, every cell is actually a reproduction of the same cell.
The physical body and the environment of the body are all a part of the same idea as a smaller field within a greater field of the same nature (holographic principle). The Soul, which is of a universal nature (non-personal) on the higher plane of its natural domain, exists in multiple places and points in time simultaneously (superposition) on the lower plane of material existence which is fully created as a unified state. What we perceive as a past, present, and future, is actually all happening at the same time. While located within the dimension of time and space as a material being, we can’t see time as a whole event, and so we experience it instead as an unfolding that has a beginning, middle, and an end (the illusion of time). If we were viewing it from a higher dimension (that included the entire lower dimension as a singularity), we’d be able to see it in its entirety as a single event played out in a variety of ways from a multitude of perspectives. This idea is expressed through the saying “you can’t see the forest for the trees”. When you’re in it you can’t see the whole picture, but if you were on a mountain top you’d be able to see the entire forest as a single form and living entity.

The Nature of Reality, Energetic Entanglement, and Coherence
The Soul exists as a single idea comprised of memory that’s organized (integrated and assimilated) into a pattern as a generalized theme. This is what forms the basis for karma which is a mindset as a certain type of character that when placed in a variety of personalities, conditions, and circumstances, still forms the same temperament, tendencies, and reconstructs their perception of reality out of the same thematic drama that tells a specific type of story. Our reality and experience of life is the way it is because of our mental paradigm that’s acting to create it. The same idea is played in the same way through multiple positions in time all taking place simultaneously. While we perceive different lives as being before and after, as a logical sequence of systematic development, they’re actually all happening at once, and any action as a change in one life, automatically produces the same change in all others because they’re energetically entangled (of the same nature as a single entity).
The principle of Energetic Entanglement basically states that any two (or more) particles that are born together (cellular division and self-regeneration), then separated (an illusion of time and space), no matter how great the distance between them, continue to act as if they’re one. If you change the state (mental structure) of one, the other, which exists in polarity (complementary opposite) to it, changes in the same way at exactly the same time. They exist as both a particle and a wave (unified field) at the same time. They appear as being both located in space and as having no location in space, but existing instead as the space itself. The seemingly different personalities of the Soul exist in a coherent state as the same internal nature, type of person, and vibratory frequency.
The idea of time and space as a perception of reality is an illusion in the most basic sense. The entire physical plane is created by the same idea (the collective unconscious) as a pattern (vibratory frequency) for reality. The Soul not only exists as the individual and the entire outer environment of the individual, but as multiple individuals within multiple outer environments that are all simultaneously located within the same space-time continuum that’s perceived as being past, present, and future lives of the same eternal soul. The same character and type of drama are played out simultaneously in multiple personalities and places, and are all connected at the subconscious level where they continue to act as one entity through a coherent state.

Soul Modification and the Nature of Choice and Free Will
Our Higher Soul exists in what we can think of as a purified state on the Higher Plane of its own domain, where it hasn’t merged with a material body yet. As it moves into the lower material plane, where it has to divide from itself to produce the illusion of another, it chooses a body that’s comprised of compatible and corresponding genetic memory that will act to cooperatively produce the same type of experiences as the memory of the Soul. The genetic memory of the body has been programmed with the qualities, characteristics and experiences of its ancestors, which have expressed as family dynamics by all who share the same type of memory (subconscious programming) as a predisposition that forms natural tendencies. We don’t necessarily choose our family and life conditions as a conscious and deliberate process, but rather through a form of natural selection as being of the same nature as coherent memory and life programming as behavioral dynamics.
As our Soul merges into and energetically blends with the personality of the body, where it takes on (inherits and acquires) the genetic memory of the family bloodline, and merges it’s accumulated memory with that of the body’s ancestors. The DNA of the body not only contains the memory for producing the physical characteristics that give the body it’s appearance, general makeup, and physical abilities, but also all the high impacting experiences and traumas of the parents, who inherited them from their parents, who inherited them from their parents, and so on down the line for many generations. These unconscious memories as our genetic predisposition forms the basis for what we call our lower soul, which is of an animal nature and forms the basis for our personality and formative conditioning, all of which are created out of what is primarily an unconscious state. This idea is expressed in the saying “the sins of the Father are passed down to the sons for seven generations”.

This genetic memory that we acquire from our body is what gives us our emotional tendencies, animalistic passions and desires, unconscious compulsions, and forms our instinctual nature. Because we share the same memory and predisposition with our immediate family who expresses them through family dynamics, we’re conditioned with the same dynamics as behavioral patterns that are the basic model set into place for our karma. The Higher Soul resonates with the memory of the body because it’s ideal for producing and acting out the same type of experiences as the means of creating itself. As the Soul mixes with the emotions and instinctual nature of the body, its contaminated and altered from its original state, and requires the use of its creative power of choice and will in order to overcome and mentally direct the passions of the body.
As the Soul enters into the dense (unconscious) matter of the body, and acquires an emotional nature that’s designed to produce activity without a thought process or conscious decision made out of a sense of self-awareness and objective thinking, it gets caught up in the illusions created out of the emotions which take control of all thinking and imagining, and it can get lost, forgetting almost entirely who and what it actually is. The illusions created out of the unconscious state of the personality set into play the challenges and obstacles the Soul must overcome in regaining its authority over itself by remembering who it really is and the power it possesses to be self-determined. The Soul forgets its origins and true identity and engages fully in the illusion of its own creation as a way of self-creating within the drama of its own making.

Observing the Nature of the Soul outside of Time
I became aware of the true nature of the soul and time not through study and developing a hypothesis based on a new combination of ideas, or by evolving currently held ideas, but through direct experience that came by engaging in a dynamic series of hypnotic past life regression (PLR), and conducting past life regression sessions with others (I’m a hypnotherapist). What I found was a bit mind-boggling at first, as it defied everything I had been taught up to that point and made no sense to me at the time, and so it took me a while to understand what they were showing me. The experiments I formed out of them as a way of exploring the implications produced even more startling evidence that everything I had been taught about the nature of our soul and reality was based on a false premise, and therefore was false also.
These ideas will probably never be fully accepted by conventional science because it requires merging natural phenomena with invisible forces and fields that are acting not only to organize and form them, but animate them as a dynamic drama taking place in multiple positions within a continuum at the same time. Yet Quantum Physics, which is based on observation of phenomenon rather than mathematical theory, beliefs, and preexisting opinions, is already making the same discoveries and drawing very similar conclusions. The biggest difference between my findings and theirs is that they’re using a scientific model of particles and wave-forms, and I’m using a spiritual model of the soul and the nature of reality as eternity.

All true knowledge only comes as awareness attained through the experience of something. Theory as a hypothesis or belief of some kind only provides the basis for applying in an experimental manner to produce the results the theory predicts and thereby proving it as being true and real. But often when we openly experiment with an idea without a firm set of beliefs about it, which will only act to shape and limit our experience, often what we encounter instead contradicts everything we’ve been taught up to that point and reveals instead a magical alternative that moves us instantly to a whole new level of understanding.
While this new understanding can seem surreal at first, it also brings many conflicting ideas together in a way that suddenly makes perfect sense and seems to answer every question we ever wondered about that seemed like a loop-hole in truly grasping the overall truth. When this happens, a kind of quickening takes place as a synchronization of multiple ideas and how they’re interrelated to form a coherent and cohesive whole on a higher plane of understanding. We move from being in the forest and unable to see because of the trees, to the mountain top where we can see the entire forest as a dynamic ecological system. So everything I’m going to talk about here came as a direct experience that brought new and deeper realizations into the true nature of the soul, reality, and what we experience as the space-time continuum.

Exploring Multiple Lives
The whole basis of PLR is the realization that our soul exists in many different bodies and personalities, located in many different places and points in time as the history of the collective unconscious of humanity. Through the actual experience of being someone else in a different place and time, I began developing an awareness of what part of me as my conscious awareness was what we call our higher soul that’s eternal in nature. I realized that this term means non-personal, and while it’s “in the body as the body”, it’s not “of the body”. It permeates, inhabits, and transcends the body all at the same time. It’s the objective witness that’s watching the life experiences from a removed position, involved in the meaning of the drama being played out as a series of realizations about its own nature in relation to that of humanity, yet somewhat disconnected from the emotions and personality, and the thoughts taking place in a moment-by-moment manner.
The Higher Soul is always involved in the bigger picture playing out as the meaning of the moment-by-moment experiences. It’s always aware of and involved in the summation of meaning as a story-line that’s being viewed from outside and at a distance. We view it as if we’re in the audience watching it like a movie, and simultaneously within the body forming a realization about the self as it’s playing a role within an unfolding drama. It’s detached from the personality of the body and only inside the body looking out, using the body as the means of telling a story and experiencing itself by way of that story. It feels a lot like an actor playing a convincing role in a story by embodying the qualities and characteristics that are ideal for telling that type of story, while at the same time, realizing their only acting.

I then realized that the theme as a pattern or kind of drama being played out was the same as the one being played out in my current life in a different way. And that the person or people I was acting it out with were the same souls that were simply in a different body just as I was. We formed a similar relationship and played various roles in the same dynamic as a life theme. We were playing out the same idea as a life pattern within different bodies in a different set of conditions and circumstances, and at different points in time as what we could call shared karma or soul memory. It revealed to me in very objective terms the pattern I was acting out in my current life. Because I was viewing the same idea from a detached state, I was able to see it in a different light and immediately recognized it as the same pattern that was governing this life.
Naturally the implications for healing became immediately obvious, and everything in my life that I was unsure of and always wondering about and asking for guidance on became crystal clear. I not only knew why I was doing what I was doing and what the lesson was, but what I needed to do in order to remedy it. I gained extreme clarity around what it means to redeem myself from the errors committed in the past that were born out of unknowingly participating in an illusion as a deception that replaced what I knew to be true and right. At the same time I recognized several things that I (we) was doing in what seemed like a joking or casual manner in my relationships that were actually symbolic ideas buried deep in my (our) subconscious mind as a form of soul awareness and recognition of past events.
For example, I used to give my partner a hand full of herbs at night before bed to help him sleep, and he would make jokes about me poisoning him, and I would joke in return about it not working very well and that maybe I should up the dose. It turned out that he had ruthlessly poisoned me in a past life where we were best friends. In a past life you can recognize the soul of the other people by looking in their eyes, regardless of what their body looks like. This is why we often feel an instant connection with someone the minute we make eye contact with them. It’s the primary means of soul recognition. All attraction in the most basic sense of the idea comes from connecting with other souls that we share karma with as a dynamic that we’re ideal for acting out together.

Rewriting our own History
But the truly amazing discovery came when I used the information obtained from a past life to make the changes in perception and behaviors in my current life that transformed the nature of the pattern being acted out, and set a new one into play as a different series of choices that produced a different kind of reality and experience. Once I made the corrections in the present, and then revisited that same past life where that pattern was acted out in full, the drama as my life story in that life had changed in the same way. I literally rewrote my own past history in the present, by acting to change the idea that was being played out in both lives. I naturally continued to experiment with this idea myself through other life patterns, and drew consistent conclusions each time. So I decided to experiment in the same fashion with others, where it proved to be true for them also.
What seemed like a past and present was actually being conducted at the same time from different points and perspectives in time. I actually existed as both people at the same time. The only difference was my awareness of each personality that I was alive in. I was able to see what seemed like a previous life and the same pattern being acted out in its wholeness or completion and the outcome that would result. I was able to comprehend the same type of life as a beginning and end, and it allowed me to make new choices within my current life as a result. This shows us that there’s truly no time but the present, and it’s never too late to make changes. That our soul isn’t doomed by mistakes, but only our failure to actively correct our mistakes. We can acquire the means for correcting our own mistakes as faulty judgment by being able to see the consequences of our decisions played out to a natural conclusion. By being able to witness the consequences of our own actions as a life experience, we can make new decisions in our current life that will act to redeem our soul from past errors. As we correct the same pattern and tendency being played out in our current life, it’s as if those errors are erased from our history altogether.

Super positioning of the Multidimensional Nature of the Soul
I then started noticing that the soul appeared to be living multiple existences simultaneously, and some lifetimes were taking place within the same time periods, and often even overlapped each other. The Higher Soul not only exists within a unified reality of past and present, but also in multiple bodies and personalities simultaneously. While our conscious awareness is based on our outer awareness of a specific location within time, when we delve into our subconscious mind and Soul memory, which is our inner awareness and the part of our mind we share with all of Nature as our collective unconscious, we can tap into the reality of multiple existences simultaneously, and some that often overlap each other by several years.
The Soul isn’t the consciousness of a single entity, but that which animates and gives life to multiple entities at the same time that are all playing out the same type of memory as a life theme. Any changes that we make in the shared pattern that acts as a metaphor, influences and produces a shift in consciousness across all lifetimes and personalities simultaneously. When this happens, new ideas as realizations come to us seemingly out of nowhere as a form of realization, inspiration, and guidance. As we do the work to heal ourselves within our present awareness, we simultaneously heal all of ourselves throughout the space-time continuum. In this way the soul can redeem itself at any point in time where it created in error out of an illusion born out of an emotional state, and return itself to a purified state where all memory is transformed simultaneously throughout the unified field or greater mind of the Soul. It’s never too late to do our healing work of personal transformation. Time only exists as the present moment. All else is an illusion created in the mind.

The Future already Exists in the Present Moment
Another transforming realization came when I was exploring the idea of the fact that we can transform ourselves by developing new qualities and traits in ourselves through modeling someone else who possesses the traits we want to develop. This plays off of the idea that we can only do and become what we can first imagine. Our creative ability to become something more or different from the character established through our formative conditioning only comes through our ability to decide to change, and in what way we’re going to change, then model that quality and way of being as a state of mind and behavior until it becomes natural. This is the method used for tapping into our latent potential and using it to create ourselves in new ways.
Our subconscious, which is what forms our personality and all of our natural behaviors as well as our outer reality as a perception, works to construct reality out of memory. Our Soul is comprised of memory that forms a cohesive model (mental paradigm) used for constructing and perceiving reality and our self within that reality. In order to create something new that’s outside of our habitual memory pattern as a way of being, we have to embody it and form it in our imagination as an actual experience of ourselves that mimics an actual memory. This virtual memory produced in the creative imagination serves as a creative directive or command for the subconscious to use as a pattern for creating both an inner and outer reality of the same nature.
I kept seeing myself as a teacher and public speaker that was very confident and knowledgeable, and I had developed a very distinct style that seemed to come naturally. As an artist I know that when we mentor another artist whose work we really like, and try to paint in the same way they do, it allows a form of pathway for our own style to emerge and become apparent. We always have to create a pathway as practice for manifesting a reality as a thematic idea. Yet I had never mentored another teacher, and couldn’t figure out where I was getting or producing this distinct vision I had of myself. Then one day while meditating on the idea, I realized I was mentoring myself in the future. That the image I constantly saw of myself that acted as a form of guidance and the purpose and dream from my life was actually a snapshot produced by a future memory.

I then realized that just as we have subconscious memories of our past life that come as mental impressions and a deep feeling of connection to an idea, one that we naturally see ourselves in and doing, we also have memories of the future that play out in our mind as a form of guidance. What we perceive as our future self has already been created and established before we were born and comes as a dream for our life that guides us through a pathway of constant obstacles and challenges, that serve to shape and transform us along the way. Who we become exists in us as our natural dream for our life that’s always acting to compel and drive us at the subconscious level to create it.
This subconscious memory that we’re programmed with from birth gives us the illusion of having choice and free will within the body and personality, which actually comes as a preset memory that’s programmed into us. This memory of ourselves as a creative design for our life forms all of our predispositions, temperament, tendencies, talents, gifts, and special abilities, as well as the karmic events of our life and how we respond to them as the means of growing and evolving ourselves. Our Higher Self as our true Soul is the creator and choreographer of the entire lower material plane, where it simultaneously exists apart from it, while entering into it as the mind (spirit) that expresses through the body. It uses the body as the means of experiencing itself through its own creation as a certain type of story. We are the author of our own story, the producer and director and the main star of our own movie, and the co-star of an even greater story of the same nature all being played out simultaneously within the same outer reality as a group theme.

The Eternal Nature of the Soul within the Space-Time Continuum
The Soul doesn’t necessarily live forever within the dimension of space and time, where it moves systematically in a linear fashion from one body to the next, absorbing and integrating the life memory attained from that body and point in time, but exists outside of time as the one creating reality as a form of simulation. It exists on a higher plane and uses multiple bodies simultaneously as empty shells (it’s the soul that gives life to the body) that it enters into through sympathetic induction while in its universal and unified state as multiple selves all living out the same metaphorical story as a life theme and type of drama. It exists at multiple points in time (unified field as a continuum) and history as a form of dynamic simulation that are all taking place at the same time. Each life lived from different perspectives has the ability to form new realizations and make changes based on those realizations that effect all lives in the same way simultaneously.
What we perceive as the past is really a part of the present moment happening on a parallel plane, and only has the appearance of being the past and future, when in essence, it’s the same consciousness that exists everywhere within the lower plane at the same time. Time travel as we know it is a unilateral movement within the same plane as multiple dimensions based on the souls timeline as its memory of itself. While memory appears to be an accumulation of separate events, it’s actually a unified idea as a singularity that acts as a theme that can be played out in a similar fashion within an infinite number of conditions and circumstances to produce the same type of experience and outcome.
The same pattern as a metaphorical theme is being played out at different locations simultaneously within a unified field that’s comprised of the same information. The soul divides from itself and separates into the illusion of a self and another in order to enter a physical body that’s located within a greater field of time and space as the means of experiencing and creating itself by way of working on its own memory to produce new memories that serve to tell a different type of story. Each one of these lives and selves are of the same entity as consciousness that’s comprised of organized information as Soul memory that forms a vibratory frequency as its nature, and appears to exist in several places at once, while still acting as a single entity. Change the state of one, and all the others change in the exact same manner instantaneously, rewriting time as the Souls history within the space-time continuum.

The Nature of Light
All light exists simultaneously as a wave (unified field of information) and particle. A particle doesn’t form out of the wave as a seemingly solid and fixed form unless it’s being observed by the mind. It exists in a potential state of infinite possibilities (neutral and passive) until it enters into relationship with the paradigm of the individual mind, which acts on it to shape and determine it as a match to the beliefs, expectations, preferences, and memories of the person observing it. The Soul as the mind exists as both the field and the particles within the field simultaneously. All particles that are born together out of a single particle or unified system, or that become entangled through intimate contact (think of mitosis as cellular regeneration of a single cell to form trillions that produce a greater whole as a single entity), when separated, no matter how great the distance (distance is a property of time and space), continue to exist and act as if they’re one.
A particle has both a solid and virtual existence at the same time, and can exist in two or more locations at the same time. What we perceive with our senses to be a solid, material object is actually comprised of light (photons) as coagulated essence in empty (invisible) space. An atom exists in its fundamental state as a cloud-like formation of essence, and doesn’t form into an organized system as a fixed pattern until it’s observed. It only forms into an organized and somewhat stable system when interacted with and influenced by consciousness that’s of a certain nature. It then forms an appearance that matches the belief and expectation of the mind that’s acting to influence it by directing how it organizes.
The mind of the Soul exists as an organized field of information as memory. This field of accumulated memory exists as a mental paradigm that’s a single entity and acts to shape matter into the same pattern as an organized structure that matches it as a theme. What we experience as both the inner and outer reality is a mental construct produced by the mind as a thematic pattern played out on different scales at the same point in time simultaneously. What appear to be different lives that exist at different points in time are all produced by the same organized field of information as the souls consciousness played out using different personalities as unique combinations of qualities and abilities that utilize different cultural settings as the stage for producing the same type of experiences in new and unique ways. By playing out the same story in different ways forming unique perspectives each time, allows new realizations as deeper forms of self-awareness.
If you change the shared memory by making new decisions in one life that produces a new type of experience as an alteration to the story being lived, that same change takes place in all lives as a paradigm shift. Time itself is comprised of a dynamic series of fractal patterns as the organizing mechanism and theme for what seems like multiple lives all being lived at the same time. By changing our inner nature through the integration of new information as a different kind of experience in one life, we change all lives as the Souls timeline and history. All time travel is based on a timeline as a unified field of memory, which is what’s used to construct reality. When we regress backward or forward to what seem like a different point in time within the field of the mind, it’s all based on moving to different locations within the same unified field as a certain type of memory.
Transpersonal Psychology, Integrative Mind-Body Health Consultant, and Spiritual Mentor