Understanding the Principles for Tuning, Activating, and Transforming our DNA
Our understanding of DNA, like so many things, has been formed from a very basic misunderstanding or incorrect perception. Most have been told and come to believe that our DNA acts as a permanent formula of genetic information that once formed from the primary combinations of our parents, are written in stone and can’t be changed. And while this may be true in terms of our primary physical characteristics that make up our body, which only utilizes somewhere around 2 to 10% of our genetic information used for building proteins, it’s completely false regarding the other 90 to 98%. What science used to call junk DNA, which simply means they don’t know what it’s used for, we now know acts as a form of etheric memory bank and bio-holographic computer for processing and deciphering living information to produce realities as memory.
While we’ve also been taught and led to believe that memory is a product of the brain and stored somewhere in the brain, we now know this isn’t true either. Memory is stored in the empty space around the body, which is comprised of and bio-engineered by the mind and DNA of the body. DNA, like the mind itself, is the means for resonating, absorbing, translating, and informing the space around it with information as an energetic and living pattern. DNA, like the intelligence of the body itself that it serves to produce, acts as an energetic receiver, transducer, and transmitter.

DNA and the Holographic Principle
DNA carries all the information of the soul’s essence as memory and uses it to create our perception of reality. The memory of our DNA is always interacting with memory and information of the same nature in everything else. While we tend to think of our body as being comprised of trillions of separate cells, the fact is our body is constructed out of a single cell that self-replicates and regenerates itself trillions of times, reformulating the genetic information in each cell to specialize and differentiate to become a specific part of a greater whole. Our cells and the DNA within our cells act as the brain within a greater membrane (Monad), as the intelligence that informs the cell and the entire biological function of very single cell, organ, and system within the body, is a hologram.
Each part contains the information of the whole, and the whole contains the information of the part. Our body really functions as a unified field of information where every cell is actually the same cell modified to a new configuration to produce a variation. While we still tend to view it through the incorrect materialistic perspective of thinking that we have separate cells and DNA of this part and that part, and that we can work on a single part to transform or heal it by re-informing the seemingly single DNA of that part, the fact is, all information being received by our DNA is received by every cell in our body simultaneously. Our DNA operates as a wave-function, not as an organized structure of individual particles that operate independently of each other.

The Principle of the Monad
The principle that governs our biological make-up is represented in Sacred Geometry by the Monad, which is symbolized by a dot in the center of a circle (the same symbol used to represent the sun). A cell is also structured as a brain within an invisible (clear) membrane. It took scientists years to discover the outer part of the cell that created a form of container or peripheral boundary that enclosed the cell, because it doesn’t appear as a visible structure. The outer membrane creates the permeable atmosphere of the cell and is what controls the movement of substances and information in and out of the cell. This membrane is comprised partially of a plasma-like substance, and appears as a fluid mosaic model. It’s viewed as a protective medium between the inner and outer that regulates the energy exchange as a form of decision-making process based on discrimination as to what it allows in and integrates as a means of modifying the cells state and chemical make-up based on the formula of information its comprised of, and what is prevented from entering. As new information penetrates the cells wall, it instantly changes the state of the cell.
This same model and principle represents the mind (invisible membrane) and the body, as a particle and wave that’s of the same nature, or the dot within a sphere. The same basic shape (dot) is expanded outward to produce the same idea on a greater scale and magnitude (sphere). The mind exists as an invisible membrane that surrounds, encloses, and permeates the core of the body, and acts as the conscious medium that decides what’s allowed in and what’s not. The core or center as our body is governed by our subconscious which is also the aspect of the mind that acts to produce the atmosphere within which the body lives and experiences itself as an outer sphere.
The outer self-aware and conscious mind, often referred to as brain consciousness, is what perceives the outer world that’s produced by its own subconscious as its shadow or reflection, and is the aspect of the mind that has the ability to discriminate and choose what information from the environment is allowed in and to take hold as the integration and assimilation of the information into the subconscious to modify and upgrade the model it uses to create the perception of reality, and what’s not, or resisted, rejected, and kept out. There’s a constant pulsation and respiration as the expansion of the inner core outward to become entangled with and reorganize the information of the outer environment to be of the same nature, and the magnetic acquisition of new information that’s then drawn back into the core for processing, adapting, and modifying.

DNA and Energetic Entanglement
The Principle of Entanglement basically states that particles (photons) that are born together or that become entangled (blend and fuse energetically) form coherence and exist as the same vibratory frequency or state, and even when separated by what can seem like great distances, continue to function as if they’re one. They continue to behave as if they’re the same thing. They continue to act as a coherent unified field. If you change the state of one, the other one(s) change instantaneously in the same (polar) manner. When DNA is taken from a persons body, it still remains a part of the unified field and responds as if it’s still connected. If you change the emotional state of the person whose DNA it is, the DNA as a whole, no matter where it’s located, changes instantly. What we can think of as the self of the soul, exists everywhere at the same time, and is what produces our outer experience of reality as being of the same nature, and comprised of the same information organized as a memory of itself.
The state of the DNA as a frequency that has a self-organizing mechanism in it, changes both the chemistry and physical structure of the body, along with the outer perception of reality so that they are a field of coherent information. Our state-of-mind is what produces our perception and reorganizes the outer environment of mass consciousness, making it into a personal version. The inner information (subconscious and DNA) is what always produces the equivalent outer perception of the same organized structure of information as a pattern. Patterns (vibratory frequencies) are produced on smaller and greater scales as being of the same idea as qualities and characteristics that naturally form and animate the idea as a theme.
This has huge implications when we consider the idea of long-distance healing where one person can work on another person using a sample of their DNA through a blood sample, saliva, or lock of hair. By altering the DNA of the sample, it automatically alters the DNA of the person it belongs too. This also explains the fact that when we acquire another persons DNA through sexual intercourse or intimate contact, we incorporate and become one with the information as memory of their DNA, and take on (are modified by) the same morality as qualities that change how we feel, think, and perceive. And why sexual intercourse and intimate interactions are considered the fundamental spiritual basis for marriage where two people become as one, and begin operating as a single unit. They begin operating as if one mind, and over an extended period of time can even begin taking on the same physical characteristics. Couples who’ve been married a long time can often start literally resembling each other physically.

The Phantom Effect – the Brain and Membrane
While many of us have been taught to believe that the brain produces and gives rise to consciousness, the fact is it doesn’t, it merely acts as the antennae for tuning into and absorbing information as various forms of memory from the environment surrounding and within near proximity of it. As the brain absorbs (sympathetic resonance) and processes information to produce the perception of a sensory reality as a unique variation, the perception itself as an emotional experience is simultaneously received, decoded, and interpreted by the DNA of every cell of the body, altering its informational structure, which it then uses to inform and restructure the appearance of the outer world to include the new information.
DNA imprints the space around it with the information as an electromagnetic field that transforms all other fields of information that it interacts with (resonates with) to be of a similar nature, forming coherence. This wave-function comes as a spiraling electromagnetic motion that reformulates the information available by turning some aspects on and others off. By stimulating some into an active and expressive state, and returning others to a dormant and latent state. The outer world of material reality is basically neutral and passive in nature and is reconfigured by the active consciousness of the person viewing, observing, and perceiving it. This electromagnetic field of information that arises and issues forth from DNA produces what we now call the Phantom Effect, which doesn’t change the material reality itself in terms of how others perceive it, but only as it appears to us. This invisible energetic phantom is also what’s historically been referred to as the etheric double or Holy Ghost.
As we absorb (resonate with) new kinds of information as memory (whether of another person or archetypal) and assimilate it, it becomes an inherent part of our environment and perception of reality. Every single person has a different model of structured memory and perceives the same mass-reality in a unique and varied way. There’s no such thing as right and wrong, or a correct and incorrect perception because it’s all based on the individual forming it out of memory as their paradigm. Our paradigm is comprised of the information we’ve metabolized and assimilated and automatically forms both our inner and outer reality to be of the same nature and organized pattern as a theme. Reality is a simulation produced by information that’s organized into the pattern of the individuals holographic memory, then projected outward and looked through.

The Nature of Memory
DNA emanates, projects, and produces an electromagnetic field (toroidal field) that imprints the space around it with information as memory. It vibrates at the frequency of the active information it contains as its constitution, which has a self-organizing principle that produces a spatial template as the biological structure inherent in the memory. Information is constantly in the process of being exchanged, and we’re in a constant state of transformation and evolution from moment-to-moment. As we’re evolved through the integration and assimilation of new information, we organize the space around us to the same material structure, embedding information along a path in space and time. Our DNA is literally embedding information in the space around us producing a phantom (invisible structure) as an etheric form or unified field of information as a vibratory pattern.
Our consciousness, contained in every aspect of our being, is constantly interacting as a relationship with everything else. We influence matter as photons (Astral Light) into new configurations that organizes the outer world of memory into the same unified pattern as the inner world of information, because it’s the same mind producing both. As we take in new memory and incorporate it by imagining it as a potential reality, it forms our perceptual lens and filtering system for seeing that same idea as a natural part of our outer reality.

Space and Time
DNA, which translates information to produce a reality as the memory of it, leaves an imprint on the field of space and time as a timeline. The illusion of time is produced by memory, because if you couldn’t remember anything, you wouldn’t have any perception of time. The past is only real because we can remember it, other than that, it doesn’t exist in the present moment. Memory is not a product of the brain, nor is it stored in the brain, but it’s contained in space and time as a unified field of information that’s continuous and self-perpetuating in nature and is used to create the self and the reality of the self. The brain is merely the physical means for tuning into and receiving information as memory that’s inherent in the mind of the individual who also tunes into an even larger field of memory as the collective unconscious, or the higher planes of universal memory of archetypes. The chemistry of the brain is regulated by electrical disturbances in the material field of energy as emotion, and is restructured (rewired) accordingly.
Healing Memory and Trauma
One of the most prevalent mistakes modern medicine or psychiatry makes in attempting to heal trauma, is that if you change the chemistry of the brain, or release emotion from the muscle, that trauma will go away. Of course this never really works because the trauma is embedded in the mental sphere that acts to inform the brain and body through residual memory. The trauma, as the memory of it still exists in space and time and is still available and easily accessed (because of the strong emotion associated with it) for creating experiences of reality that are of the same nature. In order to heal the trauma caused by any event, you have to transform the memory imprint of it that’s located in space and time. You can follow the idea as a form of memory all the way back to your mother and father as the genetic memory you share that served to produce a new memory as a similar interpretation or way of experiencing an event, or back to the souls memory of a similar event in what appears to us as a past life. All of our experiences of our current life are produced by memory of some kind which provides the template as a thematic pattern for self-replicating in an automatic fashion.

It’s no surprise to realize that we tend to experience the same kind of trauma’s or experiences as our parents and ancestors because our genes are constantly gathering information of the same kind as perception to produce our personal memories. Memories act as emotional states that produce similar types of experiences as a form of theme or general idea. It’s through the memory as a path of information or timeline that you can change your relationship to an event. All traumas are only healed by changing the memory that created it. All healing only takes place by working with the etheric body, which is composed of memory, and provides the energetic template for producing material manifestations of the reality inherent in the memory. All vibration as an energetic state has both a pattern inherent in it and a self-organizing mechanism that shapes the information into a thematic reality.
You can change a memory by reliving it from a different perspective or looking at it with a different attitude and emotional state, while giving the people involved whatever resources they didn’t have at the time that caused it to go the way it did. In doing so, we reorganize the entire field of information and memory to mean something different, changing how it’s structured as a theme or pattern, and how it acts to continue creating experiences as a result. We use memory as a theme formed out of an emotional state to live out of and associate with as the means of forming our present circumstances, creating more of the same type of experiences of the past over and over. If we change a past memory by creating a new experience of it, the same information moving up to the present will change accordingly, causing an instantaneous healing that dissolves whatever has manifest, because you can no longer access and use the memory to reproduce the trauma. Through this process of transforming and recreating memory to give them new meaning, we can release a trauma that has been there our whole life and played a major role in producing the experiences of our life up to that point.

Memory and Time
By changing the imprinted memory of the past, and therefore changing the past itself, it also changes the present and all events as memories that were of a similar nature that led up to the present as the timeline produced by the series of memories. All memories of a similar nature are formed as our perception by interpreting events and experiencing them out of the same emotion and meaning as the memory formed in the past. All of which resulted from structuring information the same way (vibratory frequency) to produce the same type of memory. Changing a memory of the past changes the future and all the timelines that resulted from it.
All current experiences that produce what seems like a new memory, is actually formed by past memories that we use as the means for structuring the information of the present to mean the same thing and repeat the same pattern as the generalized theme of the past. We make the present mean the same thing as the past and restructure the information available into the same pattern of the past as a thematic (archetypal) idea. As we change the memory in the present, we change the memory inherent in the genes themselves, and influence our family members and all others who share the same type of genes simultaneously. As we change the memory of our DNA, it changes the information we imprint in the field of the collective unconscious, making it available to anyone who’s of a similar state-of-mind, timeline, and vibratory frequency.

The Frequency of Emotion
All memory is associated to the emotional state we were in when we formed the memory as our interpretation of the event that created how we experienced it. Likewise, all emotion has a certain type of memory inherent in it as the type of reality we naturally form as the expression of that emotion. Whatever emotion we’re experiencing at any given time, determines what memories we’re accessing and using as a form of thematic template for creating more of the same type of experiences. As we dwell in memories of the past, we keep ourselves in the same emotional states as the past and continue to experience the events of our life by telling the same type of stories. Our DNA contains memory as our perceptual lens that’s tuned into and made active through emotions. An emotion will trigger a memory that has an instant, ready-made reality inherent in it and a whole pattern of automatic and instantaneous behaviors. The most primary way of tuning and activating our frequency and DNA, is through our emotional states.
Two Fundamental Emotions
While we can say that there are many different types of emotions, they all stem from two primary emotions out of which all the others come as variations of some sort. All emotions come either directly or indirectly out of fear and love. Fear stops us, causing us to freeze, pull back, not do anything, and become inactive, whereas love causes us to move towards the object of our love, become outwardly expressive, forms a desire for union with what we love, and produces an instinctual form of courage as protection. The subconscious is motivated by the ideas of either pleasure or pain, moving towards pleasure and away from pain. Fear has a very low (inactive) vibration, whereas love (active) has a very high vibration.

Cymatics and the Nature of Vibration
When energy as a frequency is passed through an object, the molecular information is organized into a set pattern. With a low frequency a simple pattern is created, and as we increase the frequency a more complex pattern is created. Our DNA contains 64 possible codes structured as amino acids that are made of 4 elements (corresponding to the 4 Elements of Esoteric Sciences), hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon, sequenced in triplets called codons. This indicates that we have the potential for all 64 to be active and expressing, yet we currently only have around 20 active codes turned on, which means there are currently only 20 known amino acids that are used to produce proteins. DNA works through a system of switches that turn some information on while turning other information off to form various formulas of information as the natural forces and intelligence that organize matter into living forms.
The switches for turning DNA off and on to form sequences of information, is emotions. Emotions form frequencies with a large range of long (slow) and short (fast) waves. Human emotion is directly related to genetic material and how it’s structured by what aspects are active or latent. In a like fashion, emotion is what organizes the information that produces our reality as the memory it has and forms the nature of our experiences. Just as an emotion shapes our perception of reality, it shapes how our DNA is sequenced to form the physical structure of our material world by informing both our inner and outer reality to be of the same nature.

Fear causes a form of stress and tension that cause the strands of our DNA to contract and tightly bunch together. Fear as a low vibration is a slow and long wave form that only moves through and connects and formulates codons on very few intermittent sites (balance point of an up and down movement), especially considering these sites are bunched together, only activating and being able to utilize a few of the potential bits of information and qualities available to it. Those who live in a constant state of fear (anger, sadness, depression, inhibition, etc.) have a very limited antennae and information available to them. Love has the opposite effect and causes DNA strands to loosen up and expand. Love is a high vibration and has a much faster and shorter wave, and moves through DNA strands of relaxed and spread out, stimulating, activating, and connecting many more potential sites for coding genetic information as sequences.
Emotion produces a direct and pronounced effect on DNA and acts to keep certain patterns of information as memory active and expressive, creating both our molecular structure and outer perception of reality to be of the same nature and meaning as an emotional state. In a similar fashion, emotions effect and determine our thoughts, and our thoughts act to produce our emotions as a natural response to our thoughts. Our emotional state and the nature of our thoughts are always directly correlated to each other and work together to inform the DNA of our body, producing a matching physical state as our health and our perception of reality in which our body exists as a natural part. The outer environment and inner environment are produced by the same informational structure as an archetype or thematic pattern.

Phantom Effect and the Etheric Template
DNA acts to organize photons (matter) to the pattern of the vibrating frequency of the DNA and maintains it there, forming the gap between the spiritual-ethereal and the material plane. Our emotions directly affect the structure of our DNA, which physically shapes the world we see and experience. DNA affects and influences the material world in and around us by imprinting memory on it (Akashic Field) and organizing and aligning it to the same frequency and pattern on all scales and levels of existence simultaneously. DNA informs the space around it with the same pattern as an electromagnetic field (invisible forces) that restructures it by turning some aspects on and others off, forming an interference pattern.
Once an electromagnetic field is established and the memory stabilized, if the Physical DNA is removed and taken to a different location, the field of information that it served to embed in the space around it remains stable for quite some time, just as the etheric body of a person remains stable after the body dies. The electromagnetic field stays aligned to the emotion, perception, and memory that created it. Human DNA, programmed by memory as emotional thoughts, continues to organize the light (matter) around us by communicating and expressing the reality of our thoughts through an invisible field or wave-form. The body acts as a particle or material form that’s located in the space-time continuum produced by the souls memory, and the soul itself, which is eternal and non-local, exists as the invisible wave-form that creates and maintains it.

Entanglement – the Wave and the Particle
DNA and the invisible etheric form it creates stays linked to the individual no matter how great the distance between them because they exist as both an entity and a greater field of information. They remain connected as the same thing through an invisible field of natural forces as a non-local wave-form and a local material form that’s everywhere all the time. The wave as an extended field or environment and the person located within that environment, are essentially the same thing. They’re of the same frequency and thematic pattern as the character of the individual and the story they naturally tell as their experience of reality produced by a primary form of self-expression.
The soul, at every level, is comprised of memory and is what first produces then keeps itself confined to a time-space continuum as located within a greater field of possibility, always living out of the same type of reality formed by the same basic group of memories as the product of past life memories repeated in the present to produce the future. All time is a continuous flow of congruent memory as experience. The past, present, and future are a continuation of the same idea played out under different conditions and circumstances to produce the same emotional states and interpretation of reality as the expression and projection of emotions. Emotions organize information to produce a thematic reality.

The science that’s now referred to as Hearmath reveals that the heart, which is considered the center of feelings, emotions, and intuition, and produces an electromagnetic field that extends approximately 8 to 12 feet beyond the body, carries, receives, and transmits or projects human emotions, and as it receives an emotional charge from someone, responds with the same emotion. Positive emotion relaxes and opens DNA sequences and strands, whereas negative ones constrict and tighten strands into knots. Feelings of love and compassion produce a coherent state with the object of our love, increasing our immune response (Thymus and major nerve plexus is located directly behind the heart) by relaxing us and turning on more switches producing more active sequences. Hate and Fear tightens DNA strands, pulling them closer together, and shuts down the switches, making fewer contacts. This is why a positive emotional state is required in order to conceive of higher knowledge by being able to first resonate with it, absorbing it, and having it unfold in your imagination as a living idea or reality that you then comprehend by witnessing (observing) it. Negative emotions don’t resonate with higher vibration, and when they encounter higher knowledge, can’t comprehend it and corrupt and distort it as a means of trying to grasp it in in the faintest sense of the idea.
Emotion determines the shape and structure of DNA and how it functions in our body by what’s turned on and off. How information is organized into a pattern always determines how something functions. Negative emotions are destructive and incoherent. By developing the skill to elicit certain emotions on demand, we can literally operate and regulate our own DNA and energetic state and how our body functions as well as the nature of our experiences. Emotions have a direct and immediate effect on DNA, and DNA has a direct effect on the world around us and how we experience it to produce more memory as the equivalent correspondence of the emotional state. We have the ability within us to influence the world around us through our feelings, moods, and beliefs, and transcend the limit imposed on us as time and space as we know it.

By learning how to regulate our emotional states, we regulate all thought and memory associated with them, and we transform both our inner and outer reality simultaneously. We heal trauma, not by working with the physical component of the brain and body, but by transforming the memory itself that’s producing it and keeping it alive. Memory is of time and space and is what produces the illusion of time as the memory of the past that forms our perception of the present, and the imagined reality of the future as a correspondence or continuation of the past memory. By changing the memory, we change all realities the memory produced as a progression from the past to the present. This creates a form of quickening as erasing and rewriting the present to match the theme of the new memory as an actual transformation.
As we adjust any part of a system, reorganizing the information it’s comprised of, we change the whole system as a form of paradigm shift. This modification of the information and how it’s structured to create the pattern as a frequency of memory, is the true nature of personal transformation by changing the mundane and corrupt to the pure and virtuous. It’s how we change the nature of the soul which produces the etheric body that provides the template for creating the material body and its equivalent as the atmosphere and outer reality of the body. This is the true meaning of purifying the soul, which is comprised of memory, back to a virgin state, which transforms the entire history of the soul as an illusion of time and space created by the memory itself.

All material reality, which exists in time and space as non-local information made local through a body, is constructed out of the memory of the soul. Both the higher human soul as it combines with the equivalent memory of the lower, animal soul of genetic heredity, form coherence and operate out of the combination of both individual memory and the memory of the group mind. The combination of coherent memory formulates the DNA of the body and programs and sets into play the outer events of its life as the reenactment of shared memory. Memory produces the body and reality as the means of self-creation through self-expression and the self-administration of universal justice as karma.
Our karma comes as repeating the patterns of the past as memory that produces our genetic make-up, personality, predisposition, temperament, and natural tendencies, as well as our life story. The only way to resolve karma is to actively use our will to transform the memory producing it by experiencing it from a different perspective and emotional state, then playing it out in the imagination repeatedly, anchoring it as a new version of the same experience. This creative process forms a new memory and creative pattern as a vibratory frequency that alters your perception of reality and life experiences, as it alters your perception of yourself within and as the creator of your experiences.