Tag: universal laws

The Art of Interpreting Symbolic Language: The Pinecone Courtyard of the Vatican

I chose the Pinecone Courtyard of the Vatican to demonstrate how to interpret symbolic language not only because it includes several different disciplines, but because the process it provides instruction for is profound in the spiritual sense. This interpretation is not based on religion, per se, but on the...

The Cosmic Fire of the Mind – Piezoelectric Energy of the Brain and Third-Eye

I’m going to discuss this idea from the perspective of experience rather than hypothesis or following a common belief, so it may go outside of conventional thought and what many have been taught to believe. Many people have never experienced what I’m going to talk about because it typically...

The Absolute Law of Karma – Mortality, Immortality, and the Nature of Destiny

In most esoteric texts and spiritual doctrine Karma is referred to as the absolute law because its fundamental in nature and transpires naturally through our very nature and way of being. We’re all born into the world with a predisposition that naturally equips us with everything we need to...

The Law of the Tetrad – How we Manifest and then Act to Evolve Our Own Manifestation

In Sacred Geometry what’s known as the Tetrad represents the principle of material manifestation. The Tetrad corresponds with the number “4”, represented by a cube, because it’s the fourth principle to evolve out of the primary principle of the Monad, and in science 4 is the number that represents...

A New Way for Understanding the True Nature of Your Mind and Soul

It’s interesting to notice how modern science and psychology are acting to steer us away from our own true spiritual nature by attempting to equate our mind with our brain and body, and our memories as something stored in the brain, while debunking the idea of the soul as...

The Subtle Plane of Astral Light and the Akashic Field of Memory

I’m not going to talk about or attempt to explain this idea in scientific terms or as a kind of living-technology, because it can only be accurately understood intuitively from the perspective of observing how it moves and functions on the inner planes of the mind as a direct...