Tag: universal laws

Daimons, Elementals, and Astral Beings Formed on the Inner Plane of Astral Light

Astral Light, which makes up the basis for what we perceive as ‘reality’, exists fundamentally in a state of polarity, forming what we perceive as an inner and outer aspect of the same plane, and upper and lower parallel planes which are unified in producing what we can think...

Elementals, Elementaries, and the Formative World of Astral Light

Much has been written about the nature of elementals and the Astral Plane of Light using symbolic terms and metaphors that maintain it as a mysterious and somewhat elusive idea, often making it difficult to understand in the most practical sense. Yet we can only creatively utilize what we...

Spiritual Sciences – Originality and Personal Interpretations of Universal Concepts

One of the biggest hindrances spiritual sciences has in being considered an established philosophy, scientific discipline, or religion comes in the fact that it’s always based on originality and creativity, and never on dogma or a single interpretation. There’s no right way of seeing something as opposed to a...

The Holistic Nature of Spiritual Sciences – Bridging Spirit and Science

Many people see the idea of ‘spirit’ and ‘science’ as being contradictory terms, where one acts to counteract, and therefore somehow disprove or invalidate the other, yet these terms can be seen as synonymous when looked at with a holistic mindset. To lay the groundwork for attaining a fundamental...

The Dual Nature of Existence and the Universal Law of Polarity

A popular spiritual theme being taught in the world today, usually professed by those who lack a fundamental understanding of the scientific nature of reality, is that what we perceive as being dual in nature, formed as a composition or greater pattern comprised of what appears to be “separate...