Tag: universal laws

“16” – The Lightning Struck Tower, Destruction of Illusion, and the Dark Night of the Soul

The major Arcane of the Tarot, also known as the “Hermetic textsâ€, is comprised of 22 Universal Archetypes that operate simultaneously on multiple planes through the “creative process†conducted through the utilization of the 10 primary Universal Laws that govern all material manifestation. The first 11 principles involve the...

The Art of Interpreting Symbolic Imagery Designed to Communicate Higher Knowledge

Interpreting symbolic imagery is an art-form that only comes from an in-depth knowledge of the principles and cultural icons being illustrated. I wanted to use this famous Egyptian/Sumerian hieroglyph as the means of demonstrating how to translate symbolic imagery because it portrays a very basic principle and I have...

Learning how to Understand the Illusory Nature of Reality

Definition of reality: a thing that’s actually experienced or seen as a physical existence: A state or quality that exists or has substance. The idea of “reality†is one that has eluded many throughout history because we’ve been taught to think of it as a solid, fixed, objective, and...

“12” – The Initiate, the Great Work, and the True meaning of Self-Sacrifice

In the occult sciences all single numbers (0-9) represent laws, while all composite numbers represent formulas as processes and the laws that need to be skillfully utilized in order to do them. Numbers provide us with mathematical formulas as philosophical relationships necessary for creating, all we have to do...

The Secret to the Subconscious and Willful Creation

One of the things that can make creating in a deliberate and willful manner confusing is that we’re always using one aspect of our mind to direct and command another aspect, both of which speak a different language and work by different means to create what we experience as...

How we Progress as a Soul through Employing Higher Knowledge

Our true spiritual development can seem a bit elusive because we’re often not clear on the difference between acquiring knowledge in its theoretical form and bringing it into practice as a means of “creating ourselves†by way of it. Many people can discuss what we can think of as...

10 Universal Laws, 7 Hermetic Principles, and 22 Paths of Transformation

All of what we call the “major systems†of Spiritual Sciences are correlated with each other and form a dynamic series of correspondences that serve as the means for interpreting the principles that they all share in common. All actual or true spiritual knowledge as “higher knowledge†is based...

The True Nature of the Soul’s DNA and Bloodline as Evolutionary Self-Design

Unfortunately many of us have been so detached from our true origins as spiritual beings and taught to think of life from a purely material and very limited perspective, that we don’t understand the true nature and origin of our own genetic makeup. Many believe our genes only determine...

Energy Medicine – Transmutation and the Law of Sympathies

All living beings exist at multiple levels simultaneously and have both a physical and energetic body. The energetic body, which is also referred to as the etheric double or vital body, is comprised of subtle energy and is what serves to transform a field of organized information (mind) into...