How We Set Our Vibratory Frequency – State of Mind, Thought, and Imagination
There are many ideas around how to create and determine our vibratory frequency, which forms the primary basis as a thematic pattern for all of our perceptions and life experiences, but probably the easiest way to do it is by gaining a firm understanding of the principles involved and how to work with them in a self-aware and intentional manner. When we try to work at the level of effect or consequence, rather than from the level of cause, it can produce an experience of constant work that can seem hopeless and at some point we become discouraged and give up trying. Many people find themselves in a position of not being able to concentrate and stay on task long enough to produce real results that are lasting or permanent. They can’t seem to direct and regulate their own thoughts, or feel they can’t meditate and create extended periods of concentration where their mind is calm, focused, and void of random and sporadic thoughts. This is often due to the fact that they’re trying to work at the level of effect rather than the level of cause.
The true reality of this is easy to see if we simply step back, take on a detached and objective perspective and observe how our own mind works to create our experiences through our thoughts. If we observe our own tendencies we’ll notice that what we focus on and think about flows naturally as the expression of our state of mind or souls mood. Whatever mood we’re in at any given moment determines what memories we reference to form our automatic thoughts, and what stories about the past we replay in our imagination as a way of perceiving the present, and what type of things we notice and connect with mentally and emotionally all around us. Our mood and state of mind creates the basis out of which our perceptions flow as a natural stream of consciousness. No effort is required to produce, or try and change or control them somehow.

Vibration is produced by a mental state that contains within it what we think about as a thematic pattern. This larger, predominate pattern as a theme produces smaller patterns of the same theme as its natural offspring. It produces reality as a reflection and perception of itself in the outer world through a process of self-regeneration. Our dominate frequency as our normal or most common mood is the greater idea always playing out in the different areas of our life as the parent pattern that produces fractal patterns as consistent experiences of the same nature and mood. Our frequency, as the energetic state of our mind, exists as an invisible field of organized information that surrounds, inhabits, and gives life to our body and forms our perception of reality out of a filtering system. This filtering system as a thematic story determines what we notice and abstract from any given situation and use for producing the theme of our frequency by how we interpret it, and what we don’t see or recognize, and therefore leave out or omit from our story.
Our mind is always interacting with material reality, which is already structured with archetypal forms, producing a mass reality that’s basically neutral in nature, and through a process of natural selection, reorganizes it into a different pattern as a personalized version that matches the theme of the mind organizing it. All vibration contains a pattern and a self-organizing mechanism. It works by the same principle as DNA, which is genetic or universal information of a species that produces a unique formula by switching some information off while switching other information on, creating a new configuration. This is the same way the mind of the individual re-configures material reality, changing how it appears to match their ideas and beliefs about it. Consciousness enters into matter, which is really a body of light as essence, and forms a relationship with it, transforming how it appears to conform to the perceptual model of the individual viewing it.

Resonance, Sympathetic Induction, and Coherence
Every system as a living form vibrates to a unique mode and rate. All species of animals and plants vibrate in harmony with a greater frequency that produces their individual frequency as a member of that species as a form of fractal pattern or slightly altered formula of information inherent in their DNA. Whatever frequency we vibrate at energetically determines what frequencies we form resonance with in everything else. Whatever we resonate with we share the same nature with as both a smaller and greater pattern that forms a theme for producing reality that we readily perceive in the outer world and act to influence through our perception of it.
As we resonate with similar frequencies, our energy as a field of consciousness literally enters into it, blending and fusing with it, and acts to influence it into a new variation that matches our mental paradigm, changing how it appears to us. As we alter its vibration to match and be in-sync with ours, we shape-shift it into a new form as our perception of it, and begin vibrating in harmony with it. It becomes a natural and coherent part of our experience of reality. Whatever is not of a similar nature to us, but still exists as a part of the collective unconscious of a greater shared reality, we fail to resonate with, and don’t readily perceive or notice. It remains latent and just becomes a part of the background as a setting and stage for other experiences to take place.
All of life on the planet shares the same basic frequency of the Earth itself (7 to 8 Hz), which produces what we experience as Nature and mass reality of the collective unconscious. This produces what we can think of as the greater frequency or parent pattern that births an infinite number of smaller patterns playing out at the individual level. We’re always taking a universal idea and using it to create a personal version as a unique perception based on our paradigm and perceptual filters. In this way, all perception of the outer world is a form of self-perception where we only see in everyone and everything else what exists in us as a fundamental part of our constitution, which is made up of both known and unknown aspects that exist in polarity to each other as complementary opposites.

The Law of the Tetrad
Sacred Geometry is a scientific system that uses geometric shapes that are inherent in the fundamental structure of all organic and non-organic forms that demonstrate laws ad principles as vibratory structures that have natural behaviors and operations inherent in them. This scientific system is not only comprised of geometric shapes, but also forms correspondences as relationships with numbers, letters, colors, sounds, qualities and traits, functions, etc., demonstrated by others systems of the Qabalah, Tarot, Hebrew Alphabet, Sanskrit, Yoga, and other major systems of Ancient Wisdom, which all dynamically correspond to each other and act as the keys for interpreting the symbolism of each correlated system.
All laws form an interdependent energetic and ecological system, where one systematically emerges out of the preceding one as a growth process or form of emanation as an internal unfolding. The Tetrad, for example, represented by the number 4 as the diamond (reflection and projection of 3 as a triangle) that also forms a square, is the full expression of 0 -3, while still containing the potential for 5-9 in its latent state. The full expression of 4 as the Tetrad produces the foundation and basis necessary for 5 as the Pentad to spontaneously emerge and unfold as a natural process of becoming. So there’s no such thing as 5 existing apart from or independent of 0-4. The universal laws that produce the mind and reality as a construct of the mind, exist as a unified whole that produces and is the inherent nature of our biological system and mass consciousness.

The Monad (0+1) is represented as a sphere with a dot in the center (same as the sun), as the mind or toroidal electromagnetic field that bonds with the body (matter) to form a living entity. The Monad (1) regenerates to produce its double, forming the Dyad (2), not as separate from it, but as overlapping, connected at the center, where the peripheral of one is the center or core of the other. They are connected by their shared nature, and the one, creating an illusion of itself as another, sees only itself in everything else. Our perception of the outer world and others is formed out of the same model as a vibratory structure and thematic pattern (frequency) used for perceiving ourselves as both an internal and external reality of the same nature or overall theme.
What appears as our outer reality is formed by our perception of ourselves (same mind and idea) as our polar opposite played out on a greater scale. Together, the overlapping section, which is shaped like a woman’s vagina, forms an interference pattern that re-configures the shared pattern by amplifying and increasing the vibration of some of the shared aspects while canceling out and contradicting other aspects, forming a new pattern as a unique variation. The straight line that connects their inner nature forms the base or foundation for the triangle to emerge as the new form produced as the offspring of their union. The triangle as the triad, formed on the upper level of the same plane (peaks in a unified state at the top), represents the inner pattern as an imagined idea that’s reflected downward and outward, forming the basis for outer (material) reality as its equivalent, forming a diamond shape. A reflection is the same image viewed backwards or reversed, that forms the polar opposite of the same thing. The outer reality of the material plane is produced by the inner reality of the creative imagination.

This idea, like all symbolic ideas has multiple interpretations, the most fundamental one being that our inner nature is what connects us to the inner nature of all other beings through resonance, and reforms them to be of the same image and nature as we are by amplifying and bringing out some qualities while suppressing or ignoring other ones. We only interact with what’s of the same nature as we are, and we reform it according to our paradigm and beliefs about it as the means of being able to comprehend it. Whatever internal image or representation we form as an imaginary thought becomes the lens we look through to form a similar perception of the outer world. We’re always only seeing in everything else what’s like us. For this reason the Dyad as the regeneration of the Monad isn’t considered an actual number (combination of 0, 1, and 2), but is called the parent number, and the first true number is its offspring as 3, which forms the true basis for all material reality.
In this sense we have the trinity as 3 principles combined to form 1, that then serve to birth and give rise to the 7 primary principles of 3 – 9 that are the natural offspring of the trinity. All of what we call reality, which is formed as our perception of it, results from the relationship we form with ourselves (same vibratory frequency and pattern) in everything else. The Monad and Dyad are the Masculine and Feminine aspects of the same thing as a polar, inner and outer reality. The outer reality is formed (in-formed) by whatever internal representation we form in our imagination that produces an electromagnetic field as an etheric blueprint for organizing and configuring the information of the outer world to be of the same type of idea as a universal theme.

Thought and the Holographic Principle
A hologram is produced mechanically by taking a single beam of light, splitting it in two, then using mirrors, shining one through an image, imprinting it with that image, then reflecting the other beam of light from a different angle forming two 45 degrees angles, then intersecting them, shining the reflected light through the imprinted image, forming a 3-D image as a hologram. It’s basically an image formed out of light, or light shaped into an image, that’s then illuminated with another light that’s unformed, creating a projection of the image. All light comes from stars, and is referred to as Astral Light in Esoteric Sciences. This light is both invisible and a form of essence as a clouded, ghost-like substance when concentrated into a form by the mind. All visible form is produced by light reflecting off of dust as concentrated and coalescent light. The mind has the natural ability to create forms out of Astral Light through the faculty of the imagination.
As we think about something we form it in our mind as an object or possible reality as the means of perceiving and experiencing it. As we shape it into a transparent image that resembles a reflection on glass, we simultaneously look through it as the means of perceiving the outer world by way of it. This is called our perceptual lens as the internal reality formed out of our state of mind and the accumulated memories we formed out of that state, that become the basis for the nature of our experiences of the outer world. The outer world, which we only know through our experience of it, comes as the image we first form in our mind, usually out of a memory, belief, or words of some kind, that we give life to by concentrating our attention onto it, and using it as the means for producing more of the same type of experiences. All reality in this sense is produced as a memory of some kind that’s constantly being relived in the imagination as the means of producing our experiences.

Astral Light, the Etheric Body, and Electromagnetic Fields
Astral Light (mental essence) that’s concentrated into organized forms in the imagination, then defined in sensory terms producing an emotional response to it, work together to produce a thought-form as an etheric body that we magnetize with our personal magnetism (will), causing it to take on and emanate an electromagnetic field. It’s not until an idea is shaped into a pattern as an empty form that it then becomes a vehicle for consciousness as a vibratory frequency to inhabit, animate, and express through. Vibration as an electromagnetic field has a self-organizing mechanism in it that organizes matter and information into distinct patterns that are stabilized through tension and stress produced by the electromagnetic field that both expands and contracts at the same time. The only thing that vibrates or has life is organized and magnetized information.
The mind, which exists as an invisible field of organized information, has the ability to shape light into forms that produce frequencies as a life-form that not only holds it together as electrified essence or plasma, but also gives it life by animating it. All form as organized information has qualities, behaviors, and certain type of functions naturally inherent in it as its consciousness. Different forms thereby contain or act as the vehicle for different types and levels of consciousness that perceive and function in very different ways while still being a part of the same overall biological system as a larger pattern or cohesive frequency being played out on different scales simultaneously.

In this way, our thoughts, when concentrated to form a strong emotional reaction to them, literally become things. They take on a life of their own and become a natural part of us, and as a result, a natural part of our reality as our outer environment. This is the exact same way memories are formed that we live out of by replaying them over and over in our mind in different ways that continue to create our experiences to all be of the same nature. Though many believe that memories are accurate and objective recollections of past events, the fact is they’re produced entirely by how we interpreted the events of our life out of our emotional reaction to give them meaning, which served to form a kind of illusion in place of the actual events.
A memory becomes a concentrated thought because we continue to think about it long after the event has passed. The memory forms the basis for all our perceptions and the dynamics we readily engage in and act to attract as well as be attracted to. Because all memories are accompanied by an emotional charge, they take on a life of their own and begin shaping all of our thoughts to be of the same nature through the thematic story we begin telling and living out of because of them. An emotional response to our own thoughts is the chemistry of our body being adjusted to match the same state as our thoughts. In the same way actual memories are created in an unconscious manner, we can also create virtual memories as concentrated thoughts played out as a reality with a strong emotional content, which also forms our perceptual lens we look through as a means of perceiving and creating more experiences of a like nature, provides the subconscious with a living (metaphorical) pattern that it uses as the means for producing the same idea as an outer experience.

The way to work with reality or what has already manifest as an actual condition, set of circumstances, or situation, isn’t by trying to alter the physical reality itself, but rather through changing the state of mind as our vibratory frequency that naturally gives rise to all our thoughts as the internal reality that’s acting to produce and maintain the outer reality in a consistent and cohesive fashion. We change the outer reality by changing the etheric body that acts as the blueprint or mental construct for shaping reality. All experience is produced by imagining ideas as an inner reality with sensory intensity that reforms matter as our perception of it. We alter and shape the appearance life takes on by how we perceive and enter into relationship with it through the story we tell about it.
All vibratory frequency is produced by a mental construct as a thematic pattern for producing the appearance of an outer reality as the means of self-expressing and creating experiences. We alter and shape our outer experiences by altering and shaping them internally first through adjusting our state of mind as our mood. When we act on ourselves to direct and alter our own thoughts by what we focus on and tune into by forming them in our mind as imaginary realities, we act to resonate with and enter into a natural stream of consciousness that flows in a synchronized fashion forming our perception of reality. Our perception as our vibratory frequency is what forms and determines how we experience reality and shapes the story we tell through our own thoughts about it that form our memories of our self and act to shape the inner constitution of our soul. In this way our soul is always creating the Vibratory frequency that it uses to shape and determine itself through how it expresses to create experiences of itself as a reality.