Learning how to Understand the Illusory Nature of Reality
Definition of reality: a thing that’s actually experienced or seen as a physical existence: A state or quality that exists or has substance. The idea of reality is one that has eluded many throughout history because we’ve been taught to think of it as a solid, fixed, objective, and...
“12” – The Hanged Man of the Tarot
The Initiate, the Great Work, and the True Meaning of Self-Sacrifice In the occult sciences all single numbers (0-9) represent laws, while all composite numbers represent formulas as processes and the laws that need to be skillfully utilized in order to do them. Numbers provide us with mathematical formulas...
“11” – Universal Justice, the Law of Cause and Effect, and the Nature of Karma
In occult sciences the number 11 represents the principle of universal justice as the equilibrium of complementary opposites to establish balance and harmony. It’s symbolic of what’s commonly called karma as the absolute law of cause and consequence, also referred to traditionally as the golden rule. Its purpose is...
The Secret to the Subconscious and Willful Creation
One of the things that can make creating in a deliberate and willful manner confusing is that we’re always using one aspect of our mind to direct and command another aspect, both of which speak a different language and work by different means to create what we experience as...
How We Progress as a Soul by Employing Higher Knowledge
Our true spiritual development can seem a bit elusive because we’re often not clear on the difference between acquiring knowledge in its theoretical form and bringing it into practice as a means of creating ourselves by way of it. Many people can discuss what we can think of as...
10 Universal Laws, 7 Hermetic Principles, and 22 Paths of Transformation
All of what we call the major systems of Spiritual Sciences are correlated with each other and form a dynamic series of correspondences that serve as the means for interpreting the principles that they all share in common. All actual or true spiritual knowledge as higher knowledge is based...
Exercising the Power of Choice to Create Your Life
The most fundamental way we direct the events of our life and create our own experiences is through the decisions we make that we then use our will in fulfilling by taking action on them. Many think that the power of choice only matters in the big decisions we...
Meditation, Self-Realization, and Transcending the Illusion of Reality
While many people approach the idea of meditation as a method of some kind that’s designed to produce a predictable effect, and believe there are only certain ways to truly meditate, the fact may be that it’s a process through which we train our mind to step outside of...
Becoming Self-Aware and Learning How to Resolve Your Own Issues
One of the most primary ways we have of becoming aware of our own unconscious tendencies formed through our formative conditioning is by realizing that the outer world (and other people) exist in polarity with us and are always acting to show us parts of our self that can...
Alchemy, Soul Purification, and the Laws for Ascending from One Dimension to Another
There are so many ideas being put out into the world right now regarding the idea of soul ascension, raising your vibratory frequency, and what it means to honestly create yourself. Naturally, all of these ideas are referring to the same basic idea as a fundamental change in state....