Tag: Monad

Elementals, Elementaries, and the Formative World of Astral Light

Much has been written about the nature of elementals and the Astral Plane of Light using symbolic terms and metaphors that maintain it as a mysterious and somewhat elusive idea, often making it difficult to understand in the most practical sense. Yet we can only creatively utilize what we...

How Our Mind Forms Reality out of Our Thoughts

As we think, we simultaneously tune ourselves to the frequency of our thoughts as they exist in the atmosphere around us. In the general sense, thoughts formed as pictures are symbolic in nature and vibrate at a particular frequency that sets up and establishes a form of “gravitational fieldâ€...

The Physics of the Soul – Our Character and the Holographic Nature of Reality

The most prevalent misconception formed in trying to understand the nature of the soul, comes by viewing it as being the body and personality of the body. The soul isn’t the body as a person, located in a particular place and time, confined to live within a specific set...

The Nature of the Soul – The Kabbalah Tree of Life and the Process of Self-Creation

The Kabbalah Tree of Life provides us with a symbolic diagram for understanding the true nature of our soul and how we can consciously create ourselves through the understanding and utilization of universal laws. It’s created as a hierarchical structure of “spheres of consciousness†as “states of mind†(Monads)...

Understanding the Principles for Tuning, Activating, and Transforming our DNA

Our understanding of DNA, like so many things, has been formed from a very basic misunderstanding or incorrect perception. Most have been told and come to believe that our DNA acts as a permanent formula of genetic information that once formed from the primary combinations of our parents, are...

The Law of the Monad – The Brain, Membrane, and Will of the Spoken Word

The Monad is represented in a geometric form as a sphere or circle with a dot in the center, symbolic of the inner expanding and extending to become the spatial sphere of the outer. The information of the core, germ, or brain expands equally in all directions and fills...

DNA – The Phantom Effect, Quantum Hologram, and the Etheric Body

While modern day science used to look at DNA as a material substance that was fixed in nature, where it existed as a form of permanent programming that couldn’t be edited or changed, where we were at the mercy of our genes so to speak, but we now know...