Tag: imagination

Defining Reality – Objective, Subjective, and the Nature of Illusion

There tends to be a constant form of confusion around the idea of what we call “reality†because it’s produced as a mental construct that’s of both an objective and subjective nature. In the objective sense reality exists as what we call the “natural world” which is comprised of...

Soul Evolution – DNA Transference, Holographic Memory, and Transmutation

The mind, unlike the body, isn’t fixed or stationary, but is in a constant process of morphing by exchanging energy with itself in everything around it. The mind itself is three-fold in nature, and exists at different levels and scales while operating as a single cohesive reality. The subconscious...

Intuition – Inner Knowing and the Quest for Knowledge

“Intuition is the Higher Faculty of the Mind that attains Knowledge through Self-Realization“ Our intuition isn’t necessarily a skill or tool we use at will, although it can be, but comes more as a basic way of perceiving and interacting with the world around us. It comes as feelings...

Mastering Your Will to Accomplish Goals – Thought, Desire, Imagination, and Action

“Harmony and Alignment is the Key to Creating” Many times we set goals for ourselves as a means of self-development, lifestyle change, or improving our life conditions, where we start off with a feeling of determination and will power, only to have it fade, weaken, and give up relatively...

The Nature of Personal Illusions and the Minds Ability to Shape Reality

Our Mind is always Generating our Personal Reality . . . .  While many people have heard of the spiritual concept of Maya, or the mind’s ability to make up false realities that it then “lives out of†as though they’re real, we tend to think that this idea...

Principle of Vibration – How Vibration becomes Reality

While many of us have seen how vibration as sound creates geometric patterns in elements like water and sand, many don’t fully realize how something as seemingly complex as reality is created by way of the very same vibratory frequencies. One way to understand this is by understanding the...