Tesla’s Dynamic Theory of Gravity and the Universal Law of the Triad
Tesla’s fascination with 3, 6, and 9, was due to the Laws they Represented
What many people don’t realize about Tesla and his method of conceiving ideas, is that he had a very pronounced understanding of the Universal Laws that govern the universe and all of life and always formed his ideas based on them, or he tuned into these ideas in the astral plane and received them whole as working models of Universal Laws. While we can say that many ideas, especially ones involving the universe, exist largely in theoretical terms, and therefore can only be proven through mathematics, if we understand the nature of law, we know this isn’t true, because the same laws pertain to all levels and scales of reality, and any law operating at the universal scale also operates at the smaller scale of our own physical existence. The same laws that form and spin galaxies form and spin atoms and molecules; they operate through the same principle, at different scales and magnitudes.
Tesla opposed Einstein in several areas, one of which was the theory of gravity. Einstein postulated that space curved around material objects, and this curvature of space is what produced gravity and held planets in place. Much like a ball placed in water displaces the water, and yet is held in place by the water. Tesla however, disagreed with this theory because it violated fundamental laws. Not only in the sense that Einstein’s theory was based on a material object with material properties being able to produce an effect in an invisible field possessing no material properties, but also based on the law of opposites (polarity), which states that all action creates an equal and opposite reaction. Energy and matter operate according to opposite laws that are complementary and paradoxical, yet both are true and a part of the same observable reality.

Tesla argued that if a material object caused a curve, the reaction (opposite) would straighten it back out, counterbalancing it. Einstein’s theory also postulated that invisible space as subtle energy didn’t have the ability to penetrate material objects, and instead curved around them. Yet the very law governing all matter as an invisible force that acts to move it or vibrate it, does so through resonance, in which energy enters into (sympathetic induction), separates into polar aspects as electromagnetism that spins matter, giving it life as activity. Everything that exists is vibrating, is in motion propelled by invisible forces that can’t be physically measured. These invisible forces move into and through matter, inhabiting it by splitting into EM forces that create an attraction and repulsion that spin it while simultaneously stabilizing it into a functioning system.
Tesla’s theory of gravity followed the spiritual principles of subtle and gross matter, represented by what’s referred to as the four Elements of the material world and the Law of Resonance. His theory was that energy and mass weren’t exchangeable and therefore equivalent (E=mc2), but that mass drew in or absorbed energy from its environment (empty space). Subtle Energy as invisible forces that expand evenly in all directions in a circular motion and permeate all of the material world as the empty space it exists in (Monad), contains within it both active and passive components, and when it enters into matter, it splits into dual forces as electric and magnetic, which both pull together and push apart at the same time (Dyad), forming a spin that’s equilibrated between parallel poles. So the invisible forces moved in the opposite direction (horizontal spin) of the physical poles (vertical rod).

According to Tesla’s theory, what we experience as gravity, which holds us to a material object (Earth), yet can’t be felt with physical senses, is created by us being caught in the influx or pathway of the absorption of subtle energy from outer space. The spin of all material objects isn’t caused by the curvature of subtle energy around the object, but rather internally as the self-generated perpetual motion produced by an electromagnetic field that produces a subtle, yet pronounced effect of an opposite nature. This subtle energy, referred to as the Luminferous aether or Akasha field of consciousness itself, does not possess physical properties, and can’t be measured using physical instruments, yet is the intelligent life-force energy that readily moves through and into matter giving it life as the activity that operates it. The material object has no life, and is not held together, or capable of moving without this subtle, invisible, life-giving force. When this life-force leaves a body (no longer resonates), the body dies, is no longer operated through activity, and begins falling apart or disintegrating. It returns to basic elements and no longer forms a unified material body as a living entity.
Subtle energy as consciousness that structures and animates all material form, forms a relationship between spirit and matter as the soul. The soul is both material and spiritual in nature, and acts as a bridge between the two extremes. The soul is what determines the quality of consciousness the material body is capable of absorbing from the space around it as its intelligence, through resonance. The soul-spirit readily resonates with the body, entering into and inhabiting it as the mind, giving it all its activities as the life of the body and the personality that’s vibrating at a specific frequency as a quality of consciousness that attracts and draws in from the atmosphere around it more of the same quality of consciousness as a personality that forms natural behaviors and ways of being.

While gravity itself is still a complete mystery to science, we have identified what we call electromagnetic forces, and strong and weak forces, both of which are the dual or inner material components of Gravity itself as a unified field that vibrates and holds together the material world through electromagnetic energy, as opposing forces of the same thing. All material bodies are magnetic as passive and receptive, and act to draw into them the equivalent conscious energies around them. The body acts as a receiver for consciousness, and does not generate its own consciousness. It receives it’s life from the invisible intelligence that exists all around us in the ether as the air and the atmosphere. This is why spirit is referred to as air acquired and inhabiting the body through breathing. Air is formed by a combination of light/heat and water/cold. Heat expands, cold contracts. Air, light, and water are all invisible, though air can be felt as wind, light can be felt as heat, and water can be felt as substance. Just as we breathe in air, which gives us life, we also absorb the vibratory conscious energy all around us, digesting, integrating, and reforming ourselves (body, mind, and soul) by way of it.
The Spirit is not formed of fixed into a stationary pattern, but is available as an intelligent resource for us to use to fashion our soul and body based on what state or vibratory frequency we exist in and naturally resonate with. Our gravitational force as the absorption of consciousness is what shapes us, holds us together as a body and mental paradigm, and gives us life as our personal consciousness. The unified field of the Luminferous aether or Akasha exists in a state of pure potential as a wave-like field that provides a form of menu, that we then use to select certain possibilities within this field through resonance as a primary form of natural selection that automatic in nature. By resonating with certain possibilities that we are ideal for actualizing, we draw them into our physical form where we use it them to create ourselves and our reality out of the same idea (Triad). The One as Subtle energy, enters into the parallel dimension of material form, divides into dual aspects of itself, pushing away and separating from itself to form the appearance of itself as another (outer), while entering into relationship with itself in another, attracting to and drawing back into itself disowned parts of itself being reflected, and together forms the self (particle and wave) as both the inner (particle) and the reality of the self (wave) as the outer.
Spiritual Scientist, Integrative Health Consultant, and Spiritual Mentor