Tag: destiny

Karma, Life Design, and the Holographic Principle of Destiny

Destiny can be a difficult idea to explain or even express accurately, because like so many aspects of the human psyche, it appears to have a twofold nature. There’s one that’s conducted with a sense of awareness and even deliberation, and one that seems to play out in a...

Karma – Beyond the Veil of Negative Existence and the Process of Rebirth

What’s portrayed in Esoteric texts as the “Veil of Negative Existence” can be a very elusive idea in the most basic sense because it deals with another realm of life on a higher plane of existence that’s hidden, and therefore unknown to us while living in this realm. Yet,...

The True Nature of the Soul’s DNA and Bloodline as Evolutionary Self-Design

Unfortunately many of us have been so detached from our true origins as spiritual beings and taught to think of life from a purely material and very limited perspective, that we don’t understand the true nature and origin of our own genetic makeup. Many believe our genes only determine...

Seeing Challenges as Opportunities for Personal Growth

As a kid growing up, I was born into a very challenging life. My mom was a single mother with five kids, one of which was mentally retarded, my father was a severe alcoholic who became very abusive at times, and we were on welfare. We lived in a...

Divine Providence – Intuition, Fate and Destiny

The idea of Divine Providence, like fate and destiny, indicates that there’s a grand plan laid out for our life and that a higher power acts to organize the events of our life and the order in which they unfold. It’s the idea that the general course of our...

Soul Evolution – DNA Transference, Holographic Memory, and Transmutation

The mind, unlike the body, isn’t fixed or stationary, but is in a constant process of morphing by exchanging energy with itself in everything around it. The mind itself is three-fold in nature, and exists at different levels and scales while operating as a single cohesive reality. The subconscious...

Fate, Astrology, and the Seven Archons of the Material Planes

The material realm of matter is governed primarily by the subconscious aspect of the mind, which is the aspects that governs all of Nature and the animal kingdom as the instinctual field of mass consciousness, or what some think of as the collective unconscious. This field of intelligent energy...