Initiation – Illuminating the Soul with Inner Light
What is referred to as an Initiate is someone in which their Higher Self has coalesced with the personality and incarnated within their body in a fully active and aware state. The Higher Self typically exists in a dormant state within the subconscious mind until it’s awakened and activated...
Alchemy and the Process of Initiation – Transformation and Growth Through Challenges and Ordeals
The ancient art known as Alchemy dealt with the idea of soul purification and self-creation through masterful use of the will. It works through Universal Laws that govern all of the material world as a primary form of mind-over-matter, or the minds ability to willfully direct the behaviors of...
The Mark of the Beast – “666” and its Encoded Significance as a Mode of Operation
I began this idea through research I was doing on DNA transformation by studying the law associated with its geometric structure. DNA is composed mostly of Hexads (6) with linking Pentads (5). DNA transformation in a completely natural way involves the very operations indicated by its structure (and the...
The 3rd-Eye, Pineal Gland, and the Subconscious Mind – The Gateway to the Heavens
Every biological life-form there is has both a physical form and an invisible energy field (soul or mind) that’s also known as it’s etheric-double or mirror image that serves to “inform” and animate it with a specific set of instinctual behaviors and tendencies. The material body is formed out...
Morality and Higher Planes of Consciousness – How We Receive Higher Knowledge
The spiritual perspective of personal growth and development is based out of morality, rather than physical accomplishments and worldly achievements. Naturally, many who live out of a separatist mentality want to separate intellectual (mind) and feeling (heart), posing them against each other as one being more desirable or worthy...
Self-Purification and Cultivating Our Higher Nature
As we go through life, we’re always becoming through a process of amalgamation, where we enter into relationship with everyone and everything around us, blending with them energetically, taking on their compatible attributes and transforming our nature by using them to express and create experiences that we then relate...
The Axis Mundi – Black Holes, Wormholes, and Stargates to Parallel Dimensions
Throughout Spiritual Sciences the Axis Mundi has been portrayed as a tunnel or portal that connects higher dimensions to lower dimensions, or Heaven and Earth. This concept of a portal between dimensions has also been called the cosmic axis, world axis, world pillar, center of the world, world tree,...
Opening the Third-Eye – Polarity and Learning How to Work with Complementary Aspects of the Same Operation
There is much confusion and uncertainty around the idea of the 3rd Eye (Pineal) and how to open or awaken it, bringing it into an active state. The abilities of this small gland still remain primarily a mystery because it only seems to be really active in certain people,...
Transcending to a Higher Level of Consciousness
“Moving from Personal Consciousness to Universal Consciousness” The first thing we’d have to establish when contemplating this idea as levels of consciousness, is what does higher mean? Higher, in this case means non-personal or in service of humanity (as a whole) and not for selfish reasons or personal gain...
Pineal Gland – “Inner Stargate to Higher Dimensions”
Many have heard that the Pineal gland or what is commonly called the ‘3rd eye’ is what they refer to as the body’s inner stargate. While this is certainly a cool and intriguing idea, many don’t know for sure what that actually means in practical terms. The Pineal gland...