Our State-of-Mind Produces Corresponding Realities
“We create our Experiences out of our Moodâ€
The state of mind we are in at any given moment, determines the type of reality we create by what we focus on, what we tell ourselves “about†what we’re focused on that makes it mean something, and the natural behaviors it produces as a result. States of mind have whole realities inherent in them as the potential for expression. This is easy to understand when you realize that whatever “mood†you’re in, determines what you think about, what emotions you experience in response to your thoughts, and how you act to actually produce it as an outer reality by how you behave. The reality we create, first internally, then externally, is not only an expression of the mood, but acts to give us more of the same feeling. We create experiences that make us feel the same way. We’re always expressing in a congruent fashion as a means of amplifying and increasing the feeling state we are vibrating.
What many don’t realize, is that we can actually control and determine our state. We can choose and intentionally create whatever state of mind we want to, by how we use our own mind. Because we’ve been conditioned to habitual moods and states, and we experience them as a natural part of our make-up, and because they’re often emotionally based, and therefore control us at the unconscious level, we don’t realize that we can act to change our mood. We tend to wake up in a certain mood, and stay in that same mood all day, or often for days or even weeks at a time. Our mood acts as a unifying force of directed attention, what memories are associated to our mood (created out of the same mood) that form the basis for the stories or scenarios we run through our mind over and over again as we go through our day, that we act out unconsciously by how we behave and interact with others. Our behavior or actions is how we move an inner idea outward, stimulating and reproducing it in our outer experience as a correspondence or analogy to our inner experience. The mood we exist in and act out of stimulates that same feeling state in others, calling it forth in them, and becomes the basis for our interaction that creates more of the same type of reality as a natural expression of the shared state.
Our State is Our Vibratory Frequency
Our state of mind forms a holistic paradigm as our perceptual lens, which organizes everything around us by how we interpret it, abstracting only the elements in a situation that can be used to tell the story as a reality inherent in our mood. States have realities inherent in them as thematic patterning or storylines that expresses and multiplies, producing more of the same state (vibration). Our state determines what we look for, notice and give our attention to, and create out of by incorporating it into a story which shapes it as an external reality that’s of the same nature. Of course the real potential in realizing this as a form of tool form creating desired realities lies in realizing that we can deliberately choose what state we want to be in that will naturally produce the reality we want more of. The vibration we want to create out of by moving the internal reality outside of us by projecting it to create an equivalent external experience of reality.
Our state of mind is our vibratory frequency, which has distinct patterning in it as a structuring and organizational mechanism. It forms a perceptual filter that determines what we look for, expect to find, what stands out that we notice and abstract from our environment and use to tell the story that exists naturally in our feeling-mood. The feeling prompts a chain of association as thoughts, emotions, and actions. If we break this down and look at what we can call the anatomy of a state, we can see that it has three basic components:
1. What we focus on and give our attention to.
2. What we tell ourselves about what we’re focused on that makes it mean something.
3. And what we’re doing with our body – our physiology.
These three components are always in alignment and congruent with each other, and directly affect each other. Change any one, and the other two changes automatically to match it. The most basic way to work with our state is by focusing on ideas and experiences that produce a specific feeling. Then tell yourself a story about it that gives it positive meaning, these two will automatically be reflected in your physiology, or the behaviors you’re naturally doing with your body. If you feel that you can’t control your own thoughts or attention, then you can work by intentionally changing your physiology. Allow yourself to notice that states have distinct behaviors inherent in them. When a person is feeling down or depressed, they tend to sit, slouch, or lay down, look tired and wore out, sleep a lot, are inactive, keep the room dark, and so on. When we feel happy, we tend to be very active, sit on the edge of our chair, move around and do things, use hand gestures, prefer light environments or the outdoors, smile and laugh a lot, and so on. Just by changing your behavior, you change your state of mind to match it. Which changes how you feel, think and what memories you access to create out of that were created in that same emotional state.
You can begin literally mapping out states to see what you’re doing while in them that act to create them. When feeling creative for example, notice what you tend to be thinking about, how you’re thinking about it in terms of your internal dialogue, and what you’re doing with your body. Makes notes of it, or use the memory of being in a creative state as a means of recreating the same state at will. Then, anytime you are doing something that requires creativity, you can intentionally create the state out of which it naturally comes. You can directly influence and determine your own performance by creating the state of mind out of which it comes as a natural by-product or natural and spontaneous behavior.
Dr. Linda Gadbois
Personal Development Coach