The Mark of the Beast – “666” and its Encoded Significance as a Mode of Operation

I began this idea through research I was doing on DNA transformation by studying the law associated with its geometric structure. DNA is composed mostly of Hexads (6) with linking Pentads (5). DNA transformation in a completely natural way involves the very operations indicated by its structure (and the structure of most molecules and both living and non-living structures), which are mind-over-matter, and equilibrium, with equilibrium representing the result of mind-over-matter by balancing the conscious and subconscious , or using the conscious to direct and re-inform the subconscious. Five and six are considered a symbol of marriage as both consist of the female term (2) and the male term (3) in the mathematical formula of 2 + 3 = 5, and 2 x 3 = 6. All mathematical formulas represent relationships as an operation between all aspects of the formula as interrelated laws and principles.

All of life on the material and subtle planes operate in polarity as the masculine and feminine aspects that serve to stimulate each other and work in unison to produce a material form or reality as their offspring. In thoroughly considering the number 6 in all its possible correspondences and meaning, I wondered why the Mark of the Beast was represented by three 6’s, and got the intuitive notion to study its symbolic significance in Revelations. What I discovered was that Revelations actually provides a formula for undergoing the process of personal transformation and what type of things we unknowingly engage in that prevent it, or act instead to degrade us and lock the soul within the body in what you could call a dead or forsaken state.

To lay out the formula of just the 666 equation, we have to look at the significance of all numbers and factors involved. 6 is repeated 3 times, representing the 3 aspects of the self as higher, medium, and lower, which, when in an equalized state work as a single unit in a synchronized fashion between multiple planes. 6 + 6 + 6 = 18, the number of the subconscious mind (Tarot), with 1 (Monad) and 8 (Octave), representing moving to a higher or lower state (scale), the process of 9 (1 + 8 = 9) as a completion of a cycle and self-perfection. Six is typically thought of as the number of love (marriage of the masculine and feminine), and is represented in the Tarot, the key to the Kabbalah, as the Lovers. The idea of Lovers represents the relationship that should exist between the subconscious and conscious aspects of the same mind. The mind, like the soul (they’re synonymous), the self, and reality (produced by them) exists as 3-part or 3-fold in nature, and exists on three levels or planes as interwoven dimensions simultaneously, represented by multiples of three as 3, 6, and 9. With 6 representing the medium of the middle soul, which acts as a bridge between higher and lower levels of consciousness, as well as representing the single mind (material) existing as polar or dual aspects on the same plane as the subconscious and conscious mind of the body, which simply perform different modes of the same operation.

Pentagram - mind over matter

Our lower self is typically referred to as our animal nature as a mammalian body, or beast. Our lower self exists within the material plane as both our subconscious, instinctual and emotionally driven mind that we share with the entire animal kingdom and all of nature, and our self-conscious mind, equated primarily to brain consciousness, which is fully birthed within the material plane and becomes fully identified with it as what we call the ego. Both aspects of the lower material mind form our personality and identity, and operate for the most part in a completely automatic and instinctual manner through the memory of our species, our DNA ancestry, souls constitution, and formative conditioning as basic training that shapes the mental paradigm we live the rest of our lives out of and create our own unique version of a shared and common reality.

Our lower concrete mind of our animal-beast nature is instinctively driven through emotions that serve to produce automatic behaviors that don’t require deliberate thought and reasoning, or the need to make a decision, or exercise will in purposely acting it out. It’s motivated primarily by the experience of pleasure or pain, thinks in pictures and imaginary experiences, and is passive and receptive in nature, which means it readily takes in whatever suggestion is being given to it (by a will), and uses them to form all of its thoughts as imaginary realities that give it a kind of template or idea for manifesting outwardly as an actual experience. It moves and thinks in a spontaneous, impulsive, and urge driven manner towards anything that offers or suggests pleasure of any kind, and freezes in it tracks or avoids anything that resembles pain. Yet emotions of all kinds, positive and good, or negative and bad, are magnetic in nature, and form the basis for all natural thought processes and activities. The subconscious lacks a will of its own, and therefore doesn’t have the ability to create in a unique and individual fashion, and simply creates out of whatever is given to it as an idea, or by repeating habitual tendencies, mental patterns, and routines based on memory. It acts like a computer program and only performs behaviors, functions, and dynamics it’s been programmed with.

The number 6 as love, exists as the Principle of Polarity, represents not only by the relationship between dual aspects of the mind, but also between parallel planes, which together form a singular manifestation of reality as the means by which consciousness uses to express and experience itself as something specific. The symbol is represented as two triangles, orientated in opposite directions that equally overlap each other or exist as parallel aspects within the same space or plane. It represents how the mental plane casts images into the astral plane of emotion which in-forms and fashions the etheric body, which acts as a spatial map or holographic model and energetic matrix for the physical body, which it produces as its twin or offspring through a form of regeneration. There’s a dynamic interaction always going on between multiple planes as a form of step-down process where invisible ideals as archetypes become interpreted in mental and emotional terms to form the basis for manifesting its physical correspondence within the material plane of form.

Subtle energy

Thoughts as astral images and sounds are cast into the subconscious mind, providing it with directions and information for operating the mind and body of the lower plane in exactly the same way instinct develops natural tendencies and behaviors natural to the kind, type, and species, in the animal kingdom. When people choose to live out of an unconscious state, never waking up to who they actually are as higher, intelligent and willful beings, they lend their will to the creation of other peoples ideas, or whatever is popular and heavily promoted as a fad or current of society. This is the group mind that behaves in a herd-like fashion that performs and participates in whatever its being conditioned to do by passively taking in other peoples thoughts and making them their own. They become a product of society, a slave to the greater will of mass consciousness, and run automatic patterns as thoughts, emotions, and behaviors in a routine, systematic, and faithful manner, while participating in a cooperative manner to co-create the realities they imply.

When we reside in an almost exclusive unconscious state, we are influenced and motivated by the magnetic forces of the astral plane that we experience as emotions and passions. We’re tempted by anything that offers pleasure of some form and that doesn’t require much effort (use of will), and create ourselves and our life out of a predominately unconscious state where we draw consequences on ourselves that degrade, defile, and devolve our soul to a lower, animal status. We lack any real awareness of truth as creative laws, and exist in a fundamental state of ignorance. We have no idea how to use our own mind and will to create by way of law in an intentional manner. Six gives us the formula for not only bringing our subconscious and conscious mind into a unified and balanced state within the material plane, but also our higher consciousness as our human soul and lower consciousness as an animal soul, which is automatically governed through the higher will as the active impregnation of the lower mind with a seeded suggestion. This process of the Higher Will seeding the lower mind is carried out through the Pineal gland as the 3rd-Eye, which is also the 6th Chakra of the subtle body as the minds eye that forms a unified vision instead of a dual one like the physical eyes do.

The Pineal gland, a barrel, pinecone shaped organ that’s composed of a hollow interior filled with fluid and floating crystalline structures, receives more blood-flow (essence) than any other organ of the body except the kidneys. Though it’s located directly in the center of the brain between the two hemispheres of the left and right lobes, it’s not a part of the brain (originates in the roof of the mouth and migrates to the brain), and isn’t protected by the blood-brain barrier, and so it’s prone to various forms of toxins which hinder its performance. The fluid substance of its inner core gathers mineral deposits as a form of brain sand, similar to the enamel on your teeth, and eventually forms into a bone-like mass called calcification that causes it to stop functioning properly. In our modern day society our Pineal is being outright targeted through various means designed to cause malfunction.

Pineal gland and mental transmission

The Pineal, in collaboration with the Pituitary body, is the part of the body that acts as a tuner and receiver for higher forms of consciousness that exists outside of and beyond the astral plane, and for this reason is also considered the seat of the soul. Six is the number that represents the human soul, as the medium through which transmission and reception of consciousness takes place between upper and lower planes. The Pineal is thought to be where the soul enters and leaves the body (top of the head), as well as maintains a direct line of communication and passage from higher domains. The Pineal is often referred to as the star-gate of the body (6 being a star), as the first place contacted by the waters of spirit and the non-physical realms of the afterlife that forms what we have come to call the axis or tunnel (axis mundi), that the souls moves through and into higher dimensions. It’s the connecting link between the human and the divine, between the Higher and the lower. The Pineal secretes a resin (pine) that’s amber color known in spiritual traditions as the golden elixir, with resin being analogous to risen. The pinecone is symbolic of seeds that are opened and released through heat and pressure (inner light) that serve to birth new realities as the offspring of the Mother/Father.

The Philosophers Stone of alchemy and the Holy Grail of Christianity represent the awakening of the Pineal as the symbol of perfected and regenerated man (9) who is Divine in nature and birthed fully within an animal body of form through active use of the creative will. The Pineal contains the waters of life as the Chalice of the bloodline (souls essence), where only those of the Divine bloodline seek the knowledge of Higher Wisdom and through practical use of it, ascend to higher dimensions at the death of the body, which releases the soul from bondage of its dark, and unconscious animal nature. The Holy Grail is within the domed castle of the skull as our inner connection to higher dimensions. This creative process is given to us in the very beginning of Genesis with the statement . . . “The Word was with God, and God moved across the waters and called forth all of life with the spoken Word”. Words as ideas are conceived by the mind through the inner water of the Pineal, and turned into realities in the imagination (3rd Eye), which form the basis for creating a corresponding reality as a personal creation of a universal theme.

The Pineal is awakened or made active through the activation and rising up of the Kundalini, life-force energy that normally lies dormant at the base of the spine in the triangle shaped Sacrum and coccyx (tail bone) in someone who is not awake. The life-force energy is awakened (through intention and directed attention) and magnetically drawn up the 33 (6) steps-vertebrae of the spine (Jacobs ladder), into the Pineal where it activates (excites and vibrates) the Pineal while simultaneously detoxifying it. The Pineal produces the chemistry (hormones) that regulate light as cycles and produces DMT as a psychedelic hallucinogenic that’s responsible for the inward vision as a parallel reality of our nightly dreams, and is how communication from the Higher planes are received through and as our dreams and daydreams, and are reflected in the subconscious mind as intuition, deja’ vu, and intimate associations that link together multiple planes of awareness. The subconscious reflects the images received by Higher consciousness as imagined thoughts that allow them to be witnessed and realized by the conscious mind

The subtle body

The Mark of the Beast, as well as the Name of God, the Tetragrammaton as a formula for willful creation utilizing the subconscious of our animal nature, are both said to be written in our forehead, the location of our 3rd-eye. As the beast it represents an unawaken, primarily unconscious state of haphazard creation (instinct), and as the name of God, an awakened and fully conscious state of willful creation. There’s a massive movement in society right now, some deliberate, some simply out of ignorance, to calcify and disrupt the normal function of the Pineal gland through fluoridation of various kinds, carbonated drinks, high protein diets, heavily processed foods, microwaves, and various forms of heavy metal contamination. By hindering its function, it prevents communication as higher knowledge that we experience as original thoughts from being received and reflected in the imagination, and blocks or prevents the soul from leaving the body and material plane at death of the body. It literally cuts the soul off from the roots of its origins, trapping it in the lower planes of unconsciousness and ignorance. We have to protect ourselves by not engaging in the mindless activities of a basically unconscious society aimed at destroying the health and vitality of our Pineal and brain, as well as working through our Endocrine system to regulate our state of mind, biological processes and behaviors (hormones and imitation hormones).

Six as the Law of love within the material plane, says we have a desire for whatever we love and feel a connection to, and are always seeking union with it. Love is the principle of union between two complementary opposites that are of the same nature. Naturally, some of our most basic passions come from sexual desires and attractions where we bond and form an energetic, soul union with whatever we love, lust after, or feel passion for and have sex with. Love as desire, forms a gravitational field between us and the object of our desire. Whatever we blend with energetically, in mind and body, we become one with and the same as. We acquire their (its) level and quality of consciousness as the same character, tendencies, and morality. As we absorb and integrate the consciousness of others, it alters ours accordingly and forms our moral nature as being equivalent and of the same kind and type, and as a result, we share the same destiny. The most basic way we’re always in the process of creating ourselves from both a physical and spiritual perspective, is by whatever we blend (resonate) with in mind and body and become equilibrated by as a form of harmony (coherence).

astral being

One of the greatest and most prevalent ways we become degraded is through sexual misconduct and inappropriateness, and merging our soul with another just through the pleasure the activity brings without any awareness of what we’re actually doing (unconscious) or the moral consequences it brings in terms of our soul and vibratory frequency. When we can’t resist emotional impulses and the temptation of sexual arousal or being stimulated with pleasurable sensations, we fall into an unconscious state and create ourselves in a haphazard way through ignorance. The Law represented by 15, which = 6, is conveyed symbolically as the devil which is the Mythological god of Pan, presented as half goat and half man, with the animal half being from the belly button (solar plexus of emotion and identity achieved through emotions) down, including the regenerative organs, which is the energy we use to regenerate ourselves, and the head of an animal with two horns (divided mind), symbolizing our animalistic aspect that pursues passions and pleasures of the body in an unconscious, instinctual, and impulsive manner without any recognition or realization of what we’re doing and what it means about us. It’s creating out of our lower nature instead of realizing that we can command the body, neutralize ourselves to emotional states, and direct our own thoughts and imagination through the will and intellect of our higher nature.

When we feel and cultivate a love and desire for the spiritual plane of higher knowledge, and tune ourselves to that plane by identifying with it and embodying our true nature as creative and willful beings (divine), and we learn how to use our own self-conscious mind to intentionally program and willfully direct our subconscious mind through a loving persuasive attitude, we rise above our animal unconsciousness and the illusions born out of emotional states as hysteria, and we begin directing and working through the natural forces of the material plane to create in a deliberate manner. We can only utilize and control what’s not controlling and utilizing us. Anytime we’re being controlled by passions and impulses of some kind, we’re being determined by blind forces that take control of our mind and will, running us like an animal is run by instinct, and condemning us to a mortal state of ignorance.

Dr. Linda Gadbois

Transpersonal Psychologist, Integrative Mind-Body Medicine Consultant, and Spiritual Mentor

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