How to Consciously work with Subtle Energy
In order to work with an idea at the practical level we have to form a working concept of it that serves to illustrate the laws involved as a relationship and the natural processes that ensue from it. Subtle energy is not a thing, but rather the invisible forces that are drawn into living organisms as its consciousness. Our physical body is a magnet for absorbing energy around us while simultaneously projecting and transmitting it. Subtle energy is a form of primal consciousness that has natural attributes and qualities inherent in it that form the physical characteristics and natural behaviors the form takes on and outwardly displays.
We’re always in the process of exchanging consciousness as subtle energy with everything around us as a primary means of adapting to and becoming one with the very environment we exist in. The acquisition, integration, adaptation and modification of consciousness, comes through a basic form of energetic respiration. When we reside in a primarily unconscious state, we absorb energies from the space around us that act to influence us mentally and emotionally without our direct awareness. This phenomenon is usually experienced as a shift in our mood and how we feel, often without realizing what’s causing it. As our mood changes so do what we focus on, think about, and what behaviors we naturally display.
Everything in the phenomenal world can easily be influenced, directed, and modified by working in harmony with the universal laws governing them. All subtle energy, which is invisible and non-material in nature, is directed and manipulated through mental means. Whatever plane something exists on, we have to work on that same plane or a higher one in order to influence, direct, and utilize it. We don’t ever need a material device, talisman, or symbol in order to work with energy, because these only have the power we give them with our mind as our intention and reason for using them. Inanimate objects don’t contain power in and of themselves, but are infused with power through magnetism. These tools merely act as an aid for focusing our attention on an idea as a means of concentration. In order to work with our own mind as an energy system, we have to look at what we mean by both the mind and subtle energy.

The Nature of the Mind
Our mind is not of our physical body as our brain or heart (or anything else) but is the essence as the energy field that surrounds, envelopes, and permeates the body while extending quite some distance from it in subtler and less dense forms. The material body is magnetic in nature (passive and receptive) and only acts to draw in and serve as a container for the consciousness that it resonates with. The mind is synonymous with the soul and is the primary means for self-creating and regulating the vehicle of the body. The mind, like the soul and reality, is threefold in nature, which means it has three complementary aspects that function in different ways and on parallel planes to create what we experience as a unified, coherent whole.
The three aspects of the mind are most often referred to as the Higher or Super-conscious (will), and the subconscious (sensational) and self-conscious (formative) mind. The Super-conscious exists on a higher plane (as an invisible power), and the other two aspects of the same mind exist on the material plane as complementary opposites. The subconscious is the aspect of the mind we share with all of Nature due to the fact that we incarnate into this plane through a mammalian body that’s an integral part of the collective unconscious that also forms the mass consciousness of humanity. The subconscious is constantly involved in an energetic exchange as a form of telepathic communication with everything around it that’s of the same or similar nature to it (through resonance).
The subconscious is motivated by emotions that are designed to produce unconscious (automatic) behavior as a form of instinct. The subconscious is also what produces material images in the imagination that serve as a kind of empty shell (ethereal body) necessary for energy to inhabit and give life to as a means of expressing through. Just as electricity exists as an invisible force in the atmosphere around us, and can only be harnessed (captured) and directed through a material form of some kind, subtle energy can only be harnessed and directed by utilizing a material light-form as a fluid container that’s shaped inwardly by the mind. Once shaped inwardly it becomes a metaphorical template used to produce and equivalent outer reality.

All material substance as light-essence concentrated into an organized material form is magnetic in nature and acts to draw in the active, life-giving force of archetypal intelligence. Whatever form is shaped internally as a structured thought, determines what type of energy it acts as a vehicle and instrument for. As subtle energy inhabits and expresses through a complementary physical form it produces an equivalent outer effect as the reality of the form. We can work directly with our subconscious by mastering the principles that govern it. We imagine a form as an internal representation or working concept that becomes a magnet and acts to draw in and harness subtle energy that can then be directed to perform a function of some kind as the fulfillment of our intention. We then infuse this imagined image with an emotion of some kind (motive), it acts to either attract energies of a like nature, or repel energies of a dissimilar nature.
The subtle energy of the material plane is invisible to our physical senses and is known to us directly as feelings, inner sensations, and emotions that give rise to mental impressions when allowed to take hold in our imagination. Whatever is received and pictured in our subconscious is simultaneously projected into our outer mental sphere where it can be witnessed by our self-conscious mind as a form of thought or idea. The subconscious acts to translate energy as a vibratory frequency into the pattern and image inherent in the vibration (transducer). All vibration as activity organizes essence (light) into the pattern as a living form inherent in the frequency on different scales and levels simultaneously as both an inner and outer reality of the same nature and likeness.
When we sense the energy that’s being actively expressed by someone, we get a feel for their consciousness as an emotional state and the unconscious activity that’s naturally produced by it. Their energy is drawn into our body where it acts to stimulate us with sensations of a distinct quality, which makes us feel a certain way. People with bad energy are usually consumed with negative emotions that serve to drive their thoughts and behaviors to produce the experience of their emotions as an actual outer experience. When we’re around them and involved in an interaction of some kind, we exchange energy subliminally and it causes us to feel bad in the same way (transference). Subtle energy is both electric (projects) and magnetic (draws inward), and works through the principle of vibration and polarity that forms corresponding, complementary realities as a unification between the inner and outer, and between the self and another.

Developing a Working Model of How Energy Operates Subliminally
By developing a working concept in our mind of how subtle energy works we can simultaneously develop methods for working with it in the practical sense. Whatever state we’re in, we vibrate at as a frequency, and act to vibrate that same state in everyone and everything around us. As we resonate with like energies in others as a shared emotional state, our energy enters into their mental sphere that permeates their body, and activates those same emotions in them, bringing them to the surface where they’re actively expressed to produce a joint experience.
After only a few seconds of interacting, we both begin vibrating in harmony with each other and form a joint-reality as the expression of the shared emotions. In a like manner, whenever we’re around others, whatever emotional state they’re actively expressing is being radiated and projected into the space around them where it’s magnetically drawn into our mental sphere and then enters our body where it stimulates us with the same emotion and we begin outwardly displaying the same types of behavior. As we take on their emotions and allow them to begin actively expressing through us, it modifies our state into a complementary one where we begin feeling, thinking, and acting the same way. This all happens energetically as an unconscious and automatic process where we’re unknowingly allowing ourselves to be created and therefore determined by others.

The Method for Controlling your Own Energy
The two most effective means that I’ve found for controlling and regulating your own energy as your state of mind, is by first setting the intention to do it while simultaneously realizing you can (believe), then either imagining a protective sphere around you that’s reflective and mirrors back energy to the sender, or that acts to neutralize the energy by polarizing yourself to it. Once you set an intention to become more aware of the energies operating around you that are unconsciously affecting you, and you form a working concept in your mind of how they’re operating to enter into and produce an effect in you, you can direct the energies through your awareness alone.
Imagine a sphere around you as an invisible globe that creates a form of translucent screen, where vibrations as emotional energy don’t penetrate the barrier, but spread out on its surface instead, much like a movie where you can see the nature of the energy by witnessing it. This will allow you to see both the inner and outer nature of it simultaneously without allowing it to enter into your body and produce an effect. By learning how to sense it from a distance while emotionally detached from it, we can see it as the reality it contains where we can consciously decide if we want to let it in or not.
By keeping it outside of your body and not letting it effect you by causing a reaction, you act to neutralize it. Whenever we don’t share in the emotions being projected, and we don’t serve as the means of becoming the effect of a cause, we act to cancel it out, and energetically subdue it. If we let it in and allow it take hold, and begin actively expressing the same emotions, then we serve to amplify and multiply it. As long as we remain unaware of what’s actually happening, we reside in an unconscious state and absorb energies automatically. As we unconsciously absorb the energies being projected by others, we allow our mental state and actions to be regulated by whomever we exist in near proximity of. We lend our will to creating whatever reality we’re being seeded with as an emotional charge.

Self-awareness and the ability to consciously operate your own mind is the magical secret to immortality. As long as we remain unaware of the nature of energy and how it operates in the natural world, we’re subject to automatic processes that we seem to have no control over. Once we become aware of them by creating a concept of how they work, we can begin working with them in a deliberate and precise manner. We can sense the quality of the energy being projected by someone by how it’s affecting us emotionally, and then intuitively discern it as a means of deciding whether to allow it to produce a like-effect in us, or to deflect it and send it back to them. This is all done by imagining it.
If we absorb and give life to the emotions being projected by others without realizing what we’re doing, we act to propagate them while allowing them to alter our state and determine our behavior. If we reflect them back by preventing them from entering us and don’t act as the means for expressing them, we serve to neutralize, disintegrate, and nullify them, while maintaining control over our own emotional state and actions. We learn how to become fully responsible for our own creation.
In a similar manner, we can notice how some people act to energize and enliven us, while others drain us and make us feel wiped out. The most natural way people drain us by feeding off of our energy, is through attention seeking that elicits sympathy. They behave in ways that are designed to give them attention, usually by complaining, whining, going on and on about their problems, criticizing and belittling others, acting helpless in their own life, or doing whatever it takes to get you to feel sorry for them. Sympathy is the most natural way we tie into other peoples energy and act to feed off of it.
It’s wise to always pay close attention to how you’re being mentally and emotionally affected by others and life-situations, and use that awareness to make your decisions regarding them. Where we tend to falter is when we take an attitude of attempting to somehow change the other person or situation, instead of working to change ourselves and our relationship with them. People who drain us, depress us, or stimulate us in undesirable ways by always trying to draw us into their dramas, can only do so if we let them by cooperating. It’s always up to us as to what relationships we enter into and continue to maintain, and what situations we choose to keep ourselves submerged in, and what activities we willingly participate in as a result. Self-awareness and skillful action is the secret to creating your life in an intentional and precise manner.

