The Nature of our “Self” as Our State of Mind, and How We Create Our Reality

As humans, we’re always locked into a very fundamental paradox due to the fact that we have what you might think of as two different natures or aspects of ourselves, which, when left to operate in a purely unconscious and natural way, tend to contrast and seemingly contradict each other. This paradoxical concept exists as what we call our dual nature which is actually the interaction between complementary opposites known as our subconscious and conscious mind, the right and left hemispheres of our brain, our emotions and intellect, and our lower and higher self. While we tend to think of these as being separate from one another due to the fact that they each perform distinctly different functions in producing a greater whole, the truth is they are actually singular in nature. They’re not unified in the sense of integrating two or more aspects, but exist as a single mind and organism that function as a coherent state and work harmoniously together in forming a greater whole.

While we tend to think that there’s such a thing as an inner world of thought and feeling, and an outer world that’s abstract and objective, if we care to look at it from a neutral and detached perspective, what we come to realize by observing the activities of our own mind is that they are always correlated as a direct reflection of each other. This is because it’s actually our mind as a mental state (energetic frequency) that’s producing, animating, and maintaining both. What’s commonly referred to in Esoteric Sciences as illusions of reality (maya) that form our personal delusions and keep us locked into a false reality of our own making, comes through a fundamental lack of self-awareness in the most basic sense of forming a belief that we’re separate from the very reality being projected by us. We live and shape ourselves within our own creation, usually without ever realizing it. We can often feel as if we’re a victim in our own life, helpless to change the circumstances that cause our own pain and suffering, without ever seeming to realize that what we perceive as being outside of us is actually being constructed and held in place by our own thoughts made real through an experience of them. The bridge that connects the inner with the outer comes by how we use both aspects of our mind as a means of experiencing ourselves.

Hexad - mental fusion
Our Inner Stargate to Parallel Dimensions

Many form false concepts around the idea that the way to move into and through different dimensions is to find a portal or stargate as a physical location on the Earth, instead of grasping the fact that we all come equipped with an inner stargate. Then when people get to these seemingly magical doorways of the Earth’s electromagnetic grid, they appear as a solid wall of stone, or open into plain air and don’t seem to go anywhere. But instead of realizing what it’s showing us in terms of the true nature of inter-dimensional travel, we feel confused and dismayed, and go back to formulating another approach, while the answer to the greatest mystery of all lies within us. When we look within for the answers, we tend grab onto ideas like the pineal gland, associated with the third-eye of the subtle body, another physical mechanism, and glorify it instead of comprehending that the pineal, along with all the other endocrine glands and parts of the body, are all being operated by the mind. The most basic function of the Pineal gland is in forming our mood, which is the same thing as our state of mind.

What we have come to call the mind and soul are actually referring to the same thing and are multidimensional in nature, which means they exist and function as a coherent being on multiple planes all at once. This is the reason why our means of moving between what we perceive as being different dimensions as a place and location in space, is by learning how to operate and intelligently utilize our own mind. As we move into different dimensions through our ability to perceive them (which is what reality is), we don’t go anywhere. All of what we perceive to be different dimensions are interlaced within and permeate the same space. What we refer to as a dimension isn’t necessarily a location as a different material plane, it’s an altered state that tunes us into a different type of reality that brings us a particular type of experience. You can form the basis for understanding this by simply looking at the different aspects of your own life as various forms of dream states that occur naturally through alternating states of mind.

cosmic self
Different Mental States produce Different Realities

A basic shift in reality naturally occurs at night when you go to sleep by subduing and turning off your conscious, self-aware, thinking mind, where only your subconscious is still fully operating. In our nightly dreams, where our body not only doesn’t go anywhere, but also doesn’t move very much, we still form whole realities that are often quite emotionally intense in terms of the type of experiences created. Our night-time dreams which are formed out of our subconscious are somewhat different and much more symbolic than we experience in our waking state when our conscious mind becomes dominant and we shift from a purely inner awareness to a predominantly outer awareness. Our subconscious doesn’t shut off when we wake up and our conscious mind takes over, it’s still at work in shaping our reality in the same way that it continues to operate all of our bodily and automated biological functions. The only difference is our mental state changes, and our awareness shifts from an inward to an outward perspective. Our brain waves are in a Delta-Theta state (0-8 Hz.) when sleeping, and upon waking, shift into an Alpha-Beta state (8-40 Hz.), and the type of reality produced through purely mental means changes quite drastically as a result. The reality created in our nightly dreams is a symbolic representation of our waking reality (dream), and are often how we express emotions that we couldn’t find an appropriate way of expressing in our waking life.

This same idea can be readily observed through any kind of meditative state, while concentrating in a single-minded fashion, or daydreaming by being lost within your own imaginary thoughts. Anytime you alter your state of mind, your body is actively altered also, and you enter into a different type of reality that exists simultaneously within this one. It’s as if you simply tune into a different frequency, and in that frequency a whole different reality proliferates out of it in a completely natural way. You’re not consciously making it up, all you do is focus your attention on an idea or way of being, and your mind projects the reality of that idea as an experience of it. You can experience it as either watching it from a dissociated perspective, or as being associated within it as a part of it. When you change states from a deep meditation back into your normal alert state, it’s very similar to waking up from a dream where the reality begins to fade away and becomes more of a vague impression that’s somewhat elusive and fleeting. When concentrating deeply on an idea, that idea serves as the tuning mechanism for entering into an altered reality. We step into an idea, which is a form of magnetic current, and we enter into a parallel dimension that coexists within this one. We go into a whole different thought process that forms an imaginary reality that’s superimposed over our existing reality and brings us new insights and realizations. As we we return to our normal waking state of outer awareness, the realizations gained through entering into a parallel reality become distant, somewhat impressionistic, and begin to fade in an out.

This is one of the true powers of metaphor and symbolic ideas. When we concentrate on a metaphorical idea it acts like a tuning device for moving between dimensions that are all coalesced within one another. The gods and deities of mythology provide us with tools that we can use for tuning into the natural forces as qualities of consciousness associated to that god or deity, and by coming into direct contact with them as a shared state of mind, forming them as a part of our energetic constitution, we not only transform through the acquisition of new ways of being, but our perception of our self and reality changes also as a direct correspondence. As we begin feeling different about ourselves, our outer reality changes simultaneously in the exact same ways. What this is showing us is that the reason they both change as a correlation to each other, is because they’re actually extensions of each other as integral parts of the same thing.

Higher self

The Relationship of our Higher and Lower Self

In order to begin utilizing our mind as a means of consciously creating in our life, we have to form a basic understanding of the different aspects of our self, known as our subconscious, lower self, and our conscious, higher self. These two parts of our self are not different things, but different aspects of our self that function as complementary opposites in forming and maintaining the same mental construct as a coherent reality. Our self is our “I” or “I Am” as our identity, and doesn’t come as an inner that’s detached from the outer, but as a single reality viewed from a central point within that reality which is necessary in order to experience our self as that reality. The appearance of separation is necessary in order to create an experience of our self. It’s not an illusion in the sense that it doesn’t really exist and we’re just making it up, the illusion comes by the fact that we don’t realize that we’re actually the one creating it, not by forming it on the inner planes and then projecting it outward, but in terms of the fact that we are actually reality itself. What we perceive as reality is produced by the mind as an interaction between polar opposites of itself that operate fluently on multiple levels simultaneously to produce the appearance of both an inner and outer, and an upper and lower, which are all aspects of a greater whole.

Reality doesn’t exist outside of us, it’s all produced and maintained inside of us. It’s all being produced as a mental construct within the sphere of our mind which originates on a higher plane that contains the entire lower plane within it. The reason we exist in a state of duality is because we’ve disassociated from different parts of our own nature, and have formed a belief that we’re just our body viewing everything out there from a limited perspective where we imagine we have no control over what happens to us. We come to believe that even our own experiences are something that comes naturally beyond our ability to control them and we’re subject to whatever is happening around us. When we live our life out of this state of mind, we’re always being shaped by others and the events of our life, without seeming to have any control over it or ourselves. We become a victim to our own perception, and stay locked in a mental prison of an unconscious state, usually without it ever dawning on us that we have the key to unlock our own cell.

One of the ways to understand this idea using a different model is to realize that while many of us have been taught and led to believe that our body is made up of trillions of cells, all playing a different role in an independent way from all others, the truth is we’re actually a single cell organism. We are comprised of a single cell that regenerates itself as a duplicate, which then reorganizes its internal structure to differentiate, so it can play a specific role and function in constructing and maintaining itself as a part of a greater whole. Every cell in our body originated from a single cell as a process of regenerating itself and then separating from itself to form two cells, each of which has altered its internal information as a means of specializing. This is the principle of life as halving and doubling known as mitosis, and spiritually as the process of regeneration and multiplication to produce greater wholes that all exist within each other as different parts of the same thing. Likewise, our mind exists simultaneously on different levels as smaller fields nested within larger fields of the same nature as our individual mind, the group mind, and the cosmic or universal mind.

Body's energy field

This idea is also conceptualized geometrically as the Monad (center that emanates an outer sphere of the same kind), which generates itself as a physical body located in the center of an outer sphere that it’s acting to emanate, which is what allows it to see and experience itself as a whole interlaced reality. We have a center point (location) and an outer sphere emanated by the central point as a mirror image of itself on a larger scale, which is what allows it to experience itself as a finite being within a greater reality of the same nature. The inner circulates as an electromagnetic energy field forming the outer as a larger aspect of itself, which is then drawn back into the core as an experience of itself. The outer stimulates and concentrates the center, and the center emanates and projects the outer, forming itself as both the body and the outer reality in which the body lives and has an experience of itself. The Monad represents both the mind and the soul which work to form the self as a whole reality in order to experience itself, and evolve itself according to it’s own experiences.

The Monad duplicates itself as a mirror image of itself in order to perceive itself as another, forming the Dyad, which is symbolic of both the subconscious and conscious aspects of the same mind. These polar aspects of the same mind work in unison with each other to form what appears as both an inner and outer reality of the same nature. This same principle forms the interaction of the polar aspects of the mind and self as it operates on higher and lower planes as what we call our higher and lower self. These polar aspects of each other are connected by their center and combine to form an overlapping field, out of which a correlated idea is formed, first on the upper (and inner) plane of the imagination, and then on the lower (or outer) plane of material reality, as mirror (reverse) images of each other. These polarized fields of the same mind (vibratory frequency of the same pattern) create a modified version of themselves by only combining selected attributes and qualities that they share in common to form a new variation of themselves. This principle is represented in Quantum Physics as an interference pattern, where some aspects are canceled out while others are amplified, and as a result form a new pattern of correlated qualities that births a single reality as their offspring. The feminine aspect of the subconscious produces an entire outer reality that the masculine aspect then acts on and within as a means of creating itself.

Vesica Pisces
Vesica Pisces

Psychologically speaking, this represents that our outer reality is being projected by our subconscious mind and contains all the internal content of our mental paradigm, including the repressed and hidden parts that we’re unaware of. This all-inclusive reality is then perceived by our conscious mind, which only recognizes the known aspects of itself, while failing to recognize the suppressed and hidden aspects of it’s own inner nature that it has denied having and therefore disowned, and as a result perceives itself as being different, and not the one actually producing it. The two spheres of the subconscious and conscious mind connect at the center (inner nature), forming a straight line between the inner and outer, which represents a plane that also has an upper and lower level. An idea is formed in the imagination on the upper (inner) plane, forming a triangle where the straight line that connects the two centers combine to form an exalted state as a single point (apex), which is then reflected downward into the lower part of the same plane, as a mirror image of itself. The upper and lower combine to form a single reality, represented by a diamond shape. The internal image is used as the means for producing an equivalent material reality of the same type and kind.

This diamond shape as a mirror image of the Triad, when turned 90 degrees, forms a square or cube, which is the symbol for material reality. The axiom “as above, so below” isn’t a mystical idea, it’s showing us that our mind and reality are actually different aspects of the same thing. There’s no difference between them, they’re symmetrical to each other as mirror (polar) images. Reality as we’re capable of knowing it doesn’t exist outside of our ability to perceive it as an outer material construct. Matter is actually composed of light (photons) and our mind is the organizing principle that shapes light into a holographic construct that appears as a stationary material formation. This principle, demonstrated through the concept of the Tetrad, functions on all levels of our mind in exactly the same way as what we perceive as an inner and outer, upper and lower, past and future, self and another. It’s all a living hologram constructed by our mind as the means of experiencing our self, and shaping our self through our own experiences. The whole and the part are formed out of different combinations and configurations of the same group of correlated information.

Our dual nature
The Holographic Nature of Memory

This same holographic principle operates to form memory, which is created and maintained through purely mental means, and is used as a kind of thematic template for creating more and more realities of the same kind that bring more and more of the same type of experiences. The pentacle at the top of the triangle that combines both of the parallel aspects of an inner and outer into a single point, represents the fact that we form all of our experiences out of the interaction that takes place through our perception of an inner and outer, which is interpreted in a specific way and translated into our memory of the experience, which we acted on ourselves to produce. While the experience may be formed out of what’s perceived as different things, situations, events, and people, it’s all unified back into a single idea by how we interpret it to give it meaning. A memory is used as the perceptual lens we look through as a means of restructuring the outer to be of the same nature as the inner, as the theme used for of interpreting it, and is then absorbed and assimilated back into the same memory as a variation of itself, modifying and upgrading it accordingly.

The interpretation is formed out of our existing memory as a means of multiplying it into an infinite number of little, minute and correlated memories that are all of the same overall idea as an accumulative process. Memory is a kind of template that we superimpose over our existing reality as a perceptual filter that we use to form our experiences by how we interpret them to give them the same meaning. Memory, like the mind that produces it, only appears to be acquired as fragmented pieces of unrelated experiences, while actually existing on both the inner and outer planes as a single whole. Our mental paradigm is formed out of synthesized memory that forms a dynamic model that regenerates itself to produce an outer reflection of itself as another, and then is the means through which we assimilate all of our experiences back into a single whole as the story we tell about our life as a state of being. Our story is what gives our life consistency and forms how we sense our self in association with our own self-created experiences, and shape our self as a result.

While we’re in the lower plane of material reality, we function as dual aspects of a single mind known as our subconscious and self-conscious. While some present these correlated aspects as not being active at the same time, the truth is the subconscious is active from the moment of conception until death, and never sleeps. It’s only the self-conscious mind of the intellect that sleeps. The subconscious forms what is commonly referred to as the etheric-double or subtle-body, which serves as a blueprint for not only constructing and regenerating our body, but also for maintaining and evolving the outer reality in which the body lives as a story it tells about itself. Our etheric-body is a cohesive substance that acts as a medium for information to flow in a rhythmic manner between upper and lower planes of the same mind. It’s constitution is formed out of coherent memory that’s organized in infinitely different ways to produce every function necessary to create, maintain, and consistently regenerate itself as an evolutionary process conducted by producing and then reabsorbing new variations of itself and integrating them back into the originating idea.

Celestial Human
How we shape our Self through our own Experiences

Our subconscious is the lower aspect of our mind associated with our animal (mammal) body and is what forms the basis for our personality, which is complementary to our genetic makeup and developed in the initial sense through our formative conditioning. Our personality forms the foundation out of which our identity naturally takes shape based on the roles we begin playing within our family unit and social group. While our identity forms in a natural way as the logical outgrowth of our personality, it’s also the aspect of our self that we can create in a conscious manner by learning to utilize the higher capacities of choice and free will. When we remain in a primarily unconscious state, unaware of how it is we’re using our mind in creating our own experiences, our identity forms as a natural extension of our personality through the mental model of our conditioning and in a way that seems natural and beyond our control. By the time we become an adult we have ended up in a certain type of situation and just continue to move forward and build out of that situation, usually without realizing we have the power to direct the course of our own destiny.

This automated process is what forms the idea that we are a soul born with amnesia, where we’ve forgotten who we really are as higher, fully conscious, sovereign being in charge of our own life creation and individuality. When we don’t realize who we are in the spiritual sense, we often fail to realize that we actually have two aspects of our self that we need to synchronize harmoniously into a single idea, and we view our heart (subconscious) and brain (conscious) as not only being separate entities, both vying for control, but often perceive them as opposing one another as adversaries. When we don’t understand the natural relationship that exists between our thoughts and our emotions, which are what brings life to our thoughts and motivates the actions we take as a result of how we think, we usually end up allowing our emotions to run our thoughts and we haphazardly end up creating the reality of our emotions. This is what keeps us locked into and constantly repeating the patterns and behavioral dynamics instilled in us through our conditioning. Emotions are always associated to memory and are what acts as the triggering mechanism that keeps us in a constant state of reacting, where we run automatic patterns based on the memories that are activated by the emotions we’re being stimulated by.

Many people become so used to allowing their emotions to run their thoughts that they don’t realize they can actually exercise control over their own thinking and use their higher mind to subdue and direct their lower mind. And instead, they reside in a primarily unconscious state where they let their thoughts run unattended in an habitual manner as a constant form of internal dialogue. This is what forms the broken record that runs continuously by replaying the same thought-processes over and over and over, most of which are meaningless in the most basic sense. This is the primary way we recreate the past in the present, because we’re forming a constant dialogue with ourselves using the same memories. The thoughts we’re thinking today are the same type of thoughts we thought yesterday, last week, last month, and two years ago. We use the memories of the past to anticipate and interpret the events of the present, by making them mean the same thing, and then use the same memories used to interpret the present as a means of trying to anticipate and predict the future.


We then feel confused when we consider the idea that our thoughts are what’s producing our reality, because we’re creating the reality of our thoughts without being aware of it. We think our thoughts are formed as an objective interpretation of our experiences, which we also believe are objective and not being created by us due to the fact that both come in a completely natural way without a direct awareness of what it is we’re doing. Reality as we’re capable of knowing it is always subjective in nature, not because we’re the one actually producing it as a material manifestation, but because in order to create an experience out of a material set of circumstances, we have to interpret it to make it mean something. It’s the meaning we give something that forms the story we tell ourselves about it and is what creates how we experience it. Meaning itself operates on three levels simultaneously in the sense that the story we tell ourselves about it not only means something about us, but also about others and the way the world is in general. The story we begin telling ourselves about things forms how we sense of our self as the main character of our own story based on how we associate with it, and we systematically shape our self by way of our own creation.

If we interrupt our habitual thoughts as an automatic rambling, and simply step outside of them while also detaching from the emotions associated with them, and we take a position of observing how our own mind is operating to create our perception of reality, we can come to understand that thought as a mental form is directly connected to emotion, which is what animates it and motives the activity it takes on. We can realize through observation that whatever we focus on and think about gives rise to a correlating emotion in response to it, and likewise, whatever emotion we take on from an outside source, shapes and determines what memories as already formed ideas start playing out in concert with the emotion. This is because memory is formed as ideas that are married to emotions, and they work together to produce offspring as our perception of reality. As we think we invoke an emotional response to our own thoughts (already paired in the memory), which causes them come alive outside of us as the reality of our thoughts. Our perception of reality is what allows us to experience our thoughts.


Reality isn’t created through singular thoughts intentionally created as a wish or desire of some kind, it’s established and consistently maintained through our habitual, ongoing, never ending thoughts. Most of which come as the result of our emotional states that were formed into habits through our formative conditioning. When we don’t realize we have the ability to cultivate our own emotional states based on what we choose to focus on and think about, we tend to live in a constant state of internal conflict, where one aspect of ourselves seems to be pent against another aspect. Where our emotions contradict reasoning, and seem to take command of our thoughts without our ability to resist them, keeping us attached to and repeating the same tendencies of the past in an automatic manner. This is what it means to live out of an unconscious state where we have no real awareness of how it is we’re creating our own life experiences.

This sense of duality as inner conflict is further enhanced by the ill-advice given by others who tell you to follow your heart and not your head, which means follow your feelings instead of your thoughts. As if they’re different things and one is right while the other will lead you astray. This is where we get sayings like “the road to hell is paved with good intentions”, and “the blind leading the blind”. Your heart symbolizes your subconscious, which is feeling oriented, always present, and instinctively driven through emotional impulses, and your head is symbolic of your conscious mind as thought and will, which has the ability to discriminate and reason in order to make calculated and intelligent decisions. The idea here becomes to get them where they’re about the same thing and both moving in the same direction as a means of creating in an holistic manner that’s free from internal conflict. Emotions are the driving force of instinct which comes as activities that don’t require thought, reasoning, or actually making a decision. Thought as a material form created on the inner planes of the mind have no life or activity without emotion, and therefore never manifest as an actual reality that provides us with the basis for experience. The idea is to bring these two seemingly different aspects into a harmonious and coherent state as a single reality that brings a sense of peace and contentment, instead of facilitating inner conflict as an ongoing war between them.

Higher Self
The Etheric Blueprint of Our Mind

The subconscious is always active and operating as the very foundation and substrata of the material matrix we experience as reality. It operates consistently throughout our life to create a consistent version of reality out of an unconscious state by using memory. Memory forms patterns that create through automated processes. Our conscious mind, or should I say what we perceive as being our conscious mind while within the material construct of our subconscious, is only partially active and is intermittent in nature. This is the part of our mind that goes to sleep and shuts down, losing all awareness of the outside world while our subconscious is still fully operating and producing inner realities out of memory orchestrated through our nightly dreams. The subconscious is always present and has no concept of time outside of natural rhythms. It runs automatic patterns in the present while the conscious mind is distracted and thinking about things that are not a part of the present. The conscious mind is hardly ever present and tends to reside almost exclusively in time thinking about the past or attempting to predict the future.

Our conscious mind is our intellect as it’s reflected from a higher (all-inclusive) level, and is what not only witnesses the creation of our subconscious, but also forms all our word oriented thoughts as internal dialogue. As we speak we simultaneously form an internal image of the meaning of the words or sentences. As we interpret the outer events of our life we reshape them as the basis for experiencing them, producing more and more variables of the same basic theme (meaning) as a means of synthesizing them back into the mental model that birthed them, and evolving our model as a result by way of it’s own offspring. This mental model as our paradigm or energetic structure of our mind, is what’s commonly referred to as our light body or etheric blueprint that serves as a spatial map or holographic model for not only producing, maintaining, and regenerating our body, but also for constructing and consistently regenerating the outer reality of our body as a direct correlation of each other.

This idea forms a direct connection to our genetic makeup where our DNA has both memory as information to produce and reproduce our physical body, while also storing the memory acquired as experiences through our body. The geometric shape of the Monad can be thought of as the mind and soul and the karmic seed for producing itself as a whole reality, and is symbolized as a dot (black circle) in the center of a larger sphere or circle (white or clear) of the same shape (brain within a membrane), much like the individual cells of our body. This shows us that the outer is an expansion of the inner, and the inner is concentrated into a solid form by the outer. It also represents the idea that all light, which means matter, because matter is composed of photons, exists simultaneously as both a particle (fixed form) and a wave (greater reality as a field). This is the nature of duality, which doesn’t come as “I’m over here and you’re over there”, it comes as our soul creating itself as both a body (particle) and whole outer reality (wave) at the same time. The outer is an emanation of the inner, and the inner is formed by digesting and assimilating the the outer.

Fire ice
Energetic Entanglement

This principle is further illustrated through the idea of what we now call Entanglement in Quantum Physics. This basically describes how any two particles born together as a form of regeneration, or that become unified as a coherent state (polarized) continue to function as one no matter how far apart they appear to be in space. This doesn’t occur as a kind of communication from one place to another through a physical pathway, but happens in an instantaneous fashion because they “are” the same thing as an energetic state. This is because it’s not the material aspect that makes it a thing, it’s the energetic state that’s acting on and through the material substance to organize it into a material construct. Material reality, both as our body and the entire outer reality in which we live and acquire experience through our body, is organized into a system by our soul’s mental state. Our state as a frequency is the organizing principle that coalesces matter into the physical construct as the pattern that’s inherent in that frequency. Every vibrating system contains within it a holographic idea as a 3-dimensional model that crystallizes light into a material structure.

While we tend to think that things vibrate on their own independent of us, this isn’t so. The truth is light as little packets or clumps of light exist fundamentally in an unstructured state of probability, until a mind (which again is a paradigm as a frequency) views or observes it. When the mind interacts with an unformed array of light particles, it influences the light to form into the same holographic structure as the mind, where it becomes a logical part of the same overall reality (light matrix). Matter is shaped into a material construct as a fundamental operation of the mind. Matter itself is neutral and void of an electrical charge, and acts as a receptacle for consciousness to enter into and use as a vehicle for constructing whole realities as a correlation of itself. While we tend to think of spirit as being light, the truth may be that light is the crystallized shell (outer garment) spirit concentrates into a material form so it can inhabit it as the means of creating and experiencing itself “as” and “through” its own mental construct.

While most of us have been taught that an atom exists independent of us as an organized system that’s similar to a mini solar system, or beebies all revolving around a nucleus, we now know that this isn’t the case at all. An atom, when not being observed, exists as a mist or cloud-like formation, and only collapses into an organized system when it’s being perceived by the mind of an individual. It consistently forms itself in the same way because we’ve all been taught to think of it in the same way and so we set an expectation as a preconceived idea about it. It’s actually our thought about it as a frequency that shapes and determines how it appears to us. This is one of the biggest reasons why new discoveries are seldom made, because we only perceive in the outer world what’s produced by and can be explained or predicted using our mental paradigm. So reality exists a paradox in the most basic sense of the idea.

vibration transformation

What this all tells us if we care to look at it objectively from a detached perspective, is that what we experience as an outer reality, is actually being formed and maintained in a completely consistent way by our mind as a mental state. The Earth, which is also a living soul, vibrates at a consistent frequency forming the fundamental structure of reality we call Nature. Due to the fact that we are all formed out of the material substance of the earth, we all vibrate at a similar frequency (average 7.5 to 8 Hz.) as our subconscious mind, which is also the unified mind of the collective unconscious that we share in common with all life on Earth. Our mental state operates as a frequency that’s comprised of a dynamic series of correlated states as a range of moods and emotions that we’re constantly wavering in and out of. We work through our outer reality by working with our own mind as the inner reality produced by our own thoughts which form correlated emotional states. We can control and regulate our emotions by controlling our thoughts. While this may seem difficult to do initially, because we’ve become so conditioned to letting our imagination run wild and in a completely undisciplined manner, with dedicated practice and concentration, the more we do it the easier and easier it becomes to do.

By learning how to become aware of our habitual thoughts, we can also gain insight into why our life is the way it is. Through this awareness we can learn how to consciously decide what to focus on and think about, and we can learn how to produce positive emotions in response to our own thoughts. We can learn how to quit allowing memories of the past to play out randomly in our mind in an habitual fashion, and we can start choosing to intentionally direct our thoughts instead, and as a result our outer reality born out of our perception will change accordingly. The more we become aware of our own internal processes, and we begin working with them in a fully aware manner, the more our outer reality as our experience also changes. Once we fully realize that our mental state, which is regulated and determined by what we focus on, what we tell ourselves about what we’re focused on that gives it meaning, is what’s forming the perceptual lens we look through for creating our experiences, the more empowered we become in being able to grow and transform ourselves to a higher and more expanded level of creativity within our own life.

Dr. Linda Gadbois

gold narrow long with transparent background

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