Category: Mind Development

Soul Evolution – Finding the Lesson in Life Events

Most of us realize that the conditions, circumstances and events of our life contain lessons for us to learn in some way because they act on us to grow and develop us by how we interact and react to them. This usually starts with our initial conditioning which lays...

Forgiveness – The Key to Spiritual Healing

 The most basic principle that’s operating all the time, in every aspect of life, is that whatever we blend with energetically” (mentally, emotionally, or physically) we “take on” and integrate as a form of “shared” consciousness. We usually take on other people’s energy due to the fact that it...

Relaxation – The Prerequisite for Meditation and Concentration

Meditation is a process by which we calm our mind, stop or reduce all thinking, and relax the body to the point where we lose direct awareness of it. The object is to subdue the active, conscious (thinking) mind, rendering it passive and non-active, while entering primarily into the...

Thought Projection, Distant Healing, and Praying for Others

We have been trained through many traditional practices of various sorts, many of which are religious in nature, to pray for others when they’re experiencing crisis or hardship of some sort. We’re also taught to send positive thoughts their way through intention or visualization of some sort, which we...

Astral Plane of the Archaeus and the Creative Power of the Imagination

One of the easiest ways to understand the nature of the astral plane or astral light, in purely practical terms, is to consider the plastic quality of the mind to form (organize into a pattern) what looks like sidereal essence or material light into forms that mimic and represent...

Soul Essence, Life Purpose, and Destiny

While many people struggle around the idea of what their life purpose is, or what it is they’re meant to do, this can be very easily understood if we look at the Law that governs all of life. Every single living being results from a seed. The seed contains...
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