Year: 2015

A New Paradigm: Viewing Health from the Perspective of Principles

What we call modern Medicine in our Western society, has for the most part been taught to approach everything from a left-brain, separate and analyze each part as if it’s separate and independent from all other parts, while emphasizing some parts as significant (whole in themselves), and others as...

How we Form our Thoughts – The Role Suggestion Plays in our Daily Lives

I often get asked if everyone can be hypnotized? Or are there some people who can’t? What this shows me is that most people don’t understand what hypnotism is or how our mind naturally operates by way of it. A better question would be, is there anytime we’re NOT...

Learning to Relax: The Art of Managing Your Emotional State

One of the first things we need to realize when working to change conditioned tendencies and habits of any kind, is that we don’t have to stop something, but rather begin doing something else. So to say things like stop stressing out, quit worrying, or just relax, don’t mean...

Spiritual Practice: Emotional Cleansing & Surrendering Your Passions

Like so many spiritual ideas that actually lay the foundation for practice as the means of self-development, they tend to be misunderstood in the most fundamental way. This is also largely due to the fact that the spiritual and physical world exists in polarity of each other as a...

What is Spiritual Healing?

Many people feel a bit confused in regards to what “spiritual healing” is because we’ve been taught to think of our body, soul, and spirit as being different things, when in reality they’re different aspects of the same thing. We also have very different ideas about what each of...

Essence is Consciousness – The Life-Force Inherent in Blood

In order to get a workable understanding of blood chemistry in general sense of a combined essence, we can look at the essence as the life-force energy of plants, which are comparable, often called essential oils. A plants essence (their blood) contains chemical properties as the active ingredients that...

Spiritual Knowledge is Universal Laws Encoded in Symbolic Language

Universal Laws Provide Us with Creative Tools for Consciously Evolving Ourselves Spiritual knowledge, unlike most things, requires you to seek it out through an inner desire for it, which intuitively communicates its knowledge through the language of imagery and geometry requiring you to acquire a broad range of knowledge...

Becoming more Conscious: How we Replace Reality with Illusions

 When we say that we tend to live a life of illusions that we mistaken for reality, many don’t know for sure what this means, or how it is that we all do it in a very natural way. Because our mind functions largely out of what we call...

Becoming More Conscious: Learning How to Listen to Your Body

As a society, we’ve forgotten how to listen to our body, We’ve been trained to dwell in a vast sea of distracted thoughts and engage in a random, scattered and often non-congruent form of thinking as a part of our daily communications with others. We live the greater part...

Vibratory Frequency as Our Soul’s Essence

The term vibratory frequency is used a lot to describe ideas around ascension or spiritual awakening, without really explaining what it means or how to actually alter your vibratory frequency as an intentional act or form of self-development. In order to be able to work with anything in a...