Tag: how we create our experiences

The Power of Focus and Attention – Learning how to Operate Your Own Mind

Whatever we give Attention to, we bring to Life Inside of Us One of the primary principles of the mind is that “energy follows and flows into thoughtâ€. Whatever we focus our attention on and think about, we form an image of by imagining it.  As we think and...

Spiritual Guidance – “Why We Ask but don’t Receive”

Our life is the way it is right now based on how we have created it. We create our life based on our models that we use as a perceptual lens to interpret neutral events giving them meaning that determines how we experience them as a result. The meaning...

Self-Reflection: We are the Creators of our Own Experiences

At some level we are always in control of doing exactly what we want. Much of our true motivations and the beliefs that drive our behavior are unconscious, meaning, we are not directly aware of them, but experience them as feelings, emotions, impulses, notions, urges, etc. Mastery begins when...