Vibration, Mental Projection, and Creating New Versions of Reality

 The Vibratory Frequency of the Mind Exists as a Paradigm that Shapes our Experience of Reality

The state of mind that we exist in as a form of mood, determines our attitude, perspective, and the emotional theme we use as a filtering system in forming our fundamental perceptions, experiences, and behaviors. Our mood as a quality of consciousness, which we act as a channel for, is our vibratory frequency, and is what organizes everything outside of us to match the theme being played out internally through our imagined thoughts. Whatever state we’re in determines what we focus on and give our attention to, what memories we access and run through our mind as a means of interpreting the present to mean the same thing as the past, conforming it to our theme, and how we act and behave as a result. Our state-of-mind as our vibratory frequency has a self-organizing mechanism inherent in it that aligns the entire mind-body system to express in a consistent and congruent fashion. How we’re feeling produces how we’re being and what we’re doing.

Our mood is our vibratory frequency or quality of consciousness that’s constantly being projected and transmitted out into the space around us, and interacting with that same quality of consciousness in everything else by resonating with it. Our mood or emotional state emanates from within, influencing others around us with the same type of feeling. At the same time, we’re drawing more of the same vibration or feeling energy back to us, absorbing it, being nourished and strengthened by it, multiplying and increasing it, while acquiring and accumulating it. Our vibratory frequency as our state-of-mind is the entire energy field that surrounds, envelops, and operates through our body. We literally look through our mind as a mental lens or filtering system, and notice in others and the environment only what’s of the same nature (quality), and can be readily used to create the reality of that mood, which makes it provable by appearing to be factual and objective. Because we only see and experience the reality of our mood, which validates, strengthens, and supports it as being real, we don’t realize that we’re actually creating it with our mind, and that we can change our experience of reality by simply changing our mind.

The holographic reality of our vibration

Our mind is an electromagnetic field which surrounds and expands several feet from our body, while transmitting its frequency and acting to stimulate the same frequency in everyone and everything around us, bringing out and making active the equivalent qualities in them through our influence, and they begin cooperatively participating in playing out the same type of reality as a behavioral dynamic that expresses the same feeling state. As we perceive through our mental filters, we project or superimpose our mind as a pattern of qualities or thematic model onto others (look through it), and see in them the same thing that’s in us. Not necessarily in the same position or role in a joint theme, but as the complementary role necessary to play out the shared theme as a relationship (dynamic interaction). Projection, as what we see in others that causes a reaction of some sort in us in relation to them, is identifying the complementary opposite of the same dynamic which can be acted out together to create a joint experience of the same nature. What we think about somebody else, and react to, is the same quality we ourselves possess, which is why we’re having a reaction or feel a strong emotional response to them. Our behavior towards others is the perfect stimulus for bringing out in them what we believe is there to bring out.

Our mental and emotional projections are stimulating at the invisible, subtle level, and are being received and felt by everyone around us all the time. Matter, as the organic substance of life that acts as a receptor for consciousness and is structured into a material bodies that represent the qualities of consciousness inhabiting it, at the molecular level, interacts with the mind (our own and others) and reformulates the appearance matter takes on accordingly. This is readily demonstrated in the placebo effect which works solely off the power of belief and our ability to direct and manipulate the biological world to produce the reality or effect of our belief. This is further demonstrated in what’s called double blind tests in which both people involved (doctor and patient) believe the same thing (that the placebo works), which increases its effectiveness. This is because the disbelief of one person (say, the administering doctor) is demonstrated and communicated through their subtle behaviors in stating what the placebo will do (is not convincing), and produces a subtle effect on the unconscious mind of the other person, introducing doubt, and thereby alters the overall outcome. Whenever an experience is being conducted involving the mind, it’s important that all people involved in the process are of an open mind or share the same belief, because at the invisible, energetic level of the mind, they will have a direct effect on the overall outcome.

The third eye of the crown chakra

What we believe, and therefore perceive about others reveals to us what dynamic we’re programmed with as a vibratory frequency. It shows us what type of relationships we are prone to, and always acting at the subconscious level to attract and co-create. As children we’re imprinted with a dynamic as a behavioral theme. This imprinting is produced and seated through intense emotional interactions and events of some sort that have a strong impact on us. Because it’s a dynamic we live within, we’re trained to naturally perceive and play a role in the same dynamic. We form numerous responses to the behaviors being demonstrated by others, and because we form the same perceptions through the mental paradigm that forms because of the interaction, we naturally produce the behaviors that stimulate the pattern itself through the memory we acquire because of our experiences, and live within (act out) that same thematic pattern in all areas and relationships of our life in one way or another.

The family dynamic we’re trained to, even though as children we play only one distinct role (from the perspective of the child) in that dynamic, as we become the adult, we naturally take on begin relating to the adult position in that same pattern and continue acting it out by being able to play any role in it. What role we play depends on what role our co-star takes on in the same pattern. We can readily move back and forth between the passive role and the dominating role of the same idea. We’re always initiating it and reacting to it at the same time. We only enter into relationships with those who have similar imprinting and can participate in co-creating the same feeling experience as an ongoing relationship, expressed through a variety of situations and life circumstances. So even though the elements and people may change as circumstances, the same idea is being acted out in a new environment with new players as a slight modification.

The Triad within the Monad

When we say that the mind creates reality, we don’t mean literally by producing something out of thin air, but rather that the mind can take any situation or circumstances, and through a sorting process of only abstracting and reorganizing certain aspects of it, makes it appear different. Our mind through our perceptual lens reinterprets a neutral reality of vast potential, into a possible variation as a personal creation. Everybody who’s apart of the same event as an objective reality, will view and experience it in a different and unique fashion from everybody else. No two people will experience it in the same way. Some peoples experience will be considerably different (of a completely different frequency), some will be kind of similar (in close range), and others will be along the same lines (of a similar vibration).

We rearrange the elements and qualities in any situation, by noticing some, and not noticing others, changing the active components, then interpreting the selected elements through a story we tell ourselves about it that creates how we experience it. So even though we all share the same neutral and objective outer reality, how we experience it by creating our own personalized version of that reality, is our minds natural creative ability. As we change our mind, how things appear to us changes accordingly. As we learn and incorporate new knowledge through an experience of some form, we alter our minds structure as a mental paradigm, and it changes how we see and experience everything else based on how the integration restructures our mind’s patterning as a shift in vibration. We only change our vibration by changing our mind, which changes how we see the world around us and how we experience it as a result.

Dr. Linda Gadbois

Transpersonal Psychologist, Personal Transformation Coach, and Spiritual Teacher

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