Understanding the Nature of Emotions and How We Create Reality Out of Unconscious States

We can gain a clear understanding of the nature of emotions and how they work in our life to control us by simply observing what happens when we experience an emotional charge and have a reaction as a result. Emotions are the natural forces of the material world that are designed to produce automatic behaviors that don’t require thought or a decision. They are what operate the instinctual field that governs all living beings of the natural world that don’t possess the higher mental capacities of self-realization, thought, discrimination, and will that are necessary to self-create. Emotions themselves are invisible forces that are constantly being generated, transmitted, and received within the atmosphere of the material plane, also referred to as the astral plane. Emotions are always associated to memory of some kind and are an animating force that works through the etheric body of the astral plane to stimulate the subtle organs (chakras), which then stimulate the Endocrine glands of the physical body, producing a whole series of chemical messengers that change the energetic state of the whole body to match the emotion.

We can think of emotions as being the language of the subconscious mind which forms the unified field of the material world, and is what unites and serves to orchestrate the instinctual behaviors of both the animal and plant kingdoms, of which we as humans are a natural part. Emotions are always associated to memories, which are what produces the patterns for automatic behaviors in animals that all reside in and live out of a primarily unconscious state that lacks self-awareness and the ability to create in a unique fashion. The memory used by the animal kingdom is universal in nature, and used by all members of the same species to produce the shared behaviors of that species, whereas humans have the creative ability to produce their own memories as a personalized version of the universal memory that governs all of humanity.

we fashion our own world
The Relationship between Thought, Memory and Emotion

Only humans have to ability to think as a way of producing the imaginary reality of our thoughts as internal representations that form personalized memory of various forms that’s used as a thematic template for creating a corresponding outer reality as an illusion that simultaneously produces all of our natural behaviors. All of what we call intelligence exists as organized fields of information that form patterns of reality as memory. A memory is produced as an interpretation of an event that gives it meaning as the expression of the emotion being experienced during the event. The meaning we give something forms a kind of theme that can be applied to any number of situations as the perceptual lens and filtering system that provides us with an instantaneous means of interpreting events to all mean the same thing. The meaning something has as a feeling it gives us forms the basis for the story we tell ourselves about it that creates how we experience it. We don’t ever form memories as the recollection of factual details of the event itself (unless we set out with the specific aim of doing so), but rather by forming a story as a type of experience based on the emotion we were experiencing at the time.

Self-made memory as a unique account of an event is always formed out of an emotional state, and is only accessible and able to be recollected from that same emotional state. The memories we naturally reference and use to form our thoughts and perceptions are directly correlated and a by-product of the emotional state we were in at the time we formed them. We act as an energetic tuner and receiver for thoughts and memories that are correlated with and produce the realities of our emotional state. If we’re in a positive and uplifted state, we access and use memories formed out of that same state as our perceptual lens for creating more memories of that same kind. If we’re sad and depressed, we dwell in past experiences that were sad and depressing, and think about things that give us more of that same feeling. Our emotional state becomes our perceptual lens for perceiving the present to be of the same nature as the past. All states of mind are self-perpetuating and act to multiply and produce more of the same states through the experiences they serve to propagate.

Different emotions
The Collective Unconscious of Humanity

What we call the material world is produced and governed by a unified field of the subconscious mind as the collective unconscious of humanity as it pertains to our mammalian body and personal existence. The entire natural world of the plant and animal kingdom is unconscious in nature, and is operated by emotional impulses that produce natural (automatic) behaviors. The subconscious mind, which is the aspect of the mind that connects all of us, is emotionally driven and functions out of universal memory that’s tuned into the state of mind and consciousness of the individual, downloading it with certain types of information as collective memory. As humans we experience this as random thoughts that come to us seemingly out of nowhere, but that are so similar to our normal thoughts that we mistake them for being our own.

Different species and types of animals tune into the memory within the collective unconscious that provide it with self-knowledge and instructions for living as its natural instinct. They don’t have to be taught or accept the belief of someone else, or have the ability to create personal beliefs in place of actual knowledge, but instinctively know what to do in order to live and survive from birth. Animals don’t have a self-conscious mind and the ability to create in an individual manner apart from their species and kind, and all form the same behaviors that only differ in the sense of the personality they possess in how they perform them. All dogs, for example, act like a dog, though they have their own unique personality that makes them distinguishable from other dogs in how they do the same behaviors.

Instinct comes as universal memory that provides the intelligence and animating life force for creating, orchestrating, and maintaining an incredibly diverse Eco-system in an automated fashion that all live and function in harmony with each other. Emotional charges as impulses and passions are what serve to activate the memory necessary to produce automatic, natural behaviors, that don’t require and form of realization, calculated decision, thought-process, or will to carry out. All behaviors of the animal kingdom are produced and driven by natural impulses as emotional charges that are being transmitted from one being to another and throughout the atmosphere as a form of telepathy.

Shaman Cat
What Distinguishes Humans from Animals

What separates us from the animals is that we have the ability to create our own memories in our imagination by how we emotionally interpret the events of our life to give them meaning. We take a universal idea as a theme and use it to produce a unique version as a personal reality that forms our soul’s memory and makes us unique and different from everyone else. While our thoughts, which are associated to individually created memories, are somewhat unique and different from others based on how we interpreted the events of our life to create them, the emotions we share in common are universal in nature and experienced pretty much the same way by everyone. Emotions weren’t originally designed to be brought into our thinking as the means of creating illusions as personal realities that form our memory base, but merely as a form of instinct that aids us in our ability to live and survive within the instinctual world by giving us automatic behaviors as instant reactions.

The other unique ability we have as humans that sets us apart from the animal kingdom is we have the ability to generate and produce our own emotional state based on what we focus on and think about. Emotion typically comes in two ways, one as a transmission from one person or being to another where it’s absorbed and taken on, and as a response to our own thoughts. Whatever we focus on and think about automatically produces our emotional state as a correspondence. Thought and emotion are always connected, and one serves to form and determine the other. Likewise, whatever memories we dwell in produces in us the same emotional states we were in when forming the memories. We have the ability to choose what we focus on and direct our own thoughts to intentionally keep ourselves tuned to certain emotional states. Whereas animals are purely impulse driven based on the present events of their life and what behaviors are the most beneficial and appropriate.

Instinct as universal knowledge on the higher plane of consciousness comes to us in the material plane as intuition. When we intuitively sense something through a feeling about it, we perceive its inner nature and character as a form of knowing that comes without a cognitive thought process. We know the true nature of someone or something without knowing why or how we know. It comes in an instantaneous and automatic fashion as a realization that forms a mental impression in our imagination, similar to how we play out a memory as the means of creating an experience, except it’s not of a personal nature and not generated or formed by us. The entire material world of formed beings as a dynamic ecosystem is formed out of and animated by various forms of universal memory.

Illusions cast in astral light
Energy as Emotion and Patterns for Automatic Processes

Memory, whether universal in nature as an archetype, instinctual as the basis for life, or personal as our own creative ability to produce personal versions of reality, comes as an organized field of information that’s stabilized into a fixed pattern. While we commonly hear that all things vibrate at a certain rate, meaning energy as a material object or being exists within a certain level and quality of consciousness, the fact is all material objects are formed out of memory as an electromagnetic field that’s contained in DNA, the subconscious mind, and the soul, all of which form union and combine with each other based on shared memory. This unification of shared memory is what acts to form a unified field as a pattern that produces a vibratory frequency. All material form is a mental construct formed out of memory that vibrates at a certain frequency.

The mind itself exists in a potential, unformed state, and is the medium that uses a universal archetype as a thematic idea for shaping matter into a pattern that then generates and emanates an electromagnetic field as a frequency. We know that a frequency contains a pattern and a self-organizing mechanism that serves to organize information into a formula or configuration as a living being, while often failing to realize that it’s the mind that produces the frequency by how it forms an internal representation as the etheric double that acts as a spatial map for organizing and structuring matter. As we form an internal reality as a thought-form, we magnetize it by drawing in the equivalent emotion, which acts to produce the activity as a vibratory frequency that transforms it into an actual outer reality of the same nature. All reality is formed by our perception of it, which comes by way of a filtering system that reorganizes the information available into a pattern that matches our memory, making it appear different to us.

mental illusions

Through our ability to construct material forms in our imagination, we produce a form of virtual memory that gives the subconscious mind the pattern necessary for organizing the outer into a similar idea. The imaginary reality we form as an internal representation, whether out of an actual memory or universal one that’s not based on an actual experience, is a form of request for an equivalent outer experience. As we feel, think, and imagine the reality of our thoughts, we tune ourselves to the emotional state of that reality and it acts as a receiver and generator for more of the same type of realities. Whatever we think about in a consistent and emotionally intense way forms our perceptual lens that we look through and use to form our experiences by how we interpret the information that’s available in any situation to form our perception of it.

This process also works in reverse, and anytime we absorb and take on an emotion that’s being projected and transmitted through the atmosphere by another, it acts to adjust our emotional state to be equivalent to it. Once our emotional state is tuned to the same frequency, it determines how we act, what type of memories we use to form our interpretations, and what type of things we think about. We form a coherent state and act to co-create a joint reality out of the same state. As we express an emotion by coupling it with a memory as a correlating idea, it produces an instant experience that amplifies and gives us more of that same emotion. In this way, our state of mind and the reality it perceives and creates becomes self-perpetuating and forms a kind of closed system. As we take on the emotions being projected by others, and that exist naturally in the space around us, we adjust chemically to become of the same nature and state as our environment. This is the most basic form of evolution that serves to constantly form us to be of the same nature instinctually as the environment we live and survive in.

3-fold nature
The Language of the Subconscious

Emotions are the energetic language of the material plane that acts as a mechanism for organizing information as memory into corresponding realities. Emotion and thought act together to produce internal realities that provide the perceptual filter and lens for producing an equivalent outer reality as our experience of it. Whatever outer reality we have to work out of, we act to reorganize the information available in it by only noticing and bringing out what matches it and can be used to produce our desired experience, while simultaneously ignoring and leaving out what doesn’t. We’re always taking what exists as an objective and neutral reality that’s a part from us, and restructuring it to produce a subjective reality that’s an inherent part of us as our creation.

We never really perceive things as they actually are, but rather as we are by how we reform them out of our memories and mental paradigm. We’re always remaking others in our own image according to our own beliefs, preferences, and judgments about them. Every single person that’s a part of the same event will form a different experience of it and tell a different story about it. This is because as humans we’re bestowed with the higher capacities of the mind and create reality out of our perception of it through a dynamic filtering system that operates by the principle of natural selection. When we’re governed by our emotions and exist in a constant reactive state, we live out of a primarily unconscious state as a subverted form of instinct. We engage in a constant form of automated processes that run redundant behavioral patterns over and over as a means of creating ourselves.

Growing our delusions

Once we understand the principle at work in emotions we can realize that anyone who lives out of a state of constant emotional reactions is always creating the present to be the same as the past. They’re constantly bringing the memories of the past into the present as the means of interpreting and perceiving the present events to mean the same thing and tell the same type of story about them. When we live out of the illusions created by our emotional reactions, we’re living and creating our life out of an unconscious state without any direct awareness of what we’re doing and why. We create illusions based on applying past memories to the present as a way of shaping them into the same type of story and experiencing them in the same way. Through awareness of how we act to create our own experiences, we can begin neutralizing the emotions of others being outwardly expressed and projected towards us, and can perceive things from a calm and relaxed state instead.

As we live out of constant emotional states we form our experiences of reality out of our beliefs and judgments about them rather than perceiving them in a neutral and unbiased way as they actually are. We take on our animalistic tendencies and create in an automatic and instinctual way by simply forming the same type of perceptions and behaviors over and over without realizing that we have to ability to change them and create in a more purposeful manner by choosing the meaning we give things and using our will to produce new types of experiences by learning how to tell a different type of story. As we begin recognizing our own emotionally driven tendencies we steadily empower ourselves to be able to think and create in new and more diverse ways.

Dr. Linda Gadbois

Transpersonal Psychologist, Personal Transformation Coach, and Spiritual Teacher

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