What is Thought? The Local and Non-local Mind
Thought comes as the activity of the mind, not just as the verbal thought of what we call the conscious mind which comes primarily as what we call brain function, but also through the other aspects of the mind as feelings, images, and direct experience. Naturally, just as all aspects of the mind work together to form a single operation, all levels of thought work together to form what we could call a full sensory experience of reality. The mind, which exists both locally (located in a body) and non-locally (a part of the greater outer reality) on the material plane, forms both the subconscious and the self-conscious mind which work together to form both the inner and outer reality through which they form the self as a coherent being. The subconscious mind, which we also think of as the body consciousness, while being located in the body is also connected to the outer reality, and exists outside of time because it’s always present and in the moment, whereas the self-conscious mind as the thinking mind, exists primarily within time and is hardly ever actually present, and instead lives out of dream-like illusions as rehashing memories of the past, and projecting ideas of the past into the future as a means of trying to anticipate what’s to come.
The self-conscious mind, which is birthed fully within the body as our brain-consciousness, is abstract in nature and produces what we tend to think of as thought as the verbal, talking form that speaks in a learned language that’s abstract and subjective in nature. This form of thought creates our internal dialogue as a form of always talking to ourselves by explaining, describing, and repeatedly replaying the same type of scripts over and over. The subconscious mind, which exists both inside the body and as part of the environment, is intuitive in nature, emotionally driven, and experience oriented and thinks in terms of sensory information and as images, metaphors, and analogies that comes as whole ideas that form both inner and outer realities. As the conscious mind speaks to itself in words as internal dialogue, the subconscious mind interprets the words by turning them into corresponding sensory realities as an inner imagining. This inner imagining formed from abstract words creates thought as form, producing thought-forms as ideas that form the basis for living outer realities that give us certain types of experience.

As we think we construct whole realities in our mind’s eye, and these imaginary realities become the basis for both verbal thought and outward speech. Whatever we say outwardly to others begins as an inner thought of some form. The inner mind and outer mind both work on each other to form experiences of reality. When thoughts come to us from an outside source, they come as feelings that have whole ideas in them that we then think about and construct into a living concept as a possible reality as the means of comprehending them. When thoughts seemingly come from an internal source, they come as a memory of some kind that we replay in our mind’s eye, altering them slightly by adapting them to our current situation as a way of repeating the same experience of the past in the present. As we think, we form an emotional reaction to our own thoughts, and the emotion shapes the nature of the reality we create out of our thoughts. Likewise, we can be triggered by an emotion (from outside), which acts to control our thoughts and determines what we think about as the reality or memory associated to the emotion. Verbal thought and emotion are always connected as correspondences to each other, and one causes the other, or acts to produce and determine the other.
As we think, we do, and as we do we become. We become by way of our thoughts. Our style, type, and class of thinking are how we work on ourselves to shape ourselves. We become by way of our own stories about things. What we tell ourselves about things forms an inner reality as an imagining that’s then looked through or superimposed over the outer reality and used to reorganize it to fit or match out thoughts about it. What we think and form into a reality in our mind we believe, because it’s our creation and we form an understanding of things by turning them into a reality. When we turn an idea into a reality, it’s believable because it appears real to us. We present it to ourselves in a way that makes it seem real. Anything that we can imagine, we can make real as an outer experience. We believe it because we perceive it as reality, as being real and tangible, and don’t realize that what we call reality, in the most basic sense of the idea, is an illusion as a fabrication of the mind, and that every individual mind forms its own unique version of the same reality as a perception of it.

We exist and have our being by way of our own thoughts and style of thinking which emerges spontaneously as the natural composition of our mental paradigm or vibratory frequency. The structure of our mind as a frequency forms a dynamic series of interlaced patterns that are all of the same nature and together form a congruent and consistent experience of life as a form of story-line we’re always in the process of telling ourselves (notice this word is always plural). We tell ourselves a story about things as a way of making them mean something. It’s through the meaning things have for us that we form our experience of them, and our experiences shape us. We tell ourselves a story about things as a way of making sense of them, that give them meaning, and meaning, a product of the mind, operates simultaneously on three different levels – it means something about others, the way the world is, and about ourselves in relationship with it.
As we create our experience of ourselves within our own story, we create the rest of the world through the relationship we form with ourselves in everything else. We make other people out to be of the same nature as we are through our judgment of them and by perceiving them through our mental filters, emotional states, and criteria, and remake them to be of the same nature as we are by fitting them into our model by how we exist in relationship with them by contrasting, comparing, and relating. We can only know who we are by how we contrast and relate to others and the world in general. Because we’re always viewing the world through our own mind and mental paradigm, we only see and comprehend in others and events what can be explained, described, and therefore known through our story about them. We never really see others as they actually are, but rather as we remake them in our own image. We interpret them to be like us (of the same story) and fit into our reality as a cohesive aspect of it.

Thought is the means through which we create subjective realities out of neutral and objective realities as the natural expression and activity of the mind. The mind is a reality generating mechanism. It generates the body that it then inhabits and operates through, and produces the illusion of the outer reality as a reflection of the inner nature, as a means of experiencing itself in relationship with itself (same vibration) in everything else. The self separates and becomes another that exists outside of an apart from it, then experiences itself through the interaction as both a perception of the other as being the same as it is, or being different (complementary), then interacts with itself (its own image) in the other, defining and shaping itself through the experience it brings. Likewise, our perception of reality results as the outer stage or scenario of our story, and is based primarily on the illusion we form as our personal reality that’s projected outward and superimposed over (a lens we look through) the abstract reality, rearranging it based on the meaning we give it, conforming it to fit our story about it.
Everything in what we perceive as the outer world is a dream-like illusion produced by our mind as our thoughts about it. Thought forms reality. As we think, we believe, and as we believe, so it is. As we think, we become by way of our thoughts. All reality is in fact subjective in nature, because it’s composed, viewed, and experienced by the mind perceiving it, and therefore adapted, altered, and modified to be of the same nature or basic patterning as a frequency. Nature as the outer world is a projection and reflection of the inner nature of the mind. As we think we create ourselves, others, and the world at large. We form a new interpretation out of a universal theme. Because our thoughts produce living realities, we believe in them and see them as true because they appear real to us. Whatever can be made real is true to the mind creating it.

Truth itself doesn’t exist in the outer reality, or the inner reality, but rather in the Laws governing the activities of the mind that produces both as an interaction with itself on different planes, creating a variation each time it expresses as something specific. It’s not the product of the thought that’s real, but the process through which thought is generated and made real as an outer reality. All reality in and of itself is an illusion as a dream produced by the mind. The outer reality is created first as the original creation of the greater, universal mind, then as the group mind of humanity (Earth), and then of the individual mind that’s perceiving it from a certain perspective and identity located within a body. The mind itself is true, not the reality that it produces, which is temporary in nature, and varies in each aspect that together make up the greater whole. We are all living in a reality of our own making, that while it is composed of the same fundamental elements for everyone, it appears in a unique form, with different emphasis, embellishments, and story-line for every individual mind which creates a subjective reality as a form of parallel reality that coexists simultaneously within an infinite number of realities without interfering, canceling out, or altering each other.
Those who share the same type of reality, who are telling the same type of story, who vibrate at the same frequency, attract, enter into a relationship of some form, and co-create a shared reality as a joint-experience. Those of a different reality, who are telling a different type of story that’s not a part of or compatible with ours, are deflected, repulsed, not noticed, or ignored all together. They simply exist in the background. We attract to our complementary opposite in everything else, and together form a whole as playing different parts in the same story as a type of reality. We create and share the same type of reality through an interaction that comingles and congruently integrates feelings, thoughts, and emotions to form a unique variation while still holding true to the basic theme of our story. No matter what type of relationships we form, we’re always telling the same type of story with people who can play a part in our story.
Personal Trainer and Coach for Personal Transformation and Self-Mastery