The Subconscious Mind as the Vehicle for the Cosmic Soul

The Secret to the Manifestation of Cosmic Will

The aspect of the mind known as the subconscious mind is also what we can think of as our body consciousness and is symbolized in Esoteric Sciences by the Moon which acts as a “ship of the sky” that serves as the means for transportation and communication. The subconscious mind is of the astral plane and is magnetic in nature, which means it acts as a passive receiver for electric, willful transmission of information as archetypes; just as the moon has no light of its own, and merely acts to reflect the light of the sun, becoming a source of light in the dark. Light itself is clear and dark until it’s absorbed and reflects off of dust particles or matter of some form, which produces the illumination that we call light where we can see material forms based on their ability to simultaneously absorb and act as a mirror for light (forming holograms). The subconscious acts in much the same way and doesn’t generate or produce visual images and thoughts of its own, but merely acts to absorb and reflect them in the faculty of the imagination as a form of memory or as an idea that comes to it in complete form as a field of information with a ready-made pattern and set of instructions for producing a similar pattern as both an inner and outer reality of the same nature.

The subconscious mind is a dual aspect of the higher, human soul and is what forms the personality out of memories that are carried from one incarnation to another. Because it’s passive and receptive in nature, and takes in consciousness and information from everything around it without the ability to judge or discriminate (it doesn’t select or choose), it assimilates and is modified by whatever it comes into contact and communication with as an exchange of information being transmitted between two things. The subconscious is considered the feminine principle and uniting intelligence that’s connected to all other subconscious minds and personalities throughout the natural world, regardless of distance, as a natural form of telepathy we think of as instinct. It’s the agency of telepathy that exists not only between all living beings of the material plane, but also between higher and lower planes as intuition. It acts as a blind receiver of the masculine aspect of will as thought and ideas which are reflected in the imagination of the subconscious which acts like a womb that grows and develops the idea into a possible reality by how it applies and adapts it to the immediate environment and incorporates it into a field of information as memory, allowing it to connect to that same idea in everything else, forming a perception of it, and automatically producing the behaviors and activities that produce it in material form as an experience.

The subconscious carries the self-conscious mind within it in its potential state as a form of gestation, and births the self-conscious aspect of the same mind at puberty, symbolized esoterically by the Madonna (Mother) and Male child, which is the stage of development when we first begin to be able to think for ourselves and make our own decisions about what to do and who we become. Birth of the self-conscious mind marks the stage where we consciously begin creating ourselves as an individual. This is the aspect of the mind associated with brain consciousness and thinking as internal dialogue, that’s born exclusively within the body and forms our ego as the full identification with or as our body. This is the aspect of the mind that discriminates and makes decisions and gives us the ability to take over our own creation by using our thoughts to direct and inform our subconscious mind. All thoughts act as a form of suggestion that seed the subconscious with ideas for turning into experiences through our outer reality. The self-conscious mind is primarily based on outer awareness of the material world and forms our identity by how it senses itself in relationship with it. It first acts to give the inner, subconscious mind the suggestion for what to create outwardly, then witnesses its own creation in the outer world and fashions itself by identifying with the experience it brings. 

The cosmic mind and soul existing through the subconscious mind of the lower plane

The subconscious is under the control of the self-conscious will as directed thought (of self or others) and is obedient and subject to being directed and commanded by the active, masculine aspect of the mind. The subconscious is the aspect of the mind we share with the animal kingdom and all of Nature, and is the agency through which we are both controlled and led in an obedient and mindless way by others, and are able to control and direct ourselves as the primary form of self-creation. The subconscious is subordinate to the Higher-Self and self-conscious and directly controlled and in-formed by suggestions that originate as the mental activities of both the Higher-Self the self-conscious aspects of the mind. It will take in the suggestions from any source outside the self as well and manifest the reality inherent in those suggestions. It acts as the receptive and regenerative aspect of the Life Power. The self-conscious mind, which also has the ability to analyze, evaluate, and discriminate, serves as the “gate keeper” to the subconscious and can actively decide what to let in and take hold, and what to reject and keep out as the means of protecting itself and only allowing or intentionally providing what it wants to become a part of its reality.

The subconscious as the feminine principle is the root substance as the invisible matrix and substratum beneath all objective planes of existence that acts to organize and compose and animate all material reality. It’s the connective medium between us and everything else. It’s the medium of instinct and intuition that operates within the Astral Plane of the Elements as a unified field of coherent information, and is also the means by which the Higher Mind controls the Elements as the means of creating, orchestrating, and animating material reality. Just as the subconscious is the telepathic and regenerative medium for the self-conscious will and the will of others, it’s also the medium through which the Higher-Will communicates and provides direction and instruction as a form of what we call guidance as well as objectively administering karma (past memory formed out of our deeds) as universal justice, providing us with the experiences on the receiving end of past deeds allowing us to realize and make new choices, and rectify and correct them by responding in a new way.

Communication comes to us from our Higher-Self or Soul through intuition, sudden insights, as thoughts reflected in our imagination, day dreams, and night time dreams, because the active will needs a passive receiver to conceive of ideas and move them from a purely latent potential state to and active state. These ideas, once conceived by the subconscious are reflected in our minds eye, allowing the self-conscious to witness them and they become a natural part of our outer experience through a form of synchronicity and free flowing chain of association that’s reorganized intuitively. Ideas of a higher nature come as archetypes which are universal and metaphorical in nature, and simply provide a symbolic prototype as a form of thematic template for producing as a personal creation. Once conceived by the subconscious and reflected in the mind for the self-conscious to see as a mental impression or internal voice, it evaluates it and decides whether it wants to use it to create. If the self-conscious likes it, it chooses to continue thinking about it, and as it thinks about it, it adapts and customizes it into a new variation that can be easily created as part of its outer reality. Once developed into a new variation by concentrating on it and defining it, it becomes a form of virtual memory as a seed or pattern for reproducing by the subconscious mind.

Polarity of complementary aspects of the subconscious and self-conscious mind

Though the subconscious mind is the creative mind of the material plane, it only creates based on memory, which it simply repeats as a metaphor or theme and duplicates, transcribes, and copies in a repetitive fashion over and over until it’s given a new memory as a pattern for creating. It creates reality as an experience out of whatever suggestion it’s given by first imagining it, then connecting to the elements of the same nature all around it, producing the means for experiencing it. It creates lies and illusions in exactly the same fashion as it creates truth because it doesn’t know the difference. It relies on the self-conscious mind to filter the suggestions through reasoning, discrimination, and discernment. It doesn’t have the ability to perceive errors or formulate the necessary action to correct itself of errors in perceiving (sin). It simply takes in the mistaken results of faulty, superficial self-conscious observations and repeats and elaborates on them. While it lacks the ability to critically analyze suggestion, it’s also the channel for telepathic communication and acts to receive and metabolize suggestions from any active source when left unguarded by its own self-conscious aspect.

The subconscious mind only creates reality out of memory and forms habitual patterns and tendencies that are rooted in resistance to change and inertia, and only acts to maintain the status quo and repeat the same ideas of the past in the present. It operates out of the tendencies established in our formative conditioning, and simply repeats the same type of experiences over and over in different situations and circumstances. It operates naturally to resist the suggestions of change given to it by the self-conscious mind as its opposing, yet complementary opposite. It operates to create through the association of ideas and memories of a similar nature. If the suggestion given is in to sharp a contrast with its ecology of interwoven memories, it doesn’t know how to adapt it properly and can’t intuitively connect to it in everything else. For this reason, suggestion needs to be given as a gradual process undertaken in stages as a form of intuitive growth and development. Each aspect of the same mind is of itself non-functional in terms of creating, and they only become functional when operating in a unified manner as a whole.

The subconscious and self-conscious minds tend to speak different languages, which makes communication between them even more difficult. While the self-conscious mind is non-emotional, logical, time-oriented, and abstract in nature, the subconscious is emotional, intuitive, metaphorical, always present, and experiential in nature. In order for the self-conscious to give a proper, easily translated suggestion to the subconscious, it must be delivered in much the same way as a memory is formed as a sensory experience that’s emotional in nature and forms meaning as the basis for the reality created from it. Whatever we want the subconscious to produce, we have to imagine it as if we’re experiencing it, endow it with sensory intensity in terms of defining it through what we’re seeing, hearing, feeling, tasting, smelling, and what we’re telling ourselves about it that gives it meaning and forms the basis for the story we tell ourselves as the means of experiencing it. By making it intense in sensory terms we form a strong emotional response to it, and the emotions associated and related to it become what drives all our automatic behaviors and serves to produce it.

Multiple dimensions and spheres of the mind - subconscious and self-conscious mind

The subconscious is intuitive which means it sees any idea as a metaphor or analogy that’s a form of theme or generalized idea, much like an archetype, and connects to whatever is of a similar nature in everything around it and produces a similar type of experience using whatever elements are available to it in the immediate environment. So the experience created won’t be exactly as we imagined it, but it’ll hold true to the same type of idea as a form of theme. This is why we often don’t recognize our own creations, is because they’re formed as analogies and correspondences to the ideas we formed in a specific way by how we imagined them. So all suggestion, in order to be effective needs to be created and planted in the subconscious as a form of virtual memory of an actual (imagined) experience. We recognize the fruition of our suggestion intuitively as a similar type of experience that holds true to the same type of idea as a kind of theme, though the elements used to orchestrate it may be of a very different nature than we imagined.

The subconscious also houses all memory of the soul that is latent and undeveloped powers in their virgin state that haven’t been stimulated into activity. Only a portion of our souls memory is activated and brought into expression as our development through our initial conditioning, while the larger portion of it usually remains dormant and underutilized. In this sense the subconscious is only potentially reproductive and has to be given a seed of an idea as a pattern or dynamic, which serves to activate the latent powers of our inner nature that are of a similar nature in response to it. This works in much the same way the male provides the seed as one strand of DNA or group of information as potential qualities and characteristics and the female then matches it with another strand as a form of natural selection of complimentary qualities that together form a new whole of a unique, yet similar nature. The outer acts to stimulate the complementary aspects inwardly, bringing them out in an active state where they’re developed through expression as an interactive dynamic of some sort.

Memory is produced as accumulated experience through the dynamic marriage of the subconscious and self-conscious mind as “that which was, that which is, and that which will be” as a continuation or evolutionary flow produced by whatever we couple and combine with. This interaction between the masculine and feminine, between the self-conscious and subconscious produces a stream of consciousness as automatic internal dialogue and habitual thoughts replaying memories over and over. While the self-conscious has the ability to seed and impregnate the subconscious with new ideas for creating, what usually ends up happening is the subconscious drives thoughts in a repetitive manner by replaying memories over and over in our mind in a habitual manner.

The mental portal for ascension

It’s easy to realize through self-observation of our own thoughts that we tend to think the same type of thoughts over and over, and what we’re thinking about today is the same things we thought about yesterday, last week, and last month. Through memory that’s replayed repeatedly through internal dialogue, we’re actually using the creative power of our self-conscious mind to program and direct our subconscious mind with the same ideas of the past as memories and simply create more and more of the same type of experiences, usually without ever realizing that’s what we’re doing and why. In order to embrace and begin utilizing our true ability to create, we have to learn how to still our constant random thoughts and prevent the emotional states they create and keep us locked into, and learn how to be fully present instead and think in terms of what we do want to create, and begin artistically designing the suggestions as imagined experiences that will provide new direction for our subconscious to begin creating.

In the symbolic idea of the “Book of Life”, which is the Astral or Akashic Field of the imagination, all experiences as deeds and actions, whether actually performed or just thought about intensely are recorded or impressed upon the soul and subconscious as its constitution, which is comprised of memory. The subconscious incarnates into a material body with the soul memory of all past events, of the race, the planet, and of humanity, all of which share the same subconscious mind, much like smaller fields that are nested within and interwoven with greater fields. The cosmic subconscious record of the entire planet are contained in what we call the collective unconscious of Nature and humanity, and acts as a natural form of instinct and intuition as interwoven memories that are an integral part of the same overall reality as a larger ongoing story and interactive dynamic.

The soul uses universal memory as archetypes for self-expression that provides the means for producing personal memory that becomes a permanent part of our souls psychological make-up. We create memory as the personal expression of universal archetypes that shapes us as an archetype ourselves. As humans with creative ability, we use various combinations of qualities and characteristics to shape ourselves as a unique, composite nature. The gods create man in their image and with their likeness as archetypal forces and powers that we draw into ourselves and use as the means of self-creating by becoming like them in personality, identity, and behaviors. We acquire the same qualities and characteristics of whatever we become one with in mind and body. All of humanity draws off of the same field of archetypal powers as the means of self-creating. So in this sense we’re all of the same universal mind and nature, just in different combinations and potencies.

The 3-fold nature of the mind and soul - the subconscious and self-conscious mind

The subconscious works through intuition as a dynamic system of correspondences and is how things are connected and interrelated as a higher-form of instinct that’s always in-tune to the inner nature of things and how they relate to the outer nature of the whole. We perceive things intuitively through their natural connection and relationship to each other and as a congruent part of a larger reality or dynamic pattern. Intuitively we can perceive and recognize the same principle or idea playing out through various material forms and ecological systems as unique expressions and variations of the same nature and idea. The instinctual-intuitive mind exists as an inherent part of its environment, and is always present within that environment, unlike the self-conscious mind which exists in time and is usually thinking about the past or future and hardly ever present in the moment.

The two minds work together to create reality as both an inner and outer experience as a flow of concentration that’s immediate and becomes one with whatever idea it’s concentrating on and forming an internal representation of. Any idea that we concentrate on for an extended period of time literally becomes a part of us as a natural thought process or conceptual reality. As we take in and absorb an idea, allowing it to take hold and form into a detailed reality by thinking about it, is integrated into our mental paradigm and becomes a part of our perceptual lens and filtering system that we look through as a means of seeing the same idea as an inherent part of our outer environment. Once we form it into an internal representation of a possible reality, making it real and therefore believable, it acts just like an actual life event and memory and becomes a part of us and our ability to perceive and experience that same idea as it’s playing out all around us.

The inner and the outer, the feminine and the masculine, are dynamic aspects of the same thing, and one can’t be fully understood without the other. They act together to produce a functioning third aspect as their offspring. Just as the right and left hemispheres of the brain form a corresponding operation to produce a cohesive reality with contrasting aspects. The masculine is the concrete and analytical aspect, and the feminine the fluid and experiential aspect that together produce a corresponding inner and outer reality that’s used to create the memory that becomes a part of the souls constitution as a fundamental form of self-creation.

Contemplating the Hidden Wisdom encoded within Spiritual Sciences - by Dr. Linda Gadbois

What we refer to as a genius, use this method of single minded focus as entering into the flow of consciousness as deep states of concentration on an idea that allows access to the whole idea as a greater reality or corresponding idea, where intuitive insights spontaneously form. By tuning into an idea, we calibrate our mental field to the vibration of the idea as a kind of metaphor that begins resonating with that same idea as a vibration in everything else, forming sympathy with it. Through resonance, we enter into and become a part of that idea as a greater whole and can perceive its inner nature which appears to unfold within us, just as a memory does, revealing itself to us in its fullness. Through this process as entering into a stream of consciousness as a kind of magnetic current, we acquire knowledge intuitively as coming from an inner source as a passive vision that we simply observe with the self-aware mind by witnessing it. Whatever idea we become one with in mind and spirit, we synthesize and metabolize as a permanent part of our normal thought-processes.

The same laws of the human mind and soul are also operating in a complementary fashion on higher levels of which we’re an emanation, projection, or offspring of. Just as memory exists fluently on the material plane of instinct, it exists on the cosmic planes as archetypes, and we access both through the same method of intuition that concentrates by directing our full attention into an idea and in doing so accesses all information associated with it. We act as the vehicle for life as organized form and are able, by knowing how to use our mind to create, to evolve to higher states of organized form as a more complex and dynamic form of consciousness.

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We impose limitation on an idea by confining it to a physical form located in time and space, because it’s necessary in order to self-express and create ourselves by way of being the vehicle for that idea. While involvement in a form is only temporarily binding and restricting for the Life-Force Power, being permanently incarcerated in form is extinction of the human soul and spirit. We’re always both growing and evolving ourselves to higher forms of consciousness by using our divine nature (higher mind) to self-create in an intentional manner, or degrading and devolving ourselves by creating out of the memories of our subconscious, emotional and animal-like nature.

Form disciplines force with a merciless severity (represented by the sphere of Mercy and Severity on the Tree of Life) by binding a free-moving force into a fixed idea, which represents death to the force. Incarnation of the soul and spirit into a body sets death into motion as the inevitable conclusion. Life in the body is death to the soul that gives it life, and death of the body is the birth of the soul that returns it to its natural state of liberation. The Higher-Soul acts within the etheric body of the lower soul to self-create through a constant state of evolving and becoming through self-perpetuated changes. The self shouldn’t be translated as “I am”, but rather as “I am becoming”, because it’s in a constant state of change as a continuous growth process through a basic state of self-expression. The soul becomes organized in form then constantly undergoes the process or re-organizing itself into new patterns by absorbing and taking on archetypal ideas that develop it by acquiring new qualities and characteristics. The soul and body are always transforming through constant life and death processes of regeneration. This process is carried out simultaneously on multiple planes and scales of existence.

Dr. Linda Gadbois

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