Creative Mind Power – “Mental Rehearsal for Manifesting Reality”
Many people have been taught the conventional process of creating action plans as objective targets laid out in a bulleted fashion similar to a grocery list comprised only of abstract ideas. Abstract meaning that they are not created as actual experiences, but rather as ideas formed mentally in the space out in front of us, void of an actual experience. Yet the creative power of our mind lies in forming goals into full sensory experiences that are imbued with pleasurable and compelling feelings. The most basic component to any creative process is forming a vision of what’s being created as an actual experience of the finished product. Because we tend to approach goal-setting through a dominantly left brained approach, implementation of a creative process can be difficult at best and not only fail to succeed, but seldom even get off the ground in a satisfactory manner. Most start with an elaborate planning phase, then, the process steadily fizzles as attempts are made to actually perform it and thereby produce it as a reality.
This is because the mind doesn’t create through abstract terms that are generic in nature or that don’t have behavior and experience inherent in them, but rather through the imagination which takes an abstract idea and conceptualizes it into a living reality. Our subconscious, which is the part of our mind that produces our perceptual lens and all our natural behaviors, is symbolic and experiential in nature. It learns and is programmed through direct experience by “doing” or acting out what’s necessary to accomplish the goal. This aspect of our mind is performance oriented. The reality imagined as an experience forms the path for implementation through behaviors and activities necessary to create it. Acting out an idea as an experience is what programs the subconscious with a behavioral pattern to produce, both as the behavior necessary and the outer organization required to engage everyone else in a cooperative manner to co-produce the same outcome as a joint-reality.
While the left-brain organizes processes into a step-by-step process as generalized ideas, the right brain takes that idea and brings it to life as an actual experience through sensory enhancement that stimulates an emotional response, which amplifies and becomes a driving force behind the goal and provides the template as a form of pattern for the (whole) mind to use in order to produce an analogous reality. So any idea that you want to manifest as a reality, needs to be created first as a living reality in the imagination in order to create the template and pathway necessary to create it outwardly. This is easily done through creating a mental reality of an idea, where you play it out in your mind to produce it just the way you want to experience it. You create a mental rehearsal as the means for actually doing it. The mental rehearsal as an imagined experience, provides the mental programming (pattern) as a directive for the subconscious mind, which produces matching behaviors that are necessary to create the goal through actions of some sort. It will take the idea you give it, which mimics an actual experience, and perform it physically. You can only do what you can first imagine, because the imagined scenario is what forms the mental directive that the subconscious uses to act it out. We need to take the action plan as a strategic process and turn it into a reality as a direct experience of it.
Creating a Mental Rehearsal:
- Start with the goal as an outcome or actual reality, and list all the areas that achieving this goal will affect in your life or overall business.
- As you shape the goal by developing it, make it beneficial and have a positive influence on all other areas that achieving it will affect. You don’t want a goal in one area to produce a problem or bad affect in another area, because this will become a form of self-sabotage. Think this through until you have an idea that will benefit and be harmonious with all areas of your life or business.
- Think of your goal in terms of what it means or what experience it would provide you with when it becomes an actual reality.
- Set the stage in your mind and create a scenario where you are having the experience of your goal as an actual outcome. Where you’re in the experience of it.
- What’s happening? Where are you at, and what are you doing? Who else (if anyone) is involved?
- What are you seeing?
- What are you hearing?
- What are you feeling?
- What are you smelling or tasting?
- What are you telling yourself about the experience that gives it meaning and creates a narrative around it? Reinforce the purpose of the goal mentally and validate yourself through the experience it brings.
- Notice what feeling-emotions you’re having, and if any are negative (fear, stress, anxiety, apprehension, etc.), exchange them for positive emotions (confidence, enthusiasm, excitement, joy, a sense of accomplishment, etc.). Make it very compelling. Then intensify the positive feelings associated with the experience of doing or having it, anchoring that feeling in your body.
- Play it out in your mind until you have it just the way you want it. Then, repeat it several times until you can recall it perfectly without having to think about it. Create it as a form of memory with an instant replay that produces a very positive state of mind through the experience of it. Feel a form of love for the experience or a sense of admiration and accomplishment.
- Create an anchor as a word, image, or physical gesture (clap, snap of fingers, striking fist, etc.) that you associate to the experience as a form of memory that will serve as the activating mechanism for the experience as an instant state of mind.
In this way, you cultivate the state-of-mind necessary for acting out the process as a means of creating it. Always keep in mind that what connects the beginning and the end as a whole process of creating, is the state of mind as the type of experience we have in achieving it. The feeling we form in relation to an idea, and the attitude we form in actually going through the motions to produce it, is the same feeling we’re going to get when we accomplish it. The idea simply serves as the means for expressing and creating the feeling associated with it, and acts to multiply and gives us more of the feeling associated with the idea. Every act is an attempt to acquire a feeling.
All goals need to be created in a way that elicits very positive feelings in regard to them. We have to enjoy the process we undergo in achieving them. The type of energy that we put into an idea, is the same quality of energy we get out of it. Any goal that creates a process of suffering and struggle to create will simply give us more of that same feeling in order to maintain it once it’s created. Goals that are pursued out of love and that fill us with a sense of contribution and enthusiasm, will give us more of that same feeling once we’ve achieved them and in what then becomes necessary in order to maintain them. Don’t ever forget, that once you accomplish a goal . . . you have to maintain it. The paradigm as a mind-set that you create in order to achieve a goal, is the real goal itself!
Personal Trainer and Coach for Personal Transformation and Self-Mastery