The Physics of the Soul – Our Character and the Holographic Nature of Reality

The most prevalent misconception formed in trying to understand the nature of the soul, comes by viewing it as being the body and personality of the body. The soul isn’t the body as a person, located in a particular place and time, confined to live within a specific set of circumstances, it’s the nature and character of the mind that’s carried forth from one incarnation to another. We all have what you might think of as two natures. A lower, animal nature formed as our body, and a higher one that’s divine and creative in nature, both of which combine into one, forming our character. Our higher, conscious mind acts to project itself as an archetypal being into the lower plane of the material realm as a part of the subconscious mind, inherent in all of Nature, which is what we can think of as our material mind that acts to form what we perceive as a material reality. It then combines with its own lower mind as a means of expressing through the 3-dimensional material construct formed as a means of experiencing itself. As we form experiences of our self through the reality we act to create, we come to know ourselves through our own experiences, and we shape our character by how we associate with our own creation.

Our lower subconscious mind, formed as our physical (animal) body, is primarily emotionally driven and instinctual in nature, and acts on impulses to fulfill perceived needs of survival and generation, and forms imaginary realities out of its emotional states in place of what exists fundamentally as an objective and neutral reality. Our conscious mind is creative, rational, self-aware, and creates reality by turning thoughts into material forms in the imagination. This is the aspect of our mind that has the power to judge, evaluate, discriminate, reason, and make calculated decisions based on our own thought processes. Our conscious mind can internally generate its own emotions, which arise naturally in relation to how ideas are formed the imagination, while also having the tendency to be run by the very emotions it acts to generate. When the two minds combine, our higher abilities tend to be governed by the emotional delusions formed by our subconscious, and thought is used to not only construct the world of our emotions, but also as the means of validating them through reasoning.

Creative transformation
Our Personality and Identity

Our lower nature forms what we call our personality, which comes in a completely unconscious and natural way through the dynamics we were trained to as a part of our formative conditioning, and our higher nature forms our identity, which comes by how we see ourselves in relation to others and our life situation and what roles we naturally take on as a result. While these two are compatible in the sense that each one systematically evolves out of the other as an interdependent unit, when we allow our lower emotional nature to run us, we fail to recognize a higher part of ourselves nested deep within, and we mistakenly build our identity out of our material existence.

We develop our character by always playing out emotional dramas that are fantasies oriented towards acquiring material possessions and status of some kind, and develop our character primarily out of a selfish, self-absorbed mindset. We become like an animal and lower being consumed by our own emotional dramas, made heart-sick with fear and anxiety, and ultimately condemn our soul to a life where we unconsciously self-administer our own pain and suffering. We literally shape our character to be an unconscious being manipulated constantly by outside forces inherent in our life situation, rather than using it as the means for consciously creating ourselves by actively directing our own higher mind of thought in how we experience ourselves and the world around us.

Butterfly Mind
A Prolonged Case of Mistaken Identity

Mankind suffers from a fundamental case of mistaken identity where we shape ourselves out of our lower nature. We don’t realize we are a dual, multidimensional being capable of directing our own lower, subconscious mind in using our body and physical circumstances to experience ourselves in whatever way we choose to. We become who we are through how we create experiences of ourselves. Many don’t even realize that they are the ones creating their own experiences through internal processes. When we create out of an unconscious state, we don’t comprehend how it is we’re shaping ourselves by what qualities and character traits we’re utilizing in a consistent manner to not only construct our reality through our perception of it, but also maintain and direct how it continues to unfold.

Once an illusion is built and set in motion, we exist in the center of it as a direct experience of ourselves as that reality, and don’t know to get out of it, because we don’t realize we’re the one creating it. We’re always acting on ourselves to shape ourselves through an interaction of outer forces set in motion by inner forces of the same kind and type. We imagine life as happening to us by outside forces beyond our ability to influence or direct them. Because we’re experiencing it, it seems real to us, and we don’t realize we’re the one forming it by how we’re thinking about it and perceiving it through a predominantly emotional state. We get caught up and hopelessly lost in our own unconscious delusion.

In many cases, everything becomes a doggy-dog world where you’re always struggling just to survive and try to somehow be alright with everything that’s happening around you. Surviving and maintaining some form of security and safety becomes your most basic concern and trying to maintain this becomes your constant life’s work. All the while, without directly realizing it, you’re using certain parts of your character and personality consistently, and as you use it to maneuver and experience reality, you develop it into a strength. When you’re driven in the most basic sense by fear and stress of some kind, you develop whatever parts of your character are correlated with it and brought out in response to it as a means of trying to work with it. Outside pressures act to stimulate and call forth corresponding inner qualities of the same nature, and together, form how we experience ourselves through the drama that naturally ensues out of them.

 Because this is all happening at the subtle, semi-unconscious level of partial awareness, you start compromising yourself through a process of negotiating your character in whatever way you deem necessary to establish safety and control and be alright. The more difficult or intense the situation is, the more willing you become in compromising your own integrity. As you’re pressured in some way, you start moving past previous rules you set for yourself as standards, and you begin rehashing things. The thought of losing whatever it is you’ve built your identity out of, causes extreme grief and deep feelings of insecurity that consumes you with a deep and pervading feeling of anxiety that seems almost unbearable. Most people, when pushed to the end of their ability to cope, will collapse with mental fatigue, and sell their soul to whatever force is threatening to take them out. This is the adage of selling your soul to the devil. The devil is the archetype also known as the tempter who tests us.

Mental frequency

When we build our identity out of our physical existence and personality, which is what the higher soul is, and the thought of losing the very thing we made ourselves out of, represents a form of death of our self. This phenomenon is what’s referred to as the death of the ego, which, like all things born out of and sustained through a purely physical existence, is a misnomer, because the identity we form of ourselves as our physical reality, always dies with the body it was designed to sustain. All things of a material nature, no matter how solid and stable they seem, are temporary in nature, which means they are subject to a life and death process. The only thing that remains intact after death, is the memory we form of ourselves attained through our experiences formed while in a physical existence. We shape ourselves as our character (archetypal nature) through how we experience ourselves through our own mental construct. It’s our character and who we are as a person, regardless of what our life conditions and circumstances are, that’s eternal, because it’s our internal nature as our own creation of ourselves, that’s eternal in nature, and transcends the body at death as memory of ourselves.

This idea is represented symbolically by the concept of gold as being pure in nature, free of contamination by other minerals, while also being malleable, and able to combine with ordinary minerals as an amalgamation. As gold is melted and combined with other metals,  they’re fused together as the same thing, fixing and strengthening the gold making it hard and rigid, yet, when heated, the gold separates from the stone it was combined with, and returns to a state of purity, free of the properties inherent in the minerals it was bonded with. Gold, in this case, symbolizes the higher soul of the conscious and creative mind, that’s comprised of archetypes that make up it’s constitution as its character. Whatever traits we actively develop by how we move through our life experiences, whether unconsciously without realizing what we’re doing while in the process of doing it, or consciously by realizing and choosing our actions, we shape and evolve ourselves accordingly.

When we shape our higher consciousness out of our lower, physical nature by building our identity out of it, we literally bond ourselves to it in mind and spirit. This means that we only know who we are when in physical manifestation of some kind, and when we die, which means our body and life situation dies, we (our soul) have to incarnate back into another body and similar life situation in order to know itself. Whatever we use to create ourselves as an ongoing and continuous experience of ourselves, we bond our soul (memory) and spirit (archetypal nature) to. Our higher, creative mind becomes a slave to our lower, instinctual nature, and we become like an animal, driven by the delusions formed out of emotional impulses and instinctual drives. Once we realize that we are the one creating how we experience the events of our life, and we begin identifying with our higher self as our conscious (self-aware) mind, and we shape our archetypal nature in a deliberate manner, we likewise form our self out of a higher, and much more dynamic way of being.

It’s only our archetypal nature as our character, and how we develop it through our life circumstances and situations by who and how we become, that’s eternal in nature and ultimately determines our soul’s destiny. However it is we develop ourselves through what we experience as one life, which is a cycle of growth and development, becomes the basis for the next life, because its only our character as our internal nature that survives the death of our body and remains intact as an invisible field of organized information (memory) that vibrates with our soul’s frequency. This field of living energy is organized as a formula of archetypal qualities that shape the characteristics of the material world as an outer image of itself. In the same way we develop our character through our life situations, we also shape our life situations according to our character. This is because one is acting to order and construct the other, and together, as an amalgamation, they act to set up the material circumstances that bring correlated experiences. The material world is always being structured by invisible forces, which also animates it with the activity it takes on. Attributes and qualities form characteristics which determine the shape something takes on and how it functions. Our higher soul makes our material reality as the means of using it as a vehicle and instrument for knowing itself through the direct experience of its own mental construct.

Hermetica - pentagram
The Archetypal Nature of our Character

This idea appears very elusive because we tend to perceive ourselves as just being our physical body, rather than as we exist from a higher level of consciousness as the whole reality in which we live and experience ourselves as being a part of it. We don’t grasp the fact that our reality is being shaped by our mind as the equivalent correspondence of our character. Just as we shape ourselves through our outer world, we’re also shaping the world that reflects back to us our own mental nature, where they combine as an amalgamation to form a singularity as an experience. Our mind is an invisible field of intelligent forces combined in different degrees, measure, and potencies, forming a vibratory frequency. This frequency, which is unique to us as our state of being, is simultaneously shaping both our inner and outer reality to be a direct reflection of each other on smaller and larger scales. Our character determines the nature of the story we naturally act to tell, which can only be told congruently through the proper stage and setting. If we’ve shaped our character out of a consistent feeling of fear, we simultaneously project and perceive the reality of our fear, while developing all the traits called forth naturally in response to our fear. This way, we come to know ourselves through and as the reality formed out of expressing those traits.

Our higher soul of our conscious mind exists as a form of archetypal matrix or formula of qualities and character traits, which automatically form our reality as a construct of light, which we then enter (project) into as what we refer to as the lower material plane of the subconscious mind. The lower plane of physical reality is being projected downward as a unified construct, where once we enter into it as a part of it, we become unconscious of the fact that we’re actually the one creating it as a way of experiencing ourselves and coming to know ourselves through our experiences. While we’re in it as a fundamental part of it, having a direct experience of it through an unconscious state, we lose awareness of also being outside and above it, being the one who’s also orchestrating it as a means of knowing ourselves through our own creation. The material world of formation is also what’s referred to in Esoteric texts as the plane of knowledge of good and evil, and we only acquire knowledge of ourselves through experience that breeds understanding.

The Illusion of Life and Death

Another fundamental illusion formed as a paradox we’re always engaged in is our perception of what we call life and death, and what it means to be both mortal and immortal. While we refer to our material reality as being life, upon closer examination formed from a different perspective, we come to realize that this is death, because as soon as we’re born into a physical existence, we are simultaneously destined to die. Life also assumes death as a cycle of growth and development. As we enter a material world formed as a cycle of time, or lifetime, where the time we spend here is temporary, and ends when our soul departs from our physical body, causing it to die. We experience our temporary reality in a fundamentally  fixed and stationary manner, where change usually only comes over a long period of time as a limited movement based on internal development, which, when looked at in light of what’s actually happening, is dead and often void of actually living.

Our higher soul, which is our mind, is a living field of intelligence forces that not only shapes our body and outer world while also inhabiting it, but is what also congeals, regenerates, and holds our material essence together as a single unit. When our soul separates and departs from our body, it’s no longer alive and held together by energetic tensions, and begins disintegrating. It falls apart and returns to the mineral kingdom it was formed out of. The only life the body or any part of our natural world has, comes from the soul organizing and animating it. The molecular structure of our body in constantly being regenerated by our soul through life and death processes where it recreates it through memory of itself. This is because only the higher soul is creative and able to construct reality as an outer projection or mirror image of its mental paradigm.

It’s the natural forces operating as a field of organized information at work in shaping, vitalizing, holding together, and consistently reconstructing its own image of itself. It’s only this higher aspect of ourselves as our soul’s memory and constitution that transcends the physical world when the body dies that’s actually alive. Its what orders, assimilates, metabolizes, and animates its own material construct (which comes as a reflection of its own inner thoughts) as a way of knowing itself through a direct experience of itself. The soul is eternal as life itself and what brings life to all things. It lives eternally outside the illusion of time, because time is created through the space formed as a 3-dimensional material (light) construct. As we form dimension through the movement of conscious energy between polarized aspects of itself (vibration), we also create time as the time it takes to move from one place to another within that construct. As soon as the spatial form ceases to exist, so does time. Time is only relevant to the material world.

mental sphere
The Principle of Creation

All of what we call universal principles exist in every aspect of what we perceive as reality, and operate in a consistent manner as the fundamental process of creation. This means that the same processes that occur at the microscopic level are also taking place at the cosmic level. This isn’t referring to the material formation itself, but to the invisible forces that shape and animate the material formations. Just as our spirit constantly regenerates our body out of memory, causing us to go through a life cycle where we’re born a baby, then steadily grow to maturity until we hit a high point and then begin declining until we die, we’re simultaneously reshaping our material world in the same way through the same process of self-regeneration.

While we can have a tendency to believe that others and the world around us exist independent of us as a stationary idea that has nothing to do with us, upon closer examination of our own psychological processes, we may discover this isn’t at all true. We’re only capable of knowing reality through our perception of it. Our perception is formed out of the model of our mind, called our paradigm. Our paradigm can be thought of as a dynamic series of mental filters that all work together to form the lens we look through to perceive the outer world. Each filter is produced by our values, beliefs, preferences, attitude, and memories, which act to sift through and separate out (order) only certain parts of what exists as a greater whole, and reconstruct (organize) the selected parts so they reflect back to us our model of the world. As we perceive another person, we only see in them the same attributes and qualities that we ourselves possess, and we remake them to resemble us as a way of experiencing them. We experience everything by how we reshape it by building it into our own mental model as a natural part of our outer world. We only see outside of us what also exists inside of us, because our perception operates through a filtering system that’s only capable of experiencing the outer world as a reflection of ourselves.

Our outer world only changes and evolves to broader and more complex ideas as we also grow and incorporate new ideas into our mental model, evolving it, where our character is modified accordingly. As we grow and develop in new ways, our perception of others and reality itself grows in the same way as a regenerative process. It’s not just our body that’s being regenerated unconsciously on a moment by moment basis, it’s also our entire physical reality, because it’s all being formed by the same mind operating on different levels and scales simultaneously. This is what the term projection is referring to. We’re always reshaping our outer world as a reflection of our inner thoughts, allowing us to see and know ourselves as an experience of ourselves produced on different scales simultaneously. This idea is represented by the symbol of the equilateral triangle, where there are opposing points on the same level of the base line, which combine in equal proportions to form a single point on a higher level as a coherent state. Each line that connects them all into a single form is not only of the same measurement, but also of the same angle, which is 60 degrees, and together form the famous “666”, given the title of the mark of the beast, which when added together and formed into a single digit become “9â€. Nine is the number of man, and represents a complete cycle, formed out of three Triads or levels of the same mind.

Triad - 3 levels /aspects of the mind
The Law of Vibration and Polarity

This idea operates as a frequency formed out of the invisible field of the mind as an organized field of coherent information, that reconstructs the same formation on greater and smaller scales simultaneously, forming a single reality as equilibrium of opposites. The term equilibrium doesn’t indicate balance in terms of how it’s normally perceived, but rather as interaction and relationship of polar opposites in forming a single reality as a cohesion. This functions to create through a rudimentary process of resonance. A real easy way to understand how resonance works as what we can call the organizing principle that reconstructs itself as a holographic model on different levels at the same time, is by looking at a model of two string instruments that are tuned to the same frequency. If you take two guitars, and tune them using the same tuning device, and you set one across the room from the other, as you pluck the C note of one, it will act to vibrate the same C note on the other.

As it vibrates it, the sound produced by two C notes in harmony with each other amplifies and multiplies it. If we also used equipment designed to measure the other phenomena produced by the same sound, we would see that it also generates light and the color associated with the note as a correspondence, along with a geometrical pattern or symbolic formation. This same operation, formed out of a frequency as a dynamic orchestration of harmonic sound is how the mind works in only activating and bringing alive in everything around us only what matches our frequency, and organizes it into the same 3-dimensional model on the outer, greater level of the mind. What we act to vibrate occurs through our perception of it, while all the rest of the information inherent as possibilities for constructing reality, like the remaining notes on the guitar, remain latent in an inactive state. We only see in everything else what matches us, and we reshape the selected bits of information to form a mirror image of ourselves on a larger scale. This is the process we use for constructing the stage through which we express ourselves through the story we’re always in the process of telling ourselves.

The Dyad
The Dyad as an Interference Pattern and the Holographic Nature of Reality

This same process is what’s described in quantum physics as an interference pattern, where a pattern as both a particle and a wave, interferes with itself as an interaction that amplifies some aspects while canceling out others, forming peaks and valleys as a standing wave. As we interact with the cosmic field of the greater whole, in which we exist as a unique formula of the same qualities and characteristics, we act on those same qualities in everything around us to bring them out in an active state, while everything that’s not a part of our mental paradigm, remains inactive and forms the background as a neutral state where the active parts express through the activity they take on. We create through a very fundamental process of natural selection formed out of an unconscious state, where we only abstract a very small amount of the information available to us, and use it to form a whole reality as a new possibility. What we call reality exists in a fundamental state of probability as latent potential, and is reformed by the individual mind through the very act of perceiving it.

Toroidal field of the body

All material substance exists simultaneously as both a particle and a wave. This idea is represented by the symbol of the Monad, which is also the symbol of the mind as an electromagnetic toroidal field of circulating energy, as a dot within a greater circle or 3-dimensional sphere. The dot is the center out of which the sphere is projected as an electric pulsation, which then reverses polarity, becoming magnetic, and absorbs its own energetic construct, assimilating and concentrating it back into the center from whence it was formed. Both the inner and outer are formed as a coherent state that regenerates itself to form a duplicate, much like the cells of our body do through the process of mitosis, and then separates from itself to produce the perception of itself as another. It then interferes with itself as another, where some aspects are matched while others are contradicted and canceled out, differentiating in ways that recombine the same information to perform unique functions as a part of a greater whole. The parts that are matched become amplified and multiply, while the ones that aren’t activated remain dormant and form the backdrop within which the activated ones express through activity.

While we can say that we have an individual mind, that makes us unique from others, at the greater level, we’re all apart of the same mind, which forms reality out of the same group of universal memory as archetypal attributes and qualities developed to different degrees, forming characteristics that determine how we form our unique version of the same overall reality. We’re the part and the whole simultaneously. You can only know the whole by how it exists in relationship with the part, and the part is always a reflection of the whole that forms and births it, and within which it has its life through correlated activities. This is how cells, which are always born as twins that are duplicates of each other in terms of containing the same fundamental information (DNA), switch some parts off while turning others on as a means of differentiating to play a specialized role and function in forming a greater whole. Every time we come into what seems like a new and novel situation, we only act to turn on what we resonate with, bringing out the same characteristic that we ourselves possess, while turning off everything else which then recedes to the background in an inactive state, and we reformulate the selected qualities into a new pattern that forms a natural part of an even greater reality, all of which are of the same nature and likeness.

Thought Transference

This same process of passive and active components of the same thing function through the Law of Polarity. Vibration occurs as the spiraling movement of the same energy between two poles of an opposite and complementary nature that are set apart from each other, forming a space-time continuum. One pole is passive, the other active, and the energy that oscillates between them is the same energy as a state of consciousness. The active discharges and projects through space where it’s conceived by the passive component, making it active. It then reverses polarity because what was active is now passive and what was passive is now active, and the active aspect is discharged again towards the now passive pole, bringing it alive with activity. This movement between opposite poles that are complementary aspects of each other produce heat as friction, which generates light, making the pattern inherent in it perceivable as a 3-dimensional, holographic model. The light matrix formed illuminates the idea in the otherwise invisible space, in which its formed and held in place.

An electromagnetic pulsation doesn’t flow as a straight line from one point to another and then back again, but moves as a standing wave that functions at right angels with itself (90 degrees) in a manner that resembles butterfly wings, which also reverse as they propagate through space to form what resembles a cube-like formation as a 3-dimensional shape. In Esoteric texts, as well as modern science, the material world of matter is represented as a cube, in what science calls the 4 states of matter, which is describing 4 phases or stages of development, initiated and set in motion by a 5th, invisible and mysterious force, called the ether, which is also the element of the mind. All of what we perceive as reality is constructed and maintained through a relationship of complementary opposites that stimulate each other into existence as a larger dynamic whole. This larger whole is formed out of the relationship formed by the different aspects of our mind as our conscious and subconscious, which perform different functions in producing a greater whole as a relationship formed with ourselves on different levels and scales of existence.

Fire and ice
Energetic Entanglement and Superposition

We’re always acting to construct and maintain our self as a whole reality, where we’re located within it at the center of it as a means of experiencing ourselves through it. What we perceive as an inner and outer are actually polar opposites of the same energetic construct that exists in a coherent state. Each aspect of the same greater whole acts on the other to stimulate it into existence as an active expression. We (as a higher soul) exist both as a particle and wave at the same time. We’re both local and nonlocal, where we’re located at the center of our greater self as a holographic matrix of vibrating light formed through a coherent state, where we exist simultaneously as both the part and the whole.

Time and space are an illusion formed by existing both inside and outside of our own mental construct. Everything comes into existence as twins that are mirror images of each other and are of the same state as a vibratory frequency. Every vibration has both a pattern inherent in it and a self-assembling mechanism that constructs a light-body as a holographic image. This means they are different parts and functions of the same pattern as a holographic model, and remain energetically entangled (as one state) no matter how far apart they appear to be in space and time. Space and time are interdependent, where time evolves out of space, and vice versa, because as we move through space, we experience it as time passing. One automatically forms the experience of the other.

No matter how far apart twin aspects appear to be, if you influence or change the state of one through an interaction of some kind, the other instantaneously changes in the exact same way as a reverse spin (mirror image). There’s no way to meaningfully distinguish them as being separate things. This is the same principle working between what we perceive as being an inner and outer world, where they’re actually the same thing as a mirror image of each other and act on each other to stimulate each other into existence as a fundamental part of the same reality out of which we form a unified experience. This interaction doesn’t come through a material pathway as a form of communication between two points in the space time continuum, but happens instantaneously at exactly the same moment.

Hexad - fusion

This same principle of polar opposites existing as a single unit operates between what we also call higher and lower planes, marked by different levels of consciousness, where the higher forms a wave on the lower, and the particle exists within the wave as a part of it. The same holographic model as a frequency that constructs a light-body as what we can think of as outer garments that reveal the shape formed by its intrinsic characteristics through the relationship it forms with itself, takes place between parallel planes of the same overall dimension. All material formations are caused by an invisible field of energetic stresses that form a kind of lattice of tension that act to generate light while also organizing it into a functioning coherent system. We are all multidimensional beings that exist simultaneously as an invisible field of intelligence forces and the material construct formed by that field. We exist as both our mind and body at the same time, joined together forming a vehicle for expressing through as a means of attaining experiences of ourselves. We exist in two places, so to speak, at the same time. Both as an inner self and a greater outer reality in which we use our physical body to express through as a life-experience, and as a spirit that’s invisible and visible at the same time. We’re located within our own space-time construct going through an experience, and non-local from outside of it witnessing it from a detached perspective while orchestrating the dynamic series of events that play out in what seems like a linear timeline from point A to point B.

When we complete one cycle of time, and die in terms of our physical existence, we absorb and assimilate all of our life experiences born out of how we developed and evolved our character, forming the memory as a holographic frequency that forms the basis for our next incarnation as a continuous process of growth and self-actualization. We move between different planes of existence produced out of our own archetypal make-up as a kind of formula comprised of qualities and attributes that give our world the characteristics and natural behaviors that spontaneously ensue from it as a natural form of self-expression. We both construct our reality as the stage necessary for us to express through an ongoing story we’re always in the process of telling by living it, and as a means of developing our character through our own self-generated experiences. As we form our experiences, we translate them into memory, which becomes the basis for generating more and more of the same type of experiences.

Dr. Linda Gadbois

Transpersonal Psychologist, Personal Transformation Coach, and Spiritual Teacher

Mentoring / Coaching / Consultation for personal transformation and spiritual growth

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