The Dual Nature of the Soul – The Material World is Created by the Soul

We are so in tuned to our physical existence that it’s hard for us to form an idea about ourselves that’s outside or beyond our body. Many fail to recognize the fact that humans are composite beings, and unlike any other life form on Earth, has two souls which give us two distinctly different natures; a lower-animal nature, and a higher-divine nature. This is further complicated by the fact that many attribute the mind to being a product of the body (heart or brain), when in fact, it’s the other way around. The body is a product of the mind, just as all material reality is, and the mind is what provides the intelligence for it’s construction, and activates and regulates all the biological processes that make the body function, and is what holds it all together for a life-span of somewhere around eighty years or so. The mind is not associated to an organ of the body, but exists independent of the body, while permeating and enveloping the body in what we could call an etheric egg-shaped energy field. This energy field that surrounds and gives life to the body, is subtle and electromagnetic in nature, which means it functions according to the same universal laws as the biological world, and is always in the process of exchanging and integrating energy with everything else around it as a form of respiration and metabolic process.

The mind is synonymous with the soul. The lower-animal soul is the subconscious and self-conscious mind, or concrete mind, and the higher divine soul is of the higher-mind or superconscious. The soul is not a physical entity, but an energetic state. The soul doesn’t experience itself as having a feeling, but rather is the feeling itself. The soul has pure experience without sensory concepts or descriptions. It’s not a mind in a body, but the mind itself that inhabits a body. The mind is not the body experiencing joy as a mood or feeling, but is joy itself as a mental state. There’s no physical medium separating it from experience or that it needs in order to experience, but comes as a direct inner experience that maintains a connection to the outer world. The mind is our vibratory state as a quality of consciousness that produces our experiences as translated through the physical senses of the body.

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Whatever state of mind we are vibrating at any given moment determines our mood, attitude, perception, and how we form all our experiences. It’s experience that’s direct as an internal feeling experience rather than through a body or medium, that alters and separates you from the experience itself. You are the experience rather than having the experience. Nothing separates or buffers you from the outer world. The mind, which is pure invisible energy as consciousness, blends into everything around it, becoming one with it in order to experience it directly as it. The subtle energy of the mind freely moves through and into matter of the physical realm and experiences itself within the material body it inhabits. It experiences itself as the physical body or object from within it, as an inner experience.

 The physical body (matter) is the middle man or avatar for the higher human soul. Without the body, the soul is the same as pure experience, not associated to a body and able to travel freely within the outer reality which is contained within the soul. The soul itself is a field of consciousness held together as a stress-pattern or torsion field (axion or spin field) as an energetic state or vibratory frequency that gives it individual qualities. The mind is an invisible force in the material realm and in order to create or be in the material world, it has to enter into (resonate with), and bond with a physical body of some form, otherwise it remains unseen and unknowable. The body exists in relationship to the outer world of the senses, and is how the soul experiences itself as a physical being, or located within time and space. Because the human soul is not of the same sensory nature as the physical body, it can’t be experienced or perceived through the physical senses, which can’t penetrate deeply enough into the purely conscious realm to experience it as it is, without a sensory interpretation. Because the divine soul is different from the body, we often fail to recognize the true nature of our soul.

The inner path to self-awareness

When the human soul is in the body, the internal experiences are very different than the external ones. While the soul is in the body, we feel the body belongs to us. Yet outside of the body (astral travel), we feel connected to and an inherent part of the greater reality around us, in the sense that there’s no boundary or sense of separation. Outside the body you experience yourself as an innate part of the outer environment, and no longer experience yourself as separate from it, or as an object within it. The inner soul becomes a part of the whole outer world, and experiences being apart of it just as we experience our head or hands as being apart of our body. We blend into and become interwoven with the outer world. The whole surrounding environment belongs to the soul, just as the hands and feet belong to the body. There’s no boundary between the inner and outer world, the effects of the sensory world pass perceptually through your being. You experience it as being the same as it. Everything is experienced from within it. There’s no thought process, judgment, or sensory interpretation of object and subject, but a direct experience of being it. This is the true nature of compassion (the language of the soul), which is taking on the natural internal perception of the soul and having the inner experience of another person or being you’re either observing or contemplating. By developing compassion towards or with other beings, we develop our souls perception, and experience the world in a unified manner from the center of our being. We experience another beings life in the same way that they experience their life.

polar opposites that are complementary

The surrounding environment of what we perceive as the outer world belongs to the soul and is a projection of the mind necessary in order to experience itself in the world. When we observe something, we direct our attention onto or into it, our mind penetrates and indirectly (subtlety) affects it. We’re always influencing and subtlety affecting everyone and everything around us through our very perception of it, which reformulates its active and passive components in response or interaction with our mental state. Subtle energy is a concentration (quality) expanded over a greater area and therefore diluted (in physical terms) that, while it doesn’t cause an intense or pronounced affect in the physical realm, it does produce a greater affect over and extended period of time in the energetic realm. We could get a good idea of the difference between physical energy and subtle energy by thinking of the physical as an emotional charge or high amplitude or strong dose, that causes a immediate and intense affect that’s short lived and dies down fairly quick, and the subtle energy as more of a mood or low frequency that can last for days, weeks, or even months, and while it seems lighter in its effect, it lasts for a far greater period of time. The soul is capable of experiencing outside of the physical body, because the outer environment, which is all connected to and a part of the subconscious mind or instinctual field, belongs to is an innate part of the soul. The greater mind, universal consciousness, or the collective unconscious is all a part of the planetary mind that governs all life on the planet, and is of the same nature (or kingdom) as the human soul. This field of energy, which is also called the astral plane of light or the morphological field of archetypal memory is the domain of the soul. The soul is astral light as pure consciousness that creates memory out of acquired experiences that evolve it through various states and build up as an accumulative affect.

All reality as we know it exists in planes of interwoven dimensions as a hierarchy of consciousness, also referred to as kingdoms. Within our physical reality we have the mineral, plant, animal, and human kingdoms. Each level of life, contains the entire lower level within its being, is interdependent on it, and the entirety of the lower plane(s) forms the fundamental basis for the next plane of life to spontaneously and naturally arise out of it. Out of the mineral kingdom comes the plant kingdom, comprised of the very minerals themselves and dependent on them for life. Out of the plant kingdom comes the animal kingdom, whose body is formed out of the mineral and plant kingdom, and out of which the human kingdom emerges as the avatar body for the divine soul of mankind. The human soul takes on an animal body, which provides the vehicle for experiencing the material world as a body or individual, in order to consciously evolve it to a higher level of moral intelligence and biological functioning. The entirety of the lower planes forms the foundation necessary for the next plane to grow and develop out of or by way of it. The higher plane therefore contains within its very nature and substance, the combination of all planes below it, which is necessary for it to emerge as a unique life form through a natural evolutionary growth process. Just as Universal Laws all emerge out of each other as a form of unfolding or growth process, where the Monad contains within it the full potential of the other laws that systematically issue forth from it. This hierarchical structure of one level of reality consisting of multiple dimensions all interwoven into one greater reality is consistent throughout all of life as we know it. The mind which is of pure experience within itself, needs the entire outer world in order to set the stage for experiencing itself in the world as a part of the world. It acquires experience by way of the whole reality and the memory of the collective unconscious, which governs the instinctual mind that all of nature share in common.

heart math - torus of the mind

Memory, which is inherent in the instinctual mind as its basic programming out of which all experience and behaviors are created, propagates and acts to create more of the same type of memories through the experiences formed out of them. The human soul has the creative capacity to willfully create new experiences of itself (in a body) that are not the unconscious reproduction of the memories produced by the lower mind through its formative conditioning, but it can only do so when it quits identifying with the past experiences of the body, and realizes that what it perceives as the outer world is actually a part of or the projection of itself as the means of directing the elements of the natural world in order to create experiences of itself. Through specialized use of our mind, we change our focus, perspective, and perception of reality, and form a different relationship with it that begin telling a different kind of story.

Because the soul enters into the body and becomes one with it, it experiences itself as the body, and shapes its identity as a sense of self to be the same as the body. The higher mind enters into relationship with the lower, animal mind, which is prone to instinctual tendencies and easily conditioned to automatic behaviors provoked through strong emotions and desires of some kind, and the human soul mistakes itself for being the same as the lower mind, and is shaped by the lower mind. Because the body creates in an unconscious fashion through compulsive tendencies without recognizing natural law or the consequences of it actions, the soul experiencing itself as the body, becomes the errors as a direct experience of itself. It is the reality of consciousness of the error. It’s inside the animal body experiencing a false reality. Because of this, the human soul begins identifying with the body, and forgets its true nature and ability to create by directing the natural forces of the material world. This is the religious idea that we’re all born into sin, with sin meaning error. It’s not that we’re born bad, but rather rendered unconscious without realizing our creative ability and our true identity as divine in nature.

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Because we fail to recognize the creative ability of our mind and live our life out of an unconscious state programmed by childhood memory as our formative conditioning, we fail to create at all in the real sense, often having no power in our own life, and become instead the product of our conditioning. In this sense the body, like the entire material world, belongs to the soul, and not the other way around. The soul has the ability to control and direct the body, but it has to first realize its true identity and power over the material realm. The soul needs to become aware of itself within the body, and begin actively and intentionally using its will to step outside of redundant conditioning and create itself with awareness by purifying the body to be an appropriate vehicle for acquiring certain type of experiences. Only by identifying with our true nature and learning to utilize the power of our mind to enter into and directly influence the elements that make up the material world, does the divine soul serve the purpose of evolving the consciousness of the lower animal-soul, instead of digressing or devolving itself by being controlled by its own lower nature.

The human soul is the higher mind, and exists as a state-of-mind, which forms a paradigm (pattern) as a vibratory frequency based on accumulated experiences that form its memory. How we use our mind, is our soul power as our ability to self-create and therefore develop the perceptual lens we look through to experience what we call the outer reality or life conditions and circumstances. We can only change our life experiences by changing our mind as our inner state or soul mood. By working with our ability to choose how we’re going to be and the will to direct our own behaviors and activities to turn our choices into reality as our experiences, we shift our center of power and begin using our soul to create in life. By changing the qualities that make up our character, we change our attitude and perception. When we begin working with our being, and develop ourselves from the inside out, we step into our true power to be self-determined. In order to create in our life, we have to work on changing ourselves so that we’re the channel through which that experience of reality is possible as a natural perception of the outer world. By learning to identify with our true spiritual nature as our mind which is pure consciousness, we begin developing our eternal aspect, which exists independently from the body and transcends the body (continues living) at the death of our physical body. All reality is formed out of our mind as a mental projection, perception and experience of it.

Dr. Linda Gadbois

Transpersonal Psychologist, Personal Transformation Coach, and Spiritual Teacher

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