The Dual Nature of Existence and the Universal Law of Polarity
A popular spiritual theme being taught in the world today, usually professed by those who lack a fundamental understanding of the scientific nature of reality, is that what we perceive as being dual in nature, formed as a composition or greater pattern comprised of what appears to be “separate things”, is an illusion in the most basic sense. Yet this idea, like most, is paradoxical in nature because it’s usually referring to the illusion of everything in the material world appearing to be separate things that are set apart from each other, and therefore energetically disconnected in the most basic sense, while still forming what we experience as a single, unified reality. This idea is made even more elusive by the fact that every individual seems to perceive what we can call the same reality in a different way that’s unique to them. This is because reality exists as an organized field of light structured by the individual mind perceiving it, and the act of perceiving is formed by a polarized force that interacts with itself on both a personal (inner) and universal (outer) level at the same time, forming what we experience as reality.
The mind functions energetically as an electromagnetic field that pulsates in a rhythmic fashion between an inner core and outer boundary, forming a 3-dimensional sphere of circulating light called a torus, or toroidal field of polarized light, also known as a etheric model formed as a projection of our own mental paradigm. The Law of Polarity is a universal law, which means it’s a fundamental law that operates at the subtle level in forming the energetic substrata out of which the phenomenal world is emanated as a dynamic matrix of conscious ‘living light’. In the most basic sense, light and life are synonymous terms because matter consists of concentrated light, and all material forms are created as a highly organized field of polarized light. As polarized light propagates through space it forms a transverse wave that resembles butterfly wings as a right or perpendicular angle, which also flip flops (spirals) as it moves through space from one pole to another, forming a 3-dimensional construct of stabilized light.

The only way an idea, which originates in a completely invisible and therefore uncreated state, can construct itself into a visible light form as a mental image, is by dividing into polar-opposites which act to push apart and pull together at the same time, forming what we can think of as a space-time continuum that forms a dimension. All living 3-dimensional forms are constructed as a coherent matrix of light through the interaction and relationship of polarized aspects, which are complementary in nature as being different aspects (positive and negative) of the same thing. Conscious energy imbued with an archetypal idea constructs itself into a body of light by moving rhythmically between complementary poles of itself forming the basis for vibration. As conscious energy moves from one pole to the next it produces friction and heat (expansion), which generates a phosphorene light that acts as the precursor for visible light. It’s formed originally on the inner planes of the mind as a mental construct formed out of astral light (subtle energy) that’s invisible to the material senses. This mental construct (etheric body) as a thoughtform serves as an archetypal template and vibratory frequency for producing an equivalent material form as its outer body, shadow, or etheric shell.

While we tend to think of light as an illumination, it exists fundamentally in a polarized state and is both invisible (dark) and visible at the same time. All material forms have both a visible and invisible aspect which appear as a spherical egg-like shape that permeates, surrounds, and encapsulates the material body. Light exists simultaneously as both a particle (substance) and a wave, where the part is located within a greater whole of the same nature and vibratory state. The purely invisible aspect is the energy field (waveform) of the unconscious mind, which in-forms, generates, and gives life to the body (particle-substance) as its outer reflection. Through its reflection as both a body and the reality being projected through the body, it’s able to experience itself as something specific and come to know itself through its own mental projection. The body forms the central axis around which the outer world is formed and revolves as the stage and setting for having a particular type of life experience that follows a universal theme. The archetype of the individual soul projects the outer world as a complementary theme that’s ideal for forming a life story as a consistent type of experience, born out of its own perception and interpretation.
As a coherent field of highly organized light is constructed into what appears as a stable, stationary field of illumination, movement through and within this coherent field also occurs through polarity. All movement, no matter what level it occurs at, is formed through the interaction of polar opposites, where one is electric and the other magnetic. We have a stationary, passive field of light as subtle energy, that acts to house and provide a 3-dimensional construct in which all activity occurs as a fluent movement. While this subtle sphere of illumination appears calm and motionless, it’s actually buzzing with activity at every level of its existence. It provides the 3-dimensional reality in which all life exists and plays out as a universal drama. This field functions as a single entity that’s comprised of both subtle and gross energy that fluxes and flows as a dynamic interaction with itself. It functions as what you can think of as a holomovement, where the whole field moves in-sync as a single motion at the subtle level. This idea is commonly represented by a spider web, called the web of life, where even the slightest movement at any point on the web causes a vibration that produces an equivalent effect throughout the entire web.

Entanglement as Polarization
All particles pop into existence as polarized twins. One is the invisible aspect of the other, which forms the basis for what’s called dark energy, dark matter, and dark particles, with the term dark referring to invisible. Although the invisible aspect can’t be known directly using our physical senses, which are only designed to perceive and interpret the material world, we can come to know it by how it exists in relationship with its own material twin, which is its knowable aspect. The term relationship describes the interaction between their fundamental properties as energetic states, based on their momentum and position (polarization) within the space-time continuum (dimension). Knowing about the characteristics of one tells you about those same characteristics in the other, because they’re complementary to each other. They combine in such a way that they enhance and emphasize the qualities they share in common.
This becomes even more elusive when we look deeper at the true nature of what we call reality, where the same principles are at work in creating it in a way that’s unique to every individual mind forming it. Our mind and soul exist simultaneously as both a material form and a wave or greater field of organized light that provides us with a mirror into the full, albeit hidden and unknown content of our own unconscious mind. This greater, seemingly outer field of structured light exists fundamentally in a state of probability (endless possibilities as variables). This means it contains all possibilities in their latent, potential state, as correlated (harmonious) information that’s fundamentally unorganized, yet a part of a greater theme. This outer reflection is formed through our own mental state. The outer, all-inclusive field of information (substrata of reality) is ordered into a new construct by the individual mind, who only selects (activates) the elements that correspond to its own mental model. As corresponding elements are activated in the atmosphere around us and brought forth into conscious awareness, they’re organized into what appears as a stable (coherent) construct, through the natural process of perceiving. Perception is formed through directed attention and mental observation. As we observe something, we collapse the field of probability into a single possibility, forming the outer reality of our own mental state.

The Effect of Resonance
We affect the state of other beings and objects in the same way, through an energetic interaction based on the relationship formed between similar aspects, qualities, and characteristics. The state of two people or objects that are a harmonious part of an even greater, cosmic frequency (dynamic pattern), come together, initially vibrating at slightly different modes, and as they interact (inner action) they begin vibrating in harmony with each other forming a new state that forms the basis for a shared reality. As they begin vibrating in harmony with each other, they don’t swap information, so to speak, but act on each other to only activate and bring forth into expression the qualities and attitudes they share in common. The polarized energy of our mind exists as both active and projective, and passive and receptive states that are correlated to each other. What’s of the same nature-state and latent in the atmosphere around us acts as a passive receptor for the active aspect of our mind being projected outward through our perception. The active aspects of our consciousness enter into (resonate) and bring alive only correlated properties and attributes, while leaving everything else in its latent state, where it forms the background. As it pulls out and systematically organizes only what’s of a similar nature, it constructs (assembles) an outer reflection of its own inner nature and the reality born out of its current mental state.
Whatever state of mind we consistently cultivate and maintain habitually, determines how we experience reality. We don’t do this by altering the objective, universal reality we all share in common as Nature, but by changing how it appears to us by what stands out and what goes unnoticed. It takes on a different appearance to everyone viewing it, which sets the stage for creating a certain type of experience. We always see outside of us what’s actively expressing inside of us. Whatever idea, thought, or memory we dwell in and run through our mind repeatedly, we tune ourselves to that frequency, and produce an outer experience of the same nature and kind, usually without realizing what we’re doing. All states contain whole processes within them as an active expression where all things in the outer world are reformed to reflect the reality of that state, and all the activity that naturally ensue out of it is the activities inherent in that state. In wave-particle duality, the wave and particle are a direct reflection of each other on different scales, where the part exists within a greater whole of the same nature, frequency, and material configuration.

The One and the Many – The Part and the Whole
Everything that exists comes into being as a single entity that forms a desire to know itself by being able to perceive itself through its own outer reflection. In order to achieve this, it has to construct itself into an expanded field of organized light by dividing itself (generate a duplicate of itself) into polarized aspects that both push apart and pull together at the same time, creating a space-time continuum where the same mental energy oscillates in a rhythmic fashion between opposite poles of itself, creating an internal movement. The automated movement between opposite poles of the same thing forms vibration. Vibration contains both an archetypal pattern and self-organizing mechanism which acts to build the archetype into a body of light, clothing it as a 6-dimensional form that expands and contracts from a central axis or point. It acts on itself to construct itself into a holographic light formation contained fully within itself. Its outer reflection is formed on the periphery of its own mental sphere. This forms a central perspective that views and therefore experiences itself as an outer reality that’s formed and animated out of the content of its own nature, allowing it to experience itself on different scales and magnitudes as a single-inner and all-inclusive outer, that are formed as an expression of the same archetypal formula of qualities and characteristics.
The Paradox of Duality and the Interaction of Polar-Opposites
All life exists as what seems like a paradox, because it’s formed on multiple levels, scales, and planes that combine to form different aspects of the same essential nature. What we experience as reality is comprised of three parallel (interwoven) planes that manifest as a single reality on a fourth plane. Reality is formed out of three aspects of a unified whole that manifest on the material plane as a single coherent light formation. What we exist within and experience as reality, which seems like a stationary matrix of light (all matter is essentially comprised of organized light) in which activity of various sorts naturally takes place, is formed out of polarized light, which expands and contracts simultaneously creating the illusion of a stationary light formation. What appears fixed as a crystallized matrix of light, when observed from the subatomic level, is vibrating at numerous rates and modes, forming a frequency as a dynamic range of vibration that’s perfectly correlated and harmonious.

All living beings, which are formed out of material substance that provides an outer shell and body for the mind and spirit (soul) to inhabit as a means of perceiving itself through its own outer emanation, vibrates at a frequency unique to its own form and character as a mode of consciousness. This unique frequency is referred to as its signature frequency, and is unique in terms of reflecting its personality and individuality as a particular mode of consciousness. As humans, bestowed with a conscious mind and the ability to create ourselves based on our thoughts, feelings, and emotions, form a signature frequency that’s a reflection of our own mindset. Everyone vibrates at a slightly different frequency while still playing a harmonious part in a greater pattern playing out as a group, global, or cosmic drama. All differentiation and uniqueness, whether between different species or the same species, is formed by its vibratory signature.
When we penetrate the fixed appearance of what we call reality and material form, we find a smooth, rhythmic movement between two opposing poles, which acts to assemble its own light body as a means of being an essential part of an even greater light body. All matter, when viewed from the subatomic level is comprised of photons (clumps of light) which appear to revolve around a central axis, similar to a miniature solar system. Light is generated through friction as movement, and movement only occurs through complementary poles that are set apart from each other, creating the illusion of space, in which a cyclical movement of polarized light constructs a 3-dimensional form within itself (the invisible sphere of its mind).

What appears outside of us is actually a reflection of what’s inside of us on a greater scale that’s comprised of an infinite number of parts. Each part reflects the whole as an aspect, and the whole is formed out of the summation of its parts, all of which vibrate in harmony with each other in forming a homogenous whole. What we imagine to be outside of us and distinctly separate from us, is actually reflecting back to us an aspect of our own psyche that we’re normally not aware of, because internally we sense ourselves through our feelings, and our feelings form the basis for our thoughts and how we perceive ourselves in relation with our own outer creation. A quality that exists inside of us in a latent, inactive state, is stimulated and brought to life within us through an outside force that’s complementary in nature. Complementary means they play different roles in co-creating the same type of experience as the dynamic inherent in that quality.
While we tend to view the world around us as being 3-dimensional, as a spatial construct that lacks an origin, if we view it as a spherical shape emanated from a central point, we see it as having six dimensions, an East, West, South, and North, along with an up and down. This forms both a circulating, self-sustaining sphere or globe, and a cube, comprised of six faces. This is why material reality is represented by a square and cube (salt), and the mind, soul, and spirit that emanates it is represented by a sphere or oval, egg shape. All material forms, no exceptions, regardless of its physical shape is accompanied by an invisible sphere of energy, which permeates, surrounds, and fully contains it. It’s the mental aspect that in-forms it and contains all the information (archetype) necessary to not only create it, but also for maintaining it for a period of time through a constant and ongoing process of regeneration. All material forms are undergoing a continuous process of life, death, and rebirth at the cellular and mental level as a natural means of sustaining life.
The principle of polarity is what gives rise to the now scientific concept of dark (invisible to the physical senses) matter, dark energy, and the illusion of space being empty and void of life. This is what also forms the basis for wave-particle duality, where we know all particles come into existence as polarized twins that interact with each other on what appears to be smaller and larger scales. As well as the scientific concepts of entanglement, superposition, and recognition that the individual mind interacts with and influences matter to take on the appearance that it does. This is the dynamic bridge between spirit and matter that’s commonly called pseudoscience and is the basis for quantum physics where the mind remains a fundamental part of the greater equation, making the results attained difficult to explain using traditional material models.

The Power of Perception
We know through scientific observation that the mind has a direct effect on matter (light) in terms of influencing how it organizes into what appears as a material form or reality. How reality appears is an effect being produced by the mind observing it. This mysterious phenomenon is described as the wave (greater field of latent information) being collapsed around a single possibility, creating a unique variation as a mental correspondence. Even though we can observe the effect the mind has in organizing light into a material construct, we still have trouble explaining it in conventional terms, and as a result, it tends to be ignored or left out when drawing conclusions that only involve the material aspect of a larger equation.
Scientists continue to set out looking for the ‘unified theory of everything’, without seeming to realize it’s their own mind and the mind as it exists on greater scales and levels as the micro (individual) and macro (cosmic). We have different levels of the mind called the individual, group, cultural, global, and cosmic mind, which are all correlations of each other as the ‘One which forms the many, and the many that form One’. The same group of fundamental principles function on different levels and scales simultaneously in producing physical form as the outer reflection of the mind-soul. Each one of us is creating our own world as a perception of ourselves that allows us to experience our self and come to know ourselves through our own creation.
Unfortunately, most have been taught and have therefore come to perceive themselves as being their body and personality, living in an outer world that’s separate and independent of them, where they imagine everything is happening to them beyond their ability to influence or control it, and as a consequence have become a victim in their own creation. We’ve been taught to interpret duality as meaning that we’re separate and set-apart from everyone else and the world around us, rather than moving in-sync with it as a form of holomovement or waveform being orchestrated through our mind as the archetypal matrix of our vibratory signature.

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This is compounded by the fact that we imagine reality is objective in nature, where everybody is seeing the same thing and experiencing it in the same way, when nothing could be further from the truth. What we call reality is formed and only known through our perception of it, and our perception is formed out of our mental paradigm, which is the synthesis of all our life experiences that make up our vibratory signature. Our mental paradigm is formed out of our dominant attitude, values, beliefs, emotional states, preferences, and memory, all of which are synthesized to form a single unit as our inner nature and soul’s essence.
Our model is formed out of mental filters that act to sift through, activate, and order reality through a dynamic filtering process where we only notice and abstract from a much larger picture what matches and corresponds to our thoughts and ideas about it. The abstracted elements are then organized into a unique variation that reflects our model, allowing us to experience ourselves and come to know ourselves through our own self-created experiences. All reality, in the most basic sense, is subjective in nature, where everybody sees the world in a way that’s unique to them and that sets the stage necessary for them to tell their story about themselves and the way life is. Our experience of the outer world is formed through the relationship we have with ourselves in everything else.
While it’s safe to say that an objective reality does in fact exist, formed out of the planetary mind and soul of the Earth, we call Nature, where the same elements are seen by everyone (trees, plants, mountains, rivers, rocks, animals, etc.), how each one of us experiences those elements is different and unique to us. This objective reality we all share in common, is formed initially out of the planetary mind, called the subconscious and the collective unconscious of the group mind, which is formed initially out of the Earth’s memory as the instinctual field, which is what serves to inform everything it gives birth to with the life and activity it naturally takes on.

How We Form Reality Out of Our Mental State
This same group of fundamental principles is how we all act to create reality as a means of experiencing ourselves and coming to know ourselves through our own mental projection. Our inner self is an archetype which vibrates at the frequency of our paradigm, formed out of the summation of all our experiences, is an active, electric force that projects outward as our attention, moving through the atmosphere only bringing alive in the world around us what’s of the same nature and frequency as we are. As our mental energy expands outward it vibrates correlating aspects in the atmosphere around us, while moving through others without affecting them. This calls forth corresponding elements which are then formed into a correlating outer model of the same kind and type. It functions as a filtering mechanism that sorts out (selects) and only perceives what can be used to build an outer world that matches the inner world. Once the electrical aspect has sorted out information needed to organize and assemble itself on the outer plane, it then switches polarity and draws the mental construct created back into its core, where its integrated back into the model that produced it as an interpretation. The interpretation forms the basis for how we experience it, and how its translated back into memory of ourselves.
For example, a person who has formed a story about themselves as not being good enough, not being loved or wanted, will act to form this type of experience out of any situation or interaction they’re a part of. No matter how well intended the behavior of others are, they’ll interpret it in a way that means they’re not good enough and therefore not loved or wanted. It’s not the actual situation that determines their experience, but how they interpret the activities within that situation to mean they’re not good enough or wanted. Out of their own interpretation, they form the basis for how they experience it. Someone who has been betrayed or abandoned, will go into any situation with suspicion and an expectation of being betrayed and abandoned. They’ll look for and only notice and focus on in any situation what can be made to mean the same thing, and any contradictory information or behaviors will either go unnoticed, be intentionally ignored, or will be interpreted in a way that makes them mean something different.
Our model not only orders, assembles, and maintains our outer world, it’s also used to interpret our experiences to give them the meaning they have, out of which our story about ourselves naturally takes shape and becomes expressed outwardly as a direct experience of ourselves. The experience formed is integrated back into the model that birthed it, modifying and evolving it based on any new elements or variations acquired. As its integrated back into the model that birthed it, it becomes electrically charged and projects outward again, forming a continuous cycle of self-awareness. While we can break this process down into a working concept as a means of understanding how it functions, this is all happening instantaneously, where every aspect of the greater process is happening at the same time. It’s produced as a coherent field of light brought alive by sensation, that gives us a consistent and congruent experience of reality. We don’t realize we’re the one producing reality through our perception of it, because it happens naturally and occurs in an automatic fashion at a primarily unconscious level. We’re not aware of the fact that we’re the one creating our own experience of reality or how it is that we’re doing it, because it’s an energetic process whose active aspect is invisible and can only be known through the effect it produces as an inner experience. The outer world is shaped through the relationship that exists between our higher (inner) and lower (outer) mind.
The only way our outer world changes is when our inner world changes, because they’re projections of each other. The content of our inner world, both known and unknown, can be known and understood through its own outer reflection, which its acting to project and assimilate it. While we can act to change our outer situation and who we associate with, our inner nature and way of experiencing the world stays the same. We continue to live out of the same story about ourselves and life, no matter where we go, because we continue to use our mental paradigm as the basis for producing all of our experiences. As we move into a new area or situation, we continue to live out of the same paradigm where the same idea is played out with a new group of people. We have to work on ourselves to evolve our paradigm and the image we’ve formed of ourselves before our perception of others and life in general changes. Nothing outside of us changes until what’s producing it inside of us changes, because they’re complementary aspects of each other and are acting on each other to stimulate each other into existence. The outer and inner are continuations of each other on a smaller and greater scale. Internally we know ourselves through our feelings and thoughts, and externally we experience the world formed out of our thoughts and feelings.
Transpersonal Psychologist, Personal Transformation Coach, and Spiritual Teacher