Tag: polarity

The Dual Nature of the Soul – The Material World is Created by the Soul

We are so in tuned to our physical existence that it’s hard for us to form an idea about ourselves that’s outside or beyond our body. Many fail to recognize the fact that humans are composite beings, and unlike any other life form on Earth, has two souls which...

Love, Equilibrium, and the Power of the Imagination

The Law of the Hexad While all forms of sacred geometry represent universal laws that govern multiple interlaced dimensions of the spirit (invisible forces), soul (formed consciousness), and matter (ethereal substance), and lend themselves to only being understood through individual interpretation, which is a unique creation to the person...

The Power of Focus and Attention – Learning how to Operate Your Own Mind

Whatever we give Attention to, we bring to Life Inside of Us One of the primary principles of the mind is that “energy follows and flows into thoughtâ€. Whatever we focus our attention on and think about, we form an image of by imagining it.  As we think and...