Tag: perception

Becoming More Self-Aware

The most basic process for becoming more self-aware is to learn how to be present in your body and aware of your immediate environment. Your body is your vehicle (medium) for attaining awareness of yourself and for creating how you interact with the world around you as a means...

The Dual Nature of Existence and the Universal Law of Polarity

A popular spiritual theme being taught in the world today, usually professed by those who lack a fundamental understanding of the scientific nature of reality, is that what we perceive as being dual in nature, formed as a composition or greater pattern comprised of what appears to be “separate...

How Our Mind Creates Reality – The Nature of Perception and Experience

There has been so much confusion with the explosion of quantum physics and Mind Sciences as to the true nature of what we call “realityâ€.  One of the most fundamental problems we have is people tend to think of the material world of matter and form as a fixed,...

The Law of the Monad – The Brain, Membrane, and Will of the Spoken Word

The Monad is represented in a geometric form as a sphere or circle with a dot in the center, symbolic of the inner expanding and extending to become the spatial sphere of the outer. The information of the core, germ, or brain expands equally in all directions and fills...

The Dual Nature of Truth – The Relative and the Absolute

Truth, like all ideas that prevail within the material realm, is dual in nature. The entire material realm is formed by a universal (common) and personal (individual) aspect that are complementary in nature. These complementary aspects are separated from each other by degrees that that form a scale as...

How to Not be Affected by Others – Learning how to See Things as they Really Are

All Perception is Self-Perception as an Outer Reality One of the greatest powers we can learn in life is how to gain full control over ourselves and our perception of others. By becoming aware of how we form perceptions, and act to create our experiences, we can simultaneously realize...

The Nature of Personal Illusions and the Minds Ability to Shape Reality

Our Mind is always Generating our Personal Reality . . . .  While many people have heard of the spiritual concept of Maya, or the mind’s ability to make up false realities that it then “lives out of†as though they’re real, we tend to think that this idea...

The Power of Focus and Attention – Learning how to Operate Your Own Mind

Whatever we give Attention to, we bring to Life Inside of Us One of the primary principles of the mind is that “energy follows and flows into thoughtâ€. Whatever we focus our attention on and think about, we form an image of by imagining it.  As we think and...

Principle of Vibration – How Vibration becomes Reality

While many of us have seen how vibration as sound creates geometric patterns in elements like water and sand, many don’t fully realize how something as seemingly complex as reality is created by way of the very same vibratory frequencies. One way to understand this is by understanding the...