Tag: mind

Resolving the Imaginary Controversy Between Science and Religion

Is God and Nature Different Ideas? Though science and religion seem posed against each other throughout our modern day society, in ancient societies they actually originated as the same thing. These ideas are now separated only by the onslaught of what we have come to call religion and science,...

Creating a Vision for Your Life

Choice, Will, and the Power of the Imagination While many of us may say or feel as if we have a vision for our life, it’s usually more of a vague idea that we keep running through our mind about what we want to do or what we’d rather...

State of Mind – The Science and Art of Personal Transformation

 All spiritual development comes by way of embodying and expressing certain qualities that alter our consciousness through employing them, and develop our character accordingly. Qualities are states of mind that form our perceptual lens and alter our vibration as a level of consciousness. Our character, which is the basis...

Choice and Freewill – Our Ability to Self-Create

Man is not only bestowed with a higher level of consciousness through our ability to create internal experiences out of external stimulus as thought, but also through our ability to choose and willfully act out that choice to create our own experiences. These self-created experiences then become our memory,...

God, Karma, and the Nature of Free Will

 Many of us have been taught to believe that God exists as a created, thinking being that acts willfully in our life to produce outer effects that ultimately either causes our pain and suffering or can alleviate it, forming the idea that we’re somehow being punished or rewarded for...

Energetic Entanglement – Relationships that Span Multiple Dimensions

 Defining the Relationship between our Higher Self and Lower Self Entanglement represents a law that’s prevalent at the primary level of reality, and like all laws, describes the behavior and relationship going on in every area of life. Matter as particles are composed of even smaller units known as...

The Monad: The Trinity, and the Law of Three-in-One

The mind is a paradigm, structured and produced through an accumulative process of integrated experiences that become memory. Our memory base acts as a filtering system that forms our center of awareness and is what we look through in order to perceive the outer world. Atman, the pure universal...

Relaxation – The Prerequisite for Meditation and Concentration

Meditation is a process by which we calm our mind, stop or reduce all thinking, and relax the body to the point where we lose direct awareness of it. The object is to subdue the active, conscious (thinking) mind, rendering it passive and non-active, while entering primarily into the...

Thought Projection, Distant Healing, and Praying for Others

We have been trained through many traditional practices of various sorts, many of which are religious in nature, to pray for others when they’re experiencing crisis or hardship of some sort. We’re also taught to send positive thoughts their way through intention or visualization of some sort, which we...
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