Tag: manifesting reality

Creating a Well-Formed Outcome: “How to Make Smart Goals even Smarter”

There’s an art to setting goals that will make them much more achievable, called “SMART goals”. SMART is an acronym for making goals more Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timed. Goals that are developed mentally as a sensory experience of the outcome you want to accomplish, are far more...

The Law of the Tetrad – How we Manifest and then Act to Evolve Our Own Manifestation

In Sacred Geometry what’s known as the Tetrad represents the principle of material manifestation. The Tetrad corresponds with the number “4”, represented by a cube, because it’s the fourth principle to evolve out of the primary principle of the Monad, and in science 4 is the number that represents...

Beliefs, Delusions, and the Mind’s ability to Perpetuate its Own Experiences

I’m not going to approach this idea from the conventional standpoint of attempting to describe the nature of beliefs, how we form them out of our conditioning, and the psychological process necessary for changing them, because a great deal has already been written on this subject. What I’m going...

Sacred Geometry – The Tetrad and the Universal Law of Creation

All spiritual knowledge exists as laws, and Sacred Geometry is the symbolic language that’s used to illustrate and communicate these laws. Universal laws are the invisible forces and primordial intelligence of the natural world that operate as “processes” that organize and animate the physical forms that make up the...

The Law of the Monad – The Brain, Membrane, and Will of the Spoken Word

The Monad is represented in a geometric form as a sphere or circle with a dot in the center, symbolic of the inner expanding and extending to become the spatial sphere of the outer. The information of the core, germ, or brain expands equally in all directions and fills...

Vibratory Scale, Planes of Existence, and Parallel Dimensions

Vibration is energy that moves in a circular, spiraling motion between two poles that are electric (positive) and magnetic (negative). The spiraling motion of vibration is created from the dual nature of energy known in scientific terms as polarity or electromagnetism, and in spiritual traditions as the dance between...

The Nature of Personal Illusions and the Minds Ability to Shape Reality

Our Mind is always Generating our Personal Reality . . . .  While many people have heard of the spiritual concept of Maya, or the mind’s ability to make up false realities that it then “lives out of†as though they’re real, we tend to think that this idea...