Tag: how we create reality

The Dual Nature of Existence and the Universal Law of Polarity

A popular spiritual theme being taught in the world today, usually professed by those who lack a fundamental understanding of the scientific nature of reality, is that what we perceive as being dual in nature, formed as a composition or greater pattern comprised of what appears to be “separate...

Karma, Life Design, and the Holographic Principle of Destiny

Destiny can be a difficult idea to explain or even express accurately, because like so many aspects of the human psyche, it appears to have a twofold nature. There’s one that’s conducted with a sense of awareness and even deliberation, and one that seems to play out in a...

Sacred Geometry – The Tetrad and the Universal Law of Creation

All spiritual knowledge exists as laws, and Sacred Geometry is the symbolic language that’s used to illustrate and communicate these laws. Universal laws are the invisible forces and primordial intelligence of the natural world that operate as “processes” that organize and animate the physical forms that make up the...

The Nature of Personal Illusions and the Minds Ability to Shape Reality

Our Mind is always Generating our Personal Reality . . . .  While many people have heard of the spiritual concept of Maya, or the mind’s ability to make up false realities that it then “lives out of†as though they’re real, we tend to think that this idea...

The Dual Nature of the Soul – The Material World is Created by the Soul

We are so in tuned to our physical existence that it’s hard for us to form an idea about ourselves that’s outside or beyond our body. Many fail to recognize the fact that humans are composite beings, and unlike any other life form on Earth, has two souls which...

The Power of Focus and Attention – Learning how to Operate Your Own Mind

Whatever we give Attention to, we bring to Life Inside of Us One of the primary principles of the mind is that “energy follows and flows into thoughtâ€. Whatever we focus our attention on and think about, we form an image of by imagining it.  As we think and...